Masters in Information and Communication Engineering

Faculty: Faculty of Science & Technology (FST)

Department: Department of Information and Communication Technology

Program: Masters in Information and Communication Engineering

Applied only for students, completed undergraduation from BUP.



  • 1. The first of the primary course objectives is to understand how mission dictates orbit.This will require the student to understand the basics of orbital mechanics, the types of satellite orbits, the location of ground stations, and the look angles from ground stations to the satellite. User footprints will also be covered. 2. The second primary objective is to use and understanding of link budget equations to provide sufficient margin for performance. This includes examining the various types of modulation, error correcting codes, and encryption. 3. The third primary objective is to examine concepts of satellite networking. These include mobile satellite systems for voice and internet communication, data networks, and scientific data. 4. The fourth primary objective is to take a practical look at the engineering impact of the various satellite components on performance. These include power, size, materials used, and attitude control.


  • At the end of this course, students will be able to: 1. Able to obtain different types of satellites 2. Ability to calculate the orbital determination and launching method. 3. Ability to develop commands, monitoring power systems and developments of antennas. 4.Able to design antennas to provide Uplink and Down link Frequency. 5. Able to design Satellite for real time applications. 6. Ability to design different kinds of transmitter and receiver antennas. 7. Ability to demonstrate the impacts of GPS, Navigation, NGSO constellation design for tracking and launching.


  • 1. “Digital Satellite Communications”, Tri T. Ha; McGraw-Hill International. 2. “Satellite Communication Mobile & Fixed Services”, Michael J. Miler; Kluwer Academic Publisher. 3. Satellite Communications - T. Pratt, C. Bostian, J. Allnut; John Wiley & Sons Inc. 4. “Mobile Communication satellites theory and application”, Ton Logadon; McGraw-Hill International. 5. “Digital Communication System with satellite and fiber optic applications”, Herald Kolimbiris; Pearson Education Private Ltd. 6. “Fundamentals of satellite Communication”, Rao & Raja K.N; Prentice Hall of India. 7. “Fundamentals of satellite Communication”, Jagannathan; Prentice Hall of India. 8. “Satellite Communications”, Dr. D.C. Agarwal; Khanna Publishers


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  • Through the study of this course, students will gain a comprehensive understanding on the concepts of different algorithms. Students will be able to-  Analyze the asymptotic performance of algorithms.  Write rigorous correctness proofs for algorithms.  Demonstrate a familiarity with major algorithms and data structures.  Apply important algorithmic design paradigms and methods of analysis.  Synthesize efficient algorithms in common engineering design situations.


  • At the end of this course, students will be able to:  Analyze worst-case running times of algorithms using asymptotic analysis.  Apply optimization methods to engineering problems including developing a model.  Define the optimization problems.  Describe the greedy algorithm, its technique, analysis and utilization.  Describe the dynamic-programming paradigm and explain when an algorithmic design situation calls for it. Recite algorithms that employ this paradigm. Synthesize dynamic-programming algorithms, and analyze them.  Apply optimization methods,  Explore the solution and interpret the results.  Develop the ability to choose and justify optimization techniques that are appropriate for  solving realistic engineering problems


  •  “Combinatorial Optimization: Algorithms and Complexity”, Christos H. Papadimitriou.  “Graphs, Algorithms, and Optimization”, Donald L. Kreher and William Lawrence Kocay.  “Optimization Algorithms and Applications”, Rajesh Kumar Aurora  Introductions to Algorithms- Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Clifford Stein,Prentice-Hall.  Algorithms + Data Structures= Programs, Wirth N, Prentice Hall  Adam Drozdek, Data Structures and Algorithms in C++, Thomson Brooks/cole - Vikas Pub. House pvt.Ltd.


  • 1. To provide the student with basic skills useful in identifying the concepts of automated machines and equipment and describe the terms and phrases associated with industrial automation. 2. Student can demonstrate competence in maintaining and troubleshooting technology includes identifying, understanding, and performing routine preventative maintenance and service on technology. 3. Detecting more serious problems; generating workable solutions to correct deviations; and recognizing when to get additional help.


  • At the end of this course, students will be able to: 1. Understand the overall automation system used in industries. 2. Acquire knowledge of different types of controlling system. 3. 3.Learn about Hydraulic Control System. 4. Design various control systems.


  • 1. “Industrial Instrumentation, Control and Automation”, S. Mukhopadhyay, S. Sen and A. K. Deb, Jaico Publishing House, 2013. 2. “Chemical Process Control, An Introduction to Theory and Practice”, George Stephanopoulos, Prentice Hall India, 2012. 3. “Electric Motor Drives, Modelling, Analysis and Control”, R. Krishnan, Prentice Hall India, 2002. 4. “Hydraulic Control Systems”, Herbert E. Merritt, Wiley, 1991.


  • Through the study of this course, students will gain a comprehensive understanding on the concepts and functions of a modern operating system. Students will be able to-  To learn the fundamentals of Operating Systems.  To learn the mechanisms of OS to handle processes and threads and their communication  To learn the mechanisms involved in memory management in contemporary OS  To gain knowledge on distributed operating system concepts that includes architecture, mutual exclusion algorithms, deadlock detection algorithms and agreement protocols  Use OS as a resource manager that supports multiprogramming  Explain the low level implementation of CPU dispatch.  Explain the low level implementation of memory management.  Explain the performance trade-offs inherent in OS implementation


  • On successful completion of this course, students should be able to:  Describe, contrast and compare differing structures for operating systems.  Understand and analysis theory and implementation of: processes, resource control (concurrency etc.), physical and virtual memory, scheduling, I/O and files.  Analyze the structure of OS and basic architectural components involved in OS design.  4.Analyze the various device and resource management techniques for timesharing and distributed systems.  Understand the Mutual exclusion, Deadlock detection and agreement protocols of distributed operating system.


  • 1. “Operating System Concepts”, 9th edition, Avi Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin, Greg Gagne. (OSC) 2. “Modern Operating Systems”, 4th edition, Bos Tanenbum.(MOS)


  • 1. To understand of various physical phenomenon of different types of sensors and microsystems. 2. To design of sensors with appropriate electronic interface as a complete system. 3. To discuss about various types of sensors like magnetic, optical, bio, chemical, radiation, electrical and mechanical etc. 4. To emphasis on the integration of electronics with sensors to provide a smart transducer or a system on a chip with multiple integrated devices.


  • At the end of this course, students will be able to: 1. Select the right sensor for a given application. 2. Design basic circuit building blocks. 3. Simulate, synthesize, and layout a complete sensor or sensor system, MEMS device or microsystem ready for fabrication tools.


  • 1. “Handbook of Sensor Networks: Compact Wireless and Wired Sensing Systems”, M. Ilyas, I. Mahgoub (ed.), CRC, 2004. 2. “Data Acquisition and Signal Processing for Smart Sensors”, N. V. Kirianaki, S. Y. Yurish, N., O. Shpak V. P. Deynega, John Wiley, 2004 3. “Protocols and Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks”, H. Karl, A. Willig, John Wiley, 2005


  • a) To provide a practical survey of both the principles and practice of cryptography as well as network and information security. b) To provide the state-of-the-art developments and initiatives in cyber security. c) Explore major security issues and trends in the study of cybercrime and computer related security.


  • After completing this course, students will be familiar with the fundamental concepts of information security, its different contexts, security measures and current state-of-the-art in this field.


  • 1) Cryptography and network security principles and practice, William Stallings, Prentice Hall 2) Principles of Information Security, Michael E. Whitman and Herbert J. Mattord, Cengage Learning 3. Cryptography and network security, Behrouz A. Forouzan and Debdeep Mukhopadhyay, McGrawHill 4. Network Security: Private communication in a public world, Kaufman, C, Perlman, R and Speciner, M., Prentice Hall 5. Applied Cryptography, Schneier, B., John Wiley

1st Semester


  • 1. To provide a basic understanding of research with a special focus on Business Research. 2. To equip the students how to identify a good “Research Problem”. 3. To provide hands-on experience on the key aspects of research. 4. To guide the students on writing their research reports.


  • 1. Understand how research contributes to business success. 2. Know how to define business research. 3. Know when business research should and should not be conducted. 4. Understand how research activities can be used to address business decisions. 5. List the major phases of the research process and the steps within each.


  • 1. Zikmund, W. G., Babin, B. J., Carr, J. C., & Griffin, M. (2013). Business research methods. Cengage Learning. 2. C. R. Kothari (1996). Research Methodology- Methods and Techniques. Wishaw Prokashan, New Delhi, Wiley Eastern Limited. 3. Ranjit Kumar (2005). Research Methodology- A step by step guide for beginners, 3rd Ed. Singapore, Pearson Education. 4. M. Nurul Islam (2014). An introduction to Research Methods, 3rd Edition, Mollick & Brothers, Dhaka.


  • 1. Understand a range of techniques of intelligent systems across artificial intelligence (AI) and intelligent agents (IA); both from a theoretical and a practical perspective. 2. Apply different AI/IA algorithms to solve practical problems. 3. Design and build simple intelligent systems based on AI concepts.


  • 1. Acquire a firm grasp of various search techniques and should be able to select an appropriate search technique and apply it in practice. 2. Learn to solve problems with planning and STRIPS programming. 3. Apply Fuzzy logic in real-life scenarios.


  • 1. “Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach”, S.J. Russell and P. Norvig. 2. “Intelligent Systems: A Modern Approach”, Crina Grosan, Ajith Abraham 3. “Intelligent Systems for Engineers and Scientists”, Adrian A. Hopgood


  • 1. To develop knowledge on Adaptive filtering along with LMS and RLS algorithms. 2. To find out parametric techniques for power spectrum estimation. 3. To study various filter banks.


  • 1. Design frequency domain adaptive filter. 2. Learn about power spectrum estimation. 3. know about applications of multi-rate signal processing.


  • 1. “Mathematical Methods and Algorithms for Signal Processing”, Moon and Stirling. 2. “Theory and Application”, Kay, S. M., Modern Spectral Estimation, Prentice-Hall 2005. 3. “Foundations of Signal Processing”, Cambridge, M. Vetterli, J. Kovacevic, and V. K. Goyal, 2014.


  • 1. To gain a fundamental knowledge of what Cyber Security is and how it applies to your daily work. 2. To gain an understanding of terms commonly used in Cyber Security such as vulnerability. Page 32 of 52 3. To know how vulnerabilities, occur and how to limit your exposure to them. 4. To gain a fundamental understanding of what an attack/threats are, and how to identify and prevent them from occurring.


  • 1. Possess a fundamental knowledge of Cyber Security. 2. Understand what a vulnerability is and how to address the most common vulnerabilities. 3. Know basic and fundamental risk management principles as it relates to Cyber Security. 4. Have the knowledge needed to practice safer computing and safeguard your information. 5. Critically evaluate and reflect on ethical issues that relate to the IT discipline.


  • 1. “Information Security: The Complete Reference”, Rhodes-Ousley, Mark, 1st Edition. 2. “Information Security Management: Concepts and Practice”, New York, McGraw-Hill, 2013. 3. “Cyber security: A practitioner’s guide”, David Sutton. 4. “Cyber security and Cyber war: What Everyone Need to Know”, P.W. Singer, Allan Friedman, 1st Edition, ISBN-13: 978-0199918119. 5. “Cyber Security Basics: Protect your organization by applying the fundamentals”, Don Franke, 1st Edition.


  • 1. To understand the various physical phenomenon of different types of sensors and microsystems. 2. To design sensors with the appropriate electronic interface as a complete system. 3. To discuss various types of sensors like magnetic, optical, bio, chemical, radiation, electrical and mechanical, etc. 4. To emphasis the integration of electronics with sensors to provide a smart transducer or a system on a chip with multiple integrated devices.


  • 1. Select the right sensor for a given application. 2. Design basic circuit building blocks. 3. Simulate, synthesize, and layout a complete sensor or sensor system, MEMS device, or microsystem ready for fabrication tools.


  • 1. “Data Acquisition and Signal Processing for Smart Sensors”, N. V. Kirianaki, S. Y. Yurish, N., O. Shpak V. P. Deynega, John Wiley, 2004 2. “Protocols and Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks”, H. Karl, A. Willig, John Wiley, 2005. 3. “Handbook of Sensor Networks: Compact Wireless and Wired Sensing Systems”, M.Ilyas, I. Mahgoub (ed.), CRC, 2004.

2nd Semester


  • 1. Understanding the advanced concepts and structure of telecommunications networks for narrowband and broadband services. 2. Showing the advanced principles of modern telecommunication. 3. Understanding the advanced settings in the operation of telecommunications systems and devices.


  • 1. Analyze the characteristics of the telephone systems 2. Define and distinguish digital and analog transmissions 3. Evaluate the digital services over analog carrier 4. Analyze the processes used in telecommunications 5. Make use of the parameters in designing telephone switches


  • 1. “Digital Switching Systems”, Syed R. Ali, McGraw Hill international. 2. “Digital Telephony”, John Bellamy- John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 3. “Telecommunication Switching Systems and Networks”, Thiagarajan Viswanathan- Prentice Hall of India. 4. “Telephones and Telegraphy”, S.F. Smith, Oxford University Press.


  • 1. To teach any recent course relevant to the ICE field which is not in the offered list of the syllabus.


  • To Know new programming environment
  • To grow research capabilities


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  • 1. Understand the Big Data Platform and its Use cases 2. Provide an overview of Apache Hadoop 3. Provide HDFS Concepts and Interfacing with HDFS 4. Apply analytics on Structured, Unstructured Data. 5. Exposure to Data Analytics with R.


  • 1. Demonstrate knowledge of big data analytics. 2. Demonstrate the ability to think critically in making decisions based on data and deep analytics. 3. Students will demonstrate the ability to use technical skills in predictive and prescriptive modeling to support business decision-making. 4. Students will demonstrate the ability to translate data into clear, actionable insights.


  • 1. “Analytics in a Big Data World”, BartBaesens; Wiley 2. “Data Analytics”, Dr. Anil Maheshwari. 3. “Learn Analytics”, Alistair Croll& Benjamin Yoskovitz; Eric Ries Series Editor.


  • The course covers the principles, design, and implementation of learning programs that improve their performance on some set of tasks with experience.


  • 1. Develop an appreciation for what is involved in learning from data. 2. Understand a wide variety of learning algorithms. 3. Understand how to apply a variety of learning algorithms to data. 4. Understand how to evaluate learning algorithms and model selection.


  • 1. “Machine Learning”, Tom M. Mitchell 2. “Machine Learning”, John Paul Mueller, Luca Massaron


  • 1. To provide an overview of advanced communication network functions and a good foundation for further studies in the subject. 2. To provide instruction in advanced data communication and computer networks through lectures, tutorials.


  • 1. Understand and be able to explain the principles of a layered protocol architecture. 2. Understand, explain and calculate digital transmission over different types of communication media. 3. Understand, explain and solve mathematical problems for datalink and network protocols. 4. Describe the principles of access control to shared media and perform performance calculations.


  • 1. “Data Communication & Networking”, Behrouza Forouzan- McGraw Hill Education. 2. “Computer Network”, Tannenbaum, Pearson Education. 3. “Computer Networks: Protocols, Standards, and Interfaces”, Uyless Black, PHI. 4. “Computer Networks a System Approach”, Larry L. Peterson and Bruce S. Davie, MK Education. 5. “Internetworking with TCP/IP: Principles, Protocols, Architecture”, D. E. Comer – PHI.

3rd Semester


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  • 1. Calculate noise (amplitude and phase), linearity, and dynamic range performance metrics for RF devices and circuits. 2. Discuss transceiver architectures relevant to current wireless communications standards and their relative advantages and disadvantages. 3. Discuss active and passive device technologies relevant to RFICs and their relative performance advantages and disadvantages. 4. Design IC implementations of RF functional blocks (such as low-noise amplifiers, mixers, and oscillators) based on foundry models and design rules to meet specifications for a wireless communications system.


  • 1. Analyze an RF system using a link budget, accounting for characteristics of the antenna, transmitter, receiver, and propagation. 2. Design impedance matching circuits suitable for RF. 3. Analyze a linear small-signal amplifier using s-parameter concepts to determine gain and stability. 4. Describe RF amplification and its applications, advantages, and disadvantages.


  • 1. “Antenna Theory Analysis and Design”, Balanis A., John Wiley &Sons, New York,1982. 2. “Smart Antennas for Wireless Communications: IS95 and third-generation CDMA Applications”, Joseph C. Liberti, Theodore S. Rappaport, Prentice Hall, Communications Engineering and Emerging Technologies Series. 3. “An Introduction to Radio Frequency Engineering Reissue Edition”, Christopher Coleman. 4. “Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits and Technologies”, Ellinger, Frank


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  • 1. To develop a broad understanding of the discipline of advanced software engineering. 2. To learn about requirements management techniques. 3. To acquire the skill of software project management. 4. To learn the techniques of quality assurance. 5. To examine the concepts and techniques associated with several advanced and industrially relevant topics, relating to both the product and processes of software engineering.


  • 1. Describe the knowledge and skills necessary to practice software engineering, and the professional issues that a software engineer might face. 2. Create major activities and key deliverables in software development. 3. Use project management concepts to manage projects, people, and products. 4. Use software engineering concepts to construct quality software systems.


  • 1. “Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach”, 7th edition, Roger S. Pressman. 2. “Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture”, Volume 1, F. Buschmann, R. Meunier, H. Rohnert, P. Sommerlad, M. Stal. 3. “Software Engineering”, 10th edition, Ian Sommerville. 4. “Software Engineering: Principles and Practice”, 3rd edition, Hans van Vliet.