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Haque, M. Z., Islam, M. S., Deb, S. K., & Islam, M. R. (2022). Strategic value of Online Social Networks (OSNs) in supply chain networks during COVID-19. Cogent Business & Management, 9(1), 2148336. | |
Chicago |
Islam,M. S., Haque, M. Z., Islam, S. N., Alam, M. M., &Hassan, A. (2022) (inpress). Role of Education Human Capital in ICT-TradeRelationship. InternationalJournal of Education Economics andDevelopment.
Khanam, A., & Islam, M. S. (2019). Urbanization and Income in Bangladesh: An Empirical Analysis. Journal of Business, 4(2), 19-27. | |
Chicago |
Islam, M.S. and Khanom, A. (2017) The Impacts of Remittanceson Poverty at the Household Level in Bangladesh: A Propensity Score MatchingApproach The Jahangirnagar Economic Review, Volume 28, June,2017, ISSN: 1990-2492
Untanglingthe Tongues: Exploring Pronunciation Development Strategies for Learners ofEnglish at High Schools in Oromia Region of Ethiopia, World Journal ofEnglish Language, ISSN 1925-0703 (Print), ISSN 1925-071, Vol14, No 5 (2024) (Research Gate, ScieduPress, Scopus Q1), June 2024, F. (2023). Construction of women in the liberation war literature of Bangladesh: An alternative reading. Praxis International Journal of Social Science and Literature, 6(3), 14-25.
Mahidud, A., Amin, S. B.,& (2021). Nexus among foreign exchange reserve, remittance and tradeopenness: An empirical Ahmed, A.investigation in the Bangladeshieconomy. Journal of Empirical Studies, 8(1), 1-12.
Ahmed, A., Amin, S. B., & Khan, A. M. (2020). Forecasting Tourism Revenue inBangladesh Using ARIMA Approach: The Case of Bangladesh. InternationalReview of Business Research Papers, 16(1).
1 Saiful Islam, 2020, Political Economyof Industrial Disaster in RMG Sector: A Sociological Study of Rana PlazaCollapse, International Journal of AdvancedResearch,Vol. 8(04), Page- 986-1001, ISSN:2320-5407.
1 Josinta Zinia and Saiful Islam, 2018, Urban Slum Women Confronting Violence inDhaka: A Sociological Study In Bangladesh, BUPJOURNAL, Vol. 6(01), Page- 74-93, ISSN:2219-4851.
“Influence of PopularOnline Games on English Language Skills Development of Children in Dhaka City”on International Journal of English Literature and Social Sciences Vol-7,Issue-6; Nov-Dec, 2022. Journal DOI: 10.22161/ijels
“An Investigation intothe Heteroglossic Language Identity of BUP Students: A Sociolinguistic Study”on the Journal of ELT and Education, Volume 5, Issue 3, September 2022, Page:70-80
Representation of Genderin a Primary Level EFL Textbook: A Critical Discourse Analysis Based oFairclough’s Three-dimensional Model” on FASS Inquest: Journal of Faculty ofArts and Social Sciences, BUP, Volume 1, Issue 1, October 2021.
“Linguistic Behavior ofYoung Adults: A Gender- Based Study” on International Journal of ScientificResearch in Multidisciplinary Studies, Vol.7, Issue.9, pp.94-99, September(2021)
English as a Medium ofInstruction at Bangladesh University of Professionals: An Investigation” on theJournal of ELT and Education, Volume 2, January- December 2020, Page: 58-70
“Legitimizing Myths as aTool of Social Dominance: The Case of Lilith, Eve and Pandora” on IJAEIIEVol-6, Issue-5, 2020.
“Teachers’ and Students’Code-switching and Code-mixing in the EFL Classrooms of JahangirnagarUniversity” on International Journal of Multidisciplinary Quest, Vol-1, Issue-1,December 2017. A Journal of Royal University of Dhaka.
1. Incorporating E-governance to Civil Service Trainingof Bangladesh: Obstacles and Recommendations (with Jebunnessa), The Jahangirnagar Review Part II: Social Sciences (AcademicJournal of The Faculty of Social Sciences JahangirnagarUniversity Savar, Dhaka-1342, Bangladesh), Dhaka, Bangladesh, ISSN 1682-422,Vol. XLIV, 2020, pp. 359-372 [:].
2. Administrative Interactions for Effective ServiceDelivery: Analysis of UNESCO’s Five Functions, Journal ofPublic Administration (Annual Academic Journal of Department of PublicAdministration, Jahangirnagar University),Dhaka,Bangladesh, ISSN 2311-3812,No. 12, June 2019, pp. 01-14. [ :]
3. Identifying Potential Areas for EnhancingE-Governance in Comprehensive Rural Development: Bangladesh Perspective (with Kalimullah,Nazmul Ahsan and Alam, Kabir M. Ashraf), BUPJOURNAL (Annual Academic Journal of Bangladesh University of Professionals-BUP), Dhaka, ISSN: 2219-4851, Volume 6, Issue 2, December 2018, pp. 21-33 Access Link:].
4. Enhancing PublicService Delivery through Citizen’s Charter in Bangladesh: Academic andProcedural Review (withKalimullah, Nazmul Ahsan and Alam, Kabir M. Ashraf), BUP JOURNAL (Annual Academic Journal of Bangladesh University ofProfessionals- BUP), Dhaka, ISSN: 2219-4851, Volume6, Issue 1, July 2018, pp. 13-22. [Access Link:]
5. EnhancingDigitalized Public Service Delivery in Bangladesh: Review and Recommendations (An English Article with Kalimullah,Nazmul Ahsan and Alam, Kabir M. Ashraf), BUPJOURNAL (Annual Academic Journal of Bangladesh University of Professionals-BUP), Dhaka,Bangladesh, ISSN: 2219-4851,Volume 6, Special Issue, April 2018, pp. 19-30. [Access Link:]
6. Strategies for Enhancing AdministrativeEthics in Bangladesh: Review and Recommendations (An English Article with Alam,Kabir M. Ashraf and Nour, M. M. Ashaduzzaman), BUP JOURNAL (Annual Academic Journal of Bangladesh University ofProfessionals- BUP), Dhaka, Bangladesh, ISSN:2219-4851, Volume 5, Issue 2, December 2017, pp. 35-45. [Access Link:]
7. Application of Strategic Planning Process in LocalGovernment: A Qualitative Analysis (with Alam, Kabir M. Ashraf and Nour, M. M.Ashaduzzaman), BUP JOURNAL (AnnualAcademic Journal of Bangladesh University of Professionals- BUP), Dhaka, Bangladesh, ISSN: 2219-4851, Volume 5, Issue 1, June2017, pp. 01-14. [AccessLink: https:/]
8. Strategic Management for Post-BureaucraticOrganizations: A Critical Analysis (An English Article with Kalimullah, NazmulAhsan and Alam, Kabir M. Ashraf), BUPJOURNAL (Annual Academic Journal of Bangladesh University of Professionals-BUP), Dhaka,Bangladesh, ISSN: 2219-4851,Volume 4, Issue 1, June 2016, pp. 01-14. [Access Link:]
9. Network Governance: An Overview (AnEnglish Article with Kalimullah, Nazmul Ahsan and Alam, Kabir M. Ashraf), BUP JOURNAL (Annual Academic Journal ofBangladesh University of Professionals- BUP), Dhaka, Bangladesh, ISSN:2219-4851, Volume 1, Issue 2, June 2014, pp. 01-19 [Access Link:].
[Access Link:]
Afrin.T. & Islam, M.S. (2021). Exploring theLivelihood Pattern of the Floating Population using the SL Framework: A CaseStudy of Metropolitan Dhaka, Bangladesh. Journalof the Asia Pacific Economy.
Haque, A.K.E., Srijohn,A.A., Hasan, M., Nadvi, M.A.A., Islam,M.S., Guda, R.S. & Alam, S.U. (2017). Expanding Tradable Benefits of Inland Waterways: Case of Bangladesh(Research Report No. 1718). India: CUTS International.
1 Azam, M., Othman, J., Begum, R.A., Abdullah, S. M. S., & Nor, N. G. M. (2016). Energy consumption andemission projection for the road transport sector in Malaysia: An applicationof the LEAP model. Environment, development and sustainability, 18,1027-1047.
2 Azam, M., & Azam, S.(2023). Export diversification and economic growth in Bangladesh. Journalof Empirical Studies, 10(1), 1-18.
3 Musharrat Azam, Sabrina ShareefBadhan. “Infrastructure Investment and Its Impact on Economic Growth: The Caseof Bangladesh.” IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance (IOSR-JEF) , vol. 10, no.2, 2019, pp. 51-59.
Rahman, N. (2019),Impact of BREXIT on British and Bangladesh Economy, International Journal of Scienceand Research
Rahman, N. &Hafiz, B. F. (2019), Does Remittance Earning Pave the Way to Investment inEducation, International Organization of Scientific Research
Hafiz, B. F. &Rahman, N. (2019), Sixteenth Amendment of the Constitution of Bangladesh: A GovernancePerspective, International Journal of Science and Research
1. Titumir, R.A.M. & Afrin, T. (2017). The complementarity of human and nature well-being: A case illustrated by traditional forest resource users of the Sundarbans in Bangladesh. In UNU-IAS& IGES (Eds.), Sustainable livelihoods in socio-ecological production landscapes and seascapes (Satoyama Initiative Thematic Review vol. 3), (pp. 34-45). Tokyo: United Nations University, Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability.
2. Afrin,T. & Islam, M.S. (2021). Exploring theLivelihood Pattern of the Floating Population Using the SL Framework: A CaseStudy of Metropolitan Dhaka, Bangladesh. Journalof the Asia Pacific Economy, doi: 10.1080/13547860.2021.1884173.
“Changes in Population Age Structure and Economic Development: The Case of Bangladesh” Co-authored with Dr. Rashed Al Mahmud Titumir, The Florya Chronicles of Political Economy, Year 3, Number 1, 2017 (1-54), İstanbul Aydin University, Turkey.
Kabir, N.,& Kamal, S. S. (2019). Exploring Gender Difference in Avoidance Behavior toSecondhand Smoke. Social Science Review [The Dhaka University Studies, Part D],Vol. 36, No. 2, December 2019.
Kabir, N.,& Kamal, S. S. (2021). Skill Mismatch as Constraint to Entrepreneurship inthe Leather Sector of Bangladesh: A Conceptual Study. Social Science Review[The Dhaka University Studies].
Kais, I.,Kamal, S. S., & Kabir, N. (2020). Potential and Limitations of E-Governancein Developing Countries: Formulation of an Analytical Framework. BUP JOURNAL,43-60.
Kamal, S. S.(2019). Masculinity and violence against women: exploring the practices ofyoung men in Bangladesh. In M. Kulkarni, & R. Jain (Eds.), GlobalMasculinities: Interrogations and reconstructions (pp. 65-81). New York:Routledge.
Moazzem, K. G.,& Kamal, S. S. (2017). Growth Zone with North East India and Beyond:Bangladesh Perspective. In Bangladesh's Neighbours in Indian Northeast:Exploring Opportunities and Mutual Interest (pp. 55-84). ASIATIC SOCIETY OFBANGLADESH.
Nasrin, J. A., Khan, S. J., & Rahman, M. M., (2020). Application of Strength-Based Social Vulnerability Index (SSVI) in Vulnerability Assessment: Bangladesh Perspective. BUP Journal – June 2020, Volume-8, Issue-1. Link:
Islam, M. R., & Rahman, A. (2019). Prospects of PPP Project in Bangladesh: A Study on PowerSector. Journal of Governance and Innovation, 5(1), 47-60. (Peer Reviewed)
Islam, M. R., & Rahman, A. (2020). Prospects of One-Stop Service in Rural Bangladesh: The Experience of Union Digital Centers. Society & Change, 14(4), 79-98. (ISI Indexing)
Islam, M. R., & Rahman, A. (2022). Institutional Dynamics of One-Stop Shop in Bangladesh: Lessons from Union Digital Centre. The Journal of Rural Development, 45(1), 31-61. Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development. (Peer Reviewed)
Islam, M. R., Al Gharaibeh, F., Azman, A., Hashim, I. H. M., Islam, M. R., & Rahman, A.(2022). Social behavior practices for child protection and well-being among low-income urban households in Bangladesh. Asian Social Work and Policy Review, 00, 1–13. (Q2, Scopus and Web of Science)
Rahman, M. M., Sakib, M.S., Rahman, A. S., Haque, M. I., Hossain, M. T., & Islam, M. R. (2023). Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices Towards COVID‑19 Among Social Workers of Bangladesh. Public Organization Review, (Q1, Scopus and Web of Science)
Alam, M. T., Rahman, A., Islam,M. R. & Tonny, S. A. (2023). Uncharted Universe of Educational Technology: Potential Awaits. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice. 23(7). (Q4, Scopus)
Hasan, A. R., Jahan, Dr. M., Islam, M. R. (2022). Recruitment and Selection of Civil Servants in Bangladesh: An Expository Study. Bangladesh Journal of Public Administration (BJPA), 30 (2), 115-228, (Peer Reviewed)
Al Farid Uddin, K., Rahman, A. & Islam, R. (2024). A study of the decentralised administrative arrangements between the central and local governments in Bangladesh during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. Public Administration and Policy: An Asia Pacific Journal. Emerald. (Q2, Scopus and Web of Science)
Uddin N, and Ullah, MN, (2019), “Maiden Zola Parishad Election in the History of Bangladesh: An Analysis of People’s Participation and Representative’s Accountability” (Article), IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), Volume 24, Issue 3, Ser. 5 (March. 2019) 83-89. |
Ullah, MN, (2020), Ingredients Of Quality Education At Tertiary Level: An Assessment Of Higher Education In Bangladesh, International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, March 2020, Vol. 4, Issue 11, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 546-556. |
Kader, A, and Ullah, MN, (2020), Project Management of Local Government in Bangladesh: Challenges and Remedies, IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), Volume 25, Issue 4, Series. 4 (April. 2020) 51-58. |
Hasan, MA, Khadiza, NS and Ullah, MN (2020), Assessing the Nutrition Governance Initiatives in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals: A Study on Adolescent Boys of Shah Ali Thana, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), November 2020, Volume 7, Issue 4, 411-431. |
1. Displacedby nature, driven by choice: Exploring the factors influencing environmentalmigrants' habitat preferences in coastal Bangladesh, Habitat International,Volume 153; 103215, 2024, available at:
2. Adaptingto Adversity: Unraveling the nexus between Vulnerability and Well-being inCoastal Bangladesh, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Volume112;104798; 2024, available at:;2024;104798. (Co-authored).
3. EasyBike Battery Recycling Channel and Influencing Factors: A Study in the South-west Region of Bangladesh, BUP Journal, Volume09, Issue 02, 2023; ISSN-Print2219- 4851; ISSN Online- 2789- 0392; (Authored).
4. WatchingTelevision and its Impact on Students ‘Academic Performance, JagannathUniversity Journal of Economics, Volume02, Issue 01, 2020; ISSN:2707-0689; (Co-authored).
5. Fosteringdisaster preparedness through community radio in cyclone-prone coastalBangladesh, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction; 2020;101752;available at: (Co- authored).
6. Preferencesfor Improved Early Warning Services among Coastal Communities at Risk inCyclone Prone South-west Region of Bangladesh, Progress in DisasterScience,2020; available at:;(Co-authored).
Ahmed, F., & Sifat, R. I. (2020). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of the rickshaw-puller in Bangladesh. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 26(8), 782–789.
Ahmed, F., & Sifat, R. I. (2020). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of the rickshaw-puller in Bangladesh. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 26(8), 782–789.
Sifat, R. I., Ahmed, F., Miah, Md. R., & Khisa, M. (2022). Effects of covid-19 on livelihood, health, and psychology of hijra population: Insights from Dhaka, Bangladesh. Journal of Homosexuality, 1–17.
Sakib, N., & Ahmed, F. (2022). Combating corruption during covid-19 in Bangladesh: The role of community-based organizations. International Journal of Non-Profit Sector Empowerment, 1(1).
Ahmed, F., & Sakib, N. H. (2022). Chapter 7: COVID-19 and Informal Labor: What are the Impacts on the Rohingyas and the Host Communities in Bangladesh? In The Rohingya crisis and the two-faced god of Janus: What lies ahead (1st ed., Vol. 1, Ser. 1). essay, Lexington Books.
Mahtab, M. T.,& Azad, A. K. (2021). Impact of COVID-19 on Sexual and Reproductive Healthof Women in Bangladesh. Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry, 12(7),1181–1195.
Exploring Motherhood and Feminine Nationality during the Liberation War of Bangladesh: A Contrastive Analysis of Tahmima Anam’s A Golden Age and Selina Hossain’s River of My Blood, NEW LITERARIA-An International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities Volume 6, No. 1, February 2025
Monir, M. Naureen, N. Salauddin, M. Azmain, M, A. (2020). Household Food Security Status During COVID-19:Evidence from A Slum in Dhaka City. The Jahangirnagar Economic Review. (31)
Chowdhury, A. I. Monir, M. Tahsin, S, A.Fariha, C. Munim, S, B. (2021a). Impactof COVID-19 on the Supply Chain of Poultry Industry, Dairy & LivestockIndustry in Bangladesh. The Jahangirnagar Review: Part II: Social Science,Vol. XLV, 2021
Monir, M. Aronee, P. Ader, J, A. Sharmin, F. (2022). Digital Divide in SecondaryEducation during Covid-19: A Study on High School Students in Two SelectedUrban and Rural Areas of Bangladesh. Journal of Faculty of Arts & SocialSciences, BUP. 2(1) 73-92
Chowdhury, A, I. Monir, M. Proma, F. U.,Rimi, T. K., Islam, J. (n.d.). (2020). Consumer Experience in Online GroceryServices During The Covid-19: A Study In Dhaka City. Bangladesh OpenUniversity Journal of Business Studies. 6(2) 76-84
Hassan, A., Alam, M M., & Faieque, A. (2023). Forecasting Monthly Inflation in Bangladesh: A Seasonal
Autoregressive Moving Average (SARIMA) Approach. Journal of Economics and Financial Analysis, 7(2), 25-43.
DOI: 10.1991/jefa.v7i2.a61
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Alam, M. M., & Hassan, A (2023) (in press). Nexus between Macroeconomic Factors & Remittance Inflow in
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DOI: 10.1504/IJSEM.2023.10058035
Islam,M. S., Haque, M. Z., Islam, S. N., Alam, M. M., & Hassan, A. (2022) (in press). Role of Education Human Capital in ICT-Trade Relationship. International Journal of Education Economics and Development.
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2. Ullah, Masud, & Uddin. (2023). Assessing Service Quality of Pourasava Digital Centre in Bangladesh Using SERVQUAL Model. The Journal of Local Government, 01–20.
3. Masud, & Uddin, M. (2023). Public Participation in Local Government Budgeting: A Study on Joypurhat and Dhaka District. Social Science Review, 01, 116–132.
4. B., Nur Ullah, M., Rahman, M. M., & Al Masud, A. (2024). Service quality, satisfaction, and intention to use Pourasava Digital Center in Bangladesh: The moderating effect of citizen participation. PloS One, 19(6), e0304178. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0304178
1. Rahman, M.M. et al.(2022) ‘Holistic Individual Fire Preparedness in Informal Settlements,Bangladesh’, Fire Technology [Preprint]. Available at:
2. Rahman, M.M. et al. (2022)‘Dengue Fever Responses in Dhaka City, Bangladesh: A Cross-Sectional Survey’,International Journal of Public Health, 0. Available at:
3. Rahman, M.M., Khan, S.J. andTanni, K.N. (2022) ‘Holistic individual preparedness in an urban fire-pronearea: The case of Dhaka City, Bangladesh’, International Journal of DisasterRisk Reduction, p. 103274. Available at:
4. Rahman, M.M.; Khan, S.J.;Tanni, K.N.; Roy, T.; Chisty, M.A.; Islam, M.R.; Rumi, M.A.A.R.; Sakib, M.S.;Quader, M.A.; Bhuiyan, M.N.-U.-I.; Rahman, F.; Alam, E.; Islam, A.R.M.T.Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices towards Dengue Fever among UniversityStudents of Dhaka City, Bangladesh. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022,19, 4023.
5. Rahman, Md & Nabila,Irtifa & Islam, Farhana & Tasnim, Farah & Tabassum, Saba &Tanni, Kamrun & Roy, Tuly. (2020). Challenges to Implement Disaster RiskReduction in Schools of Developing Country: Study on Dhaka City. InternationalJournal of Sustainable Development Research. 6. 37-42.10.11648/j.ijsdr.20200602.13.
6. Rahman, M.M. et al. (2023)‘Knowledge, Attitude and Practices Towards Dengue Fever Among Slum Dwellers: ACase Study in Dhaka City, Bangladesh’, International Journal of Public Health,0. Available at:
Chowdhury,A. I., Monir, M., Arefin Tahsin, S., & Student, G. (2021). on the SupplyChain of Poultry Industry, Dairy & Livestock Industry in BangladeshChowdhury Fariha **** Shakik Bin Munim ***** MIP Model: An MIP model forproduction, transportation TTP-Triple Triangle Framework. BRAC-Bangladesh RuralAdvancement Committee SD-System Dynamic DLS-Department of Livestock ServicesMoLF-The Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries. In The Jahangirnagar Review:Part II: Social Science: Vol. XLV.
Academia - “Culture and Suicide: A Comparative Study betweenHaruki Murakami’s Norwegian Wood and Paulo Coelho’s Veronika Decides to Die”.
Faeique, A., Shaulin, N., Siena, J. N., Roza, M. A., & Abdullah, M. T. (2024). Insights on universal pension scheme in Bangladesh: Trajectory or deviation. Journal of Governance and Social Policy, 5(1), 1–13.
Zuo, J., Zhang, L., Chen,B., Liao, J., Hashim, M., Sutrisno, D., Hasan, M. E., Mahmood, R.,Sani, D. A. (2023). Assessment of coastal sustainable development along themaritime silk road using an integrated natural-economic-social (NES)ecosystem, Heliyon, 9(6).
Yang, F., Zhang, L., Chen,B., Li, K., Liao, J., Mahmood, R., Hasan, M. E., Al-Mamun, M. M.A., Raza, S. A., Sutrisno, D. (2023). Long-term change of coastline lengthalong selected coastal countries of Eurasia and African continents, RemoteSensing, 15(9):2344.
Hasan, M. E., Zhang, L., Dewan, A., Guo, H., Mahmood, R. (2020).Spatiotemporal pattern of forest degradation and loss of ecosystem functionassociated with Rohingya influx: a geospatial approach. Land Degradation &Development.
Hasan, M. E., Nath, B., Sarker, A. H. M. R., Wang, Z., Zhang, L., Yang, X., …Suza, M. (2020). Applying Multi-Temporal Landsat Satellite Data andMarkov-Cellular Automata to Predict Forest Cover Change and Forest Degradationof Sundarban Reserve Forest, Bangladesh. Forests, 11(9), https://1016. doi:10.3390/f11091016.
Hasan, M.E., Zhang, L., Mahmood, R., Guo, H., Li, G. (2021). "Modelingof Forest Ecosystem Degradation Due to Anthropogenic Stress: The Case ofRohingya Influx into the Cox’s Bazar–Teknaf Peninsula of Bangladesh" Environments 8,no. 11: 121.
Chowdhury, M., Hasan, M. E., & Abdullah-Al-Mamun, M. M. (2018). Landuse/land cover change assessment of Halda watershed using remote sensing andGIS. The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Science.
Zhang,L., Gu, Y., Metternicht, G., Yan, M., Sen, B., Hasan, M.E. (2019).Spatial Structure and Relationship between Ports and Port Cities along theMaritime Silk Road, IGARSS 2019-2019 IEEE International Geoscience and RemoteSensing Symposium. DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS.2019.8898927.
Rahman, M.R., Hossain, M.K., Hossain, M.A., Hasan, M.E.(2020). Natural Regeneration of Potential of Madhapur National park, Bangladesh,Bangladesh Journal of Botany, 49(4): 989-996.
Book Chapters
· Khan, MM; Kamal, Abu-Hena M; Mazumder, N. (2023). Roleof community clinic in reducing climate change and disaster-induced healthrisks: an explorative study in coastal Bangladesh. In M. Nasreen, K. M. Hossain & M.M. Khan (Eds.), Coastal Disaster RiskManagement in Bangladesh: Vulnerability and Resilience. London: Routledge.
· Khan, M M;Kamal, Azad, Abul Kalam, Abu-Hena M; Zahid Dilara, Malak, M. A. (2023). Why women’s leadership is a keystone inenhancing disaster resilience to natural perturbations? Key insights fromcoastal communities of Bangladesh. In M. Nasreen, K. M. Hossain & M.M. Khan (Eds.), Coastal Disaster RiskManagement in Bangladesh: Vulnerability and Resilience. London: Routledge.
· Madhanagopal, D.’ Khan, M. M. and Zaman, F. (2023). Does local politics have relevance to thelocal climate action programs in India and Bangladesh? Review and Discussion. In D.Madhanagopal and S. Motaz (Eds.) ClimateChange and Risk in South and Southeast Asia
Sociopolitical Perspectives. London: Routledge. Link:
· Khan, M.M., (2022). Dynamics of getting womenheard and changes in their roles and practices: An analysis of coastal women inBangladesh. In Salim, M (Ed) Society andState in South Asia. Institute of Social and Cultural Studies, India &University Press Ltd (UPL), Bangladesh.
· · Abu-HenaMostofa Kamal, Tonmoy Sarkar, Khan, M. M. : Factors AffectingWillingness to Receive COVID-19 Vaccine among Adults: A Cross-sectional Studyin Bangladesh, Journal of Health Management , vol.25 , no.3 SAGEPublication , pp.414-423 , 2023 .
· Khan, M. M. (2022). Role of GOs and NGOs in Empowering and Developing Agency in Women in the DisasterProne Coastal Bangladesh: A MixedMethod Study. Journal of Disaster, Vulnerability and Resilience (JDVR), IDMVS,University of Dhaka.
· Khan, M. M., Dey M. R. & Bhattacharjee, M.(2020). Hybridization of Bengali Culture and Young Generation of Bangladesh: ASociological Study. The Journal of SocialStudies, Issue No. 165.
· Mazumder,N., Khan, M. M., & Islam, M. J., (2019). Prevalence and factors of intimate partner violence inBangladesh: A review of literature. JagannathUniversity Journal of Social Science. Volume. 4(2).
· Rahman,M., & Khan, M. M., (2019). Adaptation mechanisms and challenges to water pollution in Bangladesh: Acase of Buriganga River. Jagannath University Journal of Social Science.Volume. 4(1).
· Kamal,M., Umama, U., Roman, S., & Khan, M.M. (2018). Impact of Flood on Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health: AnEmpirical Evidence from Northern Bangladesh. Global Journal of Medical Research. Vol. 18 (5).
· Azad,Md. Abul Kalam and Khan, M. M. (2015). Post Disaster Social Pathology in Bangladesh.A Case Study on Aila Affected Areas.Journal of Sociology and Anthropology. Volume 3(2).
· Mazumder, N. and Khan, M.M. (2014) Understanding Community Policing as anInnovative and Alternative Platform of Traditional Policing for Safer Society.Jagannath University Journals of Arts. Vol. 4(1).
· Khan M. M. (2012). Consumption as Means of Communication in UrbanBangladesh: The Case of Dhaka City. Jagannath University Journal of SocialScience. Volume. 2 (1).
· Khan, M.M. andMostafa Kamal, Abu Hena (2014),Disaster and vulnerability of women in coastal Bangladesh. Jagannath University Journal of SocialScience. Volume. 2(2).
· Khan, M.M. andAzad, Abul Kalam (2012). The Nexus between Local Politics and SalinityIntrusion in Coastal Areas of Bangladesh: Unveiling the Development Myth. TheJournal of Social Development. Volume 24 (1).
· Khan, M.M. andAzad, Md. Abul Kalam (2013). Struggle against Salinity Intrusion: Exploring theAlternative Coping Mechanism of Coastal Community in Bangladesh. The Journal of Social Studies, Issue no138.
· Khan, M.M. andZaman Md Rafiuz (2012). Globalization and Information Explosion: Opportunityfor Resistance. The Journal of SocialStudies, Issue No. 135.
· Kundu,D. and Khan, M. M. (2010). Rethinking Globalization andCultural Imperialism: Developing World Perspective.The Journal of Social Studies, Issue No. 128.
· Uddin,Jamal, A. K. M. Khan, M. M. and Kundu, D. (2010). Globalizationand Resistance: An anti-capitalist manifesto. Society and Change. Vol. IV,(3).
· Uddin,Jamal, A. K. M., and Khan, M. M. (2008).TheChanging Nature of Class Formation Under Globalization. Social Science Review. Vol. 25 (1).
· Uddin,Jamal, A. K. M., Khan, M. M. (2008). Empowerment and Resistance: A Studyof Women Refugees as Member of Self Organized Groups in UK. The Journal of Social Studies. Issue No.125.
Suhi, S. S., Heme, M. A., Oyshi, F. J., Jahan, N., & Hossain, M. T. (2020). Factors Contributing to the Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students: A Case Study of Dinajpur. Pabna University of Science and Technology Studies, 4(2): 115-126.
Shohel, T. A., Nasrin, N., Farjana, F., Shovo, T. E. A., Asha, A. R., Heme, M. A., Islam, A., Paul, P., & Hossain, M. T. (2022). He Was a Brilliant Student but Became Mad Like His Grandfather: An Exploratory Investigation on the Social Perception and Stigma against Individuals Living with Mental Health Problems in Bangladesh. BMC Psychiatry, 22(1), 702. doi: (Q1: IF. 4.144)
Jahan, N., Akter, S., Heme, M. A., Chandra, D., Polly, A., Siddiqua, L., Rahman, R., Mohsin, K. F., & Hossain, M. T. (2022). Healthcare-Seeking Behaviour of Marginalised Older People in Urban Slums: A Cross-Sectional Survey Study in Khulna City, Bangladesh. BMJ Open, 12(11), e066376. doi: (Q1: IF. 2.9)
Nasrin, N., Shohel, T. A., Shovo, T. E., Farjana, F., Nizam, H., Heme, M. A., Islam, A., Paul, P., & Hossain, M. T. (2023). A Qualitative Investigation of Stressful Life Events and Mental Health Disorders: The Views of Patients and Caregivers in Bangladesh. PLoS ONE, 18(2), e0281649. doi: (Q1: IF. 3.752)
Yeasmin, N., Heme, M. A., Mumu, M. N., Shovo, T. E., Akter, R., Nizam, H., Hossain, M. T., & Shohel, T. A. (2024). A qualitative investigation to understand the challenges and representation of women in the media industry of Bangladesh. Heliyon, 10(9). e30083. doi: (Q1: IF. 4.0)
Shohel, T. A., Heme, M. A., Shovo, T. E., Nasrin, N., Asha, A. R., Rahman, T. M. R., & Hossain, M. T. (2024). Safe water crisis and struggle of climate-vulnerable indigenous communities in southwestern coastal Bangladesh. Water Policy, 26(3), 273. doi: (Q2: IF. 1.733)