Officer's Profile

Major M A Razzaque, PBGMS, G+, Arty (Retd)

Deputy Inspector of Colleges

Phone: 01769021521

Office of the Inspector of Colleges


Major M A Razzaque, PBGMS, G+ (retd), is a graduate of Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP) in Master of Science (Technical). He also holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration from South East University.

Major A Razzaque (retd) is qualified in “Post-Graduate Diploma in Supply Chain Management (PGDSM)” from Bangladesh Institute of Management Studies (Learning Partner of Herit Walt University, UK). He is also qualified in “Specialized Course on Drugs and Narcotics” under UNDP, Dhaka, Bangladesh and “Chinese Language Course (Elementary)” from BUP.  The officer had undergone training of United Nations, DPKO, New York.

Major A Razzaque (retd) has professional knowledge in military discipline for last 30 years. He is experienced in working with diverse/multi-cultural people in home and abroad.

Major A Razzaque (retd) is now serving as the Deputy Inspector of Colleges at BUP, where he is sailing his educational knowledge, professional skills and experiences to uphold the BUP motto, ‘Excellence Through Knowledge’.

Last Updated:17 Oct 2024

Last Updated: 17 Oct 2024

Last Updated: 17 Oct 2024

Last Updated: 01 Jan 1970

Last Updated: 01 Jan 1970

SR Training Name Training Subject Training Institution Training Country Name Training Year Training Duration

Last Updated: 01 Jan 1970

Last Updated: 17 Oct 2024