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· 2018-2023
Ayesha Akter,ab Masafumi Goto,*a Megat Johari Megat Mohd Noor,a Ahmed Parvez,c Shamsunnahar Khanam, Md. Abu Bakar Siddique, e Md Faysal Hossainf and Tapos Kormoker (2023),
“Immobilization of heavy metals in tannery sludge by the formation of tobermorite in subcritical water treatment with rice husk silica, Royal Society of Chemistry. IF:4.036 (Q1)
· Tahsina Khan, Shamsunnahar Khanam, Md Habibur Rahman, Syed Mahbubur Rahman | Determinations of microfinance facility or installing solar home system (SHS) in rural Bangladesh | Energy Policy | Volume 132 | 2019, IF: 5.042 (Q1)
· Shamsunnahar Khanam, Md. Golam Muktadir and Afnan Dilshad (2022) Climate Change and Its Impact in Different Seasons: A Micro-level Community Based Study in the South-Western Coastal Area, Bangladesh” JOURNAL OF FST (Volume 1, Issue 1).
· Raihan Sorker and Shamsunnahar Khanam (2022) “Phthalate esters (PAEs) : Emerging organic pollutant in Aquatic Ecosystems”, for publication in the JOURNAL OF FST (Volume 1, Issue 1).
· Eng. K.J. Sirikumara and Dr. Shamsunnahar Khanam (2021), “Understanding the Diffusion,Performance and Barriers of Biogas Development” INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FORINNOVATIVE RESEARCH IN MULTIDISCIPLINARY FIELD, (ISSN: 2455-0620) (ScientificJournal Impact Factor: 6.719) Monthly Peer-Reviewed, Refereed, Indexed ResearchJournal, Index Copernicus International - IC Value: 86.87.
· Shamsunnahar Khanam1*,Tabassum Sultana2, and Zannatul Ferdous3 (July, 2021)“Retail Food Waste: Existing Research and Research Gap”, Ann Soc Sci Manage Stud.2021; 6(5): 555696. DOI: 10.19080/ASM.2021.06.555696
Ayesha Akter, MegatJohari Megat Mohd Noor, Masa Goto, Shamsunnahar Khanam, Ahmed Parvez, Md.Rasheduzzaman (2019), “Landslide Disaster in Malaysia: An Overview”,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT, Vol 8 Issue 6, DOINo. : 10.24940/ijird/2019/v8/i6/JUN19058
Md. Istiak Hossain, Dr.Shamsunnahar Khanam, Md. Arifur Rahman Bhuiyan (June, 2021), “ Assessment ofWater Quality Parameters and Associated Health Impacts of Supplied DrinkingWater in Mohakhali and Banani Area of Dhaka City, Bangladesh, InternationalOrganization of Scientific Research (IOSR), Journal of Environmental Science,Toxicology and Food Technology, Vol. 15 (6), DOI: 10.9790/2402-1506025966
Conference Papers:
Sikder, S., Toha, M., Sultan, M. B., Anik, A. H., Alam, M., Parvin, F., andTareq, S. M., 2024. A comprehensive review on the fate and impact of antibiotic residues in the environment and public health: A special focus on the developing countries. Water Environment Research, 96, 2, e10987,
Khan, R., Anik, A. H., Hossain, S., Phoungthong, K., Islam, A. R. M. T., Saha, N., Idris, A. M., and Alam, M., 2023. Receptor model-based source profiling of elements in sediments of an anthropogenically less impacted Himalayan River: Sediment quality and risk assessment. Chemosphere, Volume 339, 139733,
Anik, A. H., Sultan, M. B., Alam, M., Parvin, F., and Tareq, S. M., 2023. The impact of climate change on water resources and associated health risks in Bangladesh: A review. Water Security, 18, 100133,
Khan, R., Hossain, S., Anik, A. H., Phoungthong, K., Islam, A. R. M. T., Saha, N., Idris, A. M., and Alam, M., 2023. Indexical and statistical approaches to investigate the integrated origins of elements in the sediment of Teesta River, Bangladesh: Sediment quality and ecological risks assessment. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 25, 832-849.
Rahman, M. M., Sultan, M. B., and Alam, M., 2023. Microplastics and adsorbed micropollutants as emerging contaminants in landfill: A mini review. Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health, Volume 31, 100420, ISSN 2468-5844,
Kormoker, T., Karmoker, R., Uddind, M., Kabir, M. H., Siddique, M. A. B., Khan, R., Islam, M. S., Abdullah Al, M., Alam, M., Ustaoğlu, F., Islam, M., and Idris, A. M., 2022. Toxic elemental abundances in the sediment of the Jamuna River, Bangladesh: pollution status, sources, toxicity, and ecological risks assessment. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 1-23,
Alam, M., Sultan, M. B., Mehnaz, M., Fahim, C. S. U., Hossain, S., and Anik, A. H., 2022. Production of biogas from food waste in laboratory scale dry anaerobic digester under mesophilic condition. Energy Nexus, Volume 7, 100126, ISSN 2772-4271,
Hossain, S., Anik, A. H., Khan, R., Ahmed, F. T., Siddique, M. A. B., Khan, A. H. A. N., Saha, N., Idris, A. M., and Alam, M., 2022. Public health vulnerability due to the exposure of dissolved metal(oid)s in tap water from a mega city (Dhaka, Bangladesh): Source and quality appraisals. Exposure and Health, 14, 713–732,
Anik, A. H., Hossain, S., Alam, M., Sultan, M. B., Hasnine, M. T., and Rahman, M. M., 2021. Microplastics pollution: A comprehensive review on the sources, fates, effects, and potential remediation. Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management, Volume 16, 100530,
Hossain, S., Anik, A. H., and Alam, M., 2021. Radioactivity and its possible impact on environment and human health: A review. International Research Journal of Environmental Sciences, 10 (4), 24-34, E-ISSN 2319-1414.
Alam, M., Arikan, O. A., Yuksel, E., Eyvaz, M., Gurbulak, E., and Gunaydin, O., 2019. Determination of veterinary antibiotics in dairy manure slurry by LC-MS/MS. Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, 42:17-18, 555-562, DOI: 10.1080/10826076.2019.1636259.
Ferdous, J., Paul, D., Howlader, M. S. U., Alam, M., and Hossain, M. S., 2019. A study of relationship between dietary habits and cancer patients status in a Bangladeshi population. International Journal of Health Sciences and Research, 9(2): 22-26, ISSN 2249-9571.
Alam. M., Rikta, S. Y., Bahauddin, K., Hasnine, T. and Kamal, A. K. I., 2018. Production of eco-friendly handmade paper from wastepaper and other local biomass material. Academia Journal of Environmental Science, 6(7): 147-155, DOI:10.15413/ajes.2018.0128.
Alam, M. and Bahauddin. K. M., 2015. Electronic waste in Bangladesh: Evaluating the situation, legislation and policy and way forward with strategy and approach. Present Environment and Sustainable Development, 9 (1), 81-101, ISSN (Online) 2284-7820, DOI: 10.1515/pesd-2015-0005.
Rikta, S. Y., Alam, M., Hossain, K. F. B., and Tareq, S. M., 2015. Photodegradation of textile effluent using solar radiation. International Journal of Environmental Protection and Policy, Special Issue: Advances in Environmental Researches, 3 (2-1), 14-18, DOI: 10.11648/j.ijepp.s.2015030201.13.
Kamal, A. K. I., Ahmed, F., Alam, M., and Uddin, M. N., 2015. Removal of methylene blue dye by burned coal from brick field and eggshell as an adsorbent. Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences (JBES), 6 (2), 148-155, ISSN (Online) 2222-3045.
Ahmed, F., Ahmed, F., Islam, M. R., Kamal, A. K. I. and Alam, M., 2015. Sanitation and environmental status of near by village around the industrial activities of Dhaka export processing zone (DEPZ), Bangladesh. International Research Journal of Environmental Sciences, 4(5), 1-5, E-ISSN 2319-1414.
Alam, M., Hasnine, M. T. and Liza, T. A., 2014. An evaluation of environmental and social impact due to industrial activities - A case study of Bangshi river around Dhaka export processing zone (DEPZ), Bangladesh. International Research Journal of Environmental Sciences, 3(2), 103-111, E-ISSN 2319-1414.
T Akhter, MA Islam, S Islam,Artificial neural network based COVID-19 suspected area identification, Journalof Engineering Advancements 1 (04), 188-194.
AM Monzur-Ul-Akhir, SIslam, MT Imam, S Islam, T Hossain, MJ Rashid, Modeling and performance study ofCZTS solar cell with novel cupric oxide (CuO) as a bilayer absorber Memories-Materials,Devices, Circuits and Systems 5, October 2023, 100083
Do we unknowingly eat breakfast that contains microplastics?Unveiling the microplastic contamination in commercial flour. 2024. S. Aysha,M. B. Sultan, M. A. R. Bhuiyan, M. Toha, R. T. Ria. Food and Humanity. 3.100333. Publisher: Elsevier.
Roth,D., Khan, M.S.A.,Jahan, I., Rahman.M.R., Narain, V., Sing, A.K., Priya,M., Sen, S., Shrestha, A., and Yakami, S., (2018). Climates ofUrbanization: Local Experiences of WaterSecurity, Conflict and Cooperation in peri-Urban South-Asia. ClimatePolicy, Taylor & Francis, DOI: 10.1080/14693062.2018.1530967.
Jahan, I. (2021). Heavy Metal Accumulation in Rice and AquaticPlants Used as Human Food: A General Review. Toxics, 9(12),360. DOI: 10.3390/toxics9120360.
.,Bhuiyan, M. A. R., Jahan, I.,Muktadir, M. G., and Jahan, F. S., (2022). Effectsof Tannery Effluents on the Environmental Quality of Hazaribagh Area ofBangladesh and Its Possible Remediation Measures: A Review. Journal of FST,Vol 1, Issue 1, pp. 249- 271.
1. Prottasha, M. S. I., & Reza, S. M. S. (2022). A classification model based on depthwise separable convolutional neural network to identify rice plant diseases, International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 12(4), pp. 3642-3652.
2. Prottasha, M. S. I., Rahman, M. Z., Hossain, A. K., Mou, S. F., Ahmed, M. B., & Kaiser, M. S. (2022). Vote algorithm based probabilistic model for phishing website detection, Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 28(3), pp. 1582-1591.
1. Prottasha, M. S. I., Rahman, M. Z., Hossain, A. K., Reza, S. M. S. & Hossain, D. A. (2021). Identification of Various Rice Plant Diseases Using Optimized Convolutional Neural Network. International Journal of Computing and Digital System, 12(1), pp. 1539-1551.
1. Khan, M. T. I., Prottasha, M. S. I, Nasim, T. A., Mehedi, A. A., Pranto, A. M. & Asad, N. A. (2020). Performance Analysis of Various Machine Learning Classifiers on Reduced Chronic Kidney Disease Dataset. International Journal of Recent Research and Review, 8(4), pp. 16-21.
Bin Abdul Rahman SI, Lythgoe K, Muktadir MG, Akhter SHand Hubbard J (2024) Characterization and spatiotemporal variations of ambientseismic noise in eastern Bangladesh. Front. Earth Sci. 12:1334248. doi:10.3389/feart.2024.1334248
Khanam, S., Muktadir, M. G., & Dilshad, A. (2022).Climate change and its impact in different seasons: A micro-level community based study in the south-western coastal area, Bangladesh. Journal of FST, 1(01), 219.
Jahan, F., Bhuiyan, M. A. R., Jahan, I., Muktadir, M.G., & Jahan, F. S. (2022). Impacts of tannery effluents on the environmental quality of Hazaribagh area of Bangladesh and its possible remediation measures: A review. Journal of FST, 1(01), 241.
Razib, M. H., Pinky, F. T.,Banna, M. H. A., Muktadir, M. G., & Biswas, A. (2024). Framing Environmental Issues of Bangladesh in International Media: A Topic Modelling Analysis on the Guardian Newspaper. Media Watch, 0(0).
Period |
Details (Theme / Research Topic, Publication No) ISSN / ISBN
Journal/ Conference Details
August 2021 | Istiak Ahamed, Maliha Jahan, Zarin Tasnim, Tajbia Karim, S. M. Salim Reza and Dilshad Ara Hossain, “Spell corrector for Bangla language using Norvig’s algorithm and Jaro-Winkler distance” |
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, August 2021, ISSN: 2302-9285, DOI:10.11591/eei.v10i4.2410 with volume 10 and No. 4 |
April 2021 | Dilshad Ara Hossain, S M Salim Reza, “Malicious Vehicle Detection Based on Beta Reputation and Trust Management for Secure Communication in Smart Automotive Cars Network” |
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control), April 2021, ISSN: 1693-6930, DOI: 10.12928/TELKOMNIKA.v19i5.19358with volume 19 and No. 5 |
February 2021 | Md. Sazzadul Islam Prottasha, A. B. M. Kabir Hossain, Md. Zihadur Rahman, S M Salim Reza and Dilshad Ara Hossain, “Identification of Various Rice Plant Diseases Using Optimized Convolutional Neural Network” | International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems, University of Bahrain, February 2021, ISSN: 2210-142X,
January 2019 | S M Salim Reza; Assessment of Global Cyber Security Challenges with special focus on Electricity Sector of Malaysia” | ISSN : 2250-3765, January 201 |
| S. M. Salim Reza, Mohammad Shakeri, Mohsen Shayestegan, Ammar Ahmed Nasser, Jagadeesh Pasupuleti, M. Akhtaruzzaman, S. M. Lutful Kabir and Nowshad Amin; “Modern Age Internet Vulnerabilities, Threats and Remedial Recommendations for Electricity and Power Grid Sectors” |
October 2018 | Nowshad Amin; Mohammad Shakeri; Mohsen Shayestegan; S M Salim Reza; Badariah Bais; Md. Akhtaruzzaman; Kamaruzzaman Sopian; “Implementation of a Novel Home Energy Management System (HEMS) Architecture with Solar Photovoltaic System as Supplementary Source Renewable Energy” | The Official Journal of WREN - The World Renewable Energy, NetworkElsevier's EVISE® Journal: Renewable Energy [Q1] Ref. No.: RENE-D-16-03386(ISI/ Scopus Indexed)
February 2018 | Mohsen Shayestegan, Mohammad Shakeri, Hamza Abunima, S.M. Salim Reza, M. Akhtaruzzaman, Badariah Bais, Sohif Mat, Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Nowshad Amin; An Overview on Prospects of New Generation Single-Phase Transformer less Inverters for Grid-Connected Photovoltaic (PV) Systems” |
June 2015 | Sajib Chakraborty, S. M. Salim Reza, Wahidul Hasan, “Design and Analysis of Hybrid Solar-Wind Energy System Using CUK & SEPIC Converters for Grid Connected Inverter Application”, Paper ID: 256 |
11th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS 2015), Sydney Australia, June 09-12, 2015
April 2015 | A S Zaforullah Momtaz, S. M. Salim Reza “Robot: A Naval Robot Boat For Remote War Operation”, Paper ID: CEET-15-498 | Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advances In Computing, Electronics and Electrical Technology - CEET 2015. Copyright © Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, April 11-12, 2015 |
April 2015 | Wahidul Hasan, Sajib Chakraborty, S. M. Salim Reza, “Improvement of Systems Response of a PID Controller in Underdamped Condition” |
International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, IJIAS - April 2015, ISSN: 2028-9324, Vol. 11, No. 4.
April 2015 | Nahida Sultana Chowdhury, A S Zaforullah Momtaz, S. M. Salim Reza, “Implementation of an Automated System to Control Machine Through IP”, Paper ID: CEET-15-379 | Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advances In Computing, Electronics and Electrical Technology - CEET 2015. Copyright © Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, April 11-12, 2015
August 2014 | A S Zaforullah Momtaz, Nahida Sultana Chowdhury, S. M. Salim Reza, “Implementation of an Embedded System Hanoi for Tower of Hanoi Puzzle”, Paper ID: CEET-14-620, [Best Paper Award to S M Salim Reza] |
Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances In Computing, Electronics and Electrical Technology - CEET 2014. Copyright © Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors. ISBN: 978-1-63248-005-7 DOI: 10.15224/ 978-1-63248-005-7-33, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, August 02-03, 2014
January 2023 | |
Abul Kalam Azad "Discrete Wavelet Transform Based Artificial Neural Networks for ExtractingTemperature Distributions in Brillouin Optical Time Domain Analysis Sensors," acceptedfor publication in Dhaka Univ. J. App. Sci. & Eng., ISSN: 2218-7413, vol. ,No. 1, July, 2021.
Abul Kalam Azad, "Analysisof 2D Discrete Wavelet Transform Based Signal Denoising Technique inBrillouinOptical Time Domain Analysis Sensors,” Dhaka Univ. J. App. Sci. & Eng, ISSN:2218-7413, vol. , No. 1&2, pp. 1-8, Nov, 2020
Abul Kalam Azad, "Effects of Pump-Pulse Width andTemperature on Experimental Brillouin Gain Spectrum Obtained from BrillouinOptical Time-Domain Analysis Sensors,” Bangladesh J. Physic, ISSN: 1816-1081,vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 69-80, October 13, 2020
Abul Kalam Azad, Faisal Nadeem Khan, Waled Hussein Alarashi, Nan Guo, Alan Pak Tao Lau, and Chao Lu, "Temperature extraction in Brillouin optical time-domain analysis sensors using principalcomponent analysis based pattern recognition,” Optics Express, ISSN: 1094-4087, vol. 25, No. 14,pp. 16534-16549, July 3, 2017.
Abul Kalam Azad, Liang Wang, Nan Guo, Hwa-Yaw Tam, and Chao Lu, “Signal processing using artificial neural network for BOTDA sensor system,” Optics Express, ISSN: 1094-4087, vol. 24, No. 6, pp. 6769–6782,March 18, 2016.
Abul Kalam Azad, Liang Wang, Nan Guo, Chao Lu, and Hwa-Yaw Tam, “Temperature sensing in BOTDAsystem by using artificial neural network,” ElectronicsLetters,ISSN: 0013-5194, vol, 51, No. 20, pp. 1578-1580, September 17, 2015.
Abul Kalam Azad, and Md. Mahsin, “Forecasting ExchangeRates of Bangladesh using ANN and ARIMA Models: A Comparative Study”, InternationalJournal of Advanced Engineering Sciences and Technologies, ISSN: 2230-7818,vol 10, no. 1, pp. 31-36, 2011.
Abul Kalam Azad,“Artificial Neural Network Approach for Stock PricePrediction : A study on Dhaka Stock Exchange”, Journal of the Bangladesh Electronics Society, ISSN :1816-1510, vol. 9, no. 1-2, pp. 53-60, 2009.
Abul Kalam Azad, Md. Ashiqur Rahman, and Subrata Kumar Aditya-“Estimation of the maximum power and the normal operating power of a PVmodule using artificial neural network”, Southeast University Journal of Science & Engineering,ISSN : 1999-1630, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 74-82, 2008
Md. Ashiqur Rahman, Shafaat S. Giasuddin, Md. Shamim, Md. Badsha Alam, and Abul Kalam Azad, “Hardware Implementation of Data Encryption Standard using VerilogHDL”, Southeast University Journal ofScience & Engineering, ISSN : 1999-1630, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 41-48,2008.
TotalPublications: 56 (National: 35, International: 21)
NationalPublications: 35
Somerecent Papers are listed below
InternationalPublications: 21
Sultan, M. B., Anik, A. H., & Rahman, M. (2024). Emerging contaminants and their potential impacts on estuarine ecosystems: Are we aware of it? Marine Pollution Bulletin, 199, 115982. (Q-1, SCI, SCOPUS, IF: 5.8, CS: 10.2)
Sikder, S., Toha, M., Anik, A. H.*, Sultan, M. B., Alam, M.*, Parvin, F., Tareq, S.M.*, (2024). A comprehensive review on the fate and impact of antibiotic residues in the environment and public health: A special focus on the developing countries. Water Environment Research, 96:e10987. (Q-2, SCI, SCOPUS, IF: 3.10, CS: 6.30)
Habib, M. A., Akhi, S. Z., Khan, R., Phoungthong, K., Basir, M. S., Anik, A. H., Islam, A. R. M. T., & Idris, A. M. (2024). Elevated levels of environmental radioactivity in fluvial sediment: Origin and health risks assessment. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts. (Q-1, SCI, SCOPUS, IF: 5.5)
Anik, A.H.*, Sultan, M.B., Alam, M., Parvin, F., Ali, M.M., Tareq, S.M., (2023). The impact of climate change on water resources and associated health risks in Bangladesh: A review. Water Security, 18, 100133, (Q-1, SCOPUS, IS: 4.58, CS: 8.5)
Khan, R., Anik, A.H., Hossain, S., Phoungthong, K., Islam, A.R.M.T., Saha, N., Idris, A.M., Khan, M.H.R., Aldawood, S., Alam, M., (2023). Receptor model-based source tracing and risk assessment of elements in the sediment of a transboundary Himalayan River. Chemosphere. (Q-1, SCI, SCOPUS, IF: 8.8, CS: 15.8)
Khan, R., Hossain, S., Anik, A.H., Phoungthong, K., Islam, A.R.M.T., Saha, N., Idris, A.M., Alam, M., (2023). Indexical and statistical approaches to investigate the integrated origins of elements in the sediment of Teesta River, Bangladesh: Sediment quality and ecological risks assessment. Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts. (Q-1, SCI, SCOPUS, IF: 5.5)
Khan, R., Basir, M. S., Akhi, S. Z., Anik, A. H., Hossain, S., Islam, H. M. T., Islam, A. R. M. T., Idris, A. M., Khan, M. H. R., Aldawood, S., & Tareq, S. M. (2023). Radiation exposure and health concerns associated with the environmental geochemistry of relatively higher radioactivity in a freshwater basin. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 196, 115588. (Q-1, SCI, SCOPUS, IF: 5.8, CS: 10.2)
Anik, A.H., Khan, R., Hossain, S., Siddique, M.A.B., Tamim, U., Islam, A.R.M.T., Idris, A.M., Tareq, S.M., (2022). Reconciling the geogenic and non-crustal origins of elements in an Indo-Bangla transboundary river, Atrai: Pollution status, sediment quality, and preliminary risk assessment. Environmental Research, 114134. (Q-1, SCI, SCOPUS, IF: 8.3, CS: 12.6)
Hossain, S., Khan, R., Anik, A.H., Siddique, M.A.B., Tamim, U., Islam, A.R.M.T., Idris, A.M., Khaleque, M.A., (2022). Natural and anthropogenic contribution to the elemental composition and subsequent ecological consequences of a transboundary river's sediments (Punarbhaba, Bangladesh). Environmental Research, 114444. (Q-1, SCI, SCOPUS, IF: 8.3, CS: 12.6)
Hossain, S., Anik, A.H., Khan, R. et al., (2022). Public Health Vulnerability Due to the Exposure of Dissolved Metal(oid)s in Tap Water from a Mega City (Dhaka, Bangladesh): Source and Quality Appraisals. Expo & Health, 1-20. (Q-1, SCI, SCOPUS, IF: 6.7)
Alam, M.*, Sultan, M.B., Mehnaz, M., Fahim, C.S., Hossain, S., Anik, A.H.*, (2022). Production of biogas from food waste in laboratory scale dry anaerobic digester under mesophilic condition, Energy Nexus, 100126, ISSN 2772-4271, (Q-1, SCOPUS, DOAJ, IF: 8.0, CS: 7.7)
Anik, A.H., Hossain, S., Alam, M., Sultan, M.B., Hasnine, M.T., Rahman, M.M., (2021). Microplastics Pollution: A Comprehensive Review on the Sources, Fates, Effects, and Potential Remediation. Environmental Nanotechnology Monitoring & Management, 16(100530), 2215-1532. (Q-1, SCI, SCOPUS, IS: 7.09, CS: 13)
Miah, O., Anik, A. H.*, Sorker, R., Parvin, F.,Shammi, M., & Tareq, S. M. (2025). Impacts of rapid urbanization on long‐termwater quality of the peripheral River of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Water Environment Research, 97(1). (Q-2,SCI, SCOPUS, IF: 3.10, CS: 6.30)
Oishy, M. N., Shemonty, N. A., Fatema, S. I., Mahbub, S., Mim, E. L., Raisa, M. B. H., & Anik, A. H.* (2025). Unravelling the effects of climate change on the soil-plant-atmosphere interactions: A critical review. Soil & Environmental Health, 100130. (Q-2, SCI, SCOPUS, CS: 6.00)
Anik, A. H.*, Basir, M. S., Sultan, M. B.,Alam, M., Rahman, M. M., & Tareq, S. M. (2025). Unveiling the emergingconcern of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and their potentialimpacts on estuarine ecosystems. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 212, 117554. (Q-1, SCI, SCOPUS, IF: 5.8,CS: 10.2)
Khan, R., Basir, M. S., Anik, A. H., Akhi, S. Z.,Khan, M. H. R., Sultana, S., Aldawood, S., Parvez, M. S., Idris, A. M., &Roy, D. K. (2025b). Sources and distribution of potentially toxic elements inurban road dust: A comparative insights and risk assessment of two pollutedcities. Environmental Pollution, 125768. (Q-1, SCI, SCOPUS, IF: 7.6, CS: 16)
Murshed, M. F., Arpita, N. F., Anik, A. H.*, & Sultan, M. B. (2025). The hidden threat of microplastics in urban freshwater ecosystem: A comprehensive review. Environmental Nanotechnology Monitoring& Management, 101054. (Q-1,SCI, SCOPUS, IS: 7.09, CS: 13)
Aysha, S., Sultan, M. B., Bhuiyan, M. A. R., Toha, M., & Ria, R. T. (2024). Do we unknowingly eat breakfast that contains microplastics? Unveiling the microplastic contamination in commercial flour. Food and Humanity, 3, 100333.
Murshed, M. F., Arpita, N. F., Anik, A. H., & Sultan, M. B. (2025). The hidden threat of microplastics in urban freshwater ecosystem: A comprehensive review. Environmental Nanotechnology Monitoring & Management, 101054.
1. Khadiza Akter Tania, Arifur Rahman Bhuiya, Marzan Ferdous (2022). Emerging small-scale textile industries in residential areas of Mirpur, Dhaka City, Bangladesh: an assessment of the discharged wastewater quality and potential impacts. Environmental Monitoring Assessment. 194(8):560. doi: 10.1007/s10661-022-10239-w. PMID: 35781847.
2. Marzan Ferdous, Arifur Rahman Bhuiyan, Khadiza Akter Tania (2021). "Macroplastics on Soil-Plant System: Inhibiting Effects of Macroplastics on the Growth ofGreen Amaranth (Amaranthus viridis)." American Journal of Plant Sciences.,Vol.12, Issue no.6.doi:10.4236/ajps.2021.126062
3.Tania, Khadiza Akter, Era Juliet Das, Mirana Tahsin, and Md Arifur Rahman Bhuiyan. "Investigating the optimum conditions for azo dye (methyl orange and methyl red) decolorization from aqueous solution using oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus): a mycoremediation approach." Bioremediation Journal (2024): 1-13.
4. Tasnim, Nishat, Era Juliet Das, Khadiza Akter Tania, Md Arifur Rahman Bhuiyan, and Ferdous Ara Swarna. "Assessment of the efficacy of Azolla pinnata in improving textile dye wastewater quality at varying concentrations." Bioremediation Journal (2024): 1-14.
5. Naher, Sabikun, Era Juliet Das, Mohammad Toha, Md Arifur Rahman Bhuiyan, and Khadiza Akter Tania. "Assessing the efficacy of surgical mask-based modified conventional filtration chambers in eradicating harmful microorganisms from wastewater." Urban Water Journal 21, no. 9 (2024): 1082-1094.
Kabir, A., Sraboni, H. J., Hasan, M., & Sorker, R. (2022). Eco-environmental assessment of the Turag River in the megacity of Bangladesh. Environmental Challenges, 6, 100423.
(1) Murshed, S, Griffin,A. L., ISLAM, M. A., Hua, W. X., & PAULL, D. J. 2023. Assessing sensitivityto climate-related disasters in the context of a developing country: Evidencefrom the coastal region of Bangladesh. International Journal ofDisaster Risk Reduction,102633.
(2) ISLAM, M. A &CHATTORAJ, S.L 2023. Modelling landslides in the Lesser Himalaya region usinggeospatial and numerical simulation techniques. Arabian Journal ofGeosciences 16, no. 8: 480.
(3) Murshed, S, Griffin,A. L., ISLAM, M. A., Hua, W. X., & PAULL, D. J. 2022. Assessing multi-climate-hazardthreat in the coastal region of Bangladesh by combining influentialenvironmental and anthropogenic factors. Progressin Disaster science, 100261.
(4) Hasan, M., Islam,MA., Alam, MJ., Rahman, M and Hasan, MA. 2022 Hydrogeochemical characterizationand quality assessment of groundwater resource in Savar — an industrializedzone of Bangladesh. Environ Monit Assess 194, 549 (2022).
(5) ISLAM, M. A.,GRIFFIN, A. L., PAULL, D. J. & MURSHED, S. 2022. Assessing criticalinfrastructure resilience in terms of its service-providing capacity in coastalBangladesh: A synthesis of geospatial techniques and social responses. International Journal of Disaster RiskReduction, 102633.
(6) ISLAM, A. &MITRA, D. 2021. Vulnerability to Saltwater Intrusion Along Coastal BangladeshUsing GIS and Hydrogeological Data. SundarbansMangrove Systems. CRC Press.
(7) ISLAM, M. A., PAULL,D. J., GRIFFIN, A. L. & MURSHED, S. 2021b. Spatio-temporal assessment ofsocial resilience to tropical cyclones in coastal Bangladesh. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 12, 279-309.
(8) MURSHED, S., PAULL,D. J., GRIFFIN, A. L. & ISLAM, M. A. 2021. A parsimonious approach tomapping climate-change-related composite disaster risk at the local scale incoastal Bangladesh. International Journalof Disaster Risk Reduction, 55,102049.
(9) ISLAM, M., MURSHED,S. & MAHMUD, M. 2020a. Selecting suitable landfill site with multi-criteriaevaluation and GIS: a case of Savar upazila in Bangladesh. Arabian journal of Geosciences, 13, 1-15.
(10) ISLAM, M., PAULL,D., GRIFFIN, A. & MURSHED, S. 2020b. Assessing ecosystem resilience to a tropicalcyclone based on ecosystem service supply proficiency using geospatialtechniques and social responses in coastal Bangladesh. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 101667.
(11) ILIAS, M., MIA, A.,ISLAM, M., PEAS, M., FARAZI, A. & AKHTER, S. 2020. Assessing bank dynamicsof the Lower Meghna River in Bangladesh: an integrated GIS-DSAS approach. Arabian journal of Geosciences, 13, 1-19.
(12) HASAN, M., ISLAM,A., HASAN, M. A., ALAM, J. & PEAS, M. H. 2019. Groundwater vulnerabilityassessment in Savar upazila of Dhaka district, Bangladesh—A GIS-based DRASTICmodeling. Groundwater for sustainabledevelopment.
(13) GAZI, M. Y., ISLAM,M. A. & HOSSAIN, S. 2019. Flood-Hazard Mapping In A Regional Scale–WayForward To The Future Hazard Atlas In Bangladesh. Malaysian Journal of Geosciences (MJG), 3, 1-11. :
(14) ISLAM, M. A.,MURSHED, S., KABIR, S. M., FARAZI, A. H., GAZI, M. Y., JAHAN, I. & AKHTER,S. H. 2017. Utilization of open source spatial data for landslidesusceptibility mapping at Chittagong District of Bangladesh—an appraisal fordisaster risk reduction and mitigation approach. International Journal of Geosciences, 8, 577. 10.4236/ijg.2017.84031
(15) GAZI, M. Y., KABIR,S., IMAM, M. B., RAHMAN, A. & ISLAM, M. A. 2017. Geochemistry of NeogeneMudrocks from Sitakund anticline, Bengal Basin: implications for provenance,weathering, tectonic setting and depositional environment. Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, 147
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(17) ISLAM, M. A.,MITRA, D., DEWAN, A. & AKHTER, S. H. 2016b. Coastal multi-hazardvulnerability assessment along the Ganges deltaic coast of Bangladesh–Ageospatial approach. Ocean & CoastalManagement, 127, 1-15. 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2016.03.012.
(18) ISLAM, M. A.,HASSAN, S. K., NAIME, M. A., HOSSAIN, M. S., RAHMAN, M. M. & PEAS, M. H.2015a. Assessment of socio-economic resilience against coastal disasters inSandwip island of Bangladesh. BangladeshJournal of Scientific Research, 28,161-170.
(19) ISLAM, M. A.,HOSSAIN, M. S. & MURSHED, S. 2015b. Assessment of coastal vulnerability dueto sea level change at Bhola Island, Bangladesh: using geospatial techniques. Journal of the Indian Society of RemoteSensing, 43, 625-637.
(20) ISLAM, M.,CHATTORAJ, S. & RAY, P. 2014a. Ukhimath landslide 2012 at Uttarakhand,India: causes and consequences. InternationalJournal of Geomatics and Geosciences, 4,544-557.
(21)ISLAM, M. A., HOSSAIN, M. S., HASAN, T. & MURSHED, S. 2014b. Shorelinechanges along the Kutubdia Island, south east Bangladesh using digitalshoreline analysis system. BangladeshJournal of Scientific Research, 27,99-108.
(22) MRINMOY KUMARMAITRA, M., ISLAM, M. & MAMUN, M. 2014. Thickness, Distribution and QualityAssessment of Gopalganj-Madaripur Peat Deposits: A Case Study of PotentialEconomic Opportunities in Mid-Eastern Low-Lying Bangladesh. International Journal of Geosciences, 5, 943.
(23) AHSAN, K., HABIB,A., FERUJ, M. & ISLAM, M. 2013. Mouth Bar Development Process in the MeghnaEstuary of Bangladesh–A Case Study from Bhola Island. Bangladesh Journal of Geology, 31, 56-69.
(24) RASHID, M. B.,MAHMUD, A., AHSAN, M. K., KHASRU, M. H. & ISLAM, M. A. 2013. DrainageCongestion and Its Impact on Environment in the South-Western Coastal Part ofBangladesh. Bangladesh Journal ofGeology, 31, 32.
(25) MAJLIS, A. B. K.,ISLAM, M., KHASRU, M. & AHSAN, M. 2013. Protected to Open BasinDepositional System: An Appraisal for the Late Quaternary Evolution of theMoheshkhali-Kutubdia Coastal Plain, Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Geology,26, 64-77.
(26) ISLAM, M., MAITRA,M., MAJLIS, A. K., MURSHED, S. & RAHMAN, S. 2011a. Spatial changes of landuse/land cover of Moheshkhali island, Bangladesh: A fact finding approach byremote sensing analysis. Dhaka Univ. DhakaUniv. J. Earth Environ. Sci, 2,43-54.
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(28) MAJLIS, A. B. K.& ISLAM, M. 2011. Landscape Evaluation in Mid-Eastern Part of Ganges Deltafor the Forthcoming Development Arena of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Geology, 29, 49-62.
(29) MURSHED, S., ALAM,M. & ISLAM, M. 2011. Depositional Environments of the Upper Neogene ClasticSuccession Along Hari River Section, North eastern part of Sylhet Trough,Bangladesh. Dhaka Univ. J. Earth Environ.Sci, 1, 67-73.
(30) RAHMAN, S., HASAN, S.,ISLAM, M. & MAITRA, M. 2011. Temporal change detection of vegetationcoverage of Dhaka using Remote Sensing. InternationalJournal of Geomatics and Geosciences, 2,481-490.
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(32) ISLAM, M. A.,AHMED, K., HASAN, M. A. & MURSHED, S. 2008. Hydrogeology and water qualityassessment of middle Meghna flood plain, a case study on Daudkandi upazila,Comilla district. The Journal of Noami,26, 31-55.
1. Mohammad Asaduzzaman Chowdhury , Md. Bengir AhmedShuvho , Mohammod Abul Kashem , Md Abdus Shahid , Nayem Hossain , Mohammed M.Rahman “Conceptual Analysis of Microbial Processes and Drug Delivery System by the Active Ingredients ofNigella sativa”Journal of Biointerface in Applied Chemistry.January 01.2022.
2. Gazi Zahirul Islam,Mohammod Abul Kashem “AProportional Scheduling Protocol for the OFDMA-Based Future Wi-Fi Network” Journalof Communication. May.05.2022.
3. Md. Obaidur Rahaman, F. M. Javed Mehedi Shamrat,Mohammod Abul Kashem, Most. Fahmida Akter, Sovon Chakraborty, Marzia Ahmed,Shobnom Mustary “Internet of things based electrocardiogram monitoring systemusing machine learning algorithm” International Journal of Electrical and ComputerEngineering (IJECE) March.10.2022.
4. Rana, Sohel, Abul Kashem, Mohammod “A Modified Split-Radix Architecture-Based KeyScheduling Technique for Lightweight Block Ciphers” International Journal ofComputing and Digital Systems.Apr.15.2022.
5. Mohamman Asaduzzaman Chowdhury, Nayem Hossain,Tauhidul Islam Noman, Ali Hasan, Alam Shafiul, Kashem Mohammod Abul “Biodegradable,physical and microbial analysis of tamarind seed starch infused eco-friendlybioplastics by different percentage of Arjuna powder” Journal of Results inEngineering.March.2022.
6. Fahmida Akter, Mohammod Abul Kashem, Md. MonirulIslam, Mohammad Asaduzzaman Chowdhury, Md. Rokunojjaman, Jia Uddin “Cyber-PhysicalSystem (CPS) Based Heart Disease's Prediction Model for Community Clinic Using Machine LearningClassifiers” Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences December.12.2021.
7. Mohammad Asaduzzaman Chowdhurya, Nayem Hossain,MdBengir Ahmed Shuvh, Mohammad Fotouhid,Md Sakibul Islam,Md Ramjan Alia,MohammodAbul Kashem “Recent machine learning guided material research - A review”Journal of Computational Condensed Matter. July.20.2021.
8. Shabnom mustary,Mohammod Abul kashem,SaifulIslam,Md. Nurul Islam Khan, Faruq Ahmed Jewel,Md. Monirul Islam,Saiful Islam “LEACHBased WSN Classification Using Supervised Machine Learning Algorithm” IEEEXplore. Jun.21.2021.
9. Md. Monirul Islam, Mohammad Abul Kashem, Jia Uddin “AnIoT framework for real-time aquatic environment monitoring using an arduino andsensors” International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE).May.22.2021.
1 0. Mohammod Obaidur Rahaman, Mohammod Abul Kashem andMohammad Asaduzzaman Chowdhury “Analysis of Immunity System for Survival ofCOVID-19” Journal of Modern Applications in Pharmacy & Pharmacology.Crimson Publishers.Volume-2, Issue-4, May.05.2021.
1 1. Monirul Islam, Mohammod Abul Kashem, Jia Uddin,“Fish survival prediction in an aquatic environment using random forestmodel”International Journal of artificial Intelligence(IJ-AI) ScopusIndex,Q4,Vol 10,no 3,2021.
1 2. Nayem Hossain,Mohammod Asaduzzaman Chowdhury, Md.Bengir Ahmed Shuvho, Mohammod Abul Kashem Mohamed Kchaou, “3D-PrintedObjects for Multipurpose applications” Journal of Materials engineering andPerformance (2021) Published:26 march 2021.
1 3. Md.Motiul Islam and Md Abul Kashem“Parametric Active Contour model based Tumor area segmentation from Brain MRIImages Using Minimum Initial Points”Iran Journal of Computer Science, SpringerNature,,Published-19 January 2021.
1 4. Md.Monirul Islam, Jia Uddin, Mohammod Abul Kashem,FazlyRabbi,Md.Waliul Hasnat “Design and Implementation of an IoT System forPredicting Aqua Fisheries Using Arduino and KNN” Intelligent Human ComputerInteraction, Springer Link,LNCS,volume 12616,06 February 2021.
1 5. Md Abdus Shahid Abdur Rahim, Mohammad AsaduzzamanChowdhury & MohammadAbul Kashem“Development of antibacterial nanofibrous wound dressing and conceptualreaction mechanism to deactivate the viral protein by Nigella sativa extract” Advances inTraditional Medicine. Published: 13 January 2021, Springer link.
1 6. Muhammad Usama Islam, Md. Mobarak Hossain and Mohammod Abul Kashem. “COV Fake: A Word Embedding Coupled with LSTMApproach for COVID Related Fake News Detection.” International Journal ofComputer Applications 174(10):1-5, January 2021.
1 7. SaifulIslam; Md. Nurul Islam Khan; Mst. Zannatun Ferdus; Sm Jahidul Islam; Mohammod Abul Kashem” ImprovingThroughput using Cooperating TDMA Scheduling of Wireless Sensor Networks” IEEE Xplore, 23November 2020.
1 8. S.M Jahidul Islam; SaifulIslam; Mst. Zannatun Ferdus; Md. Nurul Islam Khan; Mohammod Abul Kashem; Md. Saiful Islam “Load Compactness andRecognizing Area Aware Cluster Head Selection of Wireless Sensor Networks” IEEE Xplore, 23 November 2020.
1 9. Gazi ZahirulIslama Mohammod Abul Kashem “Efficientresource allocation in the IEEE 802.11ax network leveraging OFDMA technology”Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences 31 October2020.
2 0. Mohshina Sultana, FerdausAnam Jibon, Dr. Md. Abul Kashem. “AnImproved Model of Virtual Classroom using Information Fusion and NS-DBSCAN.”Vol 20, No 5-G (2020): Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology. 21-10-2020.
2 1. Mohammad AsaduzzamanChowdhury, Md Bengir Ahmed Shuvho, Md Abdus Shahid, AKM Monjurul Haque, Mohammod Abul Kashem, Su Shiung Lam,Hwai Chyuan Ong, Md Alhaz Uddin, M Mofijur “Prospect of biobased antiviral facemask to limit the coronavirus outbreak” Environmental Research ,2020/10/3.
2 2. Mohammad AsaduzzamanChowdhury, Quazi Zobaer Shah, MohammodAbul Kashem, Abdus Shahid, Nasim Akhtar “Evaluation of the Effect ofEnvironmental Parameters on the Spread of COVID-19: A Fuzzy Logic Approach”Advances in Fuzzy Systems,2020/9/1.
2 3. Mohammad AsaduzzamanChowdhury, Nayem Hossain, Mohammod AbulKashem, Md Abdus Shahid, Ashraful Alam “Effects of Nanoparticles on ViralInfection-A Review” Nano, 2020/9/1.
2 4. Saiful Islam, Faruq AhmedJewel, Md. Nurul Islam Khan, MohammodAbul kashem, Shabnom mustary. “TVCModel: Automatic User Satisfaction Level Measurement of Information System” Volume-7, Issue-9 (Sep, 2020).
2 5. Mohammad AsaduzzamanChowdhury, Nayem Hossain, Mohammod AbulKashem, Md Abdus Shahid, Ashraful Alam “Immune response in COVID-19: Areview” Journal of Infection and Public Health,2020/7/14.
2 6. Marzia Ahmed; Md. ObaidurRahaman; Mostafijur Rahman; MohammodAbul Kashem “Analyzing the Quality of Water and Predicting the Suitabilityfor Fish Farming based on IoT in the Context of Bangladesh” IEEE Xplore,16April 2020.
2 7. Mst. Zannatun Ferdus, Md.Nurul Islam Khan, Saiful Islam, MohammodAbul Kashem. “VFLT: SQA Model for Cyber Physical System” IEEE Xplore, 03February 2020.
2 8. Rowsan Jahan Bhuiyan, Mohammod Abul Kashem, Saiful Islam, Md.Mostafizur Rahman. “ASimple Cluster Head Selection Technique of Wireless Sensor Networks”. IEEE Xplore, 03February 2020.
2 9. Rowsan Jahan Bhuiyan, Mohammod Abul Kashem, Md. MostafizurRahman, Saiful Islam. “Cluster Formation by Distance Adjustment with VariousThreshold of Wireless Sensor Networks” IEEE Xplore,13 January 2020.
3 0. Marzia Ahmed Mohammod Abul Kashem Mostafijur RahmanSabira Khatun “Review and Analysis of Risk Factor of Maternal Health in RemoteArea Using the Internet of Things (IoT)” Springer link (InECCE2019 pp 357-365),29th July 2019.first online-24 march 2020.
3 1. Gazi Zahirul Islam, Mohammod Abul Kashem. “An OFDMA-based Hybrid MAC Protocol forIEEE 802.11ax” A PUBLICATION OF THE SCIENTIFIC ASSOCIATION FORINFOCOMMUNICATIONS (HTE). Volume XI, Number 2, ISSN 2061-2079. June 2019.
3 2. Sohel Rana,Md.AnwarHussen Wadud, Ali Azgar and Dr. MohammodAbul Kashem. “A Survey Paper of Lightweight Block Ciphers Based on TheirDifferent Design Architectures and Performance Metrics.” International Journal of ComputerEngineering and Information Technology. Vol. 11, No. 6,June 2019, 119–129. E-ISSN 2412-8856.
3 3. Md. Bengir Ahmed Shuvho,Mohammad Asaduzzaman Chowdhury,Shameem Ahmed, Mohammod Abul Kashem. “Predictionof solar irradiation and performance evaluation of grid connected solar 80KWpPV plant in Bangladesh.” Elsevier,Energy Reports 5 (2019) 714–722. 2019.
3 4. Sohel Rana, SaddamHossain, Hasan Imam Shoun, Dr. MohammodAbul Kashem. “AnEffective Lightweight Cryptographic Algorithm to Secure Resource-ConstrainedDevices.” (IJACSA)International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 9,No. 11, 2018.
3 5. Dr.MohammodAbul Kashem. Mohammad Naderuzzaman. “An enhanced Pairwise Search Approach forGenerating Optimum Number of Test Data and Reduce Execution Time.” Computer Engineering and Intelligent SystemsVol.4 no.1 ISSN 2222-1719(p) ISSN 2222-2863(e). UnitedKingdom London,2013.
3 6. Dejan Chandra Gope Dr.Mohammod Abul Kashem “SoftwareQuality Assurance Development Using Bayesian Graphical Model and Safe GrowthModel.” American Academic &Scholarly Research Journal, Vol.5, No.2, ISSN2162-321X(p), ISSN2162-3228(e).2013.
3 7. Dr.MohammodAbul Kashem. Rowsan Jahan Bhuiya. “A cost reduction method in SQA by usinginspection and static analysis tool.” IOSRJournal of Computer Engineering Vol. 9 no.1, ISSN 2278-0661, ISBN 2278-8727. New Deli (India) 2013.
3 8. MA Kashem, S Saha, M Naderuzzaman. “A New Approach of Disk Scheduling.” NCICIT. 2013.
3 9. S Ahmed, M A Kashem. “Enhancingthe Character Segmentation Accuracy of Bangla OCR using BPNN”. International Journal of Science andResearch 2 (12). 2013.
4 0. Sandipon Saha, Md. NasimAkhter, Mohammod Abul Kashem. “A New Heuristic Disk SchedulingAlgorithm”. InternationalJournal of Scientific & Technology Research. (IJSTR) Vol.2, Issue.1, ISSN2277-8616. France 2013.
4 1. S Ahmed,M.Begum,F Hsiddiqui, M A Kashem.“Dynamic webService discovery Model Based on Artificial Neural Network with QoS support.” International journal of Scientific &Engineering Research Vol.3 Issue.3. 2012.
4 2. MohammodAbul Kashem, Momotaz Begum,Sumaya Kazary, andShamim Ahmed. The Proposal of aframework for implementation of present Government's “"DigitalBangladesh-2021" involving & integrating of Rural Woman.” International Journal of Scientific &Engineering Research. Vol.3 No. 3, ISSN 2229-5518. USA,2012.
4 3. Mohammad Naderuzzaman, Dr.Mohammod Abul Kashem. “Improvement opportunity in AgileMethodology and a survey on the adoption rate of the Improved Methodology.” Computer Engineering and IntelligentSystems IISTE Vol.3 no.8, ISSN 2222-1719(p), ISSN 2222-2863(e), United Kingdom London,2012.
4 4. MohammodAbul Kashem,Md.Nasim Akhter,Shamim Ahmed,andMd.Mahbub Alam. “Face Recognition System Based on Principal ComponentAnalysis(PCA) with Back Propagation Neural Networks(BPNN).” International Journal of Scientific &Engineering Research. Vol.2, Issue.6, ISSN 2229-5518. USA,2011.
4 5. MohammodAbul Kashem, Shamim Ahmed, Md Nasim Akhter, MdMahbub Alam. “Automatically Face Detection and Recognition System Based onPrincipal Component Analysis (PCA) with Back Propagation Neural Networks (BPNN).” International Journal of Computer andInformation Technology. 2011.
4 6. Ashim Kumar Ghosh, AnupamKumar Bairagi, Dr M.Abul Kashem,Md.Rezwan-ul-Islam, A J M Asraf Uddin. “Energy Efficient Zone Division MultihopHierarchical Clustering Algorithm for Load Balancing in Wireless SensorNetwork.” (IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science andApplications Vol.2, No.12, ISSN:2156-5570(e), ISSN:2158-107X(p), USA,2011.
4 7. Md.Nazrul Islam, MahmudaAkter Dr.M.A.Kashem, Md.MostafizerRahman. “An Efficient and SpeedyActivity model for Information System Based Organizations.” Global Journal of Computer Science andTechnology Vol.11, No.22, ISSN:0975-4172(e), ISSN:0975-4350(p). USA, 2011.
4 8. Md.Nasim Akhtar,MdMamunur Rashid,Md.Shafiqul Islam, MohammodAbul Kashem and Cyrll Y. Kolybanob. “Position Index Preserving Compressionfor Text Data.” Journalof Computer Science & Technology, Vol.11, no.1, ISSN 1666-6046. Argentina,2011.
4 9. Md Mahbub Alam, M Abul Kashem. “Acomplete Bangla OCR system for printed characters”. ISSN2078-5828 (PRINT), ISSN 2218-5224 (ONLINE), VOLUME 01, ISSUE 01, MANUSCRIPTCODE: 100707 JCIT, 2010/7.
5 0. Nasim Akhter, M.A.Kashem, Cyril Y.Kolybanov,S.K.Ahemd Kamal. “Designing the compilation of data for water quality of therivers around the capital of bangladesh in a data warehouse”. ScientificJournal/ Bulletin of Donetsk National University Series A. Natural Sciences.ISSN 1817-2237, Ukraine,2009.
5 1. Rashkevych Yu., Kashem.M. A, Tymchaenko O. B. “The method of Increasing the Precision ofEncoding the Speech Signal Represented in Time Sphere by the markov’s Process.” The technical News Ukrainian engineeringsociety in Lviv,200/1(10),2(11). 2000,Ukraine.
5 2. MohammodKashem. “Features andchoice of low speed methods and coding systems of transfer speech signals.” TheTechnical News Ukrainian engineering society in Lviv,200/1(10),2(11), 2000,Ukraine.
5 3. Tymchanko O.B, M.A. Kashem. “Information andStatistical Description of speech Signal into Communication Channel.” BulletinComputer Engineering and Information Technology. N-392, Lviv, ISSN 0321-0499, 2000, Ukraine.
5 4. Rashkevych Yu.M., TsmotsI.G., M.A.Kashem. “Parallel memoryof control systems and digital signals processing and estimation of their basicparameters”. Journal of Kharkov State Polytechnic University No.97. ISSN0453-7998. 2000, Ukraine.
5 5. Tymchanko O.B. M.A., Kashem. “Statistical andinformation Mathematical models of Speech Signal in Telephone channel ofcommunication.” The Bulletin of Scientific Works IPME” Modeling and InformationTechnology” N-5. Kyiv. 2000,Ukraine.
5 6. Tymchanko O.B., M. A. Kashem. “Methods of adaptableencoding of speech signals with direct and backward control of coder ChangeRange.” Bulletin ComputerEngineering and Information Technology. N-386, Lviv. ISSN 0321-0499, 1999, Ukraine.
5 7. M.A. Kashem. “Analysis of nonlinear method of timecompression of speech signal.” BulletinComputer Engineering and Information Technology, N380-Lviv.ISSN 0321-0499, 1999, Ukraine.
5 8. Tymchanko O.B., M. A. Kashem. “Increasingthe compression degree of random signals with the aid of precision rise ofExtreme Analysis.” BulletinComputer Engineering and Information Technology. N-370, Lviv.ISSN 0321-0499, 1999, Ukraine.
5 9. Tymchanko.B., Kashem M. A. “Minimization of thefrequency of Digitization of Speech Signal Represented by the Markov’sprocess.” Scientific Journalof Computer Technologies and publishing, N-3 Lviv UAPISSBN 5-87332-109-4. 1999, Ukraine.
6 0. Korostil Yu.M., TymchankoO.B., M. A. Kashem. “Methods and algorithms of adaptableencoding of non-stationary speech signals.” TheBulletin of Scientific Works IPME” Modeling and IT” N-4. Kyiv, 1999, Ukraine.
6 1. MA Kashem, M Naderuzzaman, MH Rahman. “Development of Asynchronous Replicationmodel for Heterogeneous Environment.” ComputerScience& Engineering Research Journal(CSERJ), CUET., Vol-09, ISSN:190-4016. 2014.
6 2. Dr.M.A.Kashem,Abu Sayed Chowdhury, Rupam Deb,and, Moslema Jahan. “Query Optimization onRelational Databases for Supporting Top-K Query Processing Techniques.” Journal of Computer and InformationTechnology(JCIT), Vol.01 no.01, ISSN 2078-5828(p), ISSN 2218-5224(e). 2010.
6 3. Md. Mashud Hyder,Mohammad Iqbal Bin Shahid, M. A. Kashem,Md. Shohidul Islam. “InitialWeight Determination of a MLP for Faster Convergence.” Journalof Electronics and computer science Vol.10, ISSN 1680-6743, 2009.
June2021, Non-verbal language: an effective tool in the command environment ofBangladesh Army, Bangladesh Army Jarnoul 69th Issue, ISSN: 1019-1313
December2021, Deep Learning in Digital Media: Era of deepfakes, Signal AccentJournal, ISSN: 2709-7897
2008,Combat Communication Architecture for Bangladesh Army, dissertationsubmitted to Defence Services Command and Staff College for Masters-in-Defence.