Md. Ashraful Islam, PhD

Md. Ashraful Islam, PhD

Assistant Professor

Department of Environmental Science
Faculty of Science & Technology (FST)

Mirpur Cantonment, Dhaka-1216


Dr. Md Ashraful Islam (also known as Himel) began hisprofessional career in 2007 as an Assistant Director ( Assistant Geologist) with theGeological Survey of Bangladesh. He remained there until 2013, at which pointhe moved into academia. He is currently an Assistant Professor at the Department of Geology, University of Dhaka. Dr. Islam has a strong foundationin academia and industry and offers a plethora of 16 years of expertise to hiswork. His pursuit of two Master's degrees—one in Remote Sensing and GIS and theother in Hydrogeology and Environment—reflects his dedication tomultidisciplinary knowledge. His varied educational experience gave him aspecial insight into the dynamics of the environment and spatial analysis. His academicpursuits and research zeal led him to obtain a PhD at UNSW Australia, where hefurther refined their geoscience and environmental studies expertise. Throughouthis career, he has published 33 publications in numerous fields, substantially contributing to the area. His focus on disaster resilience,environmental issues, and coastal dynamics reflects his dedication to usingrigorous science to address urgent problems and issues. Dr. Islam is committed toexpanding the field of geosciences and providing insightful contributions toboth academia and industry as they progress in their career.

Last Updated: 17 Oct 2024

Masters, India
Masters, Dhaka University
Ph.D, Australia
Bachelor of Science (BSc), Dhaka University

Last Updated: 17 Oct 2024

Journal Publication



(1) Murshed, S, Griffin,A. L., ISLAM, M. A., Hua, W. X., & PAULL, D. J. 2023. Assessing sensitivityto climate-related disasters in the context of a developing country: Evidencefrom the coastal region of Bangladesh. International Journal ofDisaster Risk Reduction,102633.


(2) ISLAM, M. A &CHATTORAJ, S.L 2023. Modelling landslides in the Lesser Himalaya region usinggeospatial and numerical simulation techniques. Arabian Journal ofGeosciences 16, no. 8: 480.


(3) Murshed, S, Griffin,A. L., ISLAM, M. A., Hua, W. X., & PAULL, D. J. 2022. Assessing multi-climate-hazardthreat in the coastal region of Bangladesh by combining influentialenvironmental and anthropogenic factors. Progressin Disaster science, 100261.


(4) Hasan, M., Islam,MA., Alam, MJ., Rahman, M and Hasan, MA. 2022 Hydrogeochemical characterizationand quality assessment of groundwater resource in Savar — an industrializedzone of Bangladesh. Environ Monit Assess 194, 549 (2022).


(5) ISLAM, M. A.,GRIFFIN, A. L., PAULL, D. J. & MURSHED, S. 2022. Assessing criticalinfrastructure resilience in terms of its service-providing capacity in coastalBangladesh: A synthesis of geospatial techniques and social responses. International Journal of Disaster RiskReduction, 102633.


(6) ISLAM, A. &MITRA, D. 2021. Vulnerability to Saltwater Intrusion Along Coastal BangladeshUsing GIS and Hydrogeological Data. SundarbansMangrove Systems. CRC Press.


(7) ISLAM, M. A., PAULL,D. J., GRIFFIN, A. L. & MURSHED, S. 2021b. Spatio-temporal assessment ofsocial resilience to tropical cyclones in coastal Bangladesh. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 12, 279-309.



(8) MURSHED, S., PAULL,D. J., GRIFFIN, A. L. & ISLAM, M. A. 2021. A parsimonious approach tomapping climate-change-related composite disaster risk at the local scale incoastal Bangladesh. International Journalof Disaster Risk Reduction, 55,102049.



(9) ISLAM, M., MURSHED,S. & MAHMUD, M. 2020a. Selecting suitable landfill site with multi-criteriaevaluation and GIS: a case of Savar upazila in Bangladesh. Arabian journal of Geosciences, 13, 1-15.



(10) ISLAM, M., PAULL,D., GRIFFIN, A. & MURSHED, S. 2020b. Assessing ecosystem resilience to a tropicalcyclone based on ecosystem service supply proficiency using geospatialtechniques and social responses in coastal Bangladesh. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 101667.



(11) ILIAS, M., MIA, A.,ISLAM, M., PEAS, M., FARAZI, A. & AKHTER, S. 2020. Assessing bank dynamicsof the Lower Meghna River in Bangladesh: an integrated GIS-DSAS approach. Arabian journal of Geosciences, 13, 1-19.



(12) HASAN, M., ISLAM,A., HASAN, M. A., ALAM, J. & PEAS, M. H. 2019. Groundwater vulnerabilityassessment in Savar upazila of Dhaka district, Bangladesh—A GIS-based DRASTICmodeling. Groundwater for sustainabledevelopment.



(13) GAZI, M. Y., ISLAM,M. A. & HOSSAIN, S. 2019. Flood-Hazard Mapping In A Regional Scale–WayForward To The Future Hazard Atlas In Bangladesh. Malaysian Journal of Geosciences (MJG), 3, 1-11. :



(14) ISLAM, M. A.,MURSHED, S., KABIR, S. M., FARAZI, A. H., GAZI, M. Y., JAHAN, I. & AKHTER,S. H. 2017. Utilization of open source spatial data for landslidesusceptibility mapping at Chittagong District of Bangladesh—an appraisal fordisaster risk reduction and mitigation approach. International Journal of Geosciences, 8, 577.  10.4236/ijg.2017.84031



(15) GAZI, M. Y., KABIR,S., IMAM, M. B., RAHMAN, A. & ISLAM, M. A. 2017. Geochemistry of NeogeneMudrocks from Sitakund anticline, Bengal Basin: implications for provenance,weathering, tectonic setting and depositional environment. Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, 147



(16) ISLAM, M., HASAN,M., PEAS, M., NAIME, M., GAZI, M. & RAHMAN, M. 2016a. ShorelineVulnerability Assessment in an offshore island (Sandwip), Bangladesh – anAppraisal of Geospatial Techniques. DhakaUniversity Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 5, 51-60.


(17) ISLAM, M. A.,MITRA, D., DEWAN, A. & AKHTER, S. H. 2016b. Coastal multi-hazardvulnerability assessment along the Ganges deltaic coast of Bangladesh–Ageospatial approach. Ocean & CoastalManagement, 127, 1-15.  10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2016.03.012.



(18) ISLAM, M. A.,HASSAN, S. K., NAIME, M. A., HOSSAIN, M. S., RAHMAN, M. M. & PEAS, M. H.2015a. Assessment of socio-economic resilience against coastal disasters inSandwip island of Bangladesh. BangladeshJournal of Scientific Research, 28,161-170.



(19) ISLAM, M. A.,HOSSAIN, M. S. & MURSHED, S. 2015b. Assessment of coastal vulnerability dueto sea level change at Bhola Island, Bangladesh: using geospatial techniques. Journal of the Indian Society of RemoteSensing, 43, 625-637.



(20) ISLAM, M.,CHATTORAJ, S. & RAY, P. 2014a. Ukhimath landslide 2012 at Uttarakhand,India: causes and consequences. InternationalJournal of Geomatics and Geosciences, 4,544-557.


(21)ISLAM, M. A., HOSSAIN, M. S., HASAN, T. & MURSHED, S. 2014b. Shorelinechanges along the Kutubdia Island, south east Bangladesh using digitalshoreline analysis system. BangladeshJournal of Scientific Research, 27,99-108.


(22) MRINMOY KUMARMAITRA, M., ISLAM, M. & MAMUN, M. 2014. Thickness, Distribution and QualityAssessment of Gopalganj-Madaripur Peat Deposits: A Case Study of PotentialEconomic Opportunities in Mid-Eastern Low-Lying Bangladesh. International Journal of Geosciences, 5, 943.



(23) AHSAN, K., HABIB,A., FERUJ, M. & ISLAM, M. 2013. Mouth Bar Development Process in the MeghnaEstuary of Bangladesh–A Case Study from Bhola Island. Bangladesh Journal of Geology, 31, 56-69.


(24) RASHID, M. B.,MAHMUD, A., AHSAN, M. K., KHASRU, M. H. & ISLAM, M. A. 2013. DrainageCongestion and Its Impact on Environment in the South-Western Coastal Part ofBangladesh. Bangladesh Journal ofGeology, 31, 32.


(25) MAJLIS, A. B. K.,ISLAM, M., KHASRU, M. & AHSAN, M. 2013. Protected to Open BasinDepositional System: An Appraisal for the Late Quaternary Evolution of theMoheshkhali-Kutubdia Coastal Plain, Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Geology,26, 64-77.


(26) ISLAM, M., MAITRA,M., MAJLIS, A. K., MURSHED, S. & RAHMAN, S. 2011a. Spatial changes of landuse/land cover of Moheshkhali island, Bangladesh: A fact finding approach byremote sensing analysis. Dhaka Univ. DhakaUniv. J. Earth Environ. Sci, 2,43-54.


(27) ISLAM, M. A.,MAJLIS, A. B. K. & RASHID, M. B. 2011b. Changing face of Bangladesh coast.  TheJournal of NOAMI, 28(1), 1-19.



(28) MAJLIS, A. B. K.& ISLAM, M. 2011. Landscape Evaluation in Mid-Eastern Part of Ganges Deltafor the Forthcoming Development Arena of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Geology, 29, 49-62.


(29) MURSHED, S., ALAM,M. & ISLAM, M. 2011. Depositional Environments of the Upper Neogene ClasticSuccession Along Hari River Section, North eastern part of Sylhet Trough,Bangladesh. Dhaka Univ. J. Earth Environ.Sci, 1, 67-73.


(30) RAHMAN, S., HASAN, S.,ISLAM, M. & MAITRA, M. 2011. Temporal change detection of vegetationcoverage of Dhaka using Remote Sensing. InternationalJournal of Geomatics and Geosciences, 2,481-490.


(31) ZAHID, A., HASSAN,M., KARIM, M. & ISLAM, M. Excessive Withdrawal of Groundwater for UrbanDemand of Dhaka City: Emergency Measure needs to be Implemented to Protect theAquifer.  International Symposium onEfficient groundwater resources management: 16 – 21 February 2009 IMPACTChallenger, Muang Thong Thani, Bangkok, Thailand, 2009.


(32) ISLAM, M. A.,AHMED, K., HASAN, M. A. & MURSHED, S. 2008. Hydrogeology and water qualityassessment of middle Meghna flood plain, a case study on Daudkandi upazila,Comilla district. The Journal of Noami,26, 31-55.



















Last Updated: 17 Oct 2024

Conference Papers


(1       UDDIN, A., JAHAN, S., MANDAL. S., J.N. SARMA, J.N., AKHTER,SH.,, ISLAM, M.A. and BISWAS, B.A. "Paleogene stratigraphy of thesoutheast shillong plateau and northern sylhet trough area of the easternHimalayas." GSA Annual Meeting Denver, Colorado: 2016 .


(2       ZAHID, A., HASSAN, M., KARIM, M. and ISLAM, M.A."Excessive Withdrawal of Groundwater for Urban Demand of Dhaka City:Emergency Measure needs to be Implemented to Protect the Aquifer."International Symposium on Efficient groundwater resources management: 16 – 21February 2009 Bangkok, Thailand: 2009 .

Last Updated: 17 Oct 2024


1. Geoinformatics, Machine learning application, Geoscience, and Disaster science

Last Updated: 17 Oct 2024



1) International: University International Postgraduate Award (UIPA)  2016, Australia. To pursue PhD study

2) International:UN scholarship for Master of Technology (Mtech) in Geospatial data science(e.g., Remote sensing and GIS),2012. To pursue Mtech study


Last Updated: 17 Oct 2024


1. Remote sensing using Google earth engine 

Last Updated: 17 Oct 2024

Masters, India
Masters, Dhaka University
Ph.D, Australia
Bachelor of Science (BSc), Dhaka University

Last Updated: 17 Oct 2024



(1) Murshed, S, Griffin,A. L., ISLAM, M. A., Hua, W. X., & PAULL, D. J. 2023. Assessing sensitivityto climate-related disasters in the context of a developing country: Evidencefrom the coastal region of Bangladesh. International Journal ofDisaster Risk Reduction,102633.


(2) ISLAM, M. A &CHATTORAJ, S.L 2023. Modelling landslides in the Lesser Himalaya region usinggeospatial and numerical simulation techniques. Arabian Journal ofGeosciences 16, no. 8: 480.


(3) Murshed, S, Griffin,A. L., ISLAM, M. A., Hua, W. X., & PAULL, D. J. 2022. Assessing multi-climate-hazardthreat in the coastal region of Bangladesh by combining influentialenvironmental and anthropogenic factors. Progressin Disaster science, 100261.


(4) Hasan, M., Islam,MA., Alam, MJ., Rahman, M and Hasan, MA. 2022 Hydrogeochemical characterizationand quality assessment of groundwater resource in Savar — an industrializedzone of Bangladesh. Environ Monit Assess 194, 549 (2022).


(5) ISLAM, M. A.,GRIFFIN, A. L., PAULL, D. J. & MURSHED, S. 2022. Assessing criticalinfrastructure resilience in terms of its service-providing capacity in coastalBangladesh: A synthesis of geospatial techniques and social responses. International Journal of Disaster RiskReduction, 102633.


(6) ISLAM, A. &MITRA, D. 2021. Vulnerability to Saltwater Intrusion Along Coastal BangladeshUsing GIS and Hydrogeological Data. SundarbansMangrove Systems. CRC Press.


(7) ISLAM, M. A., PAULL,D. J., GRIFFIN, A. L. & MURSHED, S. 2021b. Spatio-temporal assessment ofsocial resilience to tropical cyclones in coastal Bangladesh. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 12, 279-309.



(8) MURSHED, S., PAULL,D. J., GRIFFIN, A. L. & ISLAM, M. A. 2021. A parsimonious approach tomapping climate-change-related composite disaster risk at the local scale incoastal Bangladesh. International Journalof Disaster Risk Reduction, 55,102049.



(9) ISLAM, M., MURSHED,S. & MAHMUD, M. 2020a. Selecting suitable landfill site with multi-criteriaevaluation and GIS: a case of Savar upazila in Bangladesh. Arabian journal of Geosciences, 13, 1-15.



(10) ISLAM, M., PAULL,D., GRIFFIN, A. & MURSHED, S. 2020b. Assessing ecosystem resilience to a tropicalcyclone based on ecosystem service supply proficiency using geospatialtechniques and social responses in coastal Bangladesh. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 101667.



(11) ILIAS, M., MIA, A.,ISLAM, M., PEAS, M., FARAZI, A. & AKHTER, S. 2020. Assessing bank dynamicsof the Lower Meghna River in Bangladesh: an integrated GIS-DSAS approach. Arabian journal of Geosciences, 13, 1-19.



(12) HASAN, M., ISLAM,A., HASAN, M. A., ALAM, J. & PEAS, M. H. 2019. Groundwater vulnerabilityassessment in Savar upazila of Dhaka district, Bangladesh—A GIS-based DRASTICmodeling. Groundwater for sustainabledevelopment.



(13) GAZI, M. Y., ISLAM,M. A. & HOSSAIN, S. 2019. Flood-Hazard Mapping In A Regional Scale–WayForward To The Future Hazard Atlas In Bangladesh. Malaysian Journal of Geosciences (MJG), 3, 1-11. :



(14) ISLAM, M. A.,MURSHED, S., KABIR, S. M., FARAZI, A. H., GAZI, M. Y., JAHAN, I. & AKHTER,S. H. 2017. Utilization of open source spatial data for landslidesusceptibility mapping at Chittagong District of Bangladesh—an appraisal fordisaster risk reduction and mitigation approach. International Journal of Geosciences, 8, 577.  10.4236/ijg.2017.84031



(15) GAZI, M. Y., KABIR,S., IMAM, M. B., RAHMAN, A. & ISLAM, M. A. 2017. Geochemistry of NeogeneMudrocks from Sitakund anticline, Bengal Basin: implications for provenance,weathering, tectonic setting and depositional environment. Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, 147



(16) ISLAM, M., HASAN,M., PEAS, M., NAIME, M., GAZI, M. & RAHMAN, M. 2016a. ShorelineVulnerability Assessment in an offshore island (Sandwip), Bangladesh – anAppraisal of Geospatial Techniques. DhakaUniversity Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 5, 51-60.


(17) ISLAM, M. A.,MITRA, D., DEWAN, A. & AKHTER, S. H. 2016b. Coastal multi-hazardvulnerability assessment along the Ganges deltaic coast of Bangladesh–Ageospatial approach. Ocean & CoastalManagement, 127, 1-15.  10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2016.03.012.



(18) ISLAM, M. A.,HASSAN, S. K., NAIME, M. A., HOSSAIN, M. S., RAHMAN, M. M. & PEAS, M. H.2015a. Assessment of socio-economic resilience against coastal disasters inSandwip island of Bangladesh. BangladeshJournal of Scientific Research, 28,161-170.



(19) ISLAM, M. A.,HOSSAIN, M. S. & MURSHED, S. 2015b. Assessment of coastal vulnerability dueto sea level change at Bhola Island, Bangladesh: using geospatial techniques. Journal of the Indian Society of RemoteSensing, 43, 625-637.



(20) ISLAM, M.,CHATTORAJ, S. & RAY, P. 2014a. Ukhimath landslide 2012 at Uttarakhand,India: causes and consequences. InternationalJournal of Geomatics and Geosciences, 4,544-557.


(21)ISLAM, M. A., HOSSAIN, M. S., HASAN, T. & MURSHED, S. 2014b. Shorelinechanges along the Kutubdia Island, south east Bangladesh using digitalshoreline analysis system. BangladeshJournal of Scientific Research, 27,99-108.


(22) MRINMOY KUMARMAITRA, M., ISLAM, M. & MAMUN, M. 2014. Thickness, Distribution and QualityAssessment of Gopalganj-Madaripur Peat Deposits: A Case Study of PotentialEconomic Opportunities in Mid-Eastern Low-Lying Bangladesh. International Journal of Geosciences, 5, 943.



(23) AHSAN, K., HABIB,A., FERUJ, M. & ISLAM, M. 2013. Mouth Bar Development Process in the MeghnaEstuary of Bangladesh–A Case Study from Bhola Island. Bangladesh Journal of Geology, 31, 56-69.


(24) RASHID, M. B.,MAHMUD, A., AHSAN, M. K., KHASRU, M. H. & ISLAM, M. A. 2013. DrainageCongestion and Its Impact on Environment in the South-Western Coastal Part ofBangladesh. Bangladesh Journal ofGeology, 31, 32.


(25) MAJLIS, A. B. K.,ISLAM, M., KHASRU, M. & AHSAN, M. 2013. Protected to Open BasinDepositional System: An Appraisal for the Late Quaternary Evolution of theMoheshkhali-Kutubdia Coastal Plain, Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Geology,26, 64-77.


(26) ISLAM, M., MAITRA,M., MAJLIS, A. K., MURSHED, S. & RAHMAN, S. 2011a. Spatial changes of landuse/land cover of Moheshkhali island, Bangladesh: A fact finding approach byremote sensing analysis. Dhaka Univ. DhakaUniv. J. Earth Environ. Sci, 2,43-54.


(27) ISLAM, M. A.,MAJLIS, A. B. K. & RASHID, M. B. 2011b. Changing face of Bangladesh coast.  TheJournal of NOAMI, 28(1), 1-19.



(28) MAJLIS, A. B. K.& ISLAM, M. 2011. Landscape Evaluation in Mid-Eastern Part of Ganges Deltafor the Forthcoming Development Arena of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Geology, 29, 49-62.


(29) MURSHED, S., ALAM,M. & ISLAM, M. 2011. Depositional Environments of the Upper Neogene ClasticSuccession Along Hari River Section, North eastern part of Sylhet Trough,Bangladesh. Dhaka Univ. J. Earth Environ.Sci, 1, 67-73.


(30) RAHMAN, S., HASAN, S.,ISLAM, M. & MAITRA, M. 2011. Temporal change detection of vegetationcoverage of Dhaka using Remote Sensing. InternationalJournal of Geomatics and Geosciences, 2,481-490.


(31) ZAHID, A., HASSAN,M., KARIM, M. & ISLAM, M. Excessive Withdrawal of Groundwater for UrbanDemand of Dhaka City: Emergency Measure needs to be Implemented to Protect theAquifer.  International Symposium onEfficient groundwater resources management: 16 – 21 February 2009 IMPACTChallenger, Muang Thong Thani, Bangkok, Thailand, 2009.


(32) ISLAM, M. A.,AHMED, K., HASAN, M. A. & MURSHED, S. 2008. Hydrogeology and water qualityassessment of middle Meghna flood plain, a case study on Daudkandi upazila,Comilla district. The Journal of Noami,26, 31-55.



















Last Updated: 17 Oct 2024


(1       UDDIN, A., JAHAN, S., MANDAL. S., J.N. SARMA, J.N., AKHTER,SH.,, ISLAM, M.A. and BISWAS, B.A. "Paleogene stratigraphy of thesoutheast shillong plateau and northern sylhet trough area of the easternHimalayas." GSA Annual Meeting Denver, Colorado: 2016 .


(2       ZAHID, A., HASSAN, M., KARIM, M. and ISLAM, M.A."Excessive Withdrawal of Groundwater for Urban Demand of Dhaka City:Emergency Measure needs to be Implemented to Protect the Aquifer."International Symposium on Efficient groundwater resources management: 16 – 21February 2009 Bangkok, Thailand: 2009 .

Last Updated: 17 Oct 2024

Last Updated: 17 Oct 2024

Geoinformatics, Machine learning application, Geoscience, and Disaster science

Last Updated: 17 Oct 2024

1) International: University International Postgraduate Award (UIPA)  2016, Australia. To pursue PhD study

2) International:UN scholarship for Master of Technology (Mtech) in Geospatial data science(e.g., Remote sensing and GIS),2012. To pursue Mtech study


Last Updated: 17 Oct 2024

Remote sensing using Google earth engine 

Last Updated: 17 Oct 2024