An Assessment of the Effectiveness of Training Provided by the National Academy for Planning and Development on Project Management
Researcher Name/Project Director/Author: Mohammad Hasan Tarik PhD Researcher Reg: 100401160006 Session: 2015-2016
Publish Status: Completed
Research For: CHSRDate: 08-Dec-2024
Year: 2024
Supervisor Name/Project Supervisor: Mohamamd Thoufiqul Islam, PhD Professor Department of Management University of Dhaka
Training is the significant approach for human resource development which creates new skill in employees and contributes in achieving organizational objectives. Project Management training is extremely mandatory for improving the performance of development projects for accelerating the socio-economic development of Bangladesh. Identification of the training effectiveness is essential for assessment of the outcome of the training. The objective of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of Project Management training courses of National Academy for Planning and Development (NAPD). Kirkpatrick’s (1996) four levels of training evaluation model which are reaction, learning, behavior and result was utilized for the evaluation. Theoretical framework of this study can be used in concert with other learning theories like affective learning theory, behaviorism, cognitivism, constructivism, transfer of learning theory and social learning theory to improve the effectiveness of Project Management training of NAPD. This study used an epistemological research design. The study followed quantitative approach comprising of quantitative technique. Data was collected from primary and secondary sources. To collect data, purposive sampling technique was used. The population of this study is associated with the four core courses of NAPD of five different years those are being a part of the training system as trainees. Reliability analysis was conducted for ensuring the goodness of measures. Data processing and analysis incorporating descriptive analysis were done using SPSS 22 and MS excel software. The measurement and structural model were analyzed to validate the hypotheses using the latest analytical methods available in Smart PLS 3.0. The study found that the trainees provided positive response about the training arrangements and management of NAPD, they have gained sufficient knowledge about the different modules of the Project Management training courses, the trainees developed the capacity to demonstrate the improved job behavior in their respective workplaces and they could apply the gained knowledge appropriately in the workplaces and most of them utilized the specific knowledge of Project Management in different phases of development projects. The study identified that there are significant positive influences between reaction and learning, learning and behavior, behavior and result, result and training effectiveness which satisfies the research hypotheses and conforms to the Kirkpatrick’s (1996) four levels of training evaluation. It can be conferred that Project Management training courses organized by NAPD are considered to be effective. The major implication of this study is that the extended version of Kirkpatrick model—reaction to learning, learning to behavior, behavior to result, and result to training effectiveness proved in this study—will add a new horizon in the training effectiveness evaluation knowledge domain. The implication of this study also depicts that the study identified that reaction has no positive relationship with training effectiveness. Similarly, learning has also no positive relationship with training effectiveness which conforms to the findings of the earlier studies. The study also found that some of trainees could not contribute properly in their workplaces. To address this problem some of the recommendations came out from this study to modify the course designs which should be incorporated to make the training courses worthy for the participants.
Keywords: Training, Training Effectiveness, Project Management and Kirkpatrick’s four level of training evaluation.