Research & Publication

Dr. Shamsunnahar Khanam

·        2018-2023
Ayesha Akter,ab Masafumi Goto,*a Megat Johari Megat Mohd Noor,a Ahmed Parvez,c Shamsunnahar Khanam, Md. Abu Bakar Siddique, e Md Faysal Hossainf and Tapos Kormoker (2023),
“Immobilization of heavy metals in tannery sludge by the formation of tobermorite in subcritical water treatment with rice husk silica, Royal Society of Chemistry. IF:4.036 (Q1)

Dr. Shamsunnahar Khanam

·         Tahsina Khan, Shamsunnahar Khanam, Md Habibur Rahman, Syed Mahbubur Rahman | Determinations of microfinance facility or installing solar home system (SHS) in rural Bangladesh | Energy Policy | Volume 132 | 2019, IF: 5.042 (Q1)

Dr. Shamsunnahar Khanam

·         Shamsunnahar Khanam, Md. Golam Muktadir and Afnan Dilshad (2022) Climate Change and Its Impact in Different Seasons: A Micro-level Community Based Study in the South-Western Coastal Area, Bangladesh” JOURNAL OF FST (Volume 1, Issue 1).

Dr. Shamsunnahar Khanam

·         Raihan Sorker and Shamsunnahar Khanam (2022) “Phthalate esters (PAEs) : Emerging organic pollutant  in Aquatic Ecosystems”, for publication in the JOURNAL OF FST (Volume 1, Issue 1).

Dr. Shamsunnahar Khanam

·        Eng. K.J. Sirikumara   and  Dr. Shamsunnahar Khanam (2021), “Understanding the Diffusion,Performance and Barriers of Biogas Development” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FORINNOVATIVE RESEARCH IN MULTIDISCIPLINARY FIELD, (ISSN: 2455-0620) (ScientificJournal Impact Factor: 6.719) Monthly Peer-Reviewed, Refereed, Indexed ResearchJournal, Index Copernicus International - IC Value: 86.87.

Dr. Shamsunnahar Khanam

·        Shamsunnahar Khanam1*,Tabassum Sultana2, and Zannatul Ferdous3 (July, 2021)“Retail Food Waste: Existing Research and Research Gap”, Ann Soc Sci Manage Stud.2021; 6(5): 555696. DOI: 10.19080/ASM.2021.06.555696

Dr. Shamsunnahar Khanam

Ayesha Akter, MegatJohari Megat Mohd Noor, Masa Goto, Shamsunnahar Khanam, Ahmed Parvez, Md.Rasheduzzaman (2019), “Landslide Disaster in Malaysia: An Overview”,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT, Vol 8 Issue 6, DOINo. : 10.24940/ijird/2019/v8/i6/JUN19058

Dr. Shamsunnahar Khanam

Md. Istiak Hossain, Dr.Shamsunnahar Khanam, Md. Arifur Rahman Bhuiyan (June, 2021), “ Assessment ofWater Quality Parameters and Associated Health Impacts of Supplied DrinkingWater in Mohakhali and Banani Area of Dhaka City, Bangladesh, InternationalOrganization of Scientific Research (IOSR), Journal of Environmental Science,Toxicology and Food Technology, Vol. 15 (6), DOI: 10.9790/2402-1506025966

Mahbub Alam

Baalousha, M., Wang, J., Nabi, M. M., Alam, M., Erfani, M., Gigault, J., Blancho, F., Davranche, M., Potter, P. M., and Al-Abed, S. R., 2024. Elemental fingerprint as a potential tool for tracking the fate of real-life model nanoplastics generated from plastic consumer products in environmental systems. Environmental Science: Nano, 11, 373-388,

Mahbub Alam

Sikder, S., Toha, M., Sultan, M. B., Anik, A. H., Alam, M., Parvin, F., andTareq, S. M., 2024. A comprehensive review on the fate and impact of antibiotic residues in the environment and public health: A special focus on the developing countries. Water Environment Research, 96, 2, e10987,

Mahbub Alam

Alam, M., Alshehri, T., Wang, J., Singerling, S. A., Alpers, C. N., and Baalousha, M., 2023. Identification and quantification of Cr, Cu, and As incidental nanomaterials derived from CCA-treated wood in wildland-urban interface fire ashes. Journal of Hazardous Materials, Volume 445, 130608, ISSN 0304-3894,

Mahbub Alam

Khan, R., Anik, A. H., Hossain, S., Phoungthong, K., Islam, A. R. M. T., Saha, N., Idris, A. M., and Alam, M., 2023. Receptor model-based source profiling of elements in sediments of an anthropogenically less impacted Himalayan River: Sediment quality and risk assessment. Chemosphere, Volume 339, 139733,

Mahbub Alam

Anik, A. H., Sultan, M. B., Alam, M., Parvin, F., and Tareq, S. M., 2023. The impact of climate change on water resources and associated health risks in Bangladesh: A review. Water Security, 18, 100133,

Mahbub Alam

Khan, R., Hossain, S., Anik, A. H., Phoungthong, K., Islam, A. R. M. T., Saha, N., Idris, A. M., and Alam, M., 2023. Indexical and statistical approaches to investigate the integrated origins of elements in the sediment of Teesta River, Bangladesh: Sediment quality and ecological risks assessment. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 25, 832-849.

Mahbub Alam

Rahman, M. M., Sultan, M. B., and Alam, M., 2023. Microplastics and adsorbed micropollutants as emerging contaminants in landfill: A mini review. Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health, Volume 31, 100420, ISSN 2468-5844,

Mahbub Alam

Kormoker, T., Karmoker, R., Uddind, M., Kabir, M. H., Siddique, M. A. B., Khan, R., Islam, M. S., Abdullah Al, M., Alam, M., Ustaoğlu, F., Islam, M., and Idris, A. M., 2022. Toxic elemental abundances in the sediment of the Jamuna River, Bangladesh: pollution status, sources, toxicity, and ecological risks assessment. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 1-23,

Mahbub Alam

Alam, M., Sultan, M. B., Mehnaz, M., Fahim, C. S. U., Hossain, S., and Anik, A. H., 2022. Production of biogas from food waste in laboratory scale dry anaerobic digester under mesophilic condition. Energy Nexus, Volume 7, 100126, ISSN 2772-4271,

Mahbub Alam

Hossain, S., Anik, A. H., Khan, R., Ahmed, F. T., Siddique, M. A. B., Khan, A. H. A. N., Saha, N., Idris, A. M., and Alam, M., 2022. Public health vulnerability due to the exposure of dissolved metal(oid)s in tap water from a mega city (Dhaka, Bangladesh): Source and quality appraisals. Exposure and Health, 14, 713–732,

Mahbub Alam

Anik, A. H., Hossain, S., Alam, M., Sultan, M. B., Hasnine, M. T., and Rahman, M. M., 2021. Microplastics pollution: A comprehensive review on the sources, fates, effects, and potential remediation. Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management, Volume 16, 100530,

Mahbub Alam

Hossain, S., Anik, A. H., and Alam, M., 2021. Radioactivity and its possible impact on environment and human health: A review. International Research Journal of Environmental Sciences, 10 (4), 24-34, E-ISSN 2319-1414.

Mahbub Alam

Alam, M., Arikan, O. A., Yuksel, E., Eyvaz, M., Gurbulak, E., and Gunaydin, O., 2019. Determination of veterinary antibiotics in dairy manure slurry by LC-MS/MS. Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, 42:17-18, 555-562, DOI: 10.1080/10826076.2019.1636259.

Mahbub Alam

Ferdous, J., Paul, D., Howlader, M. S. U., Alam, M., and Hossain, M. S., 2019. A study of relationship between dietary habits and cancer patients status in a Bangladeshi population. International Journal of Health Sciences and Research, 9(2): 22-26, ISSN 2249-9571.

Mahbub Alam

Alam. M., Rikta, S. Y., Bahauddin, K., Hasnine, T. and Kamal, A. K. I., 2018. Production of eco-friendly handmade paper from wastepaper and other local biomass material. Academia Journal of Environmental Science, 6(7): 147-155, DOI:10.15413/ajes.2018.0128.

Mahbub Alam

Alam, M. and Bahauddin. K. M., 2015. Electronic waste in Bangladesh: Evaluating the situation, legislation and policy and way forward with strategy and approach. Present Environment and Sustainable Development, 9 (1), 81-101, ISSN (Online) 2284-7820, DOI: 10.1515/pesd-2015-0005.

Mahbub Alam

Rikta, S. Y., Alam, M., Hossain, K. F. B., and Tareq, S. M., 2015. Photodegradation of textile effluent using solar radiation. International Journal of Environmental Protection and Policy, Special Issue: Advances in Environmental Researches, 3 (2-1), 14-18, DOI: 10.11648/j.ijepp.s.2015030201.13.

Mahbub Alam

Kamal, A. K. I., Ahmed, F., Alam, M., and Uddin, M. N., 2015. Removal of methylene blue dye by burned coal from brick field and eggshell as an adsorbent. Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES), 6 (2), 148-155, ISSN (Online) 2222-3045.

Mahbub Alam

Ahmed, F., Ahmed, F., Islam, M. R., Kamal, A. K. I. and Alam, M., 2015. Sanitation and environmental status of near by village around the industrial activities of Dhaka export processing zone (DEPZ), Bangladesh. International Research Journal of Environmental Sciences, 4(5), 1-5, E-ISSN 2319-1414.

Mahbub Alam

Alam, M., Hasnine, M. T. and Liza, T. A., 2014. An evaluation of environmental and social impact due to industrial activities - A case study of Bangshi river around Dhaka export processing zone (DEPZ), Bangladesh. International Research Journal of Environmental Sciences, 3(2), 103-111, E-ISSN 2319-1414.

Mahbub Alam

Velez, K. E. C., Alam, M., Baalousha, M., and Norman, R. S., 2024. Wildfire ashes from the Wildland Urban Interface alter Vibrio vulnificus growth and gene expression. Environmental Science and Technology, 58, 19, 8169-8181,

Mahbub Alam

Laurent, J. G. C., Parhizkar, H., Calderon, L., Lizonova, D., Tisodra, I., Mihalopoulos, N., Kavouras, I., Alam, M., Baalousha, M., Bazina, L., Kelesidis, G. A., and Demokritou, P., 2024. Physicochemical characterization of the particulate matter in New Jersey/New York City area, resulting from the Canadian Quebec wildfires in June 2023. Environmental Science and Technology, 58, 33, 14753-14763,

Mahbub Alam

Gigault, J., Gibaud, M., Bagousse, M. L., Cai, H., Belleau, C. C., Luthi-Maire, A., Guilmette, C., Decaulne, A, Alam, M., and Baalousha, M., 2024. Waste Combustion Releases Anthropogenic Nanomaterials in Indigenous Arctic Communities. Environmental Science and Technology, 58, 34, 15170-15180,

Mahbub Alam

Alam, M., Sitter, J. D., Vannucci, A. k., Webster, J. P., Matiasek, S. J., Alpers, C. N., and Baalousha, M., 2024. Environmentally persistent free radicals and other paramagnetic species in wildland-urban interface fire ashes. Chemosphere, Volume 363, 142950,

Mahbub Alam

Rahman, R. R., Baqee, A., Alam, M., Khan. M. W., Muhib, M. I., and Kabir, A., 2024. Organ-specific bioaccumulation of microplastics in market fish of Dhaka and size-dependent impacts of PVC microplastics on growth of Anabus testudineus. Environmental Pollution, Volume 361, 124807,

Alamgir Kabir

Kabir, A., Hasan, M.M., Rokonuzzaman, S., Abdullah, H.M.,& Hossain, M.S. (2024) A safe operating space for the major rivers in the BangladeshDelta. Environment Research Letters, 19(11): 114002.

Alamgir Kabir

Rahman, R., Baqee, A., Alam, M., Khan, M.W., Muhib,M.I., & Kabir, A. (2024) Organ-specificbioaccumulation of microplastics in market fish of Dhaka and size-dependentimpacts of PVC microplastics on growth of Anabustestudineus. Environmental Pollution, 361: 124807.

Alamgir Kabir

Ahmed, B., Islam, S., Quraishi, S. B., Alam, M.N. E., Ahsan, M. S., & Kabir, A.(2024) A probabilistic risk assessment of heavy metal in water and sediment: Anindustrially affected urban river in Bangladesh. Water Environment Research,96(8).

Alamgir Kabir

Alam, M., Sultan, M.B., Anik, A.H., Hossain, S.,Kabir, A., Hasnine, M.T. & Yuan,Q.  (2024). Microplastics in Landfill andLeachate. In: Kumar, A., Singh, V. (ed.) Microplastics Pollution and itsRemediation. Springer, Singapore.

Alamgir Kabir

Aurnab, I.T., Uddin, M.J. & Kabir, A. (2024) Risk assessment offour toxic heavy metals in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems around BSCICtannery industrial estate of Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Environmental Science andPollution Research, 31, 21.

Alamgir Kabir

Sorker, R., Khan, M.W., Kabir, A., Nawar, N. (2023) Variations in ecosystem service valuein response to land use changes in Dhaka and Gazipur Districts of Bangladesh. EnvironmentalSystems Research, 12, 32.

Alamgir Kabir

Rahman, R.R., Kabir, A. (2023) Spatiotemporal analysis and forecasting of airquality in the greater Dhaka region and assessment of a novel particulatematter filtration unit. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment,195, 824.   

Alamgir Kabir

Kabir, A., Sraboni, H.J., Hasan, M. M. & Sorker, R.(2022) Eco-environmental Assessment of the Turag River in the Megacity ofBangladesh. Environmental Challenges,6: 100423.   

Alamgir Kabir

Kabir, A., Amin, M.N., Roy, K. & Hossain, M.S. (2021)Determinants of climate change adaptation strategies in the coastal zone ofBangladesh: implications for adaptation to climate change in developingcountries. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 26, 30.

Alamgir Kabir

Amin, M.N., Assaduzzaman, M., Kabir, A., Snigdha, S. S. &Hossain, M.S. (2021) Lessons from local indigenous climate adaptationpractices: perceptions and evidence from coastal Bangladesh, LocalEnvironment, 26:8, 967-984.

Alamgir Kabir

Hossain, M.S.,Kabir, A. & Nargis, P. (2017) Climate Change impacts and adaptation inwetlands. In: Prusty BA, Chandra R, Azeez PA (ed.) Wetlands Science:Perspective from South Asia. Springer Nature,

Md. Arifur Rahman Bhuiyan

Emerging small-scale textile industries in residential areas of Mirpur, Dhaka City, Bangladesh: an assessment of the discharged wastewater quality and potential impacts. 2022. Tania, K. A., Bhuiyan, M. A. R. & Ferdous, M. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 194, 560. Publisher: Springer Nature.

Md. Arifur Rahman Bhuiyan

Human perspectives on rooftop gardening for ensuring food security in COVID-19 situation in Dhaka City, Bangladesh. 2021. Md Arifur Rahman Bhuiyan, Zannatul Ferdous. Big Data in Agriculture. 3(2), 74-78. Publisher: Zibeline International Publishing

Md. Arifur Rahman Bhuiyan

Macroplastics on Soil-Plant System: Inhibiting Effects of Macroplastics on the Growth of Green Amaranth (Amaranthus viridis). 2021. M Ferdous, MAR Bhuiyan and KA Tania. American Journal of Plant Sciences. 12(6), 926-933. Publisher: SCIRP.

Md. Arifur Rahman Bhuiyan

Assessment of water quality parameters and associated health impacts of supplied drinking water in Mohakhali and Banani area of Dhaka City, Bangladesh. 2021. MI Hossain, S Khanam and MAR Bhuiyan. IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology. 15(6 ii), 59-63.

Md. Arifur Rahman Bhuiyan

Cadmium and Lead tolerant bacteria isolated from industrial wastewater. 2017. MAR Bhuiyan, TF Khan, MS Chowdhury and SMI huq. Dhaka University Journal of Biological Sciences. 26(1), 29-38.

Md. Arifur Rahman Bhuiyan

Impacts of Tannery Effluents on the Environmental Quality of Hazaribagh Area of Bangladesh and its Possible Remediation Measures: A Review. 2022.  Faria Jahan, Md Arifur Rahman Bhuiyan, Israt Jahan, Md Golam Muktadir, Fatema Shahinur Jahan. Journal of FST. 1(1), 241-262.

Md. Arifur Rahman Bhuiyan

CROP GROWTH ENHANCEMENT: INVESTIGATING THE SIGNIFICANCE OF TEA WASTE COMPOST APPLIED AS ORGANIC FERTILIZER ON THE GROWTH RESPONSE OF MAIZE (ZEA MAYS) PLANT. 2023. Md. Arifur Rahman Bhuiyan, Syeda Tahmida Mutahara Abdal, Intehum Taufique Aurnab, Rifat Ahmed Shanto, Zannatul Ferdous. Journal of Wastes and Biomass Management. 5(2). 41-45. Publisher: Zibeline International Publishing.

Md. Arifur Rahman Bhuiyan

Implementation of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) and water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes) in the re-treatment of conventionally treated pharmaceutical wastewater: a case study of Radiant Pharmaceuticals Limited, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 2023. Era Juliet Das, Md. Arifur Rahman Bhuiyan, Md. Mahfuz Hasan. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 195:1210. Publisher: Springer

Md. Arifur Rahman Bhuiyan

Assessment of the efficacy of Azolla pinnata in improving textile dye wastewater quality at varying concentrations. 2024. Nishat Tasnim, Era Juliet Das, Khadiza Akter Tania, Md. Arifur Rahman Bhuiyan & Ferdous Ara Swarna. Bioremediation Journal. Publisher: Taylor & Francis.

Md. Arifur Rahman Bhuiyan

Do we unknowingly eat breakfast that contains microplastics?Unveiling the microplastic contamination in commercial flour. 2024. S. Aysha,M. B. Sultan, M. A. R. Bhuiyan, M. Toha, R. T. Ria. Food and Humanity. 3.100333. Publisher: Elsevier.

Md. Arifur Rahman Bhuiyan

Investigating the optimum conditions for azo dye (methyl orange and methyl red) decolorization from aqueous solution using oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus): A mycoremediation approach. 2024. K. A. Tania, E. J. Das, M. Tahsin & M. A. R. Bhuiyan. Bioremediation Journal. Publisher: Taylor & Francis.

Md. Arifur Rahman Bhuiyan

Trends of Research on Water Quality in Bangladesh: A Review, Shamsunnahar Khanam, Md. Arifur Rahman Bhuiyan and M. Ishtiak Hossain. Academia Journal of Environmental Science. 10(2), 18-30.

Md. Arifur Rahman Bhuiyan

Evaluating the sources of microplastic contamination and quantifying its abundance in the Balu River, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 2024. Anika Tasnim Odora, Sifat Aysha, Maisha Binte Sultan & Md. Arifur Rahman Bhuiyan. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 196: 867. Publisher: Springer Nature.

Md. Arifur Rahman Bhuiyan

Assessing the efficacy of surgical mask-based modified conventional filtration chambers in eradicating harmful microorganisms from wastewater. 2024. Sabikun Naher, Era Juliet Das, Mohammad Toha, Md. Arifur Rahman Bhuiyan & Khadiza Akter Tania. Urban Water Journal. Publisher: Taylor & Francis.

Israt Jahan

Haq, M. I., Omar, M.A.T., Zahra, Q.A. and Jahan, I.(2015). Evaluations of Adaptation Policies in GBM Delta of Bangladesh.DECCMA Working Paper, Deltas, Vulnerability and Climate Change: Migration andAdaptation, IDRC Project Number 107642

Israt Jahan

Roth,D., Khan, M.S.A.,Jahan, I., Rahman.M.R., Narain, V., Sing, A.K., Priya,M., Sen, S., Shrestha, A., and Yakami, S., (2018). Climates ofUrbanization: Local Experiences of WaterSecurity, Conflict and Cooperation in peri-Urban South-Asia. ClimatePolicy, Taylor & Francis, DOI: 10.1080/14693062.2018.1530967.

Israt Jahan

Jahan, I. (2021). Heavy Metal Accumulation in Rice and AquaticPlants Used as Human Food: A General ReviewToxics9(12),360. DOI: 10.3390/toxics9120360.

Israt Jahan

.,Bhuiyan, M. A. R., Jahan, I.,Muktadir, M. G., and Jahan, F. S., (2022). Effectsof Tannery Effluents on the Environmental Quality of Hazaribagh Area ofBangladesh and Its Possible Remediation Measures: A Review. Journal of FST,Vol 1, Issue 1, pp. 249- 271. 

Fateeha Noor

1.Fluorescent chromosomal banding identification of three Zingiber officinalis species from Bangladesh.
2. Genetic (in) stability of cyanobacteria Synechococcus sp.
3. Vesicular protein trafficking, autophagy and immunity response of potato plant under infection with Phytophthora infestans

Md. Golam Muktadir

Raff, J.L., Goodbred, S.L., Pickering, J.L. et al. Sediment delivery to sustain the Ganges-Brahmaputra delta under climate change and anthropogenic impacts. Nat Commun 14, 2429 (2023).

Md. Golam Muktadir

Bin Abdul Rahman SI, Lythgoe K, Muktadir MG, Akhter SHand Hubbard J (2024) Characterization and spatiotemporal variations of ambientseismic noise in eastern Bangladesh. Front. Earth Sci. 12:1334248. doi:10.3389/feart.2024.1334248

Md. Golam Muktadir

Khanam, S., Muktadir, M. G., & Dilshad, A. (2022).Climate change and its impact in different seasons: A micro-level community based study in the south-western coastal area, Bangladesh. Journal of FST, 1(01), 219.

Md. Golam Muktadir

Jahan, F., Bhuiyan, M. A. R., Jahan, I., Muktadir, M.G., & Jahan, F. S. (2022). Impacts of tannery effluents on the environmental quality of Hazaribagh area of Bangladesh and its possible remediation measures: A review. Journal of FST, 1(01), 241.

Md. Golam Muktadir

Razib, M. H., Pinky, F. T.,Banna, M. H. A., Muktadir, M. G., & Biswas, A. (2024). Framing Environmental Issues of Bangladesh in International Media: A Topic Modelling Analysis on the Guardian Newspaper. Media Watch, 0(0).

Md. Golam Muktadir

Chamberlain, E.L., Goodbred, S.L., Steckler, M.S. et al. Cascading hazards of a major Bengal basin earthquake and abrupt avulsion of the Ganges River. Nat Commun 15, 4975 (2024).

Md. Golam Muktadir

Rifat, A.R., Muktadir, M.G., Hasan, M., & Islam, M.A. (2024). Flash flood prediction modeling in the hilly regions of Southeastern Bangladesh: A machine learning attempt on present and future climate scenarios. Environmental Challenges, 17,101029.

Dr. Asib Ahmed

  • Ahmed, A., Nawaz, R., Woulds, C. and Drake, F. 2020. Influence of hydro-climatic factors on future coastal land susceptibility to erosion in Bangladesh: a geospatial modelling approach. Journal of Geovisualization and Spatial Analysis. 4(1). (Publisher: Springer Nature)
  • Ahmed, A., Drake, F., Woulds, C. and Nawaz, R. 2020. Prioritizing the weighted resilience of coastal community to build the capacity of protecting erosion in the coastal areas of Bangladesh. Oriental Geographer. 61(1&2), 1-22. ISSN 00305308
  • Ahmed, A., Drake, F., Nawaz, R. and Woulds, C. 2018. Where is the coast? Monitoring coastal land dynamics in Bangladesh: An integrated management approach using GIS and remote sensing techniques. Ocean and Coastal Management. 151, 10–24. DOI: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2017.10.030 (Publisher: Elsevier; Impact Factor: 2.595)
  • Ahmed, A., Nawaz, R., Drake, F. and Woulds, C. 2018. Modelling land susceptibility to erosion in the coastal area of Bangladesh: A geospatial approach. Geomorphology. 320, 82-97. DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2018.08.004 (Publisher: Elsevier; Impact Factor: 3.681)
  • Ahmed, A., Woulds, C., Drake, F., Nawaz, R. 2018. Beyond the tradition: using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps to elicit expert views on coastal susceptibility to erosion in Bangladesh. Catena. 170, 36-50. DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2018.06.003 (Publisher: Elsevier; Impact Factor: 3.851)
  • Nahar, N., Ahmed A. and Paul S.K. 2014. Flood Disaster: A Case Study on Chilmari Upazila. Oriental Geographer, 55(1&2), 115-126. ISSN 0030-5308
  • Ahmed, A. and Hossen, M.J. 2014. Spatial and Temporal variation of Temperature in Bangladesh: An Analysis from 1950 to 2012. Oriental Geographer, 58(1), 89-110. ISSN 00305308
  • Ahmed, A. and Huq-Hussain S., 2012. Changing Urban Landuse and Agricultural Land Transformation: A Case Study of Narayanganj City. ASA University Review. 6(1), 273-284. ISSN 1997-6925. URL:
  • Ahmed, A. 2012. Hill Cutting in and Around the Chittagong City: A Geographical Study. Journal of Nepal Geological Society. 42, 183-188. ISSN: 0259-1316. URL: 
  • Ahmed, A., Huq-Hussain S. and Moniruzzaman, M. 2012. Water Quality of Shitalakhya River Adjacent to Narayanganj City. Journal of Bangladesh National Geographical Association. 38(1&2), 95-104.
  • Ahmed, A., Huq, N. A. and Mannan, M. A. 2012. Transportation System for Physically Disabled School Going Children: A Case of Selected Institutions in Dhaka City. Oriental Geographer, 56 (1&2).
  • Ahmed, A. and Mobarak, S. 2012. Solid Waste management System of Narayanganj City in Bangladesh: An Environmental Study. The Journal of Local Government, 38 (2).
  • Ahmed, A. 2012. Trans Boundary Woman and Child Trafficking in Bangladesh: A Geographical Investigation (In Bengali). Jahangirnagar Bishwavidyalay Vhugol o Paribesh Samikkhan, 31 (0).
  • Ahmed, A. 2011. Some of the Major Environmental Problems Relating to Land Use Changes in the Coastal Areas of Bangladesh: A Review. The Journal of Geography and Regional Planning. 4(1), 1-8.
  • Ahmed, A. and Huq-Hussain S. 2011. Landuse – Noise Pollution Nexus: A Case Study of Narayanganj City. The Dhaka University Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences. 1(1), 51-60. ISSN 2220-640X


Sultan, M. B., Anik, A. H., & Rahman, M. (2024). Emerging contaminants and their potential impacts on estuarine ecosystems: Are we aware of it? Marine Pollution Bulletin, 199, 115982. (Q-1, SCI, SCOPUS, IF: 5.8, CS: 10.2)


Sikder, S., Toha, M., Anik, A. H.*, Sultan, M. B., Alam, M.*, Parvin, F., Tareq, S.M.*, (2024). A comprehensive review on the fate and impact of antibiotic residues in the environment and public health: A special focus on the developing countries. Water Environment Research, 96:e10987. (Q-2, SCI, SCOPUS, IF: 3.10, CS: 6.30)


Habib, M. A., Akhi, S. Z., Khan, R., Phoungthong, K., Basir, M. S., Anik, A. H., Islam, A. R. M. T., & Idris, A. M. (2024). Elevated levels of environmental radioactivity in fluvial sediment: Origin and health risks assessment. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts. (Q-1, SCI, SCOPUS, IF: 5.5


Anik, A.H.*, Sultan, M.B., Alam, M., Parvin, F., Ali, M.M., Tareq, S.M., (2023). The impact of climate change on water resources and associated health risks in Bangladesh: A review. Water Security, 18, 100133, (Q-1, SCOPUS, IS: 4.58, CS: 8.5)


Khan, R., Anik, A.H., Hossain, S., Phoungthong, K., Islam, A.R.M.T., Saha, N., Idris, A.M., Khan, M.H.R., Aldawood, S., Alam, M., (2023). Receptor model-based source tracing and risk assessment of elements in the sediment of a transboundary Himalayan River. Chemosphere (Q-1, SCI, SCOPUS, IF: 8.8, CS: 15.8)


Khan, R., Hossain, S., Anik, A.H., Phoungthong, K., Islam, A.R.M.T., Saha, N., Idris, A.M., Alam, M., (2023). Indexical and statistical approaches to investigate the integrated origins of elements in the sediment of Teesta River, Bangladesh: Sediment quality and ecological risks assessment. Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts (Q-1, SCI, SCOPUS, IF: 5.5)


Khan, R., Basir, M. S., Akhi, S. Z., Anik, A. H., Hossain, S., Islam, H. M. T., Islam, A. R. M. T., Idris, A. M., Khan, M. H. R., Aldawood, S., & Tareq, S. M. (2023). Radiation exposure and health concerns associated with the environmental geochemistry of relatively higher radioactivity in a freshwater basin. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 196, 115588. (Q-1, SCI, SCOPUS, IF: 5.8, CS: 10.2)


Anik, A.H., Khan, R., Hossain, S., Siddique, M.A.B., Tamim, U., Islam, A.R.M.T., Idris, A.M., Tareq, S.M., (2022). Reconciling the geogenic and non-crustal origins of elements in an Indo-Bangla transboundary river, Atrai: Pollution status, sediment quality, and preliminary risk assessment. Environmental Research, 114134. (Q-1, SCI, SCOPUS, IF: 8.3, CS: 12.6)


Hossain, S., Khan, R., Anik, A.H., Siddique, M.A.B., Tamim, U., Islam, A.R.M.T., Idris, A.M., Khaleque, M.A., (2022). Natural and anthropogenic contribution to the elemental composition and subsequent ecological consequences of a transboundary river's sediments (Punarbhaba, Bangladesh). Environmental Research, 114444. (Q-1, SCI, SCOPUS, IF: 8.3, CS: 12.6)


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Alam, M.*, Sultan, M.B., Mehnaz, M., Fahim, C.S., Hossain, S., Anik, A.H.*, (2022). Production of biogas from food waste in laboratory scale dry anaerobic digester under mesophilic condition, Energy Nexus, 100126, ISSN 2772-4271,, SCOPUS, DOAJ, IF: 8.0, CS: 7.7)


Anik, A.H., Hossain, S., Alam, M., Sultan, M.B., Hasnine, M.T., Rahman, M.M., (2021). Microplastics Pollution: A Comprehensive Review on the Sources, Fates, Effects, and Potential Remediation. Environmental Nanotechnology Monitoring & Management, 16(100530), 2215-1532. (Q-1, SCI, SCOPUS, IS: 7.09, CS: 13)


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Md. Ashraful Islam, PhD


(1) Murshed, S, Griffin,A. L., ISLAM, M. A., Hua, W. X., & PAULL, D. J. 2023. Assessing sensitivityto climate-related disasters in the context of a developing country: Evidencefrom the coastal region of Bangladesh. International Journal ofDisaster Risk Reduction,102633.


(2) ISLAM, M. A &CHATTORAJ, S.L 2023. Modelling landslides in the Lesser Himalaya region usinggeospatial and numerical simulation techniques. Arabian Journal ofGeosciences 16, no. 8: 480.


(3) Murshed, S, Griffin,A. L., ISLAM, M. A., Hua, W. X., & PAULL, D. J. 2022. Assessing multi-climate-hazardthreat in the coastal region of Bangladesh by combining influentialenvironmental and anthropogenic factors. Progressin Disaster science, 100261.


(4) Hasan, M., Islam,MA., Alam, MJ., Rahman, M and Hasan, MA. 2022 Hydrogeochemical characterizationand quality assessment of groundwater resource in Savar — an industrializedzone of Bangladesh. Environ Monit Assess 194, 549 (2022).


(5) ISLAM, M. A.,GRIFFIN, A. L., PAULL, D. J. & MURSHED, S. 2022. Assessing criticalinfrastructure resilience in terms of its service-providing capacity in coastalBangladesh: A synthesis of geospatial techniques and social responses. International Journal of Disaster RiskReduction, 102633.


(6) ISLAM, A. &MITRA, D. 2021. Vulnerability to Saltwater Intrusion Along Coastal BangladeshUsing GIS and Hydrogeological Data. SundarbansMangrove Systems. CRC Press.


(7) ISLAM, M. A., PAULL,D. J., GRIFFIN, A. L. & MURSHED, S. 2021b. Spatio-temporal assessment ofsocial resilience to tropical cyclones in coastal Bangladesh. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 12, 279-309.



(8) MURSHED, S., PAULL,D. J., GRIFFIN, A. L. & ISLAM, M. A. 2021. A parsimonious approach tomapping climate-change-related composite disaster risk at the local scale incoastal Bangladesh. International Journalof Disaster Risk Reduction, 55,102049.



(9) ISLAM, M., MURSHED,S. & MAHMUD, M. 2020a. Selecting suitable landfill site with multi-criteriaevaluation and GIS: a case of Savar upazila in Bangladesh. Arabian journal of Geosciences, 13, 1-15.



(10) ISLAM, M., PAULL,D., GRIFFIN, A. & MURSHED, S. 2020b. Assessing ecosystem resilience to a tropicalcyclone based on ecosystem service supply proficiency using geospatialtechniques and social responses in coastal Bangladesh. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 101667.



(11) ILIAS, M., MIA, A.,ISLAM, M., PEAS, M., FARAZI, A. & AKHTER, S. 2020. Assessing bank dynamicsof the Lower Meghna River in Bangladesh: an integrated GIS-DSAS approach. Arabian journal of Geosciences, 13, 1-19.



(12) HASAN, M., ISLAM,A., HASAN, M. A., ALAM, J. & PEAS, M. H. 2019. Groundwater vulnerabilityassessment in Savar upazila of Dhaka district, Bangladesh—A GIS-based DRASTICmodeling. Groundwater for sustainabledevelopment.



(13) GAZI, M. Y., ISLAM,M. A. & HOSSAIN, S. 2019. Flood-Hazard Mapping In A Regional Scale–WayForward To The Future Hazard Atlas In Bangladesh. Malaysian Journal of Geosciences (MJG), 3, 1-11. :



(14) ISLAM, M. A.,MURSHED, S., KABIR, S. M., FARAZI, A. H., GAZI, M. Y., JAHAN, I. & AKHTER,S. H. 2017. Utilization of open source spatial data for landslidesusceptibility mapping at Chittagong District of Bangladesh—an appraisal fordisaster risk reduction and mitigation approach. International Journal of Geosciences, 8, 577.  10.4236/ijg.2017.84031



(15) GAZI, M. Y., KABIR,S., IMAM, M. B., RAHMAN, A. & ISLAM, M. A. 2017. Geochemistry of NeogeneMudrocks from Sitakund anticline, Bengal Basin: implications for provenance,weathering, tectonic setting and depositional environment. Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, 147



(16) ISLAM, M., HASAN,M., PEAS, M., NAIME, M., GAZI, M. & RAHMAN, M. 2016a. ShorelineVulnerability Assessment in an offshore island (Sandwip), Bangladesh – anAppraisal of Geospatial Techniques. DhakaUniversity Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 5, 51-60.


(17) ISLAM, M. A.,MITRA, D., DEWAN, A. & AKHTER, S. H. 2016b. Coastal multi-hazardvulnerability assessment along the Ganges deltaic coast of Bangladesh–Ageospatial approach. Ocean & CoastalManagement, 127, 1-15.  10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2016.03.012.



(18) ISLAM, M. A.,HASSAN, S. K., NAIME, M. A., HOSSAIN, M. S., RAHMAN, M. M. & PEAS, M. H.2015a. Assessment of socio-economic resilience against coastal disasters inSandwip island of Bangladesh. BangladeshJournal of Scientific Research, 28,161-170.



(19) ISLAM, M. A.,HOSSAIN, M. S. & MURSHED, S. 2015b. Assessment of coastal vulnerability dueto sea level change at Bhola Island, Bangladesh: using geospatial techniques. Journal of the Indian Society of RemoteSensing, 43, 625-637.



(20) ISLAM, M.,CHATTORAJ, S. & RAY, P. 2014a. Ukhimath landslide 2012 at Uttarakhand,India: causes and consequences. InternationalJournal of Geomatics and Geosciences, 4,544-557.


(21)ISLAM, M. A., HOSSAIN, M. S., HASAN, T. & MURSHED, S. 2014b. Shorelinechanges along the Kutubdia Island, south east Bangladesh using digitalshoreline analysis system. BangladeshJournal of Scientific Research, 27,99-108.


(22) MRINMOY KUMARMAITRA, M., ISLAM, M. & MAMUN, M. 2014. Thickness, Distribution and QualityAssessment of Gopalganj-Madaripur Peat Deposits: A Case Study of PotentialEconomic Opportunities in Mid-Eastern Low-Lying Bangladesh. International Journal of Geosciences, 5, 943.



(23) AHSAN, K., HABIB,A., FERUJ, M. & ISLAM, M. 2013. Mouth Bar Development Process in the MeghnaEstuary of Bangladesh–A Case Study from Bhola Island. Bangladesh Journal of Geology, 31, 56-69.


(24) RASHID, M. B.,MAHMUD, A., AHSAN, M. K., KHASRU, M. H. & ISLAM, M. A. 2013. DrainageCongestion and Its Impact on Environment in the South-Western Coastal Part ofBangladesh. Bangladesh Journal ofGeology, 31, 32.


(25) MAJLIS, A. B. K.,ISLAM, M., KHASRU, M. & AHSAN, M. 2013. Protected to Open BasinDepositional System: An Appraisal for the Late Quaternary Evolution of theMoheshkhali-Kutubdia Coastal Plain, Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Geology,26, 64-77.


(26) ISLAM, M., MAITRA,M., MAJLIS, A. K., MURSHED, S. & RAHMAN, S. 2011a. Spatial changes of landuse/land cover of Moheshkhali island, Bangladesh: A fact finding approach byremote sensing analysis. Dhaka Univ. DhakaUniv. J. Earth Environ. Sci, 2,43-54.


(27) ISLAM, M. A.,MAJLIS, A. B. K. & RASHID, M. B. 2011b. Changing face of Bangladesh coast.  TheJournal of NOAMI, 28(1), 1-19.



(28) MAJLIS, A. B. K.& ISLAM, M. 2011. Landscape Evaluation in Mid-Eastern Part of Ganges Deltafor the Forthcoming Development Arena of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Geology, 29, 49-62.


(29) MURSHED, S., ALAM,M. & ISLAM, M. 2011. Depositional Environments of the Upper Neogene ClasticSuccession Along Hari River Section, North eastern part of Sylhet Trough,Bangladesh. Dhaka Univ. J. Earth Environ.Sci, 1, 67-73.


(30) RAHMAN, S., HASAN, S.,ISLAM, M. & MAITRA, M. 2011. Temporal change detection of vegetationcoverage of Dhaka using Remote Sensing. InternationalJournal of Geomatics and Geosciences, 2,481-490.


(31) ZAHID, A., HASSAN,M., KARIM, M. & ISLAM, M. Excessive Withdrawal of Groundwater for UrbanDemand of Dhaka City: Emergency Measure needs to be Implemented to Protect theAquifer.  International Symposium onEfficient groundwater resources management: 16 – 21 February 2009 IMPACTChallenger, Muang Thong Thani, Bangkok, Thailand, 2009.


(32) ISLAM, M. A.,AHMED, K., HASAN, M. A. & MURSHED, S. 2008. Hydrogeology and water qualityassessment of middle Meghna flood plain, a case study on Daudkandi upazila,Comilla district. The Journal of Noami,26, 31-55.