Research & Publication

Dr. Md. Shariful Islam

Islam, S. N., & Islam, M. S. (2024) (in Press). The Effect of Financial Development, Tariff, and RTA on Exports: A Structural Gravity Analysis. Journal of EconomicIntegration

Dr. Md. Shariful Islam

Islam, S. N., & Islam, M. S. (2023). Friends or foe? The complementarity or substitutability of financial development and FDI, financial development, and trade openness on domestic investment. The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development32(7), 1083-1111.

Dr. Md. Shariful Islam

Haque, M. Z., Qian, A., Islam, M. S., & Lucky, S. A. (2022). Hedonic vs. utilitarian value: influencing on social networking sites adoption of institutional investors. International Journal of Business Information Systems41(4), 525-547.

Dr. Md. Shariful Islam

Haque, M. Z., Islam, M. S., & Lucky, S. A. (2022). Espousal of online social networks (OSNS) in tourism supply chain network (TSCN) during Covid-19. Geo Journal of Tourism and Geosites42, 804-816.

Dr. Md. Shariful Islam

Haque, M. Z., Islam, M. S., Deb, S. K., & Islam, M. R. (2022). Strategic value of Online Social Networks (OSNs) in supply chain networks during COVID-19. Cogent Business & Management9(1), 2148336.

Dr. Md. Shariful Islam

Islam,M. S., Haque, M. Z., Islam, S. N., Alam, M. M., &Hassan, A. (2022) (inpress). Role of Education Human Capital in ICT-TradeRelationship. InternationalJournal of Education Economics andDevelopment.

Dr. Md. Shariful Islam

Khanam, A., & Islam, M. S. (2019). Urbanization and Income in Bangladesh: An Empirical Analysis. Journal of Business4(2), 19-27.

Dr. Md. Shariful Islam

Islam, M.S. and Khanom, A. (2017) The Impacts of Remittanceson Poverty at the Household Level in Bangladesh: A Propensity Score MatchingApproach                         The Jahangirnagar Economic Review, Volume 28, June,2017, ISSN: 1990-2492

Md. Adib Ahmed

 Ahmed, A., Amin, S. B., McCarthy, G., Khan, A. M., & Nepal, R. (2022). Isblended learning the future of education? Students perspective using discretechoice experiment analysis. Journal of University Teaching &Learning Practice19(3), 06.

Md. Adib Ahmed

Amin, S. B., Ahmed, A., Khan, A. M.,& Khan, F. (2021). Policy Paper on the Post Covid-19 Sustainable EnergyOptions for Power Generation in Bangladesh. International EnergyJournal21(1A).

Md. Adib Ahmed

Khan, A. M., Amin, S. B., Ahmed, A.,& Sultana, T. (2021). Tourism Development and Economic Growth inBangladesh: New Evidence from Nonlinear Autoregressive Distributed Lag. InternationalJournal of Economics and Financial Issues11(2), 100-107.

Md. Adib Ahmed

Mahidud, A., Amin, S. B.,& (2021). Nexus among foreign exchange reserve, remittance and tradeopenness: An empirical Ahmed, A.investigation in the Bangladeshieconomy. Journal of Empirical Studies8(1), 1-12.

Md. Adib Ahmed

Ahmed, A., Amin, S. B., & Khan, A. M. (2020). Forecasting Tourism Revenue inBangladesh Using ARIMA Approach: The Case of Bangladesh. InternationalReview of Business Research Papers16(1).

Abdul Mahidud Khan

Ahmed, A., Amin, S. B., McCarthy, G., Khan, A. M., & Nepal, R. (2022). Is blended learning the future of education? Students perspective using discrete choice experiment analysis. Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 19(3).

Abdul Mahidud Khan

Amin, S. B., Ahmed, A., Khan, A. M., & Khan, F. (2021).Policy Paper on the Post Covid-19 Sustainable Energy Options for Power Generation in Bangladesh. International Energy Journal, 21(1A). Bangabandhu Chair Special Issue on “Energy, Disaster, Climate Change: Sustainability and Just Transitions in Bangladesh”

Abdul Mahidud Khan

Khan, A. M., Amin, S. B., Ahmed, A., & Sultana, T. (2021). Tourism Development and Economic Growth in Bangladesh: New Evidence from Nonlinear Autoregressive Distributed Lag. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 11(2), 100-107. doi:

Musharrat Azam

1    Azam, M., Othman, J., Begum, R.A., Abdullah, S. M. S., & Nor, N. G. M. (2016). Energy consumption andemission projection for the road transport sector in Malaysia: An applicationof the LEAP model. Environment, development and sustainability18,1027-1047.

2    Azam, M., & Azam, S.(2023). Export diversification and economic growth in Bangladesh. Journalof Empirical Studies10(1), 1-18.

3    Musharrat Azam, Sabrina ShareefBadhan. “Infrastructure Investment and Its Impact on Economic Growth: The Caseof Bangladesh.” IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance (IOSR-JEF) , vol. 10, no.2, 2019, pp. 51-59.

Nahin Rahman

Rahman, N. (2019),Impact of BREXIT on British and Bangladesh Economy, International Journal of Scienceand Research

Nahin Rahman

Rahman, N. &Hafiz, B. F. (2019), Does Remittance Earning Pave the Way to Investment inEducation, International Organization of Scientific Research

Nahin Rahman

Hafiz, B. F. &Rahman, N. (2019), Sixteenth Amendment of the Constitution of Bangladesh: A GovernancePerspective, International Journal of Science and Research

Amina Khatun


1. Adapting toAdversity: Unraveling the nexus between Vulnerability and Well-being in CoastalBangladesh, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Volume 112;104798; 2024, available at:;2024;104798. (Co-authored).


2. Easy Bike Battery Recycling Channel and InfluencingFactors: A Study in the South- west Region of Bangladesh, BUP Journal, Volume09, Issue 02, 2023; ISSN-Print 2219- 4851; ISSN Online- 2789- 0392; (Authored).


3. WatchingTelevision and its Impact on Students ‘Academic Performance, Jagannath UniversityJournal of Economics, Volume02, Issue 01, 2020; ISSN: 2707-0689; (Co-authored).


4. Fosteringdisaster preparedness through community radio in cyclone-prone coastalBangladesh, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction; 2020;101752; availableat: (Co- authored).


5. Preferencesfor Improved Early Warning Services among Coastal Communities at Risk inCyclone Prone South-west Region of Bangladesh, Progress in Disaster Science,2020; available at:;(Co-authored).

Dilara Jahan

Jahan, D., Mahmud, M.S., Saddiq, F.S. and Ahmed, I., 2023. Career Opportunities and Challenges of Economics Graduates of Bangladesh University of Professionals: A Critical Analysis. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science, 7(2), pp.855-868.

Barna Bose

Bose, B., Poverty and Economic Growth of Bangladesh: Cointegration and Causality Analysis.

Barna Bose

Bose, B. and Rahman, N., 2020. The potential of blockchain technology and digital economy of Bangladesh, 58(1), pp.7-7.

Barna Bose

Raisha Rahman

Rahman, R., & Borsha, S. I. (2021). Estimating the Cost and Challenges of Online Education of Students During Covid-19: A Survey on Some Selected Universities in Bangladesh. The Jahangirnagar Economic Review, Vol.32, June 2021

Raisha Rahman

Rahman, R. (2023). Panel Data Analysis on Labor Productivity and Female Labor Force Participation: Evidence from South Asian Countries. Journal of ELT and Education, 6(1), 20-27

Raisha Rahman

Rahman, R., & Elmi, R. (2023). Environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis for Bangladesh from the perspective of different environmental degradation indicators: Evidence from ECM Approach. The Jahangirnagar Review: Part II: Social Science, Vol-47, No-2, 2023

Md. Mahbubul Alam

Export Enhancing Effects of Information and Communication Technologies: Evidence from Bangladesh 

  • DOI
  • 10.55493/5004.v12i2.4515

  • Abstract: The study examines the impact of information and communications technology (ICT) on bilateral export flows from Bangladesh to its trading partners based on an augmented panel gravity model. It includes 108 importers of Bangladeshi goods. The sample period extends from 2000 to 2018. Primarily, we employ Pooled Ordinary Least Square (POLS) model, and we utilize Poisson Pseudo Maximum Likelihood (PPML) as an alternative estimation technique to check robustness. The findings from the OLS model indicate that ICT has positive and significant effects on Bangladesh’s bilateral export. The results from PPML also support the findings from the OLS model. Therefore, the results come out to be robust. These findings imply that by reducing trade-related costs e. g., shipping costs, market access costs, and communication and information costs, ICT growth in Bangladesh as well as in its trading partner countries enhances trade flows and therefore has a trade-boosting effect.
Keywords: Bangladesh, Bilateral exports, Gravity model, Information and communications technology, Ordinary least square , Poisson pseudo maximum likelihood.

Md. Mahbubul Alam

Nexus between macroeconomic factors and remittance inflow in presence of ICT penetration: a panel data analysis of Bangladesh economy

DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10058035

Abstract: While the whole world was struggling and stumbling during the global pandemic, the economy of Bangladesh miraculously experienced a comparatively lower stagnation than its contemporaries, owing to a larger remittance inflow intertwined with the surge of ICT services. This study attempts to find the answer to this overwhelming performance considering the macroeconomic factors in host countries that are top in remittance outflow towards Bangladesh. The findings indicate significant positive effects of ICT, as well as macroeconomic factors like government expenditure, trade balance, and FDI on the remittance inflow of the recipient country. Despite being unique in perspective, the paper is confined to the usage of secondary data and limited data availability due to institutional constraints for a few countries. The paper concludes by prescribing an ICT-friendly infrastructure for both host countries and the recipient country, along with an emphasis on selected macroeconomic variables.
Keywords: remittance; ICT; macroeconomic factors; receiving country; host country; panel data; fixed effects; random effects; Bangladesh.

Md. Mahbubul Alam

Role of education human capital in ICT-trade relationship

DOI: 10.1504/IJEED.2024.10051654

Abstract: The study investigates how ICT affects trade because of prior effect of education human capital on ICT using gravity panel model for the period 2000‒2018 including 130 countries. First, we find positive and significant relationship between ICT use and bilateral merchandise exports flows. Second, the findings indicate that higher ICT use by both the exporting and importing country has a positive impact on exports of countries with higher education human capital. The effects of interaction between ICT and human capital on exports flows from low-and middle-income to high income countries as well as trade between low and middle-income countries are positive and significant for the exporter country. The interaction terms on trade flows involving high-income countries as exporters, in contrast, are negatively significant. For importers, interaction has positive and significant effects except trade flows from high-income to low-and middle-income countries, where it asserts positive but insignificant effect. Keywords: education human capital; ICT; gravity model; panel data; bilateral exports; high-income countries; low and middle-income countries; Poisson pseudo maximum likelihood; interaction effects.
Keywords: education human capital; ICT; gravity model; panel data; bilateral exports; high-income countries; low and middle-income countries; Poisson pseudo maximum likelihood; interaction effects.

Md. Mahbubul Alam

Forecasting Monthly Inflation in Bangladesh: A Seasonal Autoregressive Moving Average (SARIMA) Approach
Doi: 10.1991/jefa.v7i2.a61

Abstract: The objective of this study is to forecast the trend of inflation in Bangladesh by utilizing past inflation data. To achieve this objective, we employed the Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (SARIMA) model which is an extension of the Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model. Monthly inflation data used for forecasting were derived from the Consumer Price Index (CPI) data obtained from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) database, covering the period from January 2010 to January 2023. Our analysis reveals that the SARIMA (2,0,0)×(1,0,1)12 model is the most appropriate fit. Based on this finding, we predicted the inflation trend in Bangladesh from February 2023 to December 2024. A comparison of our predicted values with the actual values indicates a high degree of correlation between the two. Although a few discrepancies were observed, they did not undermine our prediction since the parameters of the model lay within the 95% confidence interval.

Keywords: C51, C53, E31, E37.

JEL Classification: Inflation, Seasonality, SARIMA, Bangladesh.

Nipun Naureen

Monir, Md., Naureen , N., Salauddin, M., & Azmain, Md. A. (2020). Household Food Security Status During COVID-19: Evidence from a slum in Dhaka City. The Jahangirnagar Economic Review, 31.

Md. Monir

Monir, M. Naureen, N. Salauddin, M. Azmain, M, A. (2020).  Household Food Security Status During COVID-19:Evidence from A Slum in Dhaka City. The Jahangirnagar Economic Review. (31)

Md. Monir

Chowdhury, A. I. Monir, M. Tahsin, S, A.Fariha, C. Munim, S, B.  (2021a). Impactof COVID-19 on the Supply Chain of Poultry Industry, Dairy & LivestockIndustry in Bangladesh. The Jahangirnagar Review: Part II: Social Science,Vol. XLV, 2021

Md. Monir

Monir, M. Aronee, P. Ader, J, A. Sharmin, F. (2022). Digital Divide in SecondaryEducation during Covid-19: A Study on High School Students in Two SelectedUrban and Rural Areas of Bangladesh. Journal of Faculty of Arts & SocialSciences, BUP. 2(1) 73-92

Md. Monir

Chowdhury, A, I. Monir, M. Proma, F. U.,Rimi, T. K., Islam, J. (n.d.). (2020). Consumer Experience in Online GroceryServices During The Covid-19: A Study In Dhaka City. Bangladesh OpenUniversity Journal of Business Studies. 6(2) 76-84

Naimur Rahman

1. Recent Aggravation of Export Earnings in Bangladesh: Is This an Outcomeof Export Subsidence of RMG Sector Due to COVID-19 Outbreak?
2. Migration Pattern and Urban Informal Sector of Bangladesh: The Applicabilityof the Harris-Todaro Migration Model in the Presence of COVID-19 Outbreak.
3. Role of Remittance as a Dynamic Source of Capital Inflow of BangladeshDuring Current COVID-19 Outbreak.
4. The Potential of Blockchain Technology and Digital Economy of Bangladesh.

Md. Shahanawaz Sharif

Habib, S.S., Sharif, M.S. and Hossain, M.A., 2019. Nexus between economic growth, tourism revenue and financial development in Bangladesh: A time series analysis. Business and Economic Research, 9(3), pp.134-149.

Md. Shahanawaz Sharif

Hasan, E. and Sharif, S., 2019. Do Macroeconomic variables affect stock market performance? A case study of DSEX and DS30 Index of Dhaka Stock Exchange. Business and Economic Research, 9(3), pp.182-203.

Md. Shahanawaz Sharif

Ahmed, M.S., 2010. Migrant workers remittance and economic growth: evidence from Bangladesh. ASA University Review, 4(1), pp.1-13.

Faryana Rafiq

1. Cross Border Energy Trade in South Asia: A Potential for Greater Regional Cooperation or an Impediment? (Authored)
2. Utilizing CSR to accomplish SDGs: An analysis on selective Banks of Bangladesh (Authored)
3. Migration Pattern and Urban Informal Sector of Bangladesh: The Applicability of theHarris-Todaro Migration Model in the Presence of COVID-19 Outbreak (Co-authored)

Abir Hassan

Hassan, A., Alam, M M., & Faieque, A. (2023). Forecasting Monthly Inflation in Bangladesh: A Seasonal

Autoregressive Moving Average (SARIMA) Approach. Journal of Economics and Financial Analysis, 7(2), 25-43.

DOI: 10.1991/jefa.v7i2.a61 

Available at

Alam, M. M., & Hassan, A (2023) (in press). Nexus between Macroeconomic Factors & Remittance Inflow in

Presence of ICT Penetration: A Panel Data Analysis of Bangladesh Economy. International Journal of Services

Economics and Management.

DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10058035

Islam,M. S., Haque, M. Z., Islam, S. N., Alam, M. M., & Hassan, A. (2022) (in press). Role of Education Human Capital in ICT-Trade Relationship. International Journal of Education Economics and Development.



Islam, M. S., Haque, M. Z., Islam, S. N., Alam,M. M., & Hassan, A. (2022). Export Enhancing Effects of Information and Communication Technologies: Evidence from Bangladesh. Asian Journal of Empirical Research, 12(2), 69-81.

DOI: 10.55493/5004.v12i2.4515


Working Paper:

Rahman, M. and Farabi, M.N.S. (2022, June). Ensuring Good Governance in Implementation of Public Infrastructure Projects (PIPs).Available at

Policy Brief:

Rahman, M. and Farabi, M.N.S. (2022, August). Ensuring Good Governance in Implementation of Public Infrastructure Projects (PIPs). Available at

Anjoman Ara Begum

1. Begum, a. Anjoman, ' Feni Govt Pilot High School', Sthaniya Itihas (Local History), ed. by Prof. Dr. Md. Mahbubur Rahman, no. 27, Dec 2022- June 2023, Rajshahi, Web:, ISSN 2071-8586.
2. Sultana, Z., and Begum, a. Anjoman, 'Mahokuma hisebe Feni-r Oitihasik, Samajik, Sanskritik O Arthonoitik Abosthan: British Amol', Sthaniya Itihas (Local History), ed. by Prof. Dr. Md. Mahbubur Rahman, no. ,June 2018, Rajshahi, Web:, ISSN 
3.Bhuiya, Kamruzzaman and Begum, a. Anjoman, 'The Worldwide Rise of Hate Crimes Against Muslims', International Interdisciplinary Journal of Scientific Research, 2017.
4. Begum, a. Anjoman and Shah A. Fahad, 'Social Inclusion of Transgender (hijra) in BD: A Study on Mainstream People's  Overview', Heliyon, manuscript number: HELIYON-D-22-25357, Submitted and under review.
5. Begum, a. Anjoman and Amdad, Mansura, ' A Volatile Condition of Women's Rights in Afghanistan: Causes Are Rooted in Islamic Fundamentalism?', Asian Journal of Women's Studies, Ref.: Ms. No. RAJW-2021-0290, Submitted and under review.
6. Begum, a. Anjoman and Bhuiya, Kamruzzaman, ' The Gamble of Safeguarding Rights of Women in Afghanistan in Fragile Political Regimes: A Dangling Future?', Journal Of Asiatic SocietySubmitted and under review.


Chowdhury,A. I., Monir, M., Arefin Tahsin, S., & Student, G. (2021). on the SupplyChain of Poultry Industry, Dairy & Livestock Industry in BangladeshChowdhury Fariha **** Shakik Bin Munim ***** MIP Model: An MIP model forproduction, transportation TTP-Triple Triangle Framework. BRAC-Bangladesh RuralAdvancement Committee SD-System Dynamic DLS-Department of Livestock ServicesMoLF-The Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries. In The Jahangirnagar Review:Part II: Social Science: Vol. XLV.