
HRM Practices and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour of Employees in RMG Industry of Bangladesh: Moderating Effect of Psycho-social Safety Climate

Researcher Name/Project Director/Author: Abu Daud Lutful Zamir Khan PhD Researcher Registration no.: 100401190037 Session: 2018-2019

Publish Status:  Completed

Research For:  CHSR

Date:  08-Dec-2024

Year:  2024

Supervisor Name/Project Supervisor:  Mohammad Rabiul Basher Rubel, PhD Associate Professor of Management Studies BRAC Business School BRAC University Dhaka, Bangladesh


This study is an endeavour to explore and analyze employee organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB) as an outcome of HRM practices and psychosocial safety climate (PSC) in the ready-made garment (RMG) industry ofBangladesh. The objective of this study is to probe the relationship between HRM practices and OCB with moderating effect of PSC and identifyfuture research issues in RMG industry of Bangladesh.The study applied a mixed-methods approach, adopting the quantitative method of data collection and analysis first and then the qualitative method, including employees’ physical health and safety climate. Thestudy followedcross-sectionalapproach,where quantitative method appliedco-relational and qualitative method applied thematic analysis techniques. The target population of the quantitative methodwas the operator-level employees of the RMG industry inBangladesh. The survey data were collectedin this regardfrom 395 sample respondents followed by the G*Power software version Cochran’s formula for approximate population.The present study examined a theoretical model and relevant hypotheses applied by the PLS-SEM path model approach. The study employed SPSS v.20 and SmartPLS v.3.3.3 for descriptive and inferential statistical assessments. The qualitative part used the interview method for data collection, following FGD and KII and applied manual data coding techniques. The study results of quantitative data analysis supported five hypotheses from direct effect model,which revealed significant positive relationship between five components of HRM practices and OCB (recruitment and selection-OCB, training and development-OCB, job security-OCB, performance appraisal-OCB and employee participation-OCB relationships) where there was no relationship between compensation and OCB.The study results supported three hypotheses from moderating effect model and divulged that PSC significantly moderated the positive relationships between recruitment and selection and OCB, training and development and OCB and employee participation and OCB. Besides, PSC had nomoderating effect on compensation-OCB, job security-OCB and performance appraisal-OCB relationships. The researcher found a notable gap in HRM, OCB,PSCandphysical health and safety climate literature andfilled it up through this investigation.The study presented a triangulated discussion to verify the results of the quantitative method with the findings of the qualitative analysis.The study discussed its findings in consistence with previous research report and put suggestions for HRM professionals and future researchers.

Keywords:Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Human Resource Management Practices, Psychosocial Safety Climate, Physical Health and Safety Climate, Ready-made Garment (RMG) Industry of Bangladesh.

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