Dr. Mohammad Zahedul Alam

Dr. Mohammad Zahedul Alam


Department of Business Administration in Marketing
Faculty of Business Studies (FBS)


Mirpur Cantonment, Dhaka-1216


Dr. Md. ZahedulAlam was born in 1980 in a reputed Muslim family at Chittagong district inBangladesh. He is an Associate Professor of Marketing, under the Faculty ofBusiness Studies (FBS), Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP), a wellrecognized Public University in Bangladesh run by the Armed forces. Mr. Z. Alamstarted teaching marketing in 2006 at Northern University Bangladesh which isone of the leading Private Universities in Bangladesh. He received his BBA andMBA degree (major in Marketing) from University of Dhaka and received his MPhil degree from the University of Rajshahi. Mr. Z.Alam has a PhD fromBangladesh University of Professionals (BUP). After awarding first PhD in 2017,Mr Alam found new opportunity for second PhD sponsored by Chinese ScholarshipCouncil (CSC) under School of Management, Wuhan University of Technology(WHUT), P.R. China. So, he moved to Wuhan, China and completed second PhD inEnterprise Management. He received outstanding international student study award-2020from Wuhan University of Technology, P.R. China. Mr. Z. Alam also completedshort course on Supply chain Management from BUET and certificate course onSPSS software, SMART-PLS 3.0, AMOS software from Dhaka University and computertraining course from University of Dhaka. Recently, has completed a policyanalysis course sponsored by Ministry of Finance, Bangladesh and become topperamong the participants. Over the last 16 years in teaching, Mr. Alam has taughtmany courses like Principles of Marketing, Marketing Management, ConsumerBehavior, Services Marketing, International Marketing, International businessenvironment, Commercial law, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), BrandManagement, Advertisement and Sales management, Marketing Communication, ResearchMethodology, Marketing Research etc. His primary teaching and research passionis in marketing discipline. He has attended in many national and internationalseminars. He has also supervised a lot of graduate and post-graduate thesispapers regarding the marketing strategies and tactics. Now, M Phil and PhDstudents are working under his direct supervision. His first love has alwaysbeen in teaching and research. Mr. Alam has authored two successful bookstitled “Key terms of Marketing”, “Principles of Marketing” and published manyarticles in recognized national and international journals. His researchfocuses on services marketing, consumer behavior, technology adoption behavior,post-adoption behavior in eService sector and healthcare delivery services. Asa part of social responsibility, Mr. Alam implemented a project entitled“Building a bridge between Universities and Communities” at slum areas in DhakaCity. He is a lifetime member of Marketing Alumni of Dhaka University. He haspublished over 32 peer-reviewed papers and participated in differentinternational conferences. In addition, he has alsopublished numerous referred articles in the proceedings of major andinternational conferences. He has also book chapter in different reputed publication.Dr. Alam has played a founding role in the establishment of Department ofMarketing in BUP. He was the founding chairman of the Department of Marketing,BUP, served as the Director of MBA program under Faculty of Business Studies.At private and public universities, he has served in a variety ofadministrative positions over the last 20 years. Currently, Dr. Alam isenjoying his research and teaching activities and has received many accoladesfrom students and executives alike for provoking style of teaching andresearch. He is also associate editor of Journal of Innovation in BusinessStudies (JIBS) which is one of the leading journals in BUP. He has conducted atraining program in selling real estate properties. He has traveledextensively throughout India, China, England, Singapore, Hongkong, Indonesia,Malaysia and Nepal etc.

Last Updated: 17 Oct 2024

S.S.C, Nanupur Abu Subhan High School
H.S.C, Siddeshwari Degree College
Honors, Dhaka University
Masters, Dhaka University
MPhil, Rajshahi University
Ph.D, Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP)
Ph.D, Wuhan University of Technology, P.R. China

Last Updated: 17 Oct 2024

Journal Publication


Alam Zahedul Md. (2009), "Credit card marketing at Rajshahi Metropolitan City: Present status, Problem and Prospects" Journal of Institute of Bangladesh Studies, volume: 32.

Alam Zahedul Md. (2009), “Credit card marketing in Bangladesh: Present status, problems and prospects”. Management Trends, A journal of Department of Business Administration, Saurashtra University, India, pp:43-57

Alam Zahedul Md. (2010), “SWOT analysis of Pharmaceutical Industry: A Study of some selected Firms in Bangladesh” Journal of Institute of Bangladesh Studies, volume: 33, University of Rajshahi.pp: 165-180.

Alam Zahedul Md & Nufur Jannatul Mawa (2011)” Job holders’ attitudes towards credit card in Bangladesh-A study on some selected credit card providers in Bangladesh”, COSMOS, A compilation of Research Papers on Contemporary Issues in Commerce Management and Economics, M.C.E. Society’s Abeda Inamdar Senior. College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Pune, India,  pp:50-62.

Alam Zahedul Md & Eva Meherunnessa (2012)” Private Universities in Bangladesh: An Analysis of their Growth and Development”, COSMOS, A compilation of Research Papers on Contemporary Issues in Commerce Management and Economics, M.C.E. Society’s Abeda Inamdar Senior. College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Pune, India,  pp:48-62.

Alam Md. Zahedul & Habib Md. Anamul (2011) “Business Analysis of Pharmaceutical Firms in Bangladesh: Problems and Prospects” Journal of Business and Technology (Dhaka), Norhtern University Bangladesh, Volume-VI, Issue-1, pp:61-77

Alam Zahedul Md, Rana Sohel (2013), Customers’ attitudes towards retail chain store services in Bangladesh – A comparative study between retail chain store and small retail store, ” Journal of Business Studies, Faculty of Business Studines, Universitiy of Rajsha hi, Volume No: 5 pp:139-168.

Alam Zahedul Md. Zaman Farhana (2013) Business Analysis of Real Estate Sector in Bangladesh: Problems and Prospects-A study on Dhaka city, Journal of Business Studies, Faculty of Business Studies, University of Rajshahi, Volume no: 6, pp:175-199

Alam Zahedul Md. (2013) Building bridge between Universities and Communities in Bangladesh – A case study on some selected slums and a selected university. Presentation given on International Conference on Economics, Education and Humanities (ICEEH’14) held at Bali, Indonesia on December 10-12, 2014.

Alam Zahedul Md, Islam Ekramul (2013), Advertising: An Islamic Perspective. International Jouranal of Ethics in Social Sciences, Center for Research on Islamic Management & Business, Volume no: 1 Issue no:1, pp: 105-115.

Alam Md. Zahedul (2016) “Practice of Lean Manufacturing with its effects in Supply Chain Performances in Bangladesh Readymad Garments” BUP Journal, Vol. 4 Issue. 1 pp: 29-41.

Alam Md. Zahedul (2017) Role of Services Marketing in Socio-economic Development and Poverty Reduction in Dhaka City of Bangladesh. European Academic Research, Romania, Vol. V(1). pp. 47-57.

Alam Md. Zahedul (2017) Dependency of Organizational Performance on Supply Chain Management Processes: A study on Base Technology . European Academic Research, Romania, Vol. V(1). pp. 47-57.

Alam Md. Zahedul (2017). Services Sector and Sustainable Economic Development of Bangladesh, Economic Review, Jahangirnagor University, Vol. Issue. pp.45-55

Alam Md. Zahedul (2017), Supply Chain Management Practices in Services Industry: An Empirical Investigation on Some Selected Services Sector of Bangladesh”, International Journal of Supply Chain Management, (Indexed in Scopus (Elsevier), Academic Publisher, London, UK. 

Alam Md. Zahedul et. al., (2017). Exploring the Role of ICT Usage and Collaborative Climate on Explicit Knowledge Sharing Behavior of Chinese University Students”, MIST Journal of Science and Technology, Bangladesh, Volume (5), Issue (1) ISSN 2224-2007.

Alam Md. Zahedul et al., (2017). A study on the Capital Structure on Profitability of Core Business Operaitons in the Banking Sectors of Bangladesh”, BUP Journal, Volume 5 (1), pp: 93-107.

Alam Md. Zahedul (2017). “Services Marketing and Poverty Alleviation: An empirical Study on Dhaka City in Bangladesh”, Journal of Business and Management, International Organization of Scientific Research (IOSR), India, Volume (19) Issue (7) pp:44-54.

Alam Md. Zahedul, S.M Sohel Rana (2017). “Will Services be the New Engine of Economic Growth in Bangladesh?” International Journal of Business and Technoproneourship, School of Business Innovation and Technoproneourship, Universiti Malaysia Perlis, ISSN Print: 2231-7090, Electronic: 2232-1543, Volume No. 07 (3), pp:34-55.

Chowdhury Yeaseen, Alam Md. Zahedul ( 2018), Impact of Working Capital Management on Profitability: A case Study on Pharmaceuticals Companies of Bangladesh:, International Journal of Economics, Business and Management, JOEBM 2018 Vol.6(1): 27-35 ISSN: 2301-3567, DOI: 10.18178/joebm.2018.6.1.546.

Alam, Md. Zahedul (2018), Factors affecting the adoption of Internet Banking: A study on Dhaka City in Bangladesh, International Journal of Business and Innovation, Volume 04, Issue 02, ISSN: 2309 0693, pp: 2-14.

Gani Md. Osman, Alam Zahedul, Alam Mahbub, Faruq Omar (2018). Challenges and Prospects of Neuromarketing: Bangladesh Perspective. Marketing and Management of Innovations. (WoS, ESCI), Vol (2). pp:327-338. DOI: 10.21272/mmi.2018.2-25.

Alam M. Zahedul (2018).  Using The UTAUT Model to Determine Factors Affecting Acceptance and Use of Mobile Health (mHealth) Services in Bangladesh, Journal of Studies in Social Sciences ISSN 2201-4624 Volume 17, Number 2, 137-172.

Alam M. Zahedul (2018). mHealth in Bangladesh: Current Status and Future Development. The International Journal of Technology Management Review, Vol. 7(1), 112-124.

Alam M. Zahedul (2018). Services Industry in Bangladesh Economy: Opportunities and Challenges. The Jahangirnagor Economic Review. Vol 28, pp. 1-14.

Alam Md. Zahedul (2018). Employee Behavioral Intention towards Acceptance of Knowledgement Management Systems in Bangladesh, BUP Journal, Vol 6(2), pp: 52-70.

Gani Md. Osman, Alam Zahedul, Alam Mahbub, Faruq Omar (2018). Branding Initiatives in Higher Educational Institutions: Current Issues and Research Agenda. Marketing and Management of  Innovations (WoS, ESCI), Issue (1), 2019. pp: 34-45. 

Alam M. Zahedul et al. (2020). Factors affecting adoption of mHealth services in a developing country: A patient-centric study,"International Journal of Information Management, Elsevier Publication. SSCI Index. A category in ABDC Australia, Vol 50 (1), pp. 128-143. 

Kaium M A., Bao Y., Alam Md Zahedul, Hasan N., & Hoque Md. R., (2019), Understanding the insight of factors affecting mHealth adoption: A systematic review, International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science, ABI Inform Index, Vol.8 No. 6, pp: 181-200.

Kaium M A., Alam Md Zahedul (2019), Assessing Acceptability of mHealth Based Behavioral Interventions on Diabetic Patients: Evidence from Bangladesh, Business Management Dynamics, ABI Inform Index, Vol.9 No. 3, pp: 13-22.

Kaium M A., Bao Y., Alam Md Zahedul, & Hoque Md. R., (2019), Understanding the continuance usage intention of mHealth services in developing countries: An empirical investigation, International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing, ESCI Index, Emerald Publication.

Alam, M., Hu, W., Hoque, M. and Kaium, M. (2019), "Adoption intention and usage behavior of mHealth services in Bangladesh and China: A Cross-country analysis", International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing, ESCI Index, Vol. 14 No. 1, pp. 37-60. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJPHM-03-2019-0023.

Alam, M. Z, Hu, W., Kaium, M., Hoque, M. and Alam M.M.D., (2020), Understanding the Determinants of mHealth Apps Adoption in Bangladesh: A SEM-Neural Network Approach, Technology in Society, Vol. 61, SSCI Index, Elsevier Publication.

Alam Zahedul Md. (2020), “Digital Transformation in Healthcare Servcies Sector of Bangladesh: Current Status, Challenges and Future Direction, RISUS - Journal on Innovation and Sustainability, 11 (1), pp. 30 - 38.

Alam, Babu, Noor, Rahman and Alam (2020), “Millennials' preference of hedonic value over utilitarian value: Evidence from a developing country” Strategic Change Journal, 29:649–663, Wiley Publication and Sons. 

Gani Md Osman, Intisar Alam, Md Zahedul Alam, Rafiuddin Ahmed (2020),        

          “Determinants of factors affecting the mPayment system”, International Journal of  

          Business  Information System, 1, Issue 1. Pp: DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2020.10029186

Alam Mohammad Zahedul, Mirza Mohammad Didarul Alam , Md. Aslam Uddin & Nor Azila Mohd Noor (2020), Do mobile health (mHealth) services ensure the quality of health life? An integrated approach from a developing country context” Journal of Marketing Communication, DOI: 10.1080/13527266.2020.1848900.

Alam, M. M. D., Alam, M. Z., Rahman, S. A., & Taghizadeh, S. K. (2021). Factors influencing mHealth adoption and its impact on mental well-being during COVID-19 pandemic: A SEM-ANN approach. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 103722. Elsevier Publication Ltd. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbi.2021.103722, SCI Index, Q1 categories, ABDC Australia.

Gani, M. O., Takahashi, Y., Faroque, A. R., Mortazavi, S., & Alam, M. Z. (2021). Virtual trade show: past assessment, present status, and future prospects. Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development, 13(3-4), 286-310.

Alam, M. Z., & Khanam, L. (2022). Comparison of the young aged and elderly female users’ adoption of mHealth services. Health Care for Women International, 1-25. doi.org/10.1080/07399332.2022.2039149.

Al-Amin, Md Alam Razib & Alam Md Zahedul (2022), “Antecedents of Students’ eLearning continuance intention during COVID-19: An Empirical Study. E-Learning and Digital Media, Sage Publication Ltd.

Bidita Zaman, Erina Khan Elin, Mohammad Zahedul Alam (2022), “Impact of Servqual Dimensions on The Service Quality and Continuance Usage of Mhealth Services: A Study on End-Users of Mhealth Services in Bangladesh” Journal of Innovation in Business Studies (JIBS), Volume 2, Issue 1, pp: 167-200.

Kalimullah Nazmul Ahsan, Alam Md Zahedul, Noor MM Asaduzzaman (2016), “ Enhancing Management Capacity of Union Parishads in Bangladesh: Contemporary Practices and Recommendations”, The Journal of the Islamic University Studies, vol. 16, No 02 pp: 33-51.

Alam, M.Z. and Khanam, L. (2023), "Understanding the determinants of adoption of mHealth services among older women’s perspective in Bangladesh", International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing, Vol. 17 No. 1, pp. 132-152. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJPHM-05-2021-0055 Alam

Alam, M.Z., Proteek, S.M. and Hoque, I. (2023), "A systematic literature review on mHealth related research during the COVID-19 outbreak", Health Education, Vol. 123 No. 1, pp. 19-40. https://doi.org/10.1108/HE-08-2022-0067.

Hoque, I., Maalouf, M. M., Tanha, M., Islam, M. S., Alam, M. Z., & Sarker, M. (2023). Implementing and sustaining lean, buyer-supplier role, and COVID-19 pandemic: insights from the garment industry of Bangladesh. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma.


Last Updated: 17 Oct 2024

Conference Papers



Alam Zahedul Md. (2014) Building bridgebetween Universities and Communities in Bangladesh – A case study on someselected slums and a selected university. Presentation givenon International Conference on Economics, Education and Humanities (ICEEH’14) heldat Bali, Indonesia on December 10-12, 2014.

Alam Zahedul Md. (2016) Services marketing andPoverty reduction: An empirical study on Dhaka city in Bangladesh. Presentationgiven on International Conference on Economics, Education and Humanities (ICEHM)held at London, United Kingdom on November 30, 2016.

Alam Zahedul Md. (2015). “Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP): BrandingInitiatives”. Accepted for Oral Presentation at Kuala LumpurInternational Business and Social Science Research Conference-2015 held atUniversiti Kuala Lumpur Business School dated on 24 July, 2015.

AlamZahedul Md. (2018). “ Growth of Services Sector and Poverty Alleviation: Anempirical Investigation on the perspective of the Slum Dwelling Poor People inDhaka City of Bangladesh”. Paper presented Bangladesh University ofBusiness and Technology BUBT Internaitonal Conference held in Dhaka, 08,October, 2018.

AlamZahedul Md. (2018), “ Digital Transformation in Healthcare Servcies Sectorof Bangladesh: Current Status, Challenges and Future Direction, InternationalConference on Management and Innovation held in Yamaguchi University, Japan,27-29 November, 2018. CPCI Index Conferences.

AlamZahedul Md. (2019), ,Asian Management Research and Case Conference 2019. 24-26 March,2019, held in United Arab Emirates University (UAE).


Alam Zahedul Md. (2019), An Empirical Analysisof the Influencing Factors of Adoption of Mobile Health Services in BangladeshBased on Extended UTAUT Model", The 18th Wuhan International Conferenceon E-Business, held in Wuhan, P. R. China, May 24- 26, 2019. CPCI IndexConferences.

Alam Zahedul Md (2020), "DesigningSocial Networking Mobile Appsfor Diabetes Management"Florida International University,  USA, dated on 28-29 May, 2020.

Alam, M. Z., Alam, M. M. D., Babu, M. M., & Uddin, M. A.(2022). Data-Driven Innovation (DDI) in New Product Development: AnOpportunity in the Emerging Market. In The Second InternationalConference on Business & Economics (ICBE).

Mohammad Zahedul Alam, Mirza Mohammad Didarul Alam, MujahidMohiuddin Babu, Md. Aslam Uddin (2022), “Data-Driven Innovation (Ddi) In NewProduct Development: An Opportunity In The Emerging Market”, paper presentedand participated at  SULTAN QABOOSUNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF ECONOMICS AND POLITICAL SCIENCE At The SecondInternational Conference on Bus ines s and Economics ( ICBE 2022) That was heldon December 12 – 13, 2022 – Muscat. Oman.

Alam Zahedul Md, Aslam Uddin (2022), "Development of a Conceptual Framework for Hybrid Car Adoption in Bangladesh" University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain dated on 1- December, 2022.

Last Updated: 17 Oct 2024



AlamMd. Zahedul .(2010) “Key Terms ofMarketing”, Abir Publication, Dhaka.

Alam Md. Zahedul(2016) “ Principles of Marketing”, Abir Publication, Dhaka.

Last Updated: 17 Oct 2024



·        Services Marketing and Poverty Alleviation

·        Information System and Information TechnologyAdoption and Diffusion in healthcare services

·        Theories and Models in IS research

·        Post-Adoption behavior in Information Technology

Last Updated: 17 Oct 2024



        Outstanding Foreign StudentStudy Award-2020 by Wuhan University of Technology, P.R. China.

        Topper on the PolicyAnalysis Course-2022 by Bangladesh Institute of Government and Management (BIGM).

        Scholarship of ChineseScholarship Council (CSC) for PhD Program.


Last Updated: 17 Oct 2024


1. Research Methodology, Advanced Marketing Research, Marketing Research, Services Marketing, Integrated Marketing Communication, Consumer Behavior, Strategic Brand Management, Marketing Management

Last Updated: 17 Oct 2024

S.S.C, Nanupur Abu Subhan High School
H.S.C, Siddeshwari Degree College
Honors, Dhaka University
Masters, Dhaka University
MPhil, Rajshahi University
Ph.D, Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP)
Ph.D, Wuhan University of Technology, P.R. China

Last Updated: 17 Oct 2024


Alam Zahedul Md. (2009), "Credit card marketing at Rajshahi Metropolitan City: Present status, Problem and Prospects" Journal of Institute of Bangladesh Studies, volume: 32.

Alam Zahedul Md. (2009), “Credit card marketing in Bangladesh: Present status, problems and prospects”. Management Trends, A journal of Department of Business Administration, Saurashtra University, India, pp:43-57

Alam Zahedul Md. (2010), “SWOT analysis of Pharmaceutical Industry: A Study of some selected Firms in Bangladesh” Journal of Institute of Bangladesh Studies, volume: 33, University of Rajshahi.pp: 165-180.

Alam Zahedul Md & Nufur Jannatul Mawa (2011)” Job holders’ attitudes towards credit card in Bangladesh-A study on some selected credit card providers in Bangladesh”, COSMOS, A compilation of Research Papers on Contemporary Issues in Commerce Management and Economics, M.C.E. Society’s Abeda Inamdar Senior. College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Pune, India,  pp:50-62.

Alam Zahedul Md & Eva Meherunnessa (2012)” Private Universities in Bangladesh: An Analysis of their Growth and Development”, COSMOS, A compilation of Research Papers on Contemporary Issues in Commerce Management and Economics, M.C.E. Society’s Abeda Inamdar Senior. College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Pune, India,  pp:48-62.

Alam Md. Zahedul & Habib Md. Anamul (2011) “Business Analysis of Pharmaceutical Firms in Bangladesh: Problems and Prospects” Journal of Business and Technology (Dhaka), Norhtern University Bangladesh, Volume-VI, Issue-1, pp:61-77

Alam Zahedul Md, Rana Sohel (2013), Customers’ attitudes towards retail chain store services in Bangladesh – A comparative study between retail chain store and small retail store, ” Journal of Business Studies, Faculty of Business Studines, Universitiy of Rajsha hi, Volume No: 5 pp:139-168.

Alam Zahedul Md. Zaman Farhana (2013) Business Analysis of Real Estate Sector in Bangladesh: Problems and Prospects-A study on Dhaka city, Journal of Business Studies, Faculty of Business Studies, University of Rajshahi, Volume no: 6, pp:175-199

Alam Zahedul Md. (2013) Building bridge between Universities and Communities in Bangladesh – A case study on some selected slums and a selected university. Presentation given on International Conference on Economics, Education and Humanities (ICEEH’14) held at Bali, Indonesia on December 10-12, 2014.

Alam Zahedul Md, Islam Ekramul (2013), Advertising: An Islamic Perspective. International Jouranal of Ethics in Social Sciences, Center for Research on Islamic Management & Business, Volume no: 1 Issue no:1, pp: 105-115.

Alam Md. Zahedul (2016) “Practice of Lean Manufacturing with its effects in Supply Chain Performances in Bangladesh Readymad Garments” BUP Journal, Vol. 4 Issue. 1 pp: 29-41.

Alam Md. Zahedul (2017) Role of Services Marketing in Socio-economic Development and Poverty Reduction in Dhaka City of Bangladesh. European Academic Research, Romania, Vol. V(1). pp. 47-57.

Alam Md. Zahedul (2017) Dependency of Organizational Performance on Supply Chain Management Processes: A study on Base Technology . European Academic Research, Romania, Vol. V(1). pp. 47-57.

Alam Md. Zahedul (2017). Services Sector and Sustainable Economic Development of Bangladesh, Economic Review, Jahangirnagor University, Vol. Issue. pp.45-55

Alam Md. Zahedul (2017), Supply Chain Management Practices in Services Industry: An Empirical Investigation on Some Selected Services Sector of Bangladesh”, International Journal of Supply Chain Management, (Indexed in Scopus (Elsevier), Academic Publisher, London, UK. 

Alam Md. Zahedul et. al., (2017). Exploring the Role of ICT Usage and Collaborative Climate on Explicit Knowledge Sharing Behavior of Chinese University Students”, MIST Journal of Science and Technology, Bangladesh, Volume (5), Issue (1) ISSN 2224-2007.

Alam Md. Zahedul et al., (2017). A study on the Capital Structure on Profitability of Core Business Operaitons in the Banking Sectors of Bangladesh”, BUP Journal, Volume 5 (1), pp: 93-107.

Alam Md. Zahedul (2017). “Services Marketing and Poverty Alleviation: An empirical Study on Dhaka City in Bangladesh”, Journal of Business and Management, International Organization of Scientific Research (IOSR), India, Volume (19) Issue (7) pp:44-54.

Alam Md. Zahedul, S.M Sohel Rana (2017). “Will Services be the New Engine of Economic Growth in Bangladesh?” International Journal of Business and Technoproneourship, School of Business Innovation and Technoproneourship, Universiti Malaysia Perlis, ISSN Print: 2231-7090, Electronic: 2232-1543, Volume No. 07 (3), pp:34-55.

Chowdhury Yeaseen, Alam Md. Zahedul ( 2018), Impact of Working Capital Management on Profitability: A case Study on Pharmaceuticals Companies of Bangladesh:, International Journal of Economics, Business and Management, JOEBM 2018 Vol.6(1): 27-35 ISSN: 2301-3567, DOI: 10.18178/joebm.2018.6.1.546.

Alam, Md. Zahedul (2018), Factors affecting the adoption of Internet Banking: A study on Dhaka City in Bangladesh, International Journal of Business and Innovation, Volume 04, Issue 02, ISSN: 2309 0693, pp: 2-14.

Gani Md. Osman, Alam Zahedul, Alam Mahbub, Faruq Omar (2018). Challenges and Prospects of Neuromarketing: Bangladesh Perspective. Marketing and Management of Innovations. (WoS, ESCI), Vol (2). pp:327-338. DOI: 10.21272/mmi.2018.2-25.

Alam M. Zahedul (2018).  Using The UTAUT Model to Determine Factors Affecting Acceptance and Use of Mobile Health (mHealth) Services in Bangladesh, Journal of Studies in Social Sciences ISSN 2201-4624 Volume 17, Number 2, 137-172.

Alam M. Zahedul (2018). mHealth in Bangladesh: Current Status and Future Development. The International Journal of Technology Management Review, Vol. 7(1), 112-124.

Alam M. Zahedul (2018). Services Industry in Bangladesh Economy: Opportunities and Challenges. The Jahangirnagor Economic Review. Vol 28, pp. 1-14.

Alam Md. Zahedul (2018). Employee Behavioral Intention towards Acceptance of Knowledgement Management Systems in Bangladesh, BUP Journal, Vol 6(2), pp: 52-70.

Gani Md. Osman, Alam Zahedul, Alam Mahbub, Faruq Omar (2018). Branding Initiatives in Higher Educational Institutions: Current Issues and Research Agenda. Marketing and Management of  Innovations (WoS, ESCI), Issue (1), 2019. pp: 34-45. 

Alam M. Zahedul et al. (2020). Factors affecting adoption of mHealth services in a developing country: A patient-centric study,"International Journal of Information Management, Elsevier Publication. SSCI Index. A category in ABDC Australia, Vol 50 (1), pp. 128-143. 

Kaium M A., Bao Y., Alam Md Zahedul, Hasan N., & Hoque Md. R., (2019), Understanding the insight of factors affecting mHealth adoption: A systematic review, International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science, ABI Inform Index, Vol.8 No. 6, pp: 181-200.

Kaium M A., Alam Md Zahedul (2019), Assessing Acceptability of mHealth Based Behavioral Interventions on Diabetic Patients: Evidence from Bangladesh, Business Management Dynamics, ABI Inform Index, Vol.9 No. 3, pp: 13-22.

Kaium M A., Bao Y., Alam Md Zahedul, & Hoque Md. R., (2019), Understanding the continuance usage intention of mHealth services in developing countries: An empirical investigation, International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing, ESCI Index, Emerald Publication.

Alam, M., Hu, W., Hoque, M. and Kaium, M. (2019), "Adoption intention and usage behavior of mHealth services in Bangladesh and China: A Cross-country analysis", International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing, ESCI Index, Vol. 14 No. 1, pp. 37-60. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJPHM-03-2019-0023.

Alam, M. Z, Hu, W., Kaium, M., Hoque, M. and Alam M.M.D., (2020), Understanding the Determinants of mHealth Apps Adoption in Bangladesh: A SEM-Neural Network Approach, Technology in Society, Vol. 61, SSCI Index, Elsevier Publication.

Alam Zahedul Md. (2020), “Digital Transformation in Healthcare Servcies Sector of Bangladesh: Current Status, Challenges and Future Direction, RISUS - Journal on Innovation and Sustainability, 11 (1), pp. 30 - 38.

Alam, Babu, Noor, Rahman and Alam (2020), “Millennials' preference of hedonic value over utilitarian value: Evidence from a developing country” Strategic Change Journal, 29:649–663, Wiley Publication and Sons. 

Gani Md Osman, Intisar Alam, Md Zahedul Alam, Rafiuddin Ahmed (2020),        

          “Determinants of factors affecting the mPayment system”, International Journal of  

          Business  Information System, 1, Issue 1. Pp: DOI: 10.1504/IJBIS.2020.10029186

Alam Mohammad Zahedul, Mirza Mohammad Didarul Alam , Md. Aslam Uddin & Nor Azila Mohd Noor (2020), Do mobile health (mHealth) services ensure the quality of health life? An integrated approach from a developing country context” Journal of Marketing Communication, DOI: 10.1080/13527266.2020.1848900.

Alam, M. M. D., Alam, M. Z., Rahman, S. A., & Taghizadeh, S. K. (2021). Factors influencing mHealth adoption and its impact on mental well-being during COVID-19 pandemic: A SEM-ANN approach. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 103722. Elsevier Publication Ltd. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbi.2021.103722, SCI Index, Q1 categories, ABDC Australia.

Gani, M. O., Takahashi, Y., Faroque, A. R., Mortazavi, S., & Alam, M. Z. (2021). Virtual trade show: past assessment, present status, and future prospects. Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development, 13(3-4), 286-310.

Alam, M. Z., & Khanam, L. (2022). Comparison of the young aged and elderly female users’ adoption of mHealth services. Health Care for Women International, 1-25. doi.org/10.1080/07399332.2022.2039149.

Al-Amin, Md Alam Razib & Alam Md Zahedul (2022), “Antecedents of Students’ eLearning continuance intention during COVID-19: An Empirical Study. E-Learning and Digital Media, Sage Publication Ltd.

Bidita Zaman, Erina Khan Elin, Mohammad Zahedul Alam (2022), “Impact of Servqual Dimensions on The Service Quality and Continuance Usage of Mhealth Services: A Study on End-Users of Mhealth Services in Bangladesh” Journal of Innovation in Business Studies (JIBS), Volume 2, Issue 1, pp: 167-200.

Kalimullah Nazmul Ahsan, Alam Md Zahedul, Noor MM Asaduzzaman (2016), “ Enhancing Management Capacity of Union Parishads in Bangladesh: Contemporary Practices and Recommendations”, The Journal of the Islamic University Studies, vol. 16, No 02 pp: 33-51.

Alam, M.Z. and Khanam, L. (2023), "Understanding the determinants of adoption of mHealth services among older women’s perspective in Bangladesh", International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing, Vol. 17 No. 1, pp. 132-152. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJPHM-05-2021-0055 Alam

Alam, M.Z., Proteek, S.M. and Hoque, I. (2023), "A systematic literature review on mHealth related research during the COVID-19 outbreak", Health Education, Vol. 123 No. 1, pp. 19-40. https://doi.org/10.1108/HE-08-2022-0067.

Hoque, I., Maalouf, M. M., Tanha, M., Islam, M. S., Alam, M. Z., & Sarker, M. (2023). Implementing and sustaining lean, buyer-supplier role, and COVID-19 pandemic: insights from the garment industry of Bangladesh. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma.


Last Updated: 17 Oct 2024



Alam Zahedul Md. (2014) Building bridgebetween Universities and Communities in Bangladesh – A case study on someselected slums and a selected university. Presentation givenon International Conference on Economics, Education and Humanities (ICEEH’14) heldat Bali, Indonesia on December 10-12, 2014.

Alam Zahedul Md. (2016) Services marketing andPoverty reduction: An empirical study on Dhaka city in Bangladesh. Presentationgiven on International Conference on Economics, Education and Humanities (ICEHM)held at London, United Kingdom on November 30, 2016.

Alam Zahedul Md. (2015). “Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP): BrandingInitiatives”. Accepted for Oral Presentation at Kuala LumpurInternational Business and Social Science Research Conference-2015 held atUniversiti Kuala Lumpur Business School dated on 24 July, 2015.

AlamZahedul Md. (2018). “ Growth of Services Sector and Poverty Alleviation: Anempirical Investigation on the perspective of the Slum Dwelling Poor People inDhaka City of Bangladesh”. Paper presented Bangladesh University ofBusiness and Technology BUBT Internaitonal Conference held in Dhaka, 08,October, 2018.

AlamZahedul Md. (2018), “ Digital Transformation in Healthcare Servcies Sectorof Bangladesh: Current Status, Challenges and Future Direction, InternationalConference on Management and Innovation held in Yamaguchi University, Japan,27-29 November, 2018. CPCI Index Conferences.

AlamZahedul Md. (2019), ,Asian Management Research and Case Conference 2019. 24-26 March,2019, held in United Arab Emirates University (UAE).


Alam Zahedul Md. (2019), An Empirical Analysisof the Influencing Factors of Adoption of Mobile Health Services in BangladeshBased on Extended UTAUT Model", The 18th Wuhan International Conferenceon E-Business, held in Wuhan, P. R. China, May 24- 26, 2019. CPCI IndexConferences.

Alam Zahedul Md (2020), "DesigningSocial Networking Mobile Appsfor Diabetes Management"Florida International University,  USA, dated on 28-29 May, 2020.

Alam, M. Z., Alam, M. M. D., Babu, M. M., & Uddin, M. A.(2022). Data-Driven Innovation (DDI) in New Product Development: AnOpportunity in the Emerging Market. In The Second InternationalConference on Business & Economics (ICBE).

Mohammad Zahedul Alam, Mirza Mohammad Didarul Alam, MujahidMohiuddin Babu, Md. Aslam Uddin (2022), “Data-Driven Innovation (Ddi) In NewProduct Development: An Opportunity In The Emerging Market”, paper presentedand participated at  SULTAN QABOOSUNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF ECONOMICS AND POLITICAL SCIENCE At The SecondInternational Conference on Bus ines s and Economics ( ICBE 2022) That was heldon December 12 – 13, 2022 – Muscat. Oman.

Alam Zahedul Md, Aslam Uddin (2022), "Development of a Conceptual Framework for Hybrid Car Adoption in Bangladesh" University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain dated on 1- December, 2022.

Last Updated: 17 Oct 2024


AlamMd. Zahedul .(2010) “Key Terms ofMarketing”, Abir Publication, Dhaka.

Alam Md. Zahedul(2016) “ Principles of Marketing”, Abir Publication, Dhaka.

Last Updated: 17 Oct 2024

·        Services Marketing and Poverty Alleviation

·        Information System and Information TechnologyAdoption and Diffusion in healthcare services

·        Theories and Models in IS research

·        Post-Adoption behavior in Information Technology

Last Updated: 17 Oct 2024

        Outstanding Foreign StudentStudy Award-2020 by Wuhan University of Technology, P.R. China.

        Topper on the PolicyAnalysis Course-2022 by Bangladesh Institute of Government and Management (BIGM).

        Scholarship of ChineseScholarship Council (CSC) for PhD Program.

Last Updated: 17 Oct 2024

Research Methodology, Advanced Marketing Research, Marketing Research, Services Marketing, Integrated Marketing Communication, Consumer Behavior, Strategic Brand Management, Marketing Management

Last Updated: 17 Oct 2024