Research & Publication

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Dr. Md. Shariful Islam

Islam, S. N., & Islam, M. S. (2024) (in Press). The Effect of Financial Development, Tariff, and RTA on Exports: A Structural Gravity Analysis. Journal of EconomicIntegration

Dr. Md. Shariful Islam

Islam, S. N., & Islam, M. S. (2023). Friends or foe? The complementarity or substitutability of financial development and FDI, financial development, and trade openness on domestic investment. The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development32(7), 1083-1111.

Dr. Md. Shariful Islam

Haque, M. Z., Qian, A., Islam, M. S., & Lucky, S. A. (2022). Hedonic vs. utilitarian value: influencing on social networking sites adoption of institutional investors. International Journal of Business Information Systems41(4), 525-547.

Dr. Md. Shariful Islam

Haque, M. Z., Islam, M. S., & Lucky, S. A. (2022). Espousal of online social networks (OSNS) in tourism supply chain network (TSCN) during Covid-19. Geo Journal of Tourism and Geosites42, 804-816.

Dr. Md. Shariful Islam

Haque, M. Z., Islam, M. S., Deb, S. K., & Islam, M. R. (2022). Strategic value of Online Social Networks (OSNs) in supply chain networks during COVID-19. Cogent Business & Management9(1), 2148336.

Dr. Md. Shariful Islam

Islam,M. S., Haque, M. Z., Islam, S. N., Alam, M. M., &Hassan, A. (2022) (inpress). Role of Education Human Capital in ICT-TradeRelationship. InternationalJournal of Education Economics andDevelopment.

Dr. Md. Shariful Islam

Khanam, A., & Islam, M. S. (2019). Urbanization and Income in Bangladesh: An Empirical Analysis. Journal of Business4(2), 19-27.

Dr. Md. Shariful Islam

Islam, M.S. and Khanom, A. (2017) The Impacts of Remittanceson Poverty at the Household Level in Bangladesh: A Propensity Score MatchingApproach                         The Jahangirnagar Economic Review, Volume 28, June,2017, ISSN: 1990-2492

Dr. Md. Mohoshin Reza

“Critiquing the Nature of Magic Realism in Laura Esquivel’s Like Water For Chocolate”, Journal of ELT and Education, ISSN: 2618-1290 (Print), 2663-1482 (Online), Volume 5, Issue1, Page: 16-24, Center for Academic Research and Development (CARD), Dhaka. March 2022

Dr. Md. Mohoshin Reza

‘Developing English Pronunciation among Students in Bangladeshi Universities: The Use of Segmental Elements’. Journal of Bangladesh Studies. ISSN-1529-0905 (Print), ISSN-2771-5086 (Digital), Vol-24, No. 1., USA, 2022.

Dr. Md. Mohoshin Reza

‘‘Synchronous Online Learning during Covid-19 Pandemic: A Study on the Tertiary Level Students in Bangladesh’’. Journal of Sustainable Learning and Development, ISSN (Print): 2791-0881, Vol. 1(1), Dhaka, 2021.

Dr. Md. Mohoshin Reza

“Magic Realism in the One Hundred Years of Solitude: Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s Style of Applications”, Ideas: A Journal of Literature, Arts and Culture, Vol.07, ISSN2413-1814, Institute of Advanced Studies, Dhaka, 2021-2022.

Dr. Md. Mohoshin Reza

“Assessment of Learning-Grading Nexus in the Context of Bangladesh”, Ideas: A Journal of Literature, Arts and Culture, Vol.06, ISSN 2413-1814, Institute of Advanced Studies, Dhaka, 2020-2021.

Dr. Md. Mohoshin Reza

“Rites de Passage in Bangladesh: Nilphamari Perspective”, Journal of ELT and Education, Vol.03, ISSN 2618-1290, Center for Academic Research and Development (CARD), Dhaka, 2020.

Dr. Md. Mohoshin Reza

“Regime of Iliyas Shahi Dynasty: Opening Bengal’s Window to Outer World”, Ideas: A Journal of Literature, Arts and Culture, Vol.05, ISSN 2413-1814, Institute of Advanced Studies, Dhaka, 2029-2020.

Dr. Md. Mohoshin Reza

Writing in Bangladesh: Theories and Practice Nexus, DIU Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Vol.06, ISSN 2305-0136, Daffodil International University, Dhaka, 2019.

Dr. Md. Mohoshin Reza

"Sompura Mahavira: A Testimony of Medieval Culture, Sculpture and Architecture”, Ideas: A Journal of Literature, Arts and Culture, Vol.03, ISSN 2413-1814, Institute of Advanced Studies, Dhaka, 2017-2018.

Dr. Md. Mohoshin Reza

“Theories and Practices Nexus of Reading Skill in National University of Bangladesh”, DIU Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Vol.04, ISSN2305-0136, Daffodil International University, Dhaka, 2017.

Dr. Md. Mohoshin Reza

“Realities of Speaking Practices in Colleges under the National University of Bangladesh”, Stamford Journal of English, Vol.09, Stamford University Bangladesh, Dhaka, 2015-2016.

Dr. Md. Mohoshin Reza

“Rokeya’s Sultana’s Dream: A Utopia against a Dystopia”, International Journal of English Literature and Culture (IJELC), Vol.03 (07), pp. 199-222, ISSN 2360-7831, Nigeria, 2015.

Dr. Md. Mohoshin Reza

“Practices of Listening in the National University of Bangladesh”, BUBT Journal, Vol iv. ISSN2072-7542, Bangladesh University of Business and Technology, Dhaka, 2013.

Dr. Md. Mohoshin Reza

Rokeya’s Reverse Thoughts: Sketch of Male Characters in Sultana’s Dream”, The Criterion, (Indexed Open Access JournAl), Vol. III. Issue IV, ISSN: 0976-8165, Impact Factor 7.86, India, 2013.

Dr. Md. Mohoshin Reza

“Genocide at Rangpur City in the Liberation War of Bangladesh, 1971: Fire, Fury and Fragrance”, Epiphany, Vol.06, No-01, ISSN 1840-3719, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. 2013.

Dr. Md. Mohoshin Reza

UAE university students’ experiences of virtualclassroom learning during Covid 19, Smart Learning Environments, Vol-10, Issue Article number: 5 (2023), Pages 1-16, Springer Open (Scopus Q1), January 2023.

Dr. Md. Mohoshin Reza

SpeakingAnxiety of Tertiary-Level Learners of English in Bangladesh: An Investigationinto the Predicaments and Prospects, English Teaching & Learning, Volume-48,Issue 1. (Research Gate, Springer, Scopus Q1), March 2023.

Dr. Md. Mohoshin Reza

Untanglingthe Tongues: Exploring Pronunciation Development Strategies for Learners ofEnglish at High Schools in Oromia Region of Ethiopia, World Journal ofEnglish Language, ISSN 1925-0703 (Print), ISSN 1925-071, Vol14, No 5 (2024) (Research Gate, ScieduPress, Scopus Q1), June 2024

Dr. Md. Mohoshin Reza

Imageries of Existencein Jibanananda Das and John Donne’s Poetry: Surreal and ExistentialPerspectives, FASS INQUEST, Vol. 3, Issue 1, Journal ofFaculty of Arts & Social Sciences, BUP, December 2023

Dr. Md. Mohoshin Reza

Exploring Academic Writing Proficiency ofTertiary EFL Learners of Bangladesh: A Pedagogical Implication, IntegratedJournal for Research in Arts and Humanities ISSN 2583-1712,Volume-3, Issue-7, 2023 (Indexed- Elsevier, Google Scholar, Research Gate).

Dr. Md. Mohoshin Reza

Investigating Laura Esquivel’s Magical RealistTechniques in Like Water for Chocolate, Praxis International Journal ofSocial Science and Literature ISSN 2581-6675, Vol-6, Issue-7, Pages 146-156, 2023 (Indexed- Crossref, Sciencegate, Semantic Scholar, Research Bible, Science Gate, ROAD, ABCD Index, OUCI, SCILIT etc.). Impact Factor: 5.75's_Magical_Realist_Techniques_in_Like_Water_for_Chocolate

Dr. Md. Mohoshin Reza

Toward a greener tomorrow: An eco-critical discourse analysis of grade five EFL textbook taught in Bangladesh, Journal of ELT and Education, p-ISSN 2618-1290, e- ISSN 2663-1482, Vol. 7, Issue 3, Page: 50-56, Center for Academic Research and Development (CARD)

Dr. Md. Mohoshin Reza

"A Comprehensive Study of Business Writing Competence among Business Management Students at Techno Link College, Ethiopia", August 2024 Theory and Practice in Language Studies, ISSN 1799-2591, Vol.14, No. 8: 2326-2335, DOI: 10.17507/tpls.1408.05 (Academy Publication, Research Gate, Scopus Q2)

Dr. Md. Mohoshin Reza

" A Nuanced Understanding of Bangladeshi Tertiary EFL Writing Course Syllabi: Pedagogical Implications", International Journal of Pedagogy and Curriculum, Vol. 32, Issue 1, ISSN: 2327-7963 (Print), ISSN: 2327-9133 (Online), Indexing- Scopus Q (4)

Dr. Fahmida Haque

Haque, F. (2008). A Marxist’s Reading of James Joyce’s Eveline. Explorer, Journal of Faculty of Humanities & Law, 1(1), 59-68.

Dr. Fahmida Haque

Haque, F. (2008). Feminine Exigency in James Joyce’s Araby. Explorer, Journal of Faculty of Humanities & Law, 1(2), 69-78.

Dr. Fahmida Haque

Mahmood, M. M. & Haque, F. (2008). The Inevitable Failure of Meta-narratives in The God of Small Things. Explorer, Journal of Faculty of Humanities & Law, 1(2), 145-159.

Dr. Fahmida Haque

Haque, F. (2009). Moll Flanders – A Universal Tale of Capitalism. Explorer, Journal of Faculty of Humanities & Law, 2(1 & 2), 91-102.

Dr. Fahmida Haque

Haque, F. (2013). Education for Sustainable Development: An Evaluation of the New Curriculum of the Formal Primary Education in Bangladesh. European Scientific Journal, 1, 320-330.

Dr. Fahmida Haque

Haque, F. (2018). Teachers’ Perception and Practice of Constructivist Approach of English Language Teaching at the Primary Level in Bangladesh. Society & Change, XII(1), 49-68.

Dr. Fahmida Haque

Chowdhury, N. J. & Haque, F. (2019). Teachers and Learners Perception Towards the Use of Podcasts for Learning English at the Undergraduate Level in Bangladesh: An Empirical Study. International Journal of Advanced Research, 7(8), 505-516.

Dr. Fahmida Haque

Haque, F. (2019). EFL Teachers and Learners Perception of Metacognitive Reading Strategy and Academic Performance: A Survey of Undergraduate Students in Bangladesh. Journal of Governance and Innovation, V(2), 7-15.

Dr. Fahmida Haque

Ahmed, P., Quddus, M. R. & Haque, F. (2019). Treatment of Love and Marriage in Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights and Rabindranath Tagore’s Shesher Kobita: A Comparative Study. BUP Journal, 7(1), 1-12.

Dr. Fahmida Haque

Haque, F. (2019). English Grammatical Competence of the SecondaryLevel Students in Bangladesh: An Empirical Study. Society & Change, XIII(1), 73-96.

Dr. Fahmida Haque

Haque, F. & Ahmed, P.(2021). Representation of Humanism in Tagore’s Gora and Forster’s A Passage toIndia: A Comparative Study. FASS INQUEST, 1(1), 63-86.

Dr. Fahmida Haque

Haque, F. (2022). Teachers’ and learners’ perception of post-method pedagogy for English language teaching at the secondary level in Bangladesh. INQUEST, 2(1). 51-72.

Dr. Fahmida Haque

Haque, F. (2023). Teaching sustainability through content and language integrated learning in English language classroom: A survey on primary level students in Bangladesh. Society & Change, XVII(3), 7-29.

Dr. Fahmida Haque

Haque, F. (2023). Construction of women in the liberation war literature of Bangladesh: An alternative reading. Praxis International Journal of Social Science and Literature, 6(3), 14-25.

Dr. Fahmida Haque

Tasnia, R. & Haque, F. (2023). Trans-corporeality in human-naturerelationships: A posthuman ecocritical study of Amitav Ghosh’s Sea of Poppies. INQUEST, 3(1), 1-22.

Dr. Fahmida Haque

Haque, F. (2024). Relocating women’s role in the liberation war literature of Bangladesh: A deconstructive reading of Tahmima Anam’s A Golden Age. Gender: An Interdisciplinary Perspective. Shaikh-ul Aalam Centre for Multidisciplinary Studies: University of Kashmir, Srinagar, India. [Accepted to publish]

Dr. Fahmida Haque

Haque, F., Marjan, S. & Trisha, S. I. (2024). The neocolonial representation through imperialist globalization: A comparative study between Ngugi Wa Thiong’o’s Devil on the Cross and Arundhati Roy’s The God of Small Things. INQUEST, 4(1),21-44.

Dr. Fahmida Haque

Ridwana, I. R. & Haque, F. (2024). Teachers’ perception of integrating sustainability through CLIL at the primary level English language classrooms in Bangladesh. International Journal of Advanced Research, 12(11), 57-67.

Dr. Fahmida Haque

Naz, T., Arefin, K. M., & Haque, F. (2025). Exploring motherhood and feminine nationality during the liberation war of Bangladesh: A Contrastive analysis of Tahmima Anam’s A Golden Age and Selina Hossain’s River of My Blood. NEW LITERARIA-An International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, 6(1), 84-95.

Md. Adib Ahmed

 Ahmed, A., Amin, S. B., McCarthy, G., Khan, A. M., & Nepal, R. (2022). Isblended learning the future of education? Students perspective using discretechoice experiment analysis. Journal of University Teaching &Learning Practice19(3), 06.

Md. Adib Ahmed

Amin, S. B., Ahmed, A., Khan, A. M.,& Khan, F. (2021). Policy Paper on the Post Covid-19 Sustainable EnergyOptions for Power Generation in Bangladesh. International EnergyJournal21(1A).

Md. Adib Ahmed

Khan, A. M., Amin, S. B., Ahmed, A.,& Sultana, T. (2021). Tourism Development and Economic Growth inBangladesh: New Evidence from Nonlinear Autoregressive Distributed Lag. InternationalJournal of Economics and Financial Issues11(2), 100-107.

Md. Adib Ahmed

Mahidud, A., Amin, S. B.,& (2021). Nexus among foreign exchange reserve, remittance and tradeopenness: An empirical Ahmed, A.investigation in the Bangladeshieconomy. Journal of Empirical Studies8(1), 1-12.

Md. Adib Ahmed

Ahmed, A., Amin, S. B., & Khan, A. M. (2020). Forecasting Tourism Revenue inBangladesh Using ARIMA Approach: The Case of Bangladesh. InternationalReview of Business Research Papers16(1).

Al Jamal Mustafa Shindaini

Shindaini, Al Jamal Mustafa, Structural barriers to providing basic education toRohingya children in the Kutupalong refugee camp, Cox's Bazar, BangladeshInternational Journal of Education Research Open, (Scopus Index, ELSEVIER, Science Direct) Vol. 3, Issue. 01, 02April 2022, Published by Elsevier Ltd

Al Jamal Mustafa Shindaini

Shindaini, Al Jamal Mustafa  (2022), "Impact of institutional quality and human capital creation on economic growth in Bangladesh: evidence from an ARDL approach", InternationalJournal of Social Economics, Emerald Insight, Vol. 49 No. 12, pp.1787-1802.

Al Jamal Mustafa Shindaini

Shindaini, Al Jamal Mustafa, Provisionof Education to Rohingya Refugee Children in Bangladesh: Exploring the Forms ofDiscrimination and IntersectionalityAsia Pacific Education Review (APER) (Q2,SJR-0.554, Impactfactor: 1.74,Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Part of Springer Nature.

Al Jamal Mustafa Shindaini

Shindaini, Al Jamal Mustafa, (Scopus Index) “Assessment of Mental Health Conditions amongWorking Class People during COVID-19 Pandemic: Insights from Dhaka South City,Bangladesh” International Journalof Public health Science, (Scopus Index)Vol. 11, Issue. 02, June 2022, Intelektual Pustaka Media Utama(IPMU) in collaboration with Institute of AdvancedEngineering and Science (IAES) (ISSN: 2252-8806