BSS (Hons) in Public Administration

Faculty: Faculty of Arts & Social Science (FASS)

Department: Department of Public Administration

Program: BSS (Hons) in Public Administration

Course Outline


Department of Public Administration of BUP will be one of the leading public administration schools in creating competent practitioners, academicians and researchers to contribute in solving social problems.


To produce and develop public administration practitioners, academicians and researchers through excellence in research, teaching and learning.


  1. To develop administrative practitioners through high-quality undergraduate and postgraduate programs.
  2. To enhance research on contemporary issues of public administration.
  3. To prepare students as future academicians of public administration with advanced academic knowledge, research and lecture delivery skill.
  4. To produce social problem solvers for both public and private organizations in the field of public administration and its related fields in social sciences



General Info

Intake : Once in a Year
Application Duration : 08 November 2024 - 22 November 2024

Method of Application : Online through the "Admission Link" of 
Course Duration : Years: 04 Semester: 08
Total Credit Hours : 126

Eligibility for Admission

  1. A candidate must pass SSC/equivalent and HSC/equivalent examination from any discipline/group.
  2. Candidates from Science Group must obtain a total GPA of 9.00 in SSC/equivalent and HSC/equivalent examination.
  3. Candidates from Business Studies Group must obtain a total GPA of 8.50 in SSC/equivalent and HSC/equivalent examination.
  4. Candidates from Humanities Group must obtain a total GPA of 8.00 in SSC/equivalent and HSC/equivalent examination.
  5. Candidates from General Certificate of Education (GCE) O and A level background must pass in minimum 05 (five) and 02 (two) subjects respectively having minimum 26.5 points in total based on the following scale: 

A* - G Grading System (IGCSE)

9 – 1 G Grading System (GCSE)
























Note:   Gradings lower than ‘D’ or 4 (9-1 grading system) will not be considered for point calculation.

  1. Candidates from International Baccalaureate (IB) must pass in minimum 06 (six) subjects having minimum 30 points based on the rating scale used in their curriculum (7, 6, 5, 4). Rating of 1, 2 and 3 will not be considered in point calculation.


Admission Test Syllabus

Candidates will have to sit for a written test (MCQ) of 100 marks. The marks distribution is as follows:

  1. General Knowledge - 40
  2. English – 40
  3. Bangla - 20


  1. MCQ = 55%
  2. HSC/Equivalent Result=25%
  3. SSC/Equivalent Result=20%


Exam Type

The admission Test will be taken in MCQ System (100 Marks) and 0.50 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer.

Detailed Time Plan and Center for Admission Test.

​​Written Tests will be held as per the following schedule: 


Date & Day of Written Test

Time of Written Test

Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

13 December 2024 Friday


  • Admission Test (Written) will be conducted in Dhaka city only.
  • Schedules of other events will be circulated later.



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  • The course is designed for the students of BSS program in PA to provide them an introductory idea of the real world. In doing so, this course includes some specific objectives: • To describe and explain the functions of various institutions of local government; • To discuss a broad array of concepts related to local government and politics; • To accurately define, evaluate, and critique the basic principles (e.g., liberty, equality, rights) inherent within our political/ philosophical framework of local government.


  • • Explore the relationship between local government and individuals;
  • • Acquire the basic understanding of local power, state, law, legitimacy, political culture, political participation, political system and party, and political development;
  • • Apply the knowledge acquired in the module to examine the issues of local government.
  • • Develop an understanding of local power and dominance


  • Local Government in Bangladesh
  • Local Government in South Asia
  • “Local Administration and Politics in Modernizing Societies; Bangladesh and Pakistan”
  • Local Government in Bangladesh: A Study of Zila Parishad


  • Course objectives: 1. To provide a clear concept of Philosophy of Social Research. 2. To understand Participatory Research Methods and tools. 3. To learn Key Schools of Thoughts in Social Science Research. 4. To identify Measurement, Validity, Reliability.


  • Comprehend the research process in general.
  • From writing down a research proposal to conduct a whole research.


  • An Introduction to Research Methods
  • Research Methodology. New Delhi, Wishaw Prokashan.


  • To provide a basic theoretical knowledge on political economy, international political economy as well as international political ideologies.
  • To understand the role of state for maintaining positive growth of economy and also development of agricultural economy.
  • To relate the positive aspects of globalization and industrialization in world as well as national economy.
  • To identify the importance of political economy in the context of good governance.


  • Describe the nature, scope and social structure of political economy
  • Discuss the role of government for economic development and to sort out the problems of unbalanced growth.
  • Analyze the globalization process, industrialization both positively and negatively in the context of national and international economy.
  • Explain and identify the importance of political economy in the context of public administration.


  • Anderson, E. Ake (1985) Gateways to Global Economy; Prisma, Regionplanekontoret, Stockhalm
  • Bawany, A. Ebrahim (1970) Revolutionary Strategy for National Development; Printbound, London.
  • Boyce, K. James (2002) The Political Economy of the Environment; Edward Elgar Publishing Inc, London.
  • Brain, E. Dollery (2001) The Political Economy of Local Government; Elgar Edward Publishing Inc.
  • Faaland, Just (1976) Bangladesh: The Test Case for Development; C. Hurst & Co. Publishers Ltd.
  • Faruk, A. (1974) Economic Development of Bangladesh; Bureau of Business Research, University of Dhaka.
  • Hanson, H. A. (1959) Public Enterprise and Economic Development; Routledge, London.
  • Hanson, H. A. (1959) Public Enterprise and Economic Development; Routledge, London.
  • Harrop, Jeffery (2000) The Political Economy of Integration in the European Union, 3rd Edition; Edward Elgar Publishing Inc, London.
  • Khan, Azizur Rahman (1972) The Economy of Bangladesh; Maclilan, London and St. Martin’s Press, New York.
  • Mannan, A. M (1968) Economic Problem and Planning in Pakistan; Ferozsons, Lahore.
  • McNutt, A Patrick (2002) The Economics of Public Choice, 2nd Edition; Edward Elgar Publishing Inc, London.
  • Mishra, Romesh (1999) Globalization and Welfare State; Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, London.
  • Moser, Peter (2000) The Political Economy of Democratic Institutions; Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, London.


  • This course provides excellent training for officials within the government sector in the evaluation, management and administration of environmental impact assessments. The review of environmental policy related reports and applications (including applying the law, site investigations, etc.); setting of enforceable conditions and the monitoring thereof; and socio-economic considerations in environmental policy and public participation are included in the training.


  • Assess the adequacy and quality of all documents culminating in review of the environmental policy
  • · Take account of public comment and to take advantage of public environmental policy
  • · Determine if the information and process culminating in environmental policy sufficient for a final decision to be made
  • · Identify, as necessary, the deficiencies that must be addressed before the report can be submitted


  • Understanding Environmental Administration and Law
  • Handbook of Global Environmental Policy and Administration


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  • Students will be familiar with the core notions in accounting and finance, as well as those of economics and management, at the level of second year university course. The process of taxation, budgeting, public sector auditing and how foreign investment works in a government administration. What are the roles and function are played by the domestic and foreign financial agencies in public sector administration. A major objective is the development of analytical and decision-making skills in finance through the application of theory questions and practical problems.


  • • Explain the goals and functions of public finance and management.
  • • Prepare and present Cash Flow statements.
  • • Analyze financial statements and describe the economic health of a company.
  • • Explain the benefits of financial forecasting and public-sector auditing
  • • Process of budgeting and role of monetary policy
  • • Analyze the role of foreign aid and international financial institutions
  • • Critically analyze the role of domestic financial agencies and their activities.


  • Handbook of Public Finance. New York: Lluwer Academic Publishers.
  • Public Finance . Agartala: Vicas Publishing house pvt. ltd.
  • Budget Theory In the Public Sectors. London: Quorum books


  • To define an understanding regarding the term rural development
  • To describe the nature and scope of rural development
  • To discuss about the basic elements of rural development
  • To explain why rural development is necessary
  • To discuss about human beings as the cause and consequence of development


  • To develop an understanding regarding the term rural development
  • To acquire the knowledge about basic elements of rural development
  • To understand why rural development is necessary
  • To know about the traditional and new emerging leadership Pattern: myth & realty, adaptation of modern technologies in agricultural production and transforming agrarian structure
  • To learn about human beings as the cause and consequence of development and know about some dilemmas in development


  • Rao B. Sudhakar, Ed. (2008) Poverty Focused Rural Good Governance in Asian Commonwealth Countries, Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific (CIRDAP)
  • Sharma Jitendra Kumar (2001) Rural Development in South Asia, Delhi : Authorspress.
  • Sen Binayak (2003). Drivers of Escape and Descent: Changing Household Fortunes in Rural Bangladesh, World Development Vol. 31, No. 3.
  • Lewis David and Hossain Abul (2008) A Tale of Three Villages Power, Difference and Locality in Rural Bangladesh, Journal of South Asian Development, June vol. 3 no. 1, Sage Publications


  • The general objective of the course is to map out the debates and discourses about the effects of globalization on the governance-process and role of the state. The specific objectives of the course are: • To give an introduction to understand the concept of governance and globalization • To examine the impact of globalization on the autonomy and sovereignty of the state • To identify the policy implications of globalization • To access to what extent globalization can be held accountable democratically


  • After the completion of this course, students will be able to think critically and theoretically about the dynamics of the governance process in the globalized world. They will also able to understand the changing role of the state and its consequences on the global governance. Apart from that they will also be able to analyze how studying the course ‘Globalization and Governance’ is relevant under the purview of Public Administration.


  • Required Course Materials • Textbooks: Ansell, C. (2002). Debating Governance: Authority, Steering, and Democracy. Edited by Jon Pierre. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000. 251p. $60.00 cloth, $24.95 paper.-. American Political Science Review, 96(3), 668-669. Bovaird, T., Loffler, E., Boaz, A., & Nutley, S. (2002). Public management and governance. An Interdisciplinary Critical Analysis, 345. Farazmand, A., & Pinkowski, J. (Eds.). (2006). Handbook of globalization, governance, and public administration. CRC Press. Islam, N. (2016). Governance for Development: Political and Administrative Reforms in Bangladesh. Springer. • Optional Book Hart, J. A., & Prakash, A. (Eds.). (2003). Globalization and governance. Routledge. Stiglitz, J. E. (2017). The overselling of globalization. Business Economics, 52(3), 129-137. • Articles Bonnafous-Boucher, M. (2005). From government to governance. In Stakeholder Theory (pp. 1-23). Palgrave Macmillan, London. Economic, U. N., & Council, S. (2006). Definition of basic concepts and terminologies in governance and public administration. E/C, 16(4). Dingwerth, K., & Pattberg, P. (2006). Global governance as a perspective on world politics. Global governance: a review of multilateralism and international organizations, 12(2), 185-203. Al-Rodhan, N. R., & Stoudmann, G. (2006). Definitions of globalization: A comprehensive overview and a proposed definition. Program on the Geopolitical Implications of Globalization and Transnational Security, 6, 1-21. Bhagwati, J. (2004). In defense of globalization: With a new afterword. Oxford University Press. 5 Hirst, P., & Thompson, G. (2002). The future of globalization. Cooperation and conflict, 37(3), 247- 265. Sarker, A. E. (2009). The new mode of public governance and public accountability in developing countries: An analysis with particular reference to Bangladesh. Intl Journal of Public Administration, 32(13), 1101-1123.


  • Because of taking this class, students will have a clear understanding of the various leadership and motivation theories and management and decision-making techniques. This course will begin with an introduction that will help further the distinction between leadership and management, and then they will be introduced to major theories and models of leadership. Next, they will be introduced to the process of decision-making in a variety of leadership settings. They will then study of how group is formed and how to do better in a team work as well. The final unit will focus on managing groups and teams. Students may not be a leader after concluding this course, but they certainly will have a better understanding of the qualities of leadership and management even in a critical situation.


  • After the completion of this course, students will: • Develop critical and reflective thinking abilities for effective decision making • Exhibit responsible decision-making and personal accountability • Appreciate creative expression and aesthetics • Exhibit the ability to work effectively with those different from themselves • Demonstrate an understanding of group dynamics and effective teamwork • Develop a range of leadership skills and abilities such as effectively leading change, resolving conflict, and motivating others.


  • Organizational behavior, Stephen P Robbins and Judge, Pearson International Edition
  • The John Adair Handbook of Management and Leadership, Edited by Neil Thomas, Thorogood Ltd
  • Handbook of Decision Making, Edited by Paul C. Nutt and David C. Wilson, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd


  • The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with the tradition of moral philosophy and the use of moral philosophy in the study of ethical behavior in public service. This course will be a survey of contemporary perspectives on ethics and ethical behavior in government. Students will be expected to be conversant in the major ideas of moral theories and should be able to point to key differences in solutions to canonical moral problems within the theoretical frameworks presented.


  • After the completion of this course, students will: • Develop an idea about morality and moral philosophy • Exhibit the ability to work effectively in the government service • Demonstrate an understanding of ethics in their personal lives • Develop a range of skills and abilities to use ethics in their professional lives.


  • Ethics in Public Administration, A PHILOSOPHICAL APPROACH, Patrick J. Sheeran.
  • Handbook of Administrative Ethics, Second Edition, edited by Terry L. Cooper, University of Southern California.
  •  The Ethical Motivation in Public Service by Nivin S. Abdel Meguid.
  •  State of Ethics in the Public Service of Bangladesh: What are Public Servants Thinking? Dr. Sonia Haq.
  •  Public Service Values and Ethics in Public Administration by Dr. Desh Raj Sirswal.
  •  Public Sector Ethics. Editors, Inge Amundsen (CMI), Vicente Pinto de Andrade (UCAN)
  •  Effectiveness of Good Governance and Ethics in Central Administration: Evaluating Reform, Outcomes in the Context of the Financial Crisis by Prof. Dr. Christoph Demmke & SNE Timo Moilanen.


  • • To understand the Constitutional law of the country.
  • • To apprehend relevant clauses of the Constitution which are required for a student of Public Administration.
  • • To make students familiarize with what laws say and what we practice.


  • At the end of the course, students will have
  • • Learning what laws say and what they should do
  • • Ability to define constitutional interpretation in relevant circumstances.


  • Constitution of Bangladesh
  • Secularism and the Constitution of Bangladesh
  • Constitutional Law of Bangladesh


  • Course Objectives: The course is designed for the students of BSS program in PA to provide them idea about gender issues for administration. In doing so, this course includes some specific objectives - 1. To define the concepts of fundamentals of gender, various gender and development approaches and the analysis of those approaches; 2. To discuss about the different advanced gender theories; 3. To analyze the relationship between gender and poverty, gender and family, gender, law and governance. 4. To discuss about gender and country development and the issues of Gender in country development.


  • 1. Understand the concepts of fundamentals of gender, various gender and development approaches the analysis of those approaches;
  • 2. Know about the different advanced gender theories;
  • 3. Analyze the relationship between gender and poverty, gender and family ,gender, law and governance and the strategies for overcoming gender disparities;
  • 4. Understand gender and country development and the issues of gender in country development.


  • Jahan, Rounaq (1995) The Elusive Agenda; Mainstreaming Women in Development, UPL.
  • Visvanathas, Nalini (1997) The Women, Gender a Development Reader, UPL


  • 1. To provide a clear concept of Public Administration in South Asia. 2. To understand History and Context of Public Administration in India. 3. To learn Public Policy Processes and Citizen Participation in Bangladesh. 4. To identify Public Agencies’ Initiatives for Social Development in Bangladesh.


  • By the end of this course students should be able to: 1. Show knowledge of comparative public administration. 2. Examine the main theoretical models about public administration. 3. Compare and contrast the different public administrations within the southeast Asian region. 4. Identify and propose best practices that may be applicable across all public administrations across countries in the southeast Asian region. 5. Formulate a coherent discussion about how public administrations in the different countries have been shaped by the socio-political and cultural forces that are specific to individual countries. 6. Critique from a comparative perspective the advantages and disadvantages of each unique form of public administration in each country.


  • 1. In Search of Better Governance in South Asia and Beyond (Public Administration, Governance and Globalization) 2013 Edition, Kindle Edition
  • 2. Public Administration in South Asia: India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan 1st Edition


  • • To provide basic theoretical knowledge in administrative law and ethics.
  • • To understand the nature of administrative law, basic constitutional principles for administrative law, public interest litigation, and social action litigation.
  • • To learn the functions of administrative power such as legislative and parliamentary control, executive control and judicial control.
  • • To identify the importance of law and ethics in the context of public administration.


  • Describe the core areas of administrative laws and administrative ethics.
  • • Understand the constitutional provision of administrative laws, the implication of public interest litigation in the context of contemporary society.
  • • Narrate the ideas of delegated legislation and writ jurisdiction for the proper implication of administrative law.
  • • Explain and identify the importance of administrative law and ethics for assuring natural justice and good governance in the context of Bangladesh


  • Book: Administrative Law and Ethics, C.K. Takwani
  • Bangladesh Public Administration


  • 1. To provide a basic theoretical knowledge on public policy. 2. To understand policy making process, steps of policy making, key actors and factors of policy making, 3. To acquire knowledge on steps of policy making and how an effective policy can be made, also learn about practical issues such as policy implementation, policy evaluation and policy analysis. 4. To point out the importance of learning public policy in the context of public administration


  • After completing this course student will be able to- 1. Describe the purpose, scope and purpose of public policy. 2. Discuss the methodology of policy making including various practical implication of social phenomenon and various actors- factors. 3. Narrate the process of policy implementation and show how a policy can be productive by doing empirical evaluation. 4. Explain and identify the importance of public policy in the field of public administration.


  • 1. Understanding Public Policy, 15th Edition. Thomas R. Dye, Florida State University. ©2017 |Pearson |
  • 2. An Introduction to the Policy Process: Theories, Concepts, and Models of Public Policy Making, 3rd 3rd Edition by Thomas A Birkland


  • The course introduces students to some key concepts and theories in the study and reform of public sector management. People working in government organizations are significantly affected by general theories about public sector management. The effects of these theories may often be implicit and indirect, the result of unspoken cultural traditions or reforms imposed by central governments and only dimly understood by rank-and-file officials preoccupied with their immediate tasks. Nonetheless, their influence is profound. If government officials (or those who work closely with governments, for instance in NGOs) can become more critically aware of the basic ideas that help to shape and constrain their professional lives, they will be better placed to understand their own working environment and to make a constructive contribution to their agencies and communities. To aid this process of professional self-awareness, this course attempts to introduce students to the main general trends and theories in public sector management from a critical and comparative perspective. All countries in the modern world have systems of government that include permanent administrative organizations (departments or agencies) whose task it is to carry out the various functions of government, typically under the direction of political leaders and supervised by legislatures and courts. Although institutions of government administration are found everywhere, their formal structures and methods of operation have varied significantly over time and from country to country. A major aim of the course will be to identify the different constitutional traditions within which systems of public administration are located, as well as the different administrative challenges faced by countries at different stages of political and economic development. Another major theme of the course is the worldwide movement for public sector reform which has been extremely influential since the 1980s. Analyzing and assessing recent public sector reform requires an understanding of the various theoretical models that have underpinned the arguments for change.


  • • Understand the key concepts, ideas, theories and terminology associated with public administration and public sector management;
  • • Understand the main issues in key theoretical debates in public administration and public sector management;
  • • Apply relevant concepts and theories to individual cases in a comparative context;
  • • Understand the main principles in public sector reform and apply them to individual cases


  • Public Management and Administration, an Introduction, Third Edition
  • Reinventing Government: How the Entrepreneurial Spirit Is Transforming the Public Sector


  • To provide a clear concept of Legal system of contemporary Bangladesh
  • To understand Constitutional Provisions and Laws Relating to Civil Rights in Bangladesh
  • To learn Regulatory Administration in Bangladesh


  • To understand and implement the legal system
  • To appreciate the fundamentals of the legal system of Bangladesh


  • The Legal System of Bangladesh- Barrister Md. Abdul Halim
  • Legal System of Bangladesh- Late Alhaj Prof. Dr. ABM Mafizul Islam Patwari
  • Legal System of Bangladesh- Azizul Hoque
  • Evolution of the Supreme Court of BD- Justice Badrul Haider Chowdhury


  • At the end of the session, learners will be able to –
  • **• Understand the basic ideas on Project.
  • **• Apprehend series of steps involved in an ideal project.
  • ** • Analyze the myriad roles of a manager in a particular project.


  • After the completion of this course, students will be able to describe the functions of development organizations and the role of development workers in carrying out those functions.
  • After the completion of this course, students will be able to discuss the history, scope, and environment of development organizations.
  • After the completion of this course, students will be able to articulate the basic theories and concepts relevant to the field of development organizations.
  • After the completion of this course, students will be able to explain and identify the importance of ethics and accountability in development organizations.


  • Fundamentals of project management. Amacom.
  • Project Management.
  • Development Planning in Bangladesh: A Study in Political Economy


  • 2. To analyze those concepts and variables in the context of a particular social system and any social system with those concepts and social variables within major theoretical perspectives of sociology; 3. To identify how the sociological perspectives illuminate understanding; 4. To discuss specific areas of study within sociology; 5. To synthesize the local and global nature and impacts of social circumstances; 6. To examine theoretical perspectives and be able to apply them to current issues; and 7. To evaluate ideas and debates using the sociological perspective.


  • After completing this couser, students will be able to- 1. analyze everyday social processes and current events; 2. demonstrate an understanding of the interplay between social context and individual factors underlying human diversity; 3. identify the values and social structures that organize human societies; 4. demonstrate an understanding of the dynamics of social power in contemporary society; 5. know how to conduct social scientific research; and 6. employ competing sociological theories to explain social phenomena.


  • Macionis, J. John (2013), Sociology, Pearson.Schaefer
  • T. Richard (2012), Sociology: A Brief Introduction, McGraw-Hill.
  • Giddens, A. and Duneier M. (2013), Introduction to Sociology, W. W. Norton & Company.
  • Henslin, M. James (2014), Essentials of Sociology, Pearson.
  • Newman, M. David (2013), Sociology: Exploring the Architecture of Everyday Life, SAGE Publications, Inc.Ritzer, F. George (2014), Introduction to Sociology, SAGE Publications, Inc.


  • The general objective of the course is to examine the contemporary international political structures, institutions, actors and processes. This specific objectives include: • To assess the role of governments, international organizations and non-state actors • To understand how different international actors interact with each other and shape the international governance process • To equip the learners with the analytical and interpretive thinking skills necessary to solve the governance challenges in this rapidly changing world


  • After the completion of the course, students will be able to demonstrate a sound knowledge and a critical understanding of the key themes and concepts of International Relations and International Governance and their significance within the discipline of public administration. The students will also able to apply those themes and concepts to solve the challenges of contemporary international governance.


  • Textbooks: Barkin, J. (2015). International organization: theories and institutions. Springer. Bauer, M. W., Knill, C., & Eckhard, S. (2017). International Public Administration: A New Type of Bureaucracy? Lessons and Challenges for Public Administration Research. In International Bureaucracy (pp. 179-198). Palgrave Macmillan, London. Heap, P. C. (2008). Globalization and summit reform: an experiment in international governance. Springer Science & Business Media. Kabir, M. H. (Ed.). (2005). Small States and Regional Stability in South Asia. The University Press. ur Rashid, H. (2015). International Relations and Bangladesh. University Press Limited. Volgy, T., Corbetta, R., Grant, K., & Baird, R. (Eds.). (2011). Major powers and the quest for status in international politics: global and regional perspectives. Springer. • Optional Book Roach, S. C., Griffiths, M., & O'Callaghan, T. (2014). International relations: the key concepts. Routledge. • Articles Bauer, M. W., & Ege, J. (2017). A matter of will and action: The bureaucratic autonomy of international public administrations. In International Bureaucracy (pp. 13-41). Palgrave Macmillan, London


  • To describe and explain the functions of various institutions of politics and development.
  • To discuss a broad array of concepts related to government and politics
  • To accurately define, evaluate, and critique the basic principles (e.g., liberty, equality, rights) inherent within our political/ philosophical framework of democracy
  • To contrast development with competing political systems


  • develop an understanding of power and dominances;
  • explore the relationship between development state and individuals;
  • acquire the basic understanding of power, state, law, legitimacy, political culture, political participation, political system and party, and political development; and
  • apply the knowledge acquired in the module to examine the issues of political science and development studies.


  • Ahmed, Moudud (1979) Bangladesh: Constitutional Quest For autonomy, Dhaka: The University Press Limited.
  • Ahmed, Moudud (1983) Era of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, Dhaka: The University Press Limited.
  • Chaudhuri, Muzaffer Ahmed (1968) Government and Politics in Pakistan, Dacca: Puthighar limited.
  • Choudhury, Dilara (1995) Constitutional Development in Bangladesh: Stress and Strains, Dhaka: The University Press Limited.
  • Chowdhury, G.W. (1959) Constitutional Development in Pakistan, New York: Longman Group Limited.
  • Chowdhury, Mahfuzul. H (2002) Thirty Years of Bangladesh Politics, Dhaka: The University Press Limited.
  • Chowdhury, Mahfuzul. H (2002) Thirty Years of Bangladesh Politics, Dhaka: The University Press Limited.
  • Halim, Md.Abdul (1998) Constitution, Constitutional Law and Politics: Bangladesh Perspective, Dhaka.
  • Iqbal, Muhammed Zafar (2008) History of the Liberation War, Dhaka: Proteeti.
  • Jahan, Rounaq (1994) Pakistan Failure in National Integration, Dhaka: The University Press Limited.
  • Jahan, Rounaq (Ed.) (1994) Bangladesh Politics: Problems and Issues, Dhaka: The University Press Limited.
  • Karim, Waresul (2004) Election Under a Caretaker Government, Dhaka: The University Press Limited.


  • • To discuss the concept of performance management and different advantages of well-designed performance management systems.
  • • To enable students to understand different approaches to performance measurement.
  • • To help student to effectively design a performance management system.
  • • To teach students key skills involved in effective performance management.


  • After completing this course, a learner will be able to: • Explain the concept of performance management and different advantages of well-designed performance management systems. • Understand different approaches to performance measurement. • Design a performance management system in public sector. • Understand and develop key skills involved in effective performance management.


  • Aguinis, H. (2009). Performance management. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall.
  • n) Speak with moderate pronunciation and accuracy respecting social language O'Toole Jr, L. J., & Meier, K. J. (2011). Public management: Organizations, governance, and performance. Cambridge University Press.


  • To provide them with an opportunity to become familiar with the basic theories of “change management”
  • To develop an awareness and fundamental knowledge of the need for change, why organizations change or fail to change, and how to plan for, manage and measure change
  • To develop an awareness of the leadership issues and role of the leader with reference to public sector organizational change
  • To help further develop and expand critical thinking and analytical skills


  • Students will be able to address the issues, basic theories and methods associated with organizational change and development in public organizations
  • Students will be able to expose to a number of organizational issues including, the need for change, why organizations change or fail to change, the legal and regulatory issues associated with change, and how change helps organizations become more competitive and profitable.
  • Students will be able to understand both historical and contemporary theories and methods of introducing change in public organizations, leading change, the ethical issues of surrounding and management techniques for effectively changing a public organization.
  • Students will be able to explore the role of leadership in change and how leaders effect change.


  • Cummings, Thomas G. and Worley, Christopher G. (2009) Organization Development & Change, 9th Edition, USA: South-Western Cengage Learning.
  • Hayes, John (2014) The Theory and Practice of Change Management, Fourth edition, USA, UK: Palgrave Macmillan
  • Bernstein, E.S. (2012) The transparency paradox: A role for privacy in organizational learning and operational control, Administrative Science Quarterly, 57(2): 181–216.
  • Schreyögg, G. and Sydow, J. (2011) Organizational path dependence: A process view, Organization Studies, 32(3): 321–35.
  • Vince, R. and Reynolds, M. (2010) Leading reflection: Developing the relationship between leadership and reflection. In J. Gold, R. Thorpe and A. Mumford (eds) Gower Handbook of Leadership and Management Development. Farnham: Gower.


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  • Objectives: The course has been designed basing on following objectives: a. To teach basic elements of Elementary French Language for writing and speaking correctly. b. To build the confidence of learners for doing communication in Elementary French speaking countries. c. To make them capable to do communication in different real life situations. d. Motivate students to learn Elementary French by showing its importance in various fields. e. To increase learner’s awareness and knowledge of the Elementary French community and culture all over the world.


  • Maintain social contact in different social situations, greet people,
  • using French expressions for day-to-day life
  • Introduce themselves and others
  • Ask information about a person. e.g. (name, age, nationality, profession, address, telephone number etc.)
  • Speak about their likings and preferences
  • Write letters to new Francophone friends with self and family description
  • Describe, show and locate objects; describe bedrooms, apartment etc
  • Describe a person (physique, clothes, colours etc.)
  • Converse with seller, asking price, likings, size etc
  • Describe house, rooms, apartment; locate places, rooms in a layout
  • Listen to and understand French used in different social / daily situation
  • Read and understand texts at a reasonably beginners level
  • Write effectively ( email, descriptive letter, completing form etc)
  • Speak with moderate pronunciation and accuracy respecting social language


  • le nouveau taxi 1
  • 2. Moi, je parle francais.
  • 3. French Dictionary
  • 4. Cahier d’exercices of Taxi -1


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1st Semester


  • 1. To provide a basic theortical knowledge on Public Administration. 2. To understand history, scope, and environment of public administration. 3. To learn the functions of government and the role of public administrators in carrying out those functions. 4.To identify the importance of leadership in public organizations.


  • After completing this couser, students will be able to- 1. Describe the functions of government and the role of public administrators in carrying out those functions. 2. Discuss the history, scope, and environment of public administration. 3. Articulate the basic theories and concepts relevant to the field of public administration. 4. Explain and identify the importance of ethics and accountability in public organizations.


  • Wilson, W. (1887). The study of administration. Political science quarterly, 2(2), 197-222.
  • Snellen, I.Th.M. (2014). Foundations of Public Administration: An Essay in its Paradigms, Eleven International Publishing.
  • Riccucci, N. M. (2010). Public administration: Traditions of inquiry and philosophies of knowledge, Georgetown University Press.
  • Henry, N. (2015). Public administration and public affairs. Routledge.
  • Hildreth, W. B., Miller, G. J., & Rabin, J. (Eds.). (2006). Handbook of public administration. CRC Press.
  • Fry, B. R., & Raadschelders, J. C. (2014). Mastering Public Administration: From Max Weber to Dwight Waldo. CQ Press.
  • Caiden, G. E. (1982). Public Administration, Palisades Publisher.


  • • To describe and explain the functions of various institutions of government • To discuss a broad array of concepts related to government and politics • To accurately define, evaluate, and critique the basic principles (e.g., liberty, equality, rights) inherent within our political/ philosophical framework of democracy • To contrast democracy with competing political systems


  • After completing this course, students will be able to- • explore the relationship between state and individuals; • acquire the basic understanding of power, state, law, legitimacy, political culture, political participation, political system and party, and political development; and • apply the knowledge acquired in the module to examine the issues of political science.


  • Modern Politics and Government
  • Political Theory: Principles of Political Theory,
  • Fifty Major Political Thinkers


  • 1. To discuss the basic concepts of the real world e.g., culture, civilization, socialization, social institutions such as marriage and family, religion, political economy, social change, social stratification, social problems like deviance, crime & mechanisms of social control, population & environment; 2. To analyze those concepts and variables in the context of a particular social system and any social system with those concepts and social variables within major theoretical perspectives of sociology; 3. To identify how the sociological perspectives illuminate understanding; 4. To discuss specific areas of study within sociology; 5. To synthesize the local and global nature and impacts of social circumstances; 6. To examine theoretical perspectives and be able to apply them to current issues; and 7. To evaluate ideas and debates using the sociological perspective.



  • Sociology: A Brief Introduction
  • Introduction to Sociology
  • Essentials of Sociology
  • Sociology: Exploring the Architecture of Everyday Life
  • An Introduction to Anthropology
  • Research Methods in Anthropology: Qualitative andQuantitative Approaches


  • General Course Objective: The course has a number of objectives. The course aims: 1. To develop communication skills of the learners in listening, speaking, writing and reading. 2. To provide students a thorough knowledge of the grammar of English language 3. To enable students to learn how English is used in real-life situations. 4. To develop learners’ academic writing skills needed at tertiary level.


  • 1. Students will develop their reading skill through various reading techniques (skimming, scanning, inference, summarizing etc.) which will enable them to understand, analyze and evaluate reading texts.
  • 2. By practicing writing different types of paragraphs, essays and summary, students are going to acquire a good command over structure and techniques of writing.
  • 3. Vocabulary lessons will help to develop students’ ability to express themselves through writing and speaking for academic and other purposes.
  • 4. Through an inductive way of learning grammar, students will be able to understand and apply grammatical rules in their writing and speaking.
  • 5. Classroom interaction, group discussions, peer feedback, individual or group presentation will enhance students’ capacity to think critically, organize and present their own thoughts and ideas in English.


  • English Skills 7th Edition
  • From Paragraph to Essay
  • Grammar and Composition 3rd Course
  • Practical English Usage 3rd Edition
  • Academic Writing Fourth Edition
  • Common Mistakes in English Sixth Edition


  • To understand importance of verbal and nonverbal communication
  • To develop ability of organizing information for presentation
  • To know how to handle the visual and other hardware during the presentation
  • To master the art of handling the questions from the audience
  • To analyze the needs and interests of an audience
  • To select the most suitable delivery method based on the audience, the environment and the message being delivered
  • To gain insight into effective techniques for calming nerves


  • Creating greater self-confidence in higher education. • Developing the verbal communication skills of the students
  • Developing the verbal communication skills of the students
  • Working as a fundamental course for students who have difficulties is understanding and uttering spoken English
  • Helping students become effective listeners who can engage in and learn from conversations, lectures, speeches etc.
  • Making students confident, wise and ethically sound presenters
  • Enabling students to create appropriate oral responses to various communication situation, both formal and informal
  • Developing study skills in higher education in terms of time-managing, note-taking, and library usage. • Creating greater self-confidence in higher education
  • • Distinguishing between active and passive listening
  • Interpreting and analzing different aural discourses
  • Demonstrating oral fluency in both individual and group presentations
  • Utilising techniques that are necessary for fluent and confident presentation


  • Public Speaking: College and Career
  • The Art of Speaking
  • Public Speaking

2nd Semester


  • To provide a basic theoretical knowledge about Public Administration in Bangladesh
  • To understand history, dynamics and environment public administration during British and Pakistan period.
  • To learn the nature of bureaucracy, reasons of administrative reasons, values of these administrative reforms also the culture of administration.
  • To point out the various social problems of Bangladesh and what are initiatives of different public organizations to solve those problems.


  • 1. Narrate the history of public administration in Bangladesh as well as the initiatives taken after each administrative reform.
  • 2. To relate the guideline provided in the Bangladesh constitution to run the administration.
  • 3. To learn the bureaucratic action for solving about different social problems.
  • 4. Discuss the function of various ministries, central administration, field administration and central personnel agencies and constitutional bodies of Bangladesh.


  • Basic Principles and Practices of Administrative organization: Bangladesh, Dhaka: National Institute of Local Government
  • Public Personnel Administration in Bangladesh,
  • Bangladesh Public Service Commission
  • The Lore of the Mandarins: Towards a non-partisam public service in Bangladesh
  • Bangladesh Civil Service: A Political-Administrative Perspective
  • Aspects of Public Administration in Bangladesh
  • The Administration of the Sultanate of Delhi


  • To provide a basic theoretical knowledge on management and leadership.
  • To understand nature of management and different leadership approaches.
  • To learn various function of management such as organizing and staffing, controlling process, planning etc.
  • 4. To point out the theories of management and leadership in experimental implication of various types of public organization.


  • To point out the various social problems of Bangladesh and what are initiatives of different public organizations to solve those problems.
  • 2. Discuss various management function and leadership approaches.
  • 3. Articulate the planning process, controlling and staffing process.
  • 4. Explain the importance of leadership in public administration in the context of Bangladesh.


  • Management: A Global Perspective, 10th edition
  • Essentials of Management


  • 1. To provide a fundamental knowledge about theories of development and development planning.
  • 2. To analyze various development issues such as political development, legal development and to find out the outcome of this development.
  • 3. To relate the role of people's participation in the development of administration.
  • 4. To identify the importance of development theories in the field of public administration.


  • 1. Describe models and theories of development for providing better service delivery in the field of public administration.
  • 1. Describe models and theories of development for providing better service delivery in the field of public administration.
  • 3. Manifest the role of people and narrate the relationship between people's participation and right based approach
  • 4. Explain the importance of various development theories as well as point out learning outcome in which way this theories can bring development in administrative culture in the context of Bangladesh.


  • The Causes and Consequences of Corruption: A Review of Recent Empirical Contributions
  • A Theory of Trickle- Growth and Development
  • The South Asia, Experience with Growth
  • A Ladder of Citizen Participation
  • The dual role of market power in the Big Push: from evidence to theory
  • Bangladesh Strategies for Development
  • Governance: South Asian Perspective
  • Understanding Governance and Public Policy in Bangladesh,
  • Development Administration


  • To explain meaning & types of demand and supply; law of demand and supply; demand and supply schedule & Curve; exceptions to the law of demand and supply; causes of downward sloping demand curve; determinants of demand and supply for a commodity; changes in demand and supply
  • 2. To analyze basic economic problems of a society and their solutions in different economic systems; macroeconomics and microeconomics; executives & their objectives
  • To analyze utility & elasticity, market system, theory of production, money and inflation system, concept and difference regarding different types of banking and economic system and role of international business for ensuring economic development.


  • Explain Nature, approaches ,Subject Matter and different stages of Economics;
  • Analyze basic economic problems of a society and their solutions in different economic systems; Macroeconomics and Microeconomics; Executives & their objectives;
  • Define importance of studying Economics; Relationship between Economics & Public Administration;
  • Explain meaning & types of demand and supply; law of demand and supply; demand and supply schedule & Curve; exceptions to the law of demand and supply; causes of downward sloping demand curve; determinants of demand and supply for a commodity; changes in demand and supply;
  • Define the Problems of national income measurement with special reference to Bangladesh; definition of national income; Concept of GDP, GNP, NNP; Net Economic Welfare (NEW); methods and techniques of national income measurement


  • Introduction to Economic Principles
  • Principles of Economics
  • Advanced Economic Theory (5th Edition)
  • An Outline of Money
  • Economic Systems and Society: Capitalism, Communism and the Third World, USA
  • Modern Economic Theory


  • To teach basic elements of Elementary French Language for writing and speaking correctly.
  • To build the confidence of learners for doing communication in Elementary French speaking countries.
  • To make them capable to do communication in different real life situations. Motivate students to learn Elementary French by showing its importance in various fields.
  • To increase learners awareness and knowledge of the Elementary French community and culture all over the world.


  • a) Maintain social contact in different social situations, greet people,
  • using French expressions for day-to-day life
  • Introduce themselves and others
  • Ask information about a person. eg. ( name, age, nationality, profession, address, telephone number etc)
  • Speak about their likings and preferences
  • Write letters to new Francophone friends with self and family description
  • Describe, show and locate objects; describe bedrooms, apartment etc
  • Describe a person (physique, clothes, colours etc)
  • Converse with seller, asking price, likings, size etc
  • Describe house, rooms, apartment; locate places, rooms in a layout
  • Listen to and understand French used in different social / daily situation
  • Read and understand texts at a reasonably beginners level
  • Write effectively ( email, descriptive letter, completing form etc)
  • Speak with moderate pronunciation and accuracy respecting social language


  • Le Nouveau Taxi-1 méthode de français by Guy Capelle & Robert
  • Moi, je parle français.
  • French Dictionary

3rd Semester


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4th Semester


  • To provide a basic theoretical knowledge on public policy.
  • To understand policy making process, steps of policy making, key actors and factors of policy making,
  • To acquire knowledge on steps of policy making and how an effective policy can be made, also learn about practical issues such as policy implementation, policy evaluation and policy analysis
  • To point out the importance of learning public policy in the context of public administration.


  • Describe the purpose, scope and purpose of public policy
  • Discuss the methodology of policy making including various practical implication of social phenomenon and various actors- factors.
  • Narrate the process of policy implementation and show how a policy can be productive by doing empirical evaluation.
  • Explain and identify the importance of public policy in the field of public administration.


  • Implementation and Public Policy with a New Post Script
  • Understanding Public Policy
  • Studying Public Policy: Policy Cycles and Policy Subsystems
  • Understanding Governance and Public Policy in Bangladesh
  • Administrative Culture in Bangladesh: A Tiger in Disguise Politics, Administration and Change
  • Public Policy Evaluation , Approach and Methods
  • Political Culture in Bangladesh: Does Leadership Matter?, Social Change
  • Issues in Implementation of Public Policies: The Involvement Army in the Law and Order Sector in Bangladesh
  • Policy Implementation in Urban Bangladesh: Role of Intra-Organizational Coordination


  • To provide a basic theortical knowledge on Public management.
  • To understand history, scope, and environment of public management
  • To learn the functions of government and the role of public administrators in carrying out those functions.
  • To identify the importance of ethics and accountability in public organizations.


  • Describe the functions of government and the role of public administrators in carrying out those functions.
  • Discuss the history, scope, and environment of public administration.
  • Articulate the basic theories and concepts relevant to the field of public administration.
  • Explain and identify the importance of ethics and accountability in public organizations.


  • Administrative Reform in Public Management: Paradigms
  • The New Public Management in Developing Countries, Public Policy and Management
  • The New Public Service: Serving Rather than Steering
  • Management in Public Bureaucracies
  • Reinventing Local Government: Beyond Rhetoric to Action.
  • Principles for Public Management Practice from Dichotomies to Interdependence.
  • A Public Management for All Seasons
  • New Public Management” in the 1980s: Variations on a Theme


  • • To define the rural and urban local government in Bangladesh (1972• Present);
  • • To describe and explain the functions of various institutions of local government;
  • • To explain various theories and models of local government;
  • • To analyze Peoples' participation and specially role of women in Local Government.
  • • To define an understanding regarding the term rural development;
  • • To describe the nature and scope of rural development;
  • • To discuss about the basic elements of rural development;
  • • To explain why rural development is necessary;
  • • To discuss about human beings as the cause and consequence of development


  • Develop an understanding of local power and dominances;
  • Explore the relationship between local government and individuals;
  • Acquire the basic understanding of local power, state, law, legitimacy, political culture, political participation, political system and party, and political development;
  • Apply the knowledge acquired in the module to examine the issues of local government.
  • Develop an understanding regarding the term rural development;
  • Acquire the knowledge about basic elements of rural development;
  • Understand why rural development is necessary;


  • Decentralization and Development
  • Understanding Governance and Public Policy in Bangladesh
  • Women’s Political Participation in Bangladesh: Institutional Reforms
  • Decentralization and Development: Theory and Practice in Bangladesh
  • Local Government in South Asia


  • • to familiarize students with the major topics of development organizations
  • • to development of critical and analytical thinking on development issues
  • • to develop the capacity to use abstract concepts in real life situations
  • • to increase the capacity to argue and debate on the major topics of development organizations
  • • to development of performance oriented attitudes as like as development worker


  • • to describe the functions of development organizations and the role of development workers in carrying out those functions.
  • • to discuss the history, scope, and environment of development organizations.
  • • to articulate the basic theories and concepts relevant to the field of development organizations.
  • • to explain and identify the importance of ethics and accountability in development organizations.


  • the State and Their Clients in Bangladesh
  • Government NGO Interface in Development Management
  • Aid Development and Aid Diplomacy: Need for an Aid Policy
  • Governance, Democracy and Conditionality: What Role for NGOs?
  • Striking a Balance
  • Supporting Citizens Initiatives: Bangladesh’s NGOs and Society


  • Understanding of the roles of the various phases of disaster management and issues concerning planning and policies in those phases.
  • Understanding of comprehensive emergency management from a planning and policy perspective
  • Understanding of the role of federal, state, and local governments in disaster planning and policies.
  • Knowledge of mitigation planning and policy strategies.


  • Understanding of comprehensive emergency management and related plans
  • Understanding of factors affecting short and long-term recovery and rebuilding and the role of planners and policy-makers.
  • Understanding of the factors that give rise to disaster vulnerabilities (e.g. natural, physical, social, economic, policies, and governance
  • Understanding of the factors that give rise to differential vulnerabilities and levels of community resilience
  • Knowledge and capabilities to assess and manage these vulnerabilities through disaster planning and policy-making.


  • Lessons of Disaster: Policy Change after Catastrophic Events
  • Cooperating with Nature: Confronting natural hazards with land-use planning for sustainable communities
  • The Human Side of Disaster
  • Introduction to Emergency Management
  • Disasters by Design: A Reassessment of Natural Hazards in the United States
  • Successful Response Starts with a Map: Improving Geospatial Support for Disaster Management
  • Clear as Mud: Planning for the Rebuilding of New Orleans

5th Semester


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6th Semester


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7th Semester


  • The objective of the PPP course is to provide students with a comprehensive overview of public-private partnership (PPP) procurement and project structuring. This course will cover key topics, such as the definition and rationale of the PPP procurement option; prefeasibility and screening processes; financial and contractual planning; procurement, negotiation, and monitoring procedures; and institutional requirements. The course will also offer an introduction to the financial aspects of project structuring, including project finance. This course is also an introduction to the basic policy and institutional issues involved in PPP procurement and project design.


  • • Define the benefits and risks of PPPs. • List the different types of PPPs. • Apply strategic thinking to determine when PPPs should be used. • Identify PPP best practices and select the best model for different sectors. • Define the required implementation steps for the development of an effective PPP project plan. • Evaluate risk identification, mitigation, and allocation among parties involved in a PPP project.


  • PPP Handbook by Asian Development Bank
  • Factors affecting PPPs
  • PPPs and its Links with Governance
  • Role of Government in PPP Regime
  • PPP Law 2015
  • Invigorating Investment Initiative Through Public Private Partnership A Position Paper


  • To provide a clear concept of History of Urbanization as well as urban governance. 2. To understand Migration Patterns and Flows to Urban Areas. 3. To learn Land, Water, Sewerage and other resource Management in Cities. 4. To learn Urban poverty in Bangladesh, causes and consequences and coping strategies. 5. To know Decision Support System for Urban Planning.


  • Describe History of Urbanization as well as urban governance. 2. Discuss the Migration Patterns and Flows to Urban Areas. 3. Explain Land, Water, Sewerage and other resource Management in Cities. 4. To learn Urban poverty in Bangladesh, causes and consequences and coping strategies. 5. Understand the concept of Decision Support System for Urban Planning.


  • Panday, Pranab Kumar (2018) Reforming Urban Governance in Bangladesh, The City Corporation, palgrave macmillan.
  • Siddique, K. et al. (Eds.). (2000) Overcoming the governance crisis in Dhaka City. Dhaka: University Press Limited
  • Siddique, K. et al. (2004) Megacity governance in South Asia A comparative study. Dhaka: University Press Limited
  • ichael J. White (n.d). Policy Brief Migration, Urbanization, and Social Adjustment
  • State of Cities: Urban Governance in Dhaka (2012) Institute of Governance Studies BRAC University
  • Sustainable Urban Development Textbook (2016) Ngai Weng Chan Hidefumi Imura Akihiro Nakamura Masazumi Ao. Penang, Malaysia.
  • Urban Governance An essential determinant of city development? (2009) Frederik Esko Lange. World Vision Institute for Research and Development Friedrichsdorf, Germany
  • Urban poverty in Bangladesh causes and consequences and coping strategies (2012) Nicola Banks.
  • Government of Bangladesh (2009) Paurashava Ordinance 2009, Dhaka: Bangladesh Government Press.


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8th Semester


  • To familiar with Viva-voce
  • To access comprehensive knowledge
  • To explore oral skill


  • To know how to attend viva voce
  • To explore oral skill
  • To learn comprehensive knowledge


  • All study materials
  • Murray, R. (2003). How to Survive Your Viva. United Kingdom: McGrawHill.


  • 1. To provide a clear concept of Administrative Reform in Bangladesh.
  • 2. To understand major Administrative Reform efforts in various periods.
  • 3. To learn the major Administrative Reform Initiatives in Bangladesh.
  • 4. To identify politics of Administrative Reform in Bangladesh.


  • 1. Describe major Administrative Reform efforts in various periods.
  • 2. Discuss the major Administrative Reform Initiatives in Bangladesh.
  • 3. Explain and identify politics of Administrative Reform in Bangladesh.
  • 4. Understand the concept of Administrative Reform in Bangladesh.


  • 1. Handbook of Administrative Reform: An International Perspective, Jerri Killian and Niklas Eklund, Public administration and public policy series no. 141, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2008.
  • 2. Administrative Reforms in Bangladesh, Mohammad Mohabbat Khan, The University Press Limited, 2013.
  • 3. Politics of Administrative Reform: A Case Study of in Bangladesh, Mohammad Mohabbat Khan, A H Development Publishing House, 2012.
  • 4. Public Administration Reform Practice Note, UNDP, 2010.


  • 1. To provide basic knowledge of law enforcement and law enforcing agencies.
  • 2. To understand various aspects of law enforcing agencies in Bangladesh.
  • 3. To analyze various roles of law enforcing agencies in modern society.
  • 4. To know the working procedure of law enforcing agencies in Bangladesh.


  • 1. Develop their basic thought about law enforcement and law enforcing agencies.
  • 2. Recognize the working procedure of law enforcing agencies in Bangladesh.
  • 3. Understand the functions and role of law enforcing agencies in Bangladesh.
  • 4. Analyze the importance of law enforcing agencies in Bangladesh.


  • 1. Handbook of police administration, Jim Ruiz and Don Hummer, Public administration and public policy series no. 133, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2008
  • 2. Criminal Justice in Bangladesh, Munira Zaman and Arafat Khan, Justice Sector Facility UNDP Bangladesh, 2015.
  • 3. Bangladesh Justice System and National Police Handbook, Ibp Usa, World Strategic and Business Information Library, International Business Publications, USA; 6 edition (August 8, 2008)


  • 1. To critically analyze the internal and external environments in which businesses operate and assess the implications of forecast changes.
  • 2. To apply understanding of the theories, concepts and tools that support strategic management in organizations.
  • 3. To evaluate and synthesise information and existing knowledge from numerous sources and experiences.
  • 4. To apply appropriate tools, theories and concepts to analyze strategic issues in organizations and to develop options for implementation.


  • 1. Understand the strategic decisions that organizations make and have an ability to engage in strategic planning.
  • 2. Explain the basic concepts, principles and practices associated with strategy formulation and implementation.
  • 3. Integrate and apply knowledge gained in basic courses to the formulation and implementation of strategy from holistic and multi-functional perspectives.
  • 4. Analyze and evaluate critically real life company situations and develop creative solutions, using a strategic management perspective.
  • 5. Conduct and present a credible business analysis in a team setting.
  • 6. Understand the crucially important role that the HRM function plays in the setting and implementation of an organization’s strategy


  • 1. Grant, R. and Jordan, J. 2012. Foundations of Strategy. NY: John Wiley &Sons, Ltd.
  • 2. Massie, J. L., Essentials of Management, 4th edition, Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi, 2004.


  • 1. To provide a basic theoretical knowledge on international trade.
  • 2. To understand nature of management and different international trade approaches.
  • 3. To learn various function of managing international trade.
  • 4. To point out the theories of management and leadership in experimental implication of various types of international trade.


  • 1. Describe the theories of international trade.
  • 2. Discuss various management function and leadership approaches of international trade.
  • 3. Articulate the planning process, controlling and staffing process of international trade.
  • 4. Explain the importance of leadership in international trade in the context of Bangladesh.


  • Paul Krugman and Maurice Obstfeld, International Economics- Theory and Policy, 8th Edition, Pearson Education, 2009


  • 1. To critically analyze the internal and external environments in which banks and financial institutions operate and assess the implications of forecast changes.
  • 2. To apply understanding of the theories, concepts and tools that support management in banks and financial institutions.
  • 3. To evaluate and synthesise information and existing knowledge from numerous sources and experiences related to banks and financial institutions.
  • 4. To learn various function of banks and financial institutions.


  • 1. Understand the strategic decisions of banks and financial institutions.
  • 2. Explain the basic concepts, principles and practices associated with banks and financial institutions.
  • 3. Analyze and evaluate critically real life company situations and develop creative solutions.
  • 4. Conduct and present a credible business analysis of banks and financial institutions.


  • 1. Gohn R. Brick , Bank management Concepts and Issue
  • 2. M. Radhaswami, A Text Book of Banking Law and Practice and Theory of Banking


  • To study how to conduct research
  • To prepare a research design
  • To demonstrate data analysis
  • To generate new knowledge


  • To learn how to conduct research
  • The student knows the theoretical bases for statistical analyses of results from empirical studies: the logical and philosophical bases of empirical research; probability; operationalization of psychological variables.
  • Knows basic statistical methods used to describe variables, describe relationships between variables, and to verify research hypotheses through inferential statistics
  • Understands the scientific method in the context of empirical sciences, its advantages and limitations
  • Is acquainted with specific scientific psychological terminology, distinguishes theoretical from operational concepts
  • Knows the methods of measurement of mental properties of humans, including various social situations, and of identification of principles governing mental processes.


  • Supervisor will allocate
  • Thomas, Gary (2009) Your Research Project. Thousand Oaks: Sage.