M.M. Ashaduzzaman Nour

M.M. Ashaduzzaman Nour

Assistant Professor

Department of Public Administration
Faculty of Arts & Social Science (FASS)


Mirpur Cantonment, Dhaka-1216


Listof Published Academic Papers


1.    Incorporating E-governance to Civil Service Trainingof Bangladesh: Obstacles and Recommendations (with Jebunnessa), The Jahangirnagar Review Part II: Social Sciences (AcademicJournal of The Faculty of Social Sciences JahangirnagarUniversity Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh), Dhaka, Bangladesh, ISSN 1682-422,Vol. XLIV, 2020, pp. 359-372 [: https://juniv.edu/journal/11274/file].

2.    Administrative Interactions for Effective ServiceDelivery: Analysis of UNESCO’s Five Functions, Journal ofPublic Administration (Annual Academic Journal of Department of PublicAdministration,  Jahangirnagar University),Dhaka,Bangladesh, ISSN 2311-3812,No. 12, June 2019, pp. 01-14. [ : https://afus-unesco.org/assets/files/unesco-75-ans/administrativeinteractionforeffectiveservicedeliveryanalysisofunescosfivefunctions.pdf]

3.    Identifying Potential Areas for EnhancingE-Governance in Comprehensive Rural Development: Bangladesh Perspective (with Kalimullah,Nazmul Ahsan and Alam, Kabir M. Ashraf), BUPJOURNAL (Annual Academic Journal of Bangladesh University of Professionals-BUP), Dhaka, ISSN: 2219-4851, Volume 6, Issue 2, December 2018, pp. 21-33 Access Link: http://journal.bup.edu.bd/Journals/Article/39].

4.     Enhancing PublicService Delivery through Citizen’s Charter in Bangladesh: Academic andProcedural Review (withKalimullah, Nazmul Ahsan and Alam, Kabir M. Ashraf), BUP JOURNAL (Annual Academic Journal of Bangladesh University ofProfessionals- BUP), Dhaka, ISSN: 2219-4851, Volume6, Issue 1, July 2018, pp. 13-22. [Access Link: https://bup.edu.bd/system/uploads/journal/file/11/BUP_JOURNAL_JUL-2018_compressed.pdf]

5.     EnhancingDigitalized Public Service Delivery in Bangladesh: Review and Recommendations (An English Article with Kalimullah,Nazmul Ahsan and Alam, Kabir M. Ashraf), BUPJOURNAL (Annual Academic Journal of Bangladesh University of Professionals-BUP), Dhaka,Bangladesh, ISSN: 2219-4851,Volume 6, Special Issue, April 2018, pp. 19-30. [Access Link: https://bup.edu.bd/system/uploads/journal/file/12/BUP_JOURNAL_APR-2018_compressed.pdf]

6.     Strategies for Enhancing AdministrativeEthics in Bangladesh: Review and Recommendations (An English Article with Alam,Kabir M. Ashraf and Nour, M. M. Ashaduzzaman), BUP JOURNAL (Annual Academic Journal of Bangladesh University ofProfessionals- BUP), Dhaka, Bangladesh, ISSN:2219-4851, Volume 5, Issue 2, December 2017, pp. 35-45. [Access Link: https://bup.edu.bd/system/uploads/journal/file/13/BUP_JOURNAL_DEC_2017_compressed.pdf]

7.     Application of Strategic Planning Process in LocalGovernment: A Qualitative Analysis (with Alam, Kabir M. Ashraf and Nour, M. M.Ashaduzzaman), BUP JOURNAL (AnnualAcademic Journal of Bangladesh University of Professionals- BUP), Dhaka, Bangladesh, ISSN: 2219-4851, Volume 5, Issue 1, June2017, pp. 01-14. [AccessLink: https:/bup.edu.bd/system/uploads/journal/file/14/BUP_JOURNAL_MAY_2017_compressed.pdf]

8.     Strategic Management for Post-BureaucraticOrganizations: A Critical Analysis (An English Article with Kalimullah, NazmulAhsan and Alam, Kabir M. Ashraf), BUPJOURNAL (Annual Academic Journal of Bangladesh University of Professionals-BUP), Dhaka,Bangladesh, ISSN: 2219-4851,Volume 4, Issue 1, June 2016, pp. 01-14. [Access Link: https://bup.edu.bd/system/uploads/journal/file/15/BUP_JOURNAL_JUN_2016_compressed.pdf]

9.     Network Governance: An Overview (AnEnglish Article with Kalimullah, Nazmul Ahsan and Alam, Kabir M. Ashraf), BUP JOURNAL (Annual Academic Journal ofBangladesh University of Professionals- BUP), Dhaka, Bangladesh, ISSN:2219-4851, Volume 1, Issue 2, June 2014, pp. 01-19 [Access Link: https://bup.edu.bd/system/uploads/journal/file/16/BUP_JOURNAL_2015_compressed.pdf].

  1. New Public Management: Emergence and Principles (with Kalimullah, Nazmul Ahsan and Alam, Kabir M. Ashraf), BUP JOURNAL (Annual Academic Journal of Bangladesh University of Professionals- BUP), Dhaka, ISSN: 2219-4851, Volume 1, Issue 1, September 2012, pp. 01-22.

[Access Link: https://bup.edu.bd/system/uploads/journal/file/17/BUP_JOURNAL_2012_compressed.pdf]


List of Published Books


  1. PUBLIC MANAGEMENT FOR LOCAL GOVERNANCE IN BANGLADESH: AN ANTHOLOGY (An English Book with Kalimullah, Nazmul Ahsan and Alam, Kabir M. Ashraf) Ahmed Publishing House, Dhaka, 1st Edition, February 2019, ISBN: 978 984 11 0835 9. [Access Link: https://bengalboi.com/product/24607 ]
  2. PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS OF POST BUREAUCRACY: AN ANTHOLOGY (An English Book with Kalimullah, Nazmul Ahsan and Alam, Kabir M. Ashraf) Ahmed Publishing House, Dhaka, 1st Edition, July 2016, ISBN: 978 984 11 0786 4. [Access Link: https://www.boibazar.com/book/principles-and-applications-of-post-bureaucracy-an-anthology]
  3. JAPANER AHRTHONITI (A Bangla Book on Economics of Japan with Kalimullah, Nazmul Ahsan and Mamun, Abdullah-Al), Ahmed Publishing House, Dhaka, 1st Edition, July, 2014, ISBN: 978 984 11 0722 2. [Access Link: https://www.rokomari.com/book/93983/japaner-orthoneeti]
  4. SELECTED ESSAYS ON NEW PUBLIC MANAGEMENT, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORM AND PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION (An English Book with Kalimullah, Nazmul Ahsan and Alam, Kabir M. Ashraf) Ahmed Publishing House, Dhaka, 1st Edition, February 2014, ISBN: 978 984 11 0703 1. [Access Link: https://www.rokomari.com/book/78060/]
  5. JAPANER SAMAJ O SONGSKRITI (A Bangla Book on Society and Culture of Japan with Kalimullah, Nazmul Ahsan and Mamun, Abdullah-Al), Ahmed Publishing House, Dhaka, 1st Edition, December 2013, ISBN: 978 984 11 0705 5. [Access Link: https://www.rokomari.com/book/80080/japaner-somaj-o-shonskirty]
  6. JAPANER SARKAR O RAJNITI (A Bangla Book on Government and Politics of Japan with Kalimullah, Nazmul Ahsan and Mamun, Abdullah-Al), Ahmed Publishing House, Dhaka, 1st Edition, July 2013, ISBN: 978 984 11 0699 7. [Access Link: https://www.rokomari.com/book/80077/japaner-sarker-o-rajneti]



List of Published Editorial1.     ‘Local Government: Realization of Bangabandhu’ in TheNew Nation (10 January 2021) [ Access Link: https://ep.thedailynewnation.com/2021/01/10/5/newnation/5_r3_c3.jpg]3.     ‘Public Organizations Quest For Effective StrategicManagement’ in The New Nation (1 January 2021) [ https://thedailynewnation.com/news/273791/Public-Organizations-Quest-For-Effective-Strategic-Management ]

  1. ‘Online Education: Accommodating Public University Students’ in The New Nation (9 June 2020)


Last Updated: 17 Oct 2024

S.S.C, মনিপুর উচ্চ বিদ্যালয়
H.S.C, ঢাকা কমার্স কলেজ
Honors, ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়
Masters, ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়
MPhil, ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়

Last Updated: 17 Oct 2024

Journal Publication


1.    Incorporating E-governance to Civil Service Trainingof Bangladesh: Obstacles and Recommendations (with Jebunnessa), The Jahangirnagar Review Part II: Social Sciences (AcademicJournal of The Faculty of Social Sciences JahangirnagarUniversity Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh), Dhaka, Bangladesh, ISSN 1682-422,Vol. XLIV, 2020, pp. 359-372 [: https://juniv.edu/journal/11274/file].

2.    Administrative Interactions for Effective ServiceDelivery: Analysis of UNESCO’s Five Functions, Journal ofPublic Administration (Annual Academic Journal of Department of PublicAdministration,  Jahangirnagar University),Dhaka,Bangladesh, ISSN 2311-3812,No. 12, June 2019, pp. 01-14. [ : https://afus-unesco.org/assets/files/unesco-75-ans/administrativeinteractionforeffectiveservicedeliveryanalysisofunescosfivefunctions.pdf]

3.    Identifying Potential Areas for EnhancingE-Governance in Comprehensive Rural Development: Bangladesh Perspective (with Kalimullah,Nazmul Ahsan and Alam, Kabir M. Ashraf), BUPJOURNAL (Annual Academic Journal of Bangladesh University of Professionals-BUP), Dhaka, ISSN: 2219-4851, Volume 6, Issue 2, December 2018, pp. 21-33 Access Link: http://journal.bup.edu.bd/Journals/Article/39].

4.     Enhancing PublicService Delivery through Citizen’s Charter in Bangladesh: Academic andProcedural Review (withKalimullah, Nazmul Ahsan and Alam, Kabir M. Ashraf), BUP JOURNAL (Annual Academic Journal of Bangladesh University ofProfessionals- BUP), Dhaka, ISSN: 2219-4851, Volume6, Issue 1, July 2018, pp. 13-22. [Access Link: https://bup.edu.bd/system/uploads/journal/file/11/BUP_JOURNAL_JUL-2018_compressed.pdf]

5.     EnhancingDigitalized Public Service Delivery in Bangladesh: Review and Recommendations (An English Article with Kalimullah,Nazmul Ahsan and Alam, Kabir M. Ashraf), BUPJOURNAL (Annual Academic Journal of Bangladesh University of Professionals-BUP), Dhaka,Bangladesh, ISSN: 2219-4851,Volume 6, Special Issue, April 2018, pp. 19-30. [Access Link: https://bup.edu.bd/system/uploads/journal/file/12/BUP_JOURNAL_APR-2018_compressed.pdf]

6.     Strategies for Enhancing AdministrativeEthics in Bangladesh: Review and Recommendations (An English Article with Alam,Kabir M. Ashraf and Nour, M. M. Ashaduzzaman), BUP JOURNAL (Annual Academic Journal of Bangladesh University ofProfessionals- BUP), Dhaka, Bangladesh, ISSN:2219-4851, Volume 5, Issue 2, December 2017, pp. 35-45. [Access Link: https://bup.edu.bd/system/uploads/journal/file/13/BUP_JOURNAL_DEC_2017_compressed.pdf]

7.     Application of Strategic Planning Process in LocalGovernment: A Qualitative Analysis (with Alam, Kabir M. Ashraf and Nour, M. M.Ashaduzzaman), BUP JOURNAL (AnnualAcademic Journal of Bangladesh University of Professionals- BUP), Dhaka, Bangladesh, ISSN: 2219-4851, Volume 5, Issue 1, June2017, pp. 01-14. [AccessLink: https:/bup.edu.bd/system/uploads/journal/file/14/BUP_JOURNAL_MAY_2017_compressed.pdf]

8.     Strategic Management for Post-BureaucraticOrganizations: A Critical Analysis (An English Article with Kalimullah, NazmulAhsan and Alam, Kabir M. Ashraf), BUPJOURNAL (Annual Academic Journal of Bangladesh University of Professionals-BUP), Dhaka,Bangladesh, ISSN: 2219-4851,Volume 4, Issue 1, June 2016, pp. 01-14. [Access Link: https://bup.edu.bd/system/uploads/journal/file/15/BUP_JOURNAL_JUN_2016_compressed.pdf]

9.     Network Governance: An Overview (AnEnglish Article with Kalimullah, Nazmul Ahsan and Alam, Kabir M. Ashraf), BUP JOURNAL (Annual Academic Journal ofBangladesh University of Professionals- BUP), Dhaka, Bangladesh, ISSN:2219-4851, Volume 1, Issue 2, June 2014, pp. 01-19 [Access Link: https://bup.edu.bd/system/uploads/journal/file/16/BUP_JOURNAL_2015_compressed.pdf].

  1. New Public Management: Emergence and Principles (with Kalimullah, Nazmul Ahsan and Alam, Kabir M. Ashraf), BUP JOURNAL (Annual Academic Journal of Bangladesh University of Professionals- BUP), Dhaka, ISSN: 2219-4851, Volume 1, Issue 1, September 2012, pp. 01-22.

[Access Link: https://bup.edu.bd/system/uploads/journal/file/17/BUP_JOURNAL_2012_compressed.pdf]


Last Updated: 17 Oct 2024

Conference Papers


International Public Management Network(Virtual) Conference, 9-10 July 2020 Seoul, South Korea

Title of the presented paper- ‘Quest for StrongLocal Leadership to Enhance Smart Governance in Rural Development ofBangladesh: An Empirical Study’

Last Updated: 17 Oct 2024



  1. PUBLIC MANAGEMENT FOR LOCAL GOVERNANCE IN BANGLADESH: AN ANTHOLOGY (An English Book with Kalimullah, Nazmul Ahsan and Alam, Kabir M. Ashraf) Ahmed Publishing House, Dhaka, 1st Edition, February 2019, ISBN: 978 984 11 0835 9. [Access Link: https://bengalboi.com/product/24607 ]
  2. PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS OF POST BUREAUCRACY: AN ANTHOLOGY (An English Book with Kalimullah, Nazmul Ahsan and Alam, Kabir M. Ashraf) Ahmed Publishing House, Dhaka, 1st Edition, July 2016, ISBN: 978 984 11 0786 4. [Access Link: https://www.boibazar.com/book/principles-and-applications-of-post-bureaucracy-an-anthology]
  3. JAPANER AHRTHONITI (A Bangla Book on Economics of Japan with Kalimullah, Nazmul Ahsan and Mamun, Abdullah-Al), Ahmed Publishing House, Dhaka, 1st Edition, July, 2014, ISBN: 978 984 11 0722 2. [Access Link: https://www.rokomari.com/book/93983/japaner-orthoneeti]
  4. SELECTED ESSAYS ON NEW PUBLIC MANAGEMENT, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORM AND PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION (An English Book with Kalimullah, Nazmul Ahsan and Alam, Kabir M. Ashraf) Ahmed Publishing House, Dhaka, 1st Edition, February 2014, ISBN: 978 984 11 0703 1. [Access Link: https://www.rokomari.com/book/78060/]
  5. JAPANER SAMAJ O SONGSKRITI (A Bangla Book on Society and Culture of Japan with Kalimullah, Nazmul Ahsan and Mamun, Abdullah-Al), Ahmed Publishing House, Dhaka, 1st Edition, December 2013, ISBN: 978 984 11 0705 5. [Access Link: https://www.rokomari.com/book/80080/japaner-somaj-o-shonskirty]
  6. JAPANER SARKAR O RAJNITI (A Bangla Book on Government and Politics of Japan with Kalimullah, Nazmul Ahsan and Mamun, Abdullah-Al), Ahmed Publishing House, Dhaka, 1st Edition, July 2013, ISBN: 978 984 11 0699 7. [Access Link: https://www.rokomari.com/book/80077/japaner-sarker-o-rajneti]

Last Updated: 17 Oct 2024



1. Deans Award for Best Course Kit (Faculty of Arts and Social Science) 2018-2019, Bangladesh University of Professionals

2. M.Phil Research Scholarship 2012-2013, University of Dhaka

3. Deans Award (Faculty of Social Science) 2010, University of Dhaka

4. Rabeya Khatun Memorial Gold Medal 2010, University of Dhaka

5. Ruhul AminAward 2012, Ruhul Amin Bandu Shava (RBS)

Last Updated: 17 Oct 2024



  • Rural Development in Bangladesh
  • Administrative Reform in Bangladesh
  • E Governance in Bangladesh
  • Change Management
  • Public Administration in Bangladesh
  • Introduction to Social Statistics
  • Legal System of Bangladesh
  • Development Theories and Practice

Last Updated: 17 Oct 2024

S.S.C, মনিপুর উচ্চ বিদ্যালয়
H.S.C, ঢাকা কমার্স কলেজ
Honors, ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়
Masters, ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়
MPhil, ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়

Last Updated: 17 Oct 2024


1.    Incorporating E-governance to Civil Service Trainingof Bangladesh: Obstacles and Recommendations (with Jebunnessa), The Jahangirnagar Review Part II: Social Sciences (AcademicJournal of The Faculty of Social Sciences JahangirnagarUniversity Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh), Dhaka, Bangladesh, ISSN 1682-422,Vol. XLIV, 2020, pp. 359-372 [: https://juniv.edu/journal/11274/file].

2.    Administrative Interactions for Effective ServiceDelivery: Analysis of UNESCO’s Five Functions, Journal ofPublic Administration (Annual Academic Journal of Department of PublicAdministration,  Jahangirnagar University),Dhaka,Bangladesh, ISSN 2311-3812,No. 12, June 2019, pp. 01-14. [ : https://afus-unesco.org/assets/files/unesco-75-ans/administrativeinteractionforeffectiveservicedeliveryanalysisofunescosfivefunctions.pdf]

3.    Identifying Potential Areas for EnhancingE-Governance in Comprehensive Rural Development: Bangladesh Perspective (with Kalimullah,Nazmul Ahsan and Alam, Kabir M. Ashraf), BUPJOURNAL (Annual Academic Journal of Bangladesh University of Professionals-BUP), Dhaka, ISSN: 2219-4851, Volume 6, Issue 2, December 2018, pp. 21-33 Access Link: http://journal.bup.edu.bd/Journals/Article/39].

4.     Enhancing PublicService Delivery through Citizen’s Charter in Bangladesh: Academic andProcedural Review (withKalimullah, Nazmul Ahsan and Alam, Kabir M. Ashraf), BUP JOURNAL (Annual Academic Journal of Bangladesh University ofProfessionals- BUP), Dhaka, ISSN: 2219-4851, Volume6, Issue 1, July 2018, pp. 13-22. [Access Link: https://bup.edu.bd/system/uploads/journal/file/11/BUP_JOURNAL_JUL-2018_compressed.pdf]

5.     EnhancingDigitalized Public Service Delivery in Bangladesh: Review and Recommendations (An English Article with Kalimullah,Nazmul Ahsan and Alam, Kabir M. Ashraf), BUPJOURNAL (Annual Academic Journal of Bangladesh University of Professionals-BUP), Dhaka,Bangladesh, ISSN: 2219-4851,Volume 6, Special Issue, April 2018, pp. 19-30. [Access Link: https://bup.edu.bd/system/uploads/journal/file/12/BUP_JOURNAL_APR-2018_compressed.pdf]

6.     Strategies for Enhancing AdministrativeEthics in Bangladesh: Review and Recommendations (An English Article with Alam,Kabir M. Ashraf and Nour, M. M. Ashaduzzaman), BUP JOURNAL (Annual Academic Journal of Bangladesh University ofProfessionals- BUP), Dhaka, Bangladesh, ISSN:2219-4851, Volume 5, Issue 2, December 2017, pp. 35-45. [Access Link: https://bup.edu.bd/system/uploads/journal/file/13/BUP_JOURNAL_DEC_2017_compressed.pdf]

7.     Application of Strategic Planning Process in LocalGovernment: A Qualitative Analysis (with Alam, Kabir M. Ashraf and Nour, M. M.Ashaduzzaman), BUP JOURNAL (AnnualAcademic Journal of Bangladesh University of Professionals- BUP), Dhaka, Bangladesh, ISSN: 2219-4851, Volume 5, Issue 1, June2017, pp. 01-14. [AccessLink: https:/bup.edu.bd/system/uploads/journal/file/14/BUP_JOURNAL_MAY_2017_compressed.pdf]

8.     Strategic Management for Post-BureaucraticOrganizations: A Critical Analysis (An English Article with Kalimullah, NazmulAhsan and Alam, Kabir M. Ashraf), BUPJOURNAL (Annual Academic Journal of Bangladesh University of Professionals-BUP), Dhaka,Bangladesh, ISSN: 2219-4851,Volume 4, Issue 1, June 2016, pp. 01-14. [Access Link: https://bup.edu.bd/system/uploads/journal/file/15/BUP_JOURNAL_JUN_2016_compressed.pdf]

9.     Network Governance: An Overview (AnEnglish Article with Kalimullah, Nazmul Ahsan and Alam, Kabir M. Ashraf), BUP JOURNAL (Annual Academic Journal ofBangladesh University of Professionals- BUP), Dhaka, Bangladesh, ISSN:2219-4851, Volume 1, Issue 2, June 2014, pp. 01-19 [Access Link: https://bup.edu.bd/system/uploads/journal/file/16/BUP_JOURNAL_2015_compressed.pdf].

  1. New Public Management: Emergence and Principles (with Kalimullah, Nazmul Ahsan and Alam, Kabir M. Ashraf), BUP JOURNAL (Annual Academic Journal of Bangladesh University of Professionals- BUP), Dhaka, ISSN: 2219-4851, Volume 1, Issue 1, September 2012, pp. 01-22.

[Access Link: https://bup.edu.bd/system/uploads/journal/file/17/BUP_JOURNAL_2012_compressed.pdf]


Last Updated: 17 Oct 2024


International Public Management Network(Virtual) Conference, 9-10 July 2020 Seoul, South Korea

Title of the presented paper- ‘Quest for StrongLocal Leadership to Enhance Smart Governance in Rural Development ofBangladesh: An Empirical Study’

Last Updated: 17 Oct 2024


  1. PUBLIC MANAGEMENT FOR LOCAL GOVERNANCE IN BANGLADESH: AN ANTHOLOGY (An English Book with Kalimullah, Nazmul Ahsan and Alam, Kabir M. Ashraf) Ahmed Publishing House, Dhaka, 1st Edition, February 2019, ISBN: 978 984 11 0835 9. [Access Link: https://bengalboi.com/product/24607 ]
  2. PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS OF POST BUREAUCRACY: AN ANTHOLOGY (An English Book with Kalimullah, Nazmul Ahsan and Alam, Kabir M. Ashraf) Ahmed Publishing House, Dhaka, 1st Edition, July 2016, ISBN: 978 984 11 0786 4. [Access Link: https://www.boibazar.com/book/principles-and-applications-of-post-bureaucracy-an-anthology]
  3. JAPANER AHRTHONITI (A Bangla Book on Economics of Japan with Kalimullah, Nazmul Ahsan and Mamun, Abdullah-Al), Ahmed Publishing House, Dhaka, 1st Edition, July, 2014, ISBN: 978 984 11 0722 2. [Access Link: https://www.rokomari.com/book/93983/japaner-orthoneeti]
  4. SELECTED ESSAYS ON NEW PUBLIC MANAGEMENT, ADMINISTRATIVE REFORM AND PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION (An English Book with Kalimullah, Nazmul Ahsan and Alam, Kabir M. Ashraf) Ahmed Publishing House, Dhaka, 1st Edition, February 2014, ISBN: 978 984 11 0703 1. [Access Link: https://www.rokomari.com/book/78060/]
  5. JAPANER SAMAJ O SONGSKRITI (A Bangla Book on Society and Culture of Japan with Kalimullah, Nazmul Ahsan and Mamun, Abdullah-Al), Ahmed Publishing House, Dhaka, 1st Edition, December 2013, ISBN: 978 984 11 0705 5. [Access Link: https://www.rokomari.com/book/80080/japaner-somaj-o-shonskirty]
  6. JAPANER SARKAR O RAJNITI (A Bangla Book on Government and Politics of Japan with Kalimullah, Nazmul Ahsan and Mamun, Abdullah-Al), Ahmed Publishing House, Dhaka, 1st Edition, July 2013, ISBN: 978 984 11 0699 7. [Access Link: https://www.rokomari.com/book/80077/japaner-sarker-o-rajneti]

Last Updated: 17 Oct 2024

Last Updated: 17 Oct 2024

1. Deans Award for Best Course Kit (Faculty of Arts and Social Science) 2018-2019, Bangladesh University of Professionals

2. M.Phil Research Scholarship 2012-2013, University of Dhaka

3. Deans Award (Faculty of Social Science) 2010, University of Dhaka

4. Rabeya Khatun Memorial Gold Medal 2010, University of Dhaka

5. Ruhul AminAward 2012, Ruhul Amin Bandu Shava (RBS)

Last Updated: 17 Oct 2024

  • Rural Development in Bangladesh
  • Administrative Reform in Bangladesh
  • E Governance in Bangladesh
  • Change Management
  • Public Administration in Bangladesh
  • Introduction to Social Statistics
  • Legal System of Bangladesh
  • Development Theories and Practice

Last Updated: 17 Oct 2024