Research & Publication

Md. Kaysher Hamid

CapacityUtilization and Production Efficiency of Sugar Industry of Bangladesh: An Applicationof DEA. Journal of Innovation in Business Studies, Volume-02, Issue-01, January-2022.

Md. Kaysher Hamid

A Study on the Long-run Association Between Macroeconomic Condition and Non-performing Loan in Banking Sector of Bangladesh; Co-Authored with Farhana Rahman, International Journal of Service Science, Management and Engineering, Volume 07, No 01, Page1-4, December 2020.

Md. Kaysher Hamid

A Studyon the Long-run Association Between Macroeconomic Condition and Non-performing Loanin Banking Sector of Bangladesh; Co-Authored with Farhana Rahman, InternationalJournal of Service Science, Management and Engineering, Volume 07, No 01, Page1-4, December 2020.

Md. Kaysher Hamid

Impact ofMacroeconomic Variables on Non-Performing Loan in Banking Sector of Bangladesh;Co-Authored with Farhana Rahman, The Jahangirnagar Journal of Business Studies,Volume 08, No 01, Page 157-168, June 2019.

Md. Kaysher Hamid

Impact ofBank-Specific Factors on Non-Performing Loans (NPL): Empirical Evidence fromListed Private Commercial Banks of Bangladesh; Co-Authored with Ratan Ghosh and Md. Sohel Rana, TheJahangirnagarJournal of Business Studies, Volume 08, No 01, Page 115-127, June2019.

Md. Kaysher Hamid

Impact ofMacroeconomic Variables on Economic Growth: Bangladesh Perspective; Co-Authoredwith AHM Yeaseen Chowdhury and Rowshonara Akter Akhi, Information Managementand Computer Science, Volume 02, Issue 02, Page 19-22, October 2019. 

Md. Kaysher Hamid

Impact ofFirm-Specific Attributes and Macroeconomic Conditions on Performance: EmpiricalEvidence from Banking Sector of Bangladesh; Co-Authored with Ratan Ghosh,European Journal of Applied Business Management, Volume 05, Issue 03, Page 20-31,September 2019.

Md. Kaysher Hamid

Effectsof Corporate Disclosure on Share Price Movement: An Empirical Study on ListedCompanies in Dhaka Stock Exchange; Co-Authored with AHM Yeaseen Chowdhury and MShahin Sarwar, Frontiers in Management Research, Volume 03, No 3, Page 85-91, July2019.

Md. Kaysher Hamid

FinancialManagement of Private Commercial Bank in Bangladesh: An Empirical Study onPrime Bank Limited; Co-Authored with Azharul Islam, American Journal ofEconomics and Business Management, Volume 02, No 2, Page 27-40, June 2019.

Md. Kaysher Hamid

Impact ofWorking Capital Management on Profitability: A Case Study on PharmaceuticalCompanies of Bangladesh; Co-Authored with AHM Yeaseen Chowdhury, MohammadZahedul Alam, and Sabiha Sultana, Journal of Economics, Business andManagement, Volume 06, No 1, Page 27-35, February 2018.

Md. Kaysher Hamid

Dynamics ofFirm Size and Performance Relationship: Evidence from the Banking Sector ofBangladesh, BUBT Journal, Volume 8, Page 42-58, January-December 2016.

Md. Kaysher Hamid

Study on theRisk-Adjusted Performance of Close-End Mutual Funds: A Case Study ofBangladesh, Prime University Journal, Volume 10, Number 2, Page 100-115,July-December 2016. 

Md. Kaysher Hamid

The Relationship between CEO Compensation andFirm Performance in the Banking Sector of Bangladesh; Co-Authored with Md. Yousuf Harun,AIUB Journal of Business and Economics, Volume 13, Number 1, Page 19-43,November 2016.

Md. Kaysher Hamid

Liquidityand Profitability Trade-off in Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals Sector ofBangladesh; Co-Authored with Rowshonara Akter Akhi, International Journal ofScience and Research, Volume 5, Issue 9, Page 420-423, September 2016. 

Md. Kaysher Hamid

ThePractice of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Banking Sector of Bangladesh;Co-Authored with Md. Tarikul Islam, The Jahangirnagar Journal of Finance &Banking, Volume 02, Page 25-42, June 2014. 

Md. Sahidul Islam

Islam, M. S.  (2023), Karl Marx’s Philosophy and The Emancipation of Man Philosophy and Progress, Academic Journal, Dept. of Philosophy, University of Dhaka

Md. Sahidul Islam

Islam, M. S. & Ahsan, M. J.  (2021), John Rawls’ Theory of Justice as Fairness: A Critical Exploration, BUP JOURNAL, Volume - 8, Issue - 2, June – 2021

Md. Sahidul Islam

Islam, M. S. & Islam, M. N. (2018), “Albert Camus’ Meursault in the Outsider: An Existential Hero and Beyond. Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Volume 23, Issue 1, January 2018.

Md. Sahidul Islam

Islam, M. S. & Hossain, K. F. (2018), “Rawls’ Theory of Justice as Fairness and Its Application to Society”, BUP Academic Journal, Volume 6, Special Issue, April 2018

Azharul Islam

1. Corporate governance and banks’ productivity: evidence from the banking industry in Bangladesh, Journal: Business Research, Volume 13, Issue 2,  Pages 615-637, Publisher Springer International Publishing
2. Public policies and tax evasion: evidence from SAARC countriesJournal: Heliyon, Volume: 6, Issue: 11, 
 Pages e05449, Publisher: Elsevier.
3. Influence of perceived environmental knowledge and environmental concern on customers' green hotel visit intention: mediating role of green trustJournal oAsia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration, Publisher: Emerald Publishing Limited.
4. Behavioural Determinants of Green Managerial Practices: A Study on Bangladeshi BankersJournal: International Journal of Financial Research, Volume, 11 Issue 6, Pages 87-99, Publisher: International Journal of Financial Research, Sciedu Press
5. Financial Management of Private Commercial Bank in Bangladesh: An Empirical Study on Prime Bank LimitedJournal: American Journal of Economics and Business Management, Volume 2, Issue 2, Pages 27-40.

Mohammad Rajib Uddin

        “InternationalizedBangladesh” IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM)e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN: 2319-7668. Volume 15, Issue 4 (Nov. - Dec. 2013), PP60-62

Mohammad Rajib Uddin

        “An Essayon the Potential for Successful Adoption of Quality Assurance Practices atIspahani Islamia Eye Institute and Hospital” Science Journal of Businessand Management ISSN: 2331-0626. Vol. 3, Issue Number 6, December 2015

Mohammad Rajib Uddin

        “SupplyChain Management Implementation Failure Modes In The Bangladeshi ReadymadeGarments Industry” Mainstreaming the Marginalized: Perspectives inHumanities, Commerce and Science. ISBN: 978-93-83871-08-7

Mohammad Rajib Uddin

        “GreenSupply Chain and Competitive Advantage: Antecedent and Outcome of GreenPerformance in Ready-made Garment Organizations in Bangladesh”  International Journalof Modern Trends in Social Sciences (IJMTSS)  eISSN : 2600-8777, Vol. 1,Issue 5 (December 2018)

Mohammad Rajib Uddin

        “Effectof Customers’ Attitude, Involvement on Purchase Intention: Moderating Effect ofCause Related Marketing Campaigns” International Journal ofMarketing Studies, ISSN 1918-719X (Print), ISSN 1918-7203 (Online)

Mohammad Rajib Uddin

        “Method ForManufacturing Light Weight Modular Blade For Savonius Vertical Wind TurbineUsing Metal Sheet And Metal Pipe” Australian Official Journal of Patents ISSN0819-1794 Vol. 33, Issue No: 22, 13th June, 2019

Mohammad Rajib Uddin

        “Patent Number: AU-A-2019100563”AustralianOfficial Journal of Patents ISSN 0819-1794 Vol. 33, Issue No: 24, 27thJune, 2019

Mohammad Rajib Uddin

        “Contactless AutomaticSelf Energized Resistance Drive Shaft” Australian Official Journal ofPatents, IP Australia, Australian Government ISSN 0819-1794 Vol. 34, Issue No:36, 10th September 2020

Mohammad Rajib Uddin

        “Patent Number: AU-A-2020101944” Australian OfficialJournal of Patents, IP Australia, Australian Government ISSN 0819-1794 Vol. 34,Issue No: 39, 1st October 2020

Mohammad Rajib Uddin

        “Green Supply ChainManagement practice of RMG sector in Bangladesh” IOSR Journal of Business andManagement (IOSR-JBM) e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN: 2319-7668. Volume 23, Issue 4.Ser. II (April 2021), PP 51-63

Mohammad Rajib Uddin

"Determinants of e-commerce customer satisfaction: mediating role of IT innovation acceptance" International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, ISSN: 0265-671X.

Mohammad Rajib Uddin

        “Beyond thehype: Deciphering brand trust amid sustainability scepticism”, BusinessStrategy and the Environment, 1–16.

Md. Mahedi Hasan

Islam, M.S., Alam, M.S. and Hasan, M.M., 2014. Inter-spousal communication on family planning and its effect on contraceptive use and method choice in Bangladesh. Asian Social Science, 10(2), p.189.

Md. Mahedi Hasan

Sultana, N. and Hasan, M.M., 2016. Investigating the consumers’ perception towards usage of plastic money in Bangladesh: An application of confirmatory factor analysis. South East Asia Journal of contemporary business, economics and law, 9(2), pp.16-24.

Md. Mahedi Hasan

Rahman, N.M.F., Hasan, M.M., Hossain, M.I., Baten, M.A., Hosen, S., Ali, M.A. and Kabir, M.S., 2016. Forecasting Aus rice area and production in Bangladesh using Box-Jenkins approach. Bangladesh Rice J, 20(1), pp.1-10.

Md. Mahedi Hasan

Youth skill development loans (YSDL) and good governance in Bangladesh: a logit model analysis

Md. Mahedi Hasan

Nury, A.H., Hasan, K., Alam, M.J.B. and Hasan, M.M., 2017. Analysis of time series variations of temperature and its forecast in the northeastern Bangladesh. International Journal of Global Warming, 13(2), pp.157-182.

Md. Mahedi Hasan

Ahmed, M.U., Muzib, M.M. and Hasan, M.M., 2016. Inflation, inflation uncertainty and relative price variability in Bangladesh. Eurasian Economic Review, 6, pp.389-427.

Jarin Tasnim

THE IMPACT OF PROMOTING BANGLADESH TOURISM THROUGH SOCIAL MEDIA: THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES AND EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE : International Journal of Economics,Business and Management Research Vol. 4,No. 12; 2020 ISSN:2456-7760Impact factor 5.726

Jarin Tasnim

Understanding Digital Customer Satisfaction in the Era of 4th Industrial Revolution  Journal of Innovation in Business Studies,Volume-02,Issue-01, January2022, BUP2.

Jarin Tasnim

Relationship Between Exchange Rate and Inflation rate in Bangladesh: An Empirical Investigation Jahangirnagar UniversityJournal of Business Research(JUJBR) IBA,JUJune 2021 Volume22Page 121-1303.

Jarin Tasnim

Entrepreneurial Marketing in Direct to Home (DTH)Service: The Case of AKASH in Bangladesh  Jahangirnagar universityJournal of Management ResearchVol.3, 2020 ISSN:2522-3755Page 61-734.

Jarin Tasnim

Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction Level for Green Banking Practices in Banks of Bangladesh  BAUASTAcademicJournalVOL-1 ISSUE-1DEC-2020Page 90-1045.

Jarin Tasnim

Understanding Customer Gratification Regarding ‘Aarong’ in Dhaka City BUFT Journal of Business &Economics(BJBE) ISSN 2664-9942(Print) 2020Volume 1, Pg: 257-269

Reajmin Sultana

1.          Hidden Costs of Control:Consequences of Over Application of Rigid Control , 2016, with Arifa Tun-Naim, Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, Volume 7, Number 16, pp. 77–83.

2.    Applicationof environmental accounting reporting practices and problems regarding the presentationof it in Bangladesh (A case study on fossil-fuel sector),  2017, EuropeanScientific Journal, Volume 13, Number 2,pp. 348-361.

3.  Comparative analysis between Ngo &company financial statements, 2018,  American Scientific      ResearchJournal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, Volume 39, Number 1, pp. 169–179.

4.    Sustainability of Accounting Profession atthe Age of Fourth Industrial Revolution, 2018,  with   Aziza Akhter, International Journal ofAccounting and Financial Reporting, Volume 8, Number 4, pp. 139–158.

5.   Family ownership,information problem and firm performance, 2021, Journalof Research in Business and Social Science, Volume 10, Number 6, pp. 73–82.


6.  Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on financialreporting and disclosure practices: empirical evidence from Bangladesh, 2021,with Ratan Ghosh and Kanon Kumar Sen, Asian Journal of Economics and Banking,Volume 6, Number 1,pp. 122–139.

7.   Re-Conceptualizing the Drivers TowardmHealth Adoption in a Least Developing Country: A Qualitative Exploration, 2022 withNajmul Hasan and Yukun Bao, Sage open, Volume 12,Number 2, pp. 1–15.

Md. H Asibur Rahman

Rahman, M. H. A., & Karim, D. N. (2022). Organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior: The mediating role of work engagement. Heliyon, 8(5), e09450.

Md. H Asibur Rahman

Rahman, M. H. A., Uddin, M. S., & Dey, A. (2021). Investigating the mediating role of online learning motivation in the COVID‐19 pandemic situation in Bangladesh. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning37(6), 1513-1527.

Md. H Asibur Rahman

Arefin, K. A., Hossain, A., & Rahman, M. H. A. (2021). Factor Affecting COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in Bangladesh: An Empirical Investigation. IAR Journal of Health Care and Prevention1(1).

Md. H Asibur Rahman

Md. H Asibur Rahman

Rahman, M. H. A., & Karim, D. N. (2019). The effect of performance appraisal on organizationalcitizenship behaviour (OCB): a study on the Islamic Banks in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Public Administration, 25(2), 17-43

Md. H Asibur Rahman

Rahman, H. A., & Chowdhuri, A. S. M. B. (2018). Effect of employee compensation on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB): A study on private commercial banks in Bangladesh. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, VI5, 848-863.

Md. H Asibur Rahman

Rubel, M., & Rahman, M. H. A. (2018). Effect of Training and Development on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB): An Evidence from private commercial banks in Bangladesh. Global Journal of Management and Business Research. 18 (08), 71-80.

Md. H Asibur Rahman

Karim, Z., & Rahman, M. H. A. (2018). Practices of Human Resource Information Systems: A Study on Some Private Business Enterprises in Bangladesh. Global Journal of Management and Business Research. 18 (11), 43 50.

Md. H Asibur Rahman

Sharmin, S., Rahman, M. H. A., & Karim, D. N.(2022). Green Human Resource Management Practices and OrganizationalCitizenship Behaviour towards the Environment in the Banking Sector in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Public Administration, 30(1), 29-48.

Md. H Asibur Rahman

Saima, F. N., Rahman, M. H. A., & Ghosh, R.(2022). MFS usage intention during COVID-19 and beyond: an integration ofhealth belief and expectation confirmation model. Journal of Economic andAdministrative Sciences.

Md. H Asibur Rahman

Rahman, M. H. A. (2023). Faculty development programs (FDP) in developing professional efficacy: A comparative study among participants and non-participants of FDP in Bangladesh. Social Sciences & Humanities Open7(1), 100499.

Md. H Asibur Rahman

Rahman, M. H. A., Kulsum, C.U. and Sagir, S.A.M. (2023) ‘Workplace ostracism on employee creativity: The moderating role of knowledge sharing behaviour in insurance companies. International Journal of Work Innovation, 0(0), 00-00 (Accepted on 31 July 2023).

Md. H Asibur Rahman

Dey, A., & Rahman, M. H. A. (2023). Impact of Social Media-based Brand Community Participation on Brand Image in Bangladesh:Mediating Role of Brand Association and Brand Awareness. Global Journal ofManagement and Business Research, XXII(III), 71–84.

Md. H Asibur Rahman

Rahman, M. S., Md Som, H., Karim, D. N., & Rahman, M. H. A., Karim, M. M. (2023).The effect of pay equity on organizational commitment in higher education institutions in Bangladesh.. (4), 240-252. doi10.21511/ppm.21(4).2023.19

Md. H Asibur Rahman

Rahman, M. H. A., Finsterwalder, J., & Kuppelwieser, V. G. (2024). Ageing and wellbeing co-creation: systematic literature review and future avenues for transformative Service Researchers. The Service Industries Journal, 1-30.

Md. H Asibur Rahman

Karim, D. N., Hossain, M. M., Chowdhury, S. P., Al Karim, R., Rahman, M. H. A., & Rahman, M. S. (2024). Linking performance appraisal fairness and performance feedback to bankers’ extra-role customer service behavior: A serial multiple mediation model. Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 10, 100956. 

Md. H Asibur Rahman

Rahman, M. S., Md Som, H.,  Rahman, M. H. A., & Karim, D. N. (2024). A Bibliometric Analysis on Intended and Actual Turnover in Higher Education. Higher Education Quarterly.

Md. H Asibur Rahman

Rahman, M. H. A., & Das, A. (2024). Unveiling workplace dynamics: Exploring the interplay of diversity, inclusion, workplace ostracism, and deviant behaviour. International Journal of Services, Economics and Management.

S.M. Sayem

FinTech Services and Network Economics: Mediating Effect of FinTech Adoption

S.M. Sayem

IoT Technology Applications and Healthcare System’s Performance in the era of 4IR: Evidence from Bangladesh

S.M. Sayem

Assessing the Effect of Cloud-based E-banking Services on Customer Satisfaction: Evidence from Bangladesh

S.M. Sayem

The Impact of Human Resource Information Systems on Organization’s Performance: A Comparative Study on Bangladeshi Companies Using HRIS

S.M. Sayem

Conference Paper: Mediating Effect of Student Engagement between IT Facilities and Student Performance

S.M. Sayem

Conference Paper: The Impact of Human Resource Information Systems on Organization’s Performance: A Comparative Study on Bangladeshi Companies Using HRIS

S.M. Sayem

Conference Paper: Determinants of E-commerce Customer Satisfaction:Mediating Role of IT Innovation Acceptance

Sadman Kabir

Investigating Social and Environmental Reporting by DSE Listed Companies in Bangladesh, October 2021, Volume 13, Issue 1, Journal of Business Studies, University of Rajshahi, Page 1-22.

Sadman Kabir

Earnings Manipulation Behavior in the Banking Industry of Bangladesh: The Strategical Implication of Beneish M-Score Model August 2022, Volume 40, Issue 3, Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research, Emerald Publishing Limited, Page302-328.

Sadman Kabir

FinTech Services and Network Economics: Mediating Effect of FinTech Adoption, September2022, Volume 8, Issue 5, International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education, Page 314-326.

Masuma Binte Yousuf

Rakin,S. R., Yousuf, M. B., & Rubel, M. R. B. (2020). Socially responsible HRM and environmental performance of banking organization in Bangladesh: Mediating effect of green innovation. International Journal of Human Resource Studies10(4), 268-286.

Masuma Binte Yousuf

Yousuf, M. B. & Rakin, S. R. (2020); High Commitment Human Resource Management Practices and Employee Engagement of Ready-Made Garment (RMG)Industry in Bangladesh, Int. J. of Adv. Res. 8 (Jul).1578-1589                                                        

Masuma Binte Yousuf

Yousuf, M. B. & Rakin, S. R. (2024); Greening the Workforce: Green Human Resources Management and Green Service Behavior in the Ready-Made Garments Sector of Bangladesh. Internation Journal of Advance Research And Innovative Ideas In Education, 10(4), 2497-2504.

Mafi Rahman

Exploring the Capabilities Toward Embracing 4IR for Sustainable Business in Bangladesh, Vol 437, October 2022, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Springer (Electronic ISSN: 2367-3389, Print ISSN: 2367-3370)

Mafi Rahman

Employers’ Perception towards Competencies for Hiring Business Graduates in Bangladesh: Myth and Reality, Vol 23, Issue-1, January-June 2020, Bangladesh Institute of Labour Studies-BILS Journal (ISSN: 2224-1817)

Mafi Rahman

Collaborating AI and HR to Facilitate Talent Hunting, Vol. 01, Issue 02, March (2024), SANGAM International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, (E-ISSN: 2584-086X)

Israt Jahan Dina
