Research & Publication

Dr. Md. Arifur Rahman

Rahman M. Arifur (2023), “Green Supply ChainManagement Practices for Reformation of Vegetable Distribution Networks inBangladesh”, Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management, EmeraldInsights, Submitted for publishing.

Dr. Md. Arifur Rahman

Rahman, Md & Ahmad, Tunku & Rahman, Md& Hoque, Muhammad & Bhuiyan, Abul. (2023). Conceptualization of TheAlternative Zakat and Ushr Based Poverty Alleviation and SustainableDevelopment Model: An Empirical Case Study in Bangladesh. Accounting andFinance Research. 12. 16. 10.5430/afr.v12n3p16.

Dr. Md. Arifur Rahman

Rahman M. Arifur and Rabby H. Anik (2023), “Consumer Observation on Retail Digitalization: AStudy on Retail Sector of Bangladesh”, International Journal of ResearchPublication and Reviews, Vol 4 (2), pp 776-787.

Dr. Md. Arifur Rahman

Rahman M. Arifur and Inaba Kazuo (2020),“Determinants of Retail Chain Density: Evidence from Japan”, Ritsumeikan SocialSystem, Vol. 41, pp. 111-137.

Dr. Md. Arifur Rahman

Rahman M. Arifur (2020), “Japanese 100-Yen RetailChain in the Development of the Retail Industry”, The Ritsumeikan EconomicReview, Vol. 68, (4), pp. 58-84.

Dr. Md. Arifur Rahman

Rahman M. Arifur (2020), “Japanese 100-Yen Retail Chain in the Development of the Retail Industry”, The Ritsumeikan Economic Review, Vol. 68, (4), pp. 58-84.

Dr. Md. Arifur Rahman

Rahman M. Arifur (2021), “Concept of Halal, Is It Truly Safe & Hygiene or Is It only an IslamicBelief: Insights from Bangladesh”, International Journal of Ethics in SocialSciences, Vol. 7 (2), pp. 29-43.

Dr. Md. Arifur Rahman

Rahman M. Arifur and Haque M. Shariful (2021), “Customer-Perceived Value on Samsung and Apple Smartphone: A Comparative Study on Japanese and Bangladesh University Students”, Journal of International Business and Management, Vol. 4 (6).

Dr. Md. Arifur Rahman

Rahman M. Arifur (2021), “Perception of Native Japanese to Promote Halal Food Business in Japan: ACase Study on Kusatsu City, Shiga Prefecture”, Global Journal of BusinessManagement and Social Science, Vol 2 (7).

Dr. Md. Arifur Rahman

Rahman M. Arifur (2018), “Supply Chain ManagementPractices on Performance of Retail Enterprises: Supplier and CustomerRelationship Perspective of 100-Yen Shops in Japan”, The Ritsumeikan EconomicReview, Vol. 67 (1), pp. 45-54.

Dr. Md. Arifur Rahman

Rahman M. Arifur and Mehedi Hasan Md. Hifzur Rahman(2013), “Employee Perception towards Effective Training Program: A Study onSome Selective Private Commercial Banks”, European Journal of Business andManagement, Vol. 5 (12), pp. 62 – 74.

Dr. Md. Arifur Rahman

Mehedi Hasan Md. Hifzur Rahman and Rahman M. Arifur(2013), “Impact of Inflation on Fixed Income Service Holder Group inBangladesh: A Study on Khulna City”, Business Review: A Journal of BusinessAdministration Discipline, Khulna University, Vol. 9 (1), pp. 51-69.

Dr. Md. Arifur Rahman

Mir Sohrab Hossain and Rahman M. Arifur (2012),“Financial Performance Analysis of Commercial Banks in Bangladesh: A Study onSome Selected Commercial Banks of Bangladesh”, Business Review: A Journal ofBusiness Administration Discipline, Khulna University, Vol. 9 (1), pp. 29-46.

Dr. Md. Arifur Rahman

Rahman M. Arifur, Abul Kalam, Md. Moshiur Rahman,and Abdullah (2012), “The Influence of Service Quality and Price on CustomerSatisfaction: An Empirical Study on Restaurant Services in Khulna Division”,Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, Vol. 3, (5).

Dr. Md. Arifur Rahman

S.M Akterujjaman, Abul Kalam, Rahman M. Arifur, andMd. Jahangir Kabir (2011). “Mobile Phone Service Marketing of Grameen PhoneLimited: A Study on Effectiveness of Product, Policy and Strategy”, Journal ofScience and Technology: A Journal of Business Faculty of HSTU, Vol. 9 (1).

Dr. Md. Arifur Rahman

Rahman M. Arifur & Mir Sohrab Hossain. (2010).‘Compliance Practices in Garments Industries in Dhaka City’: Journal ofBusiness and Technology (Dhaka), Vol. 5 (2).

Dr. Md. Arifur Rahman

Rahman M. Arifur & Dr. Ataur. Rahman (2009).‘Non-financial Incentives and Their Effects; A Study on Private Banking Sectorin Bangladesh’, Journal of Business and Technology (Dhaka), Vol. 4 (6).

Dr. Md. Arifur Rahman

Rahman M. Arifur and Haque M. Shariful (2021), “Customer-Perceived Value on Samsung and Apple Smartphone: A Comparative Study on Japanese and Bangladesh University Students”, Journal of International Business and Management, Vol. 4 (6).

Dr. Md. Arifur Rahman

Rahman M. Arifur and Haque M. Shariful (2021), “Customer-Perceived Value on Samsung and Apple Smartphone: A Comparative Study on Japanese and Bangladesh University Students”, Journal of International Business and Management, Vol. 4 (6).

Dr. Ummya Salma

Determinants of Firm’s Holding Female Directors: Evidence from Australia; Asian Journal of Business Ethics

Dr. Ummya Salma

Board Gender Diversity: A Review; Journal of Business

Dr. Ummya Salma

Macroeconomic Determinants of Inflation in Bangladesh; European Journal of Business and Management Research

Dr. Ummya Salma

Financial reporting quality, audit fees and risk committees, Asian Review of Accounting

Dr. Ummya Salma

Effects of the Global Political Crisis on Human Resource Management (HRM) in Multinational Companies; IOSR Journal of Business and Management

Dr. Ummya Salma

Ecotourism- A New Horizon to Bangladesh; International Journal of Business and Management Study

Dr. Ummya Salma

Board Supervisory Committees andNon-Mandatory Regulation -New Zealand Evidence, International Review of BusinessResearch Papers

Dr. Sumayya Begum

Investigating the Relationship Between Work-Related Environment and Employee’s Work Contentment in the Midst of pandemic: A Study on Bangladeshi E-Commerce Companies, Journal of Innovation in Business Studies (JIBS), BUP, Vol.02, Issue No. 02, 2022. 

Dr. Sumayya Begum

Determining the Efficacy Level of Online Education in Higher Studiesduring COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Bangladesh, International Journal ofKnowledge and Learning, Inderscience Publication. Vol.17, Issue No. 05, 2024

Dr. Sumayya Begum

Consumers’ Online Buying Behavior duringCOVID-19 Pandemic Using Structural Equation Modeling, Transnational MarketingJournal, August 2022, Volume: 10, No: 02, pp. 311 – 33, Transnational PressLondon.

Dr. Sumayya Begum

Linking Transformational Leadership withEmployees’ Engagement in the Creative Process, Management Research Review, Vol.42, No. 07, 2019, pp. 837-858 © Emerald Publishing Limited.

Dr. Sumayya Begum

Impact of Leadership Approach on Organizational Citizenship Behavior(OCB): Mediator Role of Mistrust, The Comilla University Journal of BusinessStudies, Vol. 06, No. 01, pp. 23-32,2019.

Dr. Sumayya Begum

A Study on the Pedagogical Barriers of Tertiary Level Education inBangladesh, Comilla University Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 01, No. 01, pp. 59-77,2018.

Dr. Sumayya Begum

Determining the Effect of Nepotism Based Recruitment and Selection onInterpersonal Conflicts, Politics and Grievances: An Empirical Study,Jahangirnagar University Journal of Management Research, Vol. 01, No. 01, pp. 89-96,2018. 

Dr. Sumayya Begum

Investigating the Effect of Human Resource Information System onRecruitment and Selection Process: An Empirical Study, The Comilla UniversityJournal of Business Studies, Vol. 04, No. 01, pp.87-96,2017.

Dr. Sumayya Begum

Factors Determining the Effectiveness of Performance AppraisalSystem: A Study on Pharmaceutical Industry in Bangladesh, The Cost & Management Journal of the ICMAB, Vol. 43, No. 06, pp. 27-35, 2015.

Dr. Sumayya Begum

Relationship Between Tourists’ Satisfaction and Intention to Revisit andRecommend: A Case Study on East Lake, Wuhan, China, The Comilla UniversityJournal of Business Studies, Vol. 03, No.01, 2016.

Dr. Sumayya Begum

Investigating the Impact of Service Marketing Mix on Tourist’sSatisfaction: An Empirical Study on Kuakata Sea Beach, Journal of BusinessStudies, University of Dhaka, Vol. XXXVI, No. 01, April 2015.

Dr. Sumayya Begum

The Effect of Work Environment, PromotionOpportunities and Benefits on OCB: An Empirical Study, Management Dynamics,Vol. 14, No. 02, pp. 41-50, 2014. Published in 2015.

Dr. Sumayya Begum

Relationship Between Tourists’ Satisfaction and Intention to Revisit andRecommend: A Case Study on East Lake, Wuhan, China, The Comilla UniversityJournal of Business Studies, Vol. 03, No.01, 2016.

Dr. Sumayya Begum

Investigating theRelationship between Recruitment & Selection Practice and OCB Dimensions ofCommercial Banks in China, International Journal ofAcademic Research in Management, Vol. 03, No. 02, pp. 146-154, 2014.

Dr. Sumayya Begum

Investigating the Relationship between HumanResources Management Practices and OCB: A Case Study, Proceeding of the 9thInternational Conference on Innovation and Management, Netherlands, pp.1422-1427, 2015.

Dr. Sumayya Begum

The Effect ofWork-Related Dimensions on Work Stress of the Salespeople: An Empirical Study, European Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 04, No. 07, pp.130-142, 2012

Dr. Sumayya Begum

Trainees’ Evaluation of Training Programs ofPrivate Commercial Banks: The Case on Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited, Journalof Banking & Financial Services, Department of Banking and Insurance,University of Dhaka, Vol.06, No.02, December, pp. 1-15, 2012

Dr. Sumayya Begum

Marketing Strategies for Tourism Industry inBangladesh: Emphasize on Niche Market Strategy for Attracting Foreign Tourists,Journal of Arts, Science & Commerce, International refereed ResearchJournal, Vol. IV, Issue. 1(1), pp. 103-107, 2013

Dr. Sumayya Begum

Determining the Impact of Human ResourceManagement on the Employees Attitude: An Empirical Study on PharmaceuticalCompany, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference onManagement, Malaysia, 2012.

Dr. Sumayya Begum

Tourists’ Attitude towards Service MarketingMixes: An Empirical Study on Cox’s Bazar Sea Beach in Bangladesh, Proceedingsof the 10th International Conference on Innovation and Management,Sao Paulo, Brazil, pp. 759-765, 2013.

Dr. Sumayya Begum

Investigating the Impact of Marketing Mix Elements on Tourists’Satisfaction: An Empirical Study on East Lake, European Journal of Business& Management, Vol.04, No.07, pp. 273-282, 2012.

Dr. Sumayya Begum

Impact of Management Information System (MIS) onBusiness Organization- A Case Study of Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation.Journal of Socioeconomic Research and Development (JSERD), Vol. No.06, Issue 7,8 & 9, 2009.

Dr. Sumayya Begum

Consumer Awareness and Attitudes Toward HybridFoods in Bangladesh-A Case Study of Patuakhali District. Dhaka UniversityJournal of Business Studies, Vol. XXIX No.02 December 2008.

Dr. Sumayya Begum

Relationship Marketing Between AdvertisingAgencies and Their Clients: An Empirical Study. Journal of Business Studies,Southeast University, Vol. III, NO. 02 July-Dec. 2007.

Dr. Sumayya Begum

The Needs and Patterns of Training andDevelopment for International Staff in the Context of Host Country Environment:A Critical Review. Journal of Business Studies, Southeast University, Vol. II,No.02, July-December 2006.

Dr. Sumayya Begum

Elevating Your Business: Insights from Successful Entrepreneurs inBangladesh, Saudi Journal of Business and Management Studies, 9 (6), 104-112.2024.

Mohammad Ali

Jilani, M. M. A. K., Ahmed, F., Ali, M. and Khaled, M. C. (2023). Integration of Theory of Planned Behavior into Actual Social Distancing Behavior Amid Covid-19, Social Sciences & Humanities Open, Vol. 8, No.1, pp.100708. Indexed in Scopus (Q1).

Mohammad Ali

Ali, M., & Ullah, M. S. (2023). Role of laissez-faireleadership in talent management: Evidence from the pharmaceutical industry of Bangladesh. Heliyon, Vol. 9, No. 6, pp. E17234. Indexed in Scopus (Q1) and Web of Science (WoS)/ISI-Q2. 

Mohammad Ali

Ali, M., Ullah, M. S., & Haque, A. (2023). Effect of transactional and transformational leadership on talent engagement: Mediating role of talent development. Global Business and Organizational Excellence, Vol. 42, No.6, pp. 120-137. Indexed in Scopus (Q2).

Mohammad Ali

Hasan, N., Ali, M., and Islam, A. (2022). Impact of Ethical Leadership and Organizational Citizenship Behavior on Organizational Effectiveness of the Non-Bank Financial Institutions in Bangladesh. Journal of Management, University of Dhaka, Special Issue on Building Organizational Sustainability and Resilience, pp. 95-110.

Mohammad Ali

Ali, M., Hasan, N., and Islam, A. (2021). Assessing the Mediating Role of Talent Engagement between Talent Development and Retention. Journal of Innovation in Business Studies, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 81-98.

Mohammad Ali

Ali, M., Hossain, S. M. and Anik, R.K. (2020). Determinants of Human Resource Accounting Disclosure: An Analysis on Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) Listed Financial Institutions. The JahangirnagarJournal of Business Studies, Vol.9, No. 1, pp. 181-196.

Mohammad Ali

Rahman, M., Islam, M. S. and Ali, M. (2020). Exploring the Role of Union Digital Center to Managing Information Services in Rural Development of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Public Administration (BJPA), Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 39-66.

Mohammad Ali

Ali, M., Ullah, S. M. and Guha, S. (2020). Role of Talent Development on Talent Engagement and Self-Efficacy: A Structural Model. Journal of Social Economics Research, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 118-129. Indexed in Scopus(Q4).

Mohammad Ali

Ali, M. (2020). Challenges, Prospects and Role of Insurance on Economic Growth in Bangladesh. IIUM Journal of Case Studies in Management, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 20-27.

Mohammad Ali

Islam, A., Ali, M. and Hasan, N. (2020). Impact of Training Program on Self-Efficacy: An Empirical Study on the Faculty Members of Universities in Bangladesh. World Journal of Vocational Education and Training, Vol.2, No. 1, pp. 37-45.

Mohammad Ali

Ali, M., Ahmed, T. and Absar, S. (2020). Urban Youth Attitude Toward Online Shopping: Evidence from Dhaka City. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Research, Vol. 3, No. 2, 33-40.

Mohammad Ali

Hasan,  N., Islam, A. and Ali, M. (2019). Impact of Safety and Health Measures on Workers Productivity: A Study on Readymade Garments (RMG) Industry in Bangladesh. Daffodil International University Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 29-41.

Mohammad Ali

Ali, M. and Ahsan, I. M. K. (2019). Human Resource Disclosure Practicesof Banks in Bangladesh. BUPJournal, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 72-86.

Mohammad Ali

Ali, M. and Ahmed, T. (2019). Association of Organizational Attributes with Human Resource Disclosure: Evidence from Bangladeshi Banks. International Journal of Accounting and Financial Reporting, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 99-115. ABDC Ranked.

Mohammad Ali

Ali, M. and Himel, M. T. A. (2019). Does Social Barrier Influence Women’s Intention toward Entrepreneurship? Journal of Social Economics Research, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 106-116. Indexed in Scopus (Q4).

Mohammad Ali

Ali, M., and Guha, S. (2018). Talent Management in South Asia: Prospects and Challenges. Bangladesh Journal of Public Administration (BJPA), Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 1-16.

Mohammad Ali

Ali, M., Hossain, S. M. K. and Ahmed, T. (2018). Effectiveness of E-learning for university students: evidence from Bangladesh. Asian Journal of Empirical Research, Vol. 8, No. 10, pp. 352-360. ABDC Ranked.

Mohammad Ali

Ali, M. and Hossain, S. M. K. (2016). Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of Social Media for Recruitment: An Exploratory Factor Analysis Approach on Private Universities in Bangladesh. Journal of Resources Development and ManagementVol. 25, pp. 66-76.

Farhana Ferdousi Aziz