Masters in Environmental Science

Faculty: Faculty of Science & Technology (FST)

Department: Department of Environmental Science

Program: Masters in Environmental Science

1st Semester


  • To introduce the students to the various methods and processes used in the treatment of industrial wastewater before disposing into natural water bodies.  To gain knowledge on successful design, operation and maintenance of wastewater treatment plants. Course content: 1. Wastewater treatment technologies: Characteristics of wastewater, Constituents in wastewater, Organic and metallic constituents, Health and Environment Concerns in waste water management, Wastewater flowrate. 2. Physical treatment technologies: Screening, Grit removal, Fat and grease removal, Flotation, Flocculation, Gravity separation theory, Primary sedimentation, High rate clarification, Process application, Design considerations for dissolved –Air flotation systems. 3. Chemical Treatment Technologies: Role of chemicals unit processes in wastewater treatment, Application of chemical unit processes, Fundamentals of Chemical coagulation, Chemical precipitation for improved plant performance, Chemical precipitation for removal of heavy metals and dissolved inorganic substances, Chemical oxidation, Applications, Chemical oxidation of BOD and COD, Electrochemical wastewater treatment, Chemical neutralization. 4. Biological Treatment Technologies: Overview of biological wastewater treatment, Objectives of biological treatment, Mycoremediation technology and Phytoremediation Technology, Role of Microorganisms in wastewater treatment, Types of biological processes for wastewater treatment, suspended growth biological treatment processes, Attached Growth and combined biological treatment Processes, Biological removal of toxic and recalcitrant organic compound, Biological removal of heavy metals. 5. Advanced wastewater treatment: Technologies used for advanced treatment, Selection of filtration technology, Effluent filtration with chemical addition, Membrane filtration M.Sc. in Environmental Science Page 35 of 63 Processes, Membrane process classification and configurations, Application of membrane electrodialysis, Fundamentals of adsorption, Design of stripping towers, application, Ion exchange chemistry, Theory of advanced oxidation technologies, applications and operational problems, Performance expectations of distillation in reclamation applications. 6. Disinfection Processes: Regulatory requirements for wastewater disinfection, Disinfection theory, Methods and mechanism of disinfectants, Disinfection with Chlorine, Ozone, Ultraviolet radiation, Disinfection systems, Environmental impact of Disinfection systems, Comparison of alternative disinfection technologies, Advantages and disadvantages. 7. Reuse, recycling and disposal of solids: Recycling of wastewater, Reuse and disposal of solids, Solids processing, Sludge and scum removal, Anaerobic and aerobic digestion, Composting, Incineration, Heat drying 8. Treatment Plant Design and Maintenance: The planning process, Treatment costs, Plant setting, Construction staging and process design, Mechanization, Instrumentation and Automation, Plant layout, Building design, Example of design information, Other significant design features, Maintenance of treatment plant, Health and safety issues of treatment plant. 9. Treatment Plant Performance: Upgrading wastewater treatment Plant performance, Process optimization, Upgrading existing wastewater treatment facilities, Treatment process reliability and selection design values, Development of input-and output data.


  • At the end of this course, students will be able to:  Acquire necessary knowledge and skill on characteristics and composition of wastewater  Develop technical skills on wastewater treatment methods.  Solve the effluent treatment plant related operational problems and contribute in the industrial sector of Bangladesh as well as around the world.


  • Metcalf, E. (2003). Wastewater Engineering: Treatment, Disposal, Reuse, 4th Ed, Metcalf & Eddy. Inc., McGraw-Hill, New York.  Riffat, R. (2012). Fundamentals of wastewater treatment and engineering. 1st Ed, CRC Press.  Nicholas P Cheremisinoff (2002). Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Technology. Elsevier Inc.


  • The course is designed for the students of M.Sc. Program of Environmental Science to provide them an extensive knowledge on Air Pollution and Mitigation Technologies. In doing so, this course identifies specific objectives:  To have an advance knowledge of air quality, air pollution problems in different scales and the types of air pollutants, detailed scenario of anthropogenic emissions including primary and secondary gaseous pollutants, particulate matters, mobile sources etc.;  To have an understanding of methods of measuring, quantifying, analyzing gaseous and particulate air pollutants;  To determine and explain the Transport and Dispersion mechanisms of air pollutants and the factors that influences the transport and dispersion process;  To learn about indoor Air Quality including factors influencing indoor air quality, effects and control of indoor air quality;  To acquire knowledge of air pollution control and mitigation technologies Course Contents: 1. Introduction to Air Pollution: The history of Air Pollution; Air Pollution Concept; Scales of Air Pollution Problem: Local, Urban, Regional, Continental, Global; Air Quality: Averaging Time, Cycles, Primary and Secondary Pollutants. 2. Sources of Air Pollution: Anthropogenic emissions: Energy consumption, Sulphur emissions, Nitrogen oxide production, Ammonia, Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), Carbon monoxide, Hydrogen chloride; Secondary gaseous pollutants: Tropospheric ozone, Wintertime NO2 episodes; Other air pollutants; Adsorption and absorption of gases; Incineration as a source of air pollutants: Persistent organic pollutants (POPs); Airborne particles: Particle sources, Particle size distributions; Mobile sources: Motor vehicle emissions, Trains, Shipping emissions, Aircraft emissions. 3. Measurement of Gases and Particles: Methods of describing pollutant concentration, Sampling requirements, Gas sampling: Pumped systems, Preconcentration, Grab sampling, M.Sc. in Environmental Science Page 37 of 63 Gas concentration measurement: Wet chemical methods, Real-time pumped systems, Realtime remote systems, Gas chromatography, Liquid chromatography, Chromatography with mass spectroscopy, Inductively-coupled plasma (ICP) spectroscopies, Optical spectroscopy; Particle sampling: Isokinetic sampling, Particle measurement methods, Filtration, Optical methods, Beta-attenuation, Resonating microbalance, Size fractionation; Emission measurement from stationary sources: Confined emissions; Unconfined emissions. 4. Transport and Dispersion of Air Pollutants: Wind Direction, Wind Velocity, Atmospheric Turbulence; Dispersion Models: Gaussian dispersion theory; Receptor models, Stochastic models, Compartment or box models. Dry deposition of gases and Wet deposition. 5. Indoor Air Quality: Changing Times, Factors Influencing Indoor Air Quality, Indoor Air Pollutants, Effects of Indoor Air Pollutants, Controls of indoor air pollutants. 6. Air Pollution Control: Desulfurization and Emissions Control: Desulfurization Through Coal Cleaning, Vehicular Fuel Cleaning, Coal Liquefaction, Gasification, and Pyrolysis, Coal-Limestone Combustion; Carbon Sequestration; Control of NOx During Stationary Combustion; Control of Heavy Metals in Emission Streams; Ventilation and Air Conditioning; Fabric Filtration; Cyclones; Electrostatic Precipitation; Wet and Dry Scrubbing; Condensation; Flare Process; Thermal Oxidation; Catalytic Oxidation; GasPhase Activated Carbon Adsorption; Gas-Phase Bio-filtration 7. Emerging Air Pollution Control and Mitigation Technologies: Process Modification, Vehicular Air Pollution Controller, Mechanical Particulate Collectors, Entrainment Separation, Internal Combustion Engines, Membrane Process, Ultraviolet Photolysis, High-Efficiency Particulate Air Filters. Process Change, Fuel Change, Pollution Removal, Pollution Prevention; Control Devices and Systems: Removal of Dry Participate Matter, Removal of Liquid Droplets and Mists, Removal of Gaseous Pollutants, Removal of Odors (Incinerators, Absorbers, Absorbers (Gaseous), Gravity Settling Chambers, Cyclones, Electrostatic Precipitators, Venturi Scrubbers, Baghouses (Particulate Matter)); Control of Stationary Sources: Energy, Power, and Incineration, Chemical and Metallurgical Industries, Agriculture and Forest Products Industries, Other Industrial Processes. Control of Mobile Sources: Gasoline-Powered Vehicles, Diesel-Powered Vehicles, Gas Turbines and Jet Engines, Alternatives to Existing Mobile Sources. Air Pollution Mitigation through Enhancing dispersion, adopting pollution prevention by process change, using end- of-pipe control device. Air Pollution Mitigation through Forest canopy intervention, Particle deposition to vegetation, Filter strips, Practical concerns of vegetation intervention.


  • At the end of this course, the student will be able to have advance knowledge in the field of air pollution. More specifically,  Students will have an understanding of air pollution history, local, regional and global air pollution problem, primary emissions, secondary gaseous pollutants, particulate matters;  Students will able to describe and explain different methods for measuring gaseous and particulate matters of the atmosphere;  Students will gain knowledge on transportation and dispersion processes of atmospheric pollutants including their factors.  Students will have an understanding of indoor air quality problems, indoor air pollutants, their effects and how to control the emissions;  Students will be able to describe the conventional and recent methods of controlling and mitigating air pollutants.


  • Recommended Books:  Colls, J. (2002). Air Pollution (2nd Edition). Spon Press, New Fetter Lane, London. ISBN 0-203-47602-6.  Cheremisinoff, N. P. (2002). Handbook of Air Pollution Prevention and Control. Butterworth-Heinemann- An imprint of Elsevier Science. ISBN 0-7506-7499-7.  Flagan, R. C. (1988). Fundamentals of Air Pollution Engineering. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. ISBN 0-13-332537-7.  Theodore, L. (2008). Air pollution control equipment. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey. ISBN 978-0-470-20967-7.  Richard W. B. (1994). Fundamentals of Air Pollution. Academic Press, Elsevier, USA, UK. ISBN 0-12-118930-9  Vallero, Daniel A. Fundamentals of Air Pollution (4th Edition). Academic Press, Elsevier, USA, UK. ISBN 978-0-12-373615-4.  Karl B. Schnelle, Jr. and Charles A. Brown, (2002). Air pollution control technology handbook- Mechanical engineering handbook series. ISBN 0-8493-9588-7.  Lawrence K. Wang, Norman C. Pereira, Yung-Tse Hung, (2005). Advanced air and noise pollution control- Handbook of environmental Engineering-Volume 02. Humana Press Inc., Totowa, New Jersey.


  • Course Objectives:  To enable students to recognize and understand soil chemical processes and its complex reaction mechanisms in relation to plant growth and environmental pollution.  To understand the chemistry behind different soil conditions such as transformation of nutrients and characteristics of water logged soil and its chemistry. Course Content: 1. The Structure and Classification of Soil Colloids: Types of colloids in soil; Soil colloidal properties and their significance; crystalline structure of clays; Importance of soil colloids, Soil humus formation and fractionation; characteristics of different fractions and their significance. 2. Soil Solution: Characteristics and composition of soil solution, Movement of salts in soil, Importance of soil solution in relation to plant growth and environmental concerns. 3. Soil Reaction: Sources of H+ and OH- ions in soil; Effects of acidity and alkalinity on plants and solubility of chemical species; Mechanisms of buffering; Liming materials and acidifiers and their use; Reaction of liming materials with soil constituents. 4. Chemistry of Transformation and Retention of Pollutants: Principles of fractionation of N, P, K and S and metals of environmental concern. Retention and release of N, P, K, S and metals in soils; Retention of pesticides, soluble salts, toxic elements, radionuclide and their behavior in soil; Transformation, pollutant transport and fates of pollutants in the soil; Modelling the fate of pollutants. 5. Chemistry of Waterlogged Soil: Characteristics of waterlogged soils; Transformation of N, P, K, S, Fe and Mn in waterlogged soils; pH and redox changes their impact on environmental segments. 6. Working principles of AAS, Flame photometer, Spectrophotometer, Determination of organic C, P and N; K analysis using flame photometer and heavy metals Fe, Pb, Cd, Mn analysis using AAS.


  • Course Learning Outcomes: After the end of this course, students will be able to: M.Sc. in Environmental Science Page 40 of 63  Understand soil chemical properties as well as reactions  Analyze the fate of pollutants through the soils  Analyze the transformation of pollutants through the soils  Understand the behavior of pollutants and their occurrences in different soil chemical condition.


  • Recommended Books:  Brady, N. C. and Well, R. R. (2017). The Nature and Properties of Soils, 15th ed., London: Prentice Hall International Limited.  Bear, F. E. (1964). Chemistry of the Soil, 2nd ed., New Delhi: Oxford and IBH Publication Company Pvt. Ltd.  Cresser, M., Killham K. and Edwards T. (1996). Soil Chemistry and its Applications, Cambridge, UK: CUP.  Tan, K. H. (1998). Principles of Soil Chemistry, 3rd ed., New York: Marcel Dekker Inc.  Stevenson, F.J. (1999). Cycles of the Soils, 2nd ed., John Wiley and Sons (Asia) Pte Ltd.  Wetland Soils: Characterization, Classification and Utilization. Proceedings of a Workshop in 1985. International Rice Research Institute, Philippines.  Ponnamperuma, F.N. (1972). The Chemistry of Submerged Soils: Advances in Agronomy. Volume 24.  Yaron, B., Calvet R. and Prost R. (1996). Soil Pollution: Processes and Dynamics, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag.  McBridge, M.B and Murray, B. (1994). Environmental Chemistry of Soils, NY: Oxford Press.  Schwab, G.O., Fangmeier, D. D., Elliot, W. J. and Frevert R. K. (1993). Soil and Water Conservation Engineering, 4th ed., Somerset, NY: John Wiley Publishers.


  • Course Objectives:  To understand research terminology.  Be aware of the ethical principles of research, ethical challenges and approval processes.  To describe quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods approaches to research.  To identify the components of a literature review process.  To analyze critically for publishing research.  To write research proposal and dissertation in appropriate manner. Course Content: 1. Introduction: Introduction to research; objectives and types of research, research design and planning. 2. Research ethics: Concepts of research ethics; Its importance; Codes and policies of research Ethics; ethical and legal misconducts; Common ethical misconducts; authorship dispute and its resolution; Promoting ethics in research and its benefits; Some important violation of research ethics in the history (1932-2012). 3. Research steps: Problem identification; Literature searching- necessity and procedure (both off- and online searching); Research gap and justification for research; objectives and hypothesis formulation; methodology – experimental designs, sampling methods, collection, manipulation, validation, and analysis of data, procedure with particular reference to various fields of Environmental Science; use of secondary data- when why and how to use secondary data, preparation of questionnaire and schedules; data, and results; interpretation and presentation of data/results. 4. Research approaches: Quantitative approach, quantitative approach, mixed method research. 5. Research problems: Recent developments in Environmental Science research, problems common in Environmental Science research, probable solutions to outcome of the problems. 6. Proposal writing: concepts and necessities; ways to keeping an eye on funding/scholarship opportunities; steps involved in proposal writing (motivation, reading, preplanning writing the proposal, submitting, awaiting the decision, and resubmission); necessity to maintain quality in a research proposal, points not to be forgotten while writing a good proposal. 7. Writing report: Types of reports, their contents and formats; write up style, clients/beneficiaries of research reports; procedures and rules followed in writing various parts viz. introduction-the single most important part of a research report-why, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusion, recommendations and references in a report; Special precautions in publishing of research results, plagiarism. 8. Application of software in statistical analysis in research: Need for software application in the present context; Advantages of software use in data analysis; Statistical knowledge and software use; facts and reasons behind executing a program; risk of improper/incorrect use of software; practical demonstration of data analysis through Excel, R, SPSS and MATLAB (examples/assignments on reading, manipulating, analyzing datasets,); exporting software M.Sc. in Environmental Science Page 42 of 63 outputs to expected locations or word files; interpretations of the output- what do those number in the results mean? 9. Bibliography management: Concept and importance of bibliography management; manual versus electronic management of biography; uses of reference writing software; software and researchers- an obvious interface; some commonly used bibliography management software, how to use EndNote/Zotero- creating library, adding-deleting references, import and export of references, editing reference in the text, and creating list of references; risk in using bibliography software and possible solutions.


  • Course Learning Outcome: After successfully completing the course, students will be expected to be able to:  Read and understand scientific articles from a critical viewpoint.  Conduct critical review of literatures.  Apply different analytical methods in specific researches.  Apply different research approaches (e.g. qualitative or quantitative), analytical tools and software in specific case.  Access, evaluate and use relevant information to be used in scientific research and writing (skill).  Use appropriate research language in evaluating scientific results and in oral/written presentations (Communication and social competency)  Develop research proposals and publish scientific articles independently.


  • Recommended Books:  Day, R. A., & Gastel, B. How to write and publish a scientific paper. Cambridge University Press.  Hanna, P. (2019). Research Methods for Environmental Studies: A Social Science Approach.  Ruth, M. (Ed.). (2015). Handbook of research methods and applications in environmental studies. Edward Elgar Publishing.  Nurul, I. M. (2011). An introduction to Research Methods. Mullick and Brothers.

2nd Semester


  • Course Objectives:  To recognize and evaluate occupational safety and health hazards in the workplace  To determine appropriate hazard controls following the hierarchy of controls.  To analyze the effects of workplace exposures, injuries and illnesses, fatalities and the methods to prevent incidents using the hierarchy of controls, effective safety and health management systems and task oriented training. Course Content: 1. Introduction to Occupational Safety and Health: Occupational Safety and Health Definition; Importance of OHS; History of OHS; Job Titles of Individuals Performing Occupational Safety and Health Activities; The Safety and Health Professional’s Role and Responsibility. 2. Safety Laws and Legislation: Occupational Safety and Health Act; OSHA Standards and their origin; Inspection and its process; Business Laws of OHS and important terminologies. 3. Accident Causation and Investigation Theory and Application: The Concepts of Risk, Incidents, and Accidents; Accident causation Theories: single factor, Domino Theory and multiple theory, Energy-Related Accident Causation Theories; Incident Investigation. 4. Safety Management: Workplace Layout and Design; Design, Methods, Standards, and Models of Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems; Basic Principles for Protective Equipment Application. 5. Industrial Hygiene and Hazards: Definition; History; Toxicology: Routes of Entry, Acute and Chronic Exposures, Chemical Interactions, Precautionary Principle; Industrial Hygiene Practice: recognition, evaluation and control; Occupational disease, Emergency and Disaster Response. 6. Defining Hazard and Risk, Event Tree Analysis (ETA) and Fault-Tree-Analysis (FTA) in safety analysis system; Hazard Identification and Control Systems in details such as: Fire and Explosion hazards, Occupational hazards, Harmful Chemical Agents in the Work Environment. 7. Global Occupational Safety and Health Series: Introduction to Global Occupational Safety and Health, Intergovernmental, Nongovernmental and International Occupational M.Sc. in Environmental Science Page 44 of 63 Safety and Health Organizations, Risk Assessment-Global Perspective, Implementation of ISO 45001.  At least 20% of the course content will be covered from recently published journal articles to align with the contemporary issues.


  • The concept of Occupational Health and Safety was introduced to emphasize occupational safety and health practices needed to address in the workplace. Through this course, the students will be able to get introduced to the regulatory standards as a guide to apply policies, procedures, standards and occupational safety and health principles. Moreover, industry recognized best practices, origin of the standards, the process and rules of inspections, citations and penalties and polices will also be covered. Learning Outcomes: By the end of this course, a student will be able to:  Evaluate workplace to determine the existence of occupational safety and health hazards  Get introduced to safety laws and legislation as well as common practices  Identify relevant regulatory and national consensus standards along with best practices that are applicable.  Select appropriate control methodologies based on the hierarchy of controls


  • Reference Books:  Fuller, T. P. (2019). Global Occupational Safety and Health Management Handbook, Boca Raton, London, New York: CRC Press-Taylor & Francis Group.  International Standard ISO 45001. (2018). Occupational health and safety management systems-requirements with guidance for use, 1st ed., Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland: ISO copyright office.  Koradecka, D. (2010). Handbook of Occupational Safety and Health, Boca Raton, London, New York: CRC Press-Taylor & Francis Group.  Mark, A. F. and Kohn J. P. (2007). Fundamentals of Occupational Safety and Health, 4th ed., Lanham, Maryland, Toronto, Plymouth, UK: The Scarecrow Press Inc.  Spurlock, B. S. (2018), Physical Hazards of the Workplace, 2nd ed., Boca Raton, London, New York: CRC Press-Taylor & Francis Group.


  • This course includes some specific objectives: M.Sc. in Environmental Science Page 45 of 63  Enable understanding of renewable energy in the comprehensive terms.  Provide an overview of the different renewable energy technologies and their applications.  Delineate the strengths and weaknesses of renewable energy technologies.  Outline the environmental, economic and social issues of different renewable energy technologies. Course Content 1. Introduction to Renewable Energy Technologies: Energy: Past, Today, and Future - A brief history of energy consumption, Renewable energy technologies - definition and types, Reasons for developing and using renewable energy technologies. 2. Climate Change & Energy Policies: Energy & Environment, how consumer habits influence climate change and energy policies, Frameworks for energy evaluation, including economic, sustainability, and tradeoffs. 3. Nuclear Energy: Definition, how it is harnessed, Nuclear fission – raw materials, reactors, process, advantages and disadvantages, Nuclear Fusion - raw materials, reactors, research potential, benefits and limitations, Economical issues and societal debate over nuclear energy. 4. Solar Energy: Sun and its Energy: Basics of Solar Energy, how it is harnessed, Passive solar and active solar energy, Photovoltaic cells, Solar thermal systems, Benefit-cost analysis of solar technologies. 5. Wind Energy: Historical background, Wind Turbines, Wind Resource Assessment and Characterization - Off-shore and on-shore, Potentiality of wind energy in Bangladesh, Case study: Kutubdia wind power plant, Bangladesh. 6. Biomass & Biofuels: Major sources of biomass, Life cycle analysis for biomass conversion, Different biofuel options, Challenges of integrating bio fuels into our current transportation system, Waste-to-energy systems technologies. 7. Ocean Energy: Ocean energy potential, Wave Characteristics and Statistics, Wave Energy Devices, Tide characteristics and Statistics, Tide Energy Technologies, Ocean Thermal Energy, Osmotic Power, Ocean Bio-mass. 8. Hydroelectric, Geothermal, and Other Technologies: Hydroelectric energy generation mechanism, Large-scale and small-scale hydroelectric energy systems, environmental factors that influence this energy type, Geothermal Resources, Geothermal Technologies, Fuel cells, Energy storage technologies.


  • Renewable energy technologies are on the verge of a new era. The rapid and substantial progress of renewable energy in recent years has been driven by policies of local, national and regional authorities, in close cooperation with the business community, as well as continued technological innovation and cost reductions in energy generated with renewable sources. The course aims to introduce the advance concepts of renewable energy technologies. Course Learning Outcomes After the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:  Define the different key renewable energy technologies. M.Sc. in Environmental Science Page 46 of 63  Explain the potential applications for renewable energy technologies.  Understand the strengths and weaknesses of the different renewable energy technologies and hence to have a better grasp of the benefits of renewable energy.  Analyze the environmental, economic and social issues of different renewable energy technologies.


  • Recommended Books:  Jenkins, N. and Ekanayake, J. (2017). Renewable Energy Engineering, 1st edition, Cambridge University Press.  Rosa, A. D. (2012). Fundamentals of Renewable Energy Processes, 3rd edition, Academic Press, Elsevier, eBook ISBN: 9780123978257.  Vanek, F., Albright, L. and Angenent, L. (2016). Energy Systems Engineering: Evaluation and Implementation, 3rd edition, McGraw Hill, ISBN: 9781259585098.


  • This course aims:  To provide an introduction to the global environmental challenges, introduces a number of major global environmental issues and links them to contemporary socio-economic and political considerations while maintaining a geographical perspective.  To assist in understanding common environmental principles, norms and practices as well as negotiation procedures. Course Content: 1. Contemporary Global Environmental Issues: Human–Environment Interactions; Climate change and past climates; Biodiversity and natural resources; Natural Hazards; Human impact on the Earth’s surface and oceans; Understanding and adapting to sea level rise; The Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming; Sustainable Development: Negotiating the Future. 2. Environmental Principles: Environmental Protection Principles (The sustainability principle, the polluter pays principle, the precautionary principle); Social Principles and M.Sc. in Environmental Science Page 47 of 63 Environmental Protection (the equity principle, human rights principles, the participation principles); Economic Instruments for Pollution Control (Prices and Pollution Rights, The Sustainability Principle and Economic Instruments, The Polluter Pays and Precautionary Principles Applied). 3. Norms and Practices: The Evolution of Global Commons: Defining global commons; Ownership and Jurisdiction; Regimes for global common; Trends in global common; Effectiveness in the Analysis of International Environmental Agreements: Traditional approaches to effectiveness, the concept of environmental effectiveness, Link between environment and society. 4. Origin, Development and Sources of Environmental Policy (law/policy): Environmental Laws and Policies Global Perspectives, Environmental Laws and Policies Bangladesh Perspectives, Case studies on various contemporary issues and various sectors, Trends of implementing policy. 5. Environmental Policies: International Regimes in Global Environmental Politics, Concepts and Theories in Environmental Politics, Paradigms of Global Environmental Politics, Global Political Economy and Development, Case Studies on Environmental Problems and Policies in Different Countries, Actors in the Environmental Arena, The future of Environmental Politics. 6. Environmental Negotiations: The Process of Negotiation; Scientific Uncertainty in Negotiation; Role of the Scientific Community; Role of the Environmental Community; Role of Business and Industry, Negotiations in Balancing the Environmental and Sustainable Development Agendas. Case Studies on successful examples of Negotiations.


  • It has been observed that, recent decades have been characterized by increasing awareness of environmental issues, policies and the need to come to terms with them. This course will cover a number of looming global environmental issues as well as Introduce students with a number of psychological and socio-economic factors that contribute to environmental issues and draw parallels between specific environmental problems as well as relevant policies and negotiation. Learning Outcomes: After successfully completing this course, students should be able to: 1. Explain the scientific basis of the global environmental issues covered in class, including the technical options available for avoiding or contending with each problem. 2. Discuss social, psychological, economic and political issues surrounding each of the global environmental issues covered in class 3. Understand certain policies, principles and their application. 4. Analyze global environmental policies established in worldwide.


  • Recommended Books:  Beder, S. (2006). Environmental Principles and Policies-An Interdisciplinary Approach, 1st ed., UNSW, Sydney, Australia: UNSW Press.  Jeong, Ho-Won. (2001). Global Environmental Policies-Institutions and Procedure, 1st ed., London: Palgrave Publishers Ltd.  Kemp, D. D. (1994). Global Environmental Issues-A Climatological Approach, 2nd ed., London and New York: Rotledge Publication-Taylor & Francis Group. M.Sc. in Environmental Science Page 48 of 63  McDermott, C. L., Cashore B. and Kanowski P. (2010). Global Environmental Forest Policies-An International Comparison, 1st ed., London and Washington, DC: Earth Scan Ltd.  Park, C. C. (2013). Environmental Policies-An International Review, 1st ed., New York: Routledge Publication.  Pickering, K. T. (2006). An Introduction to Global Environmental Issues, 2nd ed., London and New York: Rotledge Publication-Taylor & Francis Group.  Shortle J. S. and Able D. (2001). Environmental Policies for Agricultural Pollution Control, 1st ed., UK and USA: CABI Publishing.


  • Course Description: Sustainability is one of the most significant shifts in thinking and action in the environmental and resource management arenas. Natural Resource Management emphasizes practical and sustainable solutions from a social, economic, and environmental perspective. In this course, students will learn ecological principles, policies, current practices and future strategies required for a sustainable future. It is a practically orientated course and provides students with a basic toolkit of quantitative and qualitative techniques such as environmental valuation used in resource planning and analysis, together with case studies to gain experience of their application. Students will also gain some knowledge of blue economy and natural resource governance. This course will use lectures, class discussions, audio-visual materials. Course Objectives: 1. Understanding the dynamics of natural resources management. 2. Understanding how the economic analysis can be applied to the management of natural resources. 3. Considering a range of management methods and their applicability in different situations 4. Developing advanced problem-solving and analytical skills to apply to issues in the management of natural resources. Course Content: 1. Introduction: Key Philosophies, principles and Concepts of natural resource management, Historical development of natural resource management approaches, scope and limitation of natural resource management, importance of natural resource management, Current management practices, Problems associated with the use/misuse natural resources. 2. The origins of the sustainability problem: Economy–environment interdependence, Drivers of environmental impact Poverty and inequality, demand and supply issues related to natural resources. M.Sc. in Environmental Science Page 49 of 63 3. Fisheries resource: Dynamics of renewable resource harvesting, Biological growth processes, Reflections on open-access fisheries, Steady-state harvests. 4. Forest resource: Characteristics of forest resources, Regeneration of the forestry sector, Commercial plantation forestry, Multiple-use forestry, cost-benefit analysis for forestry, Model of forest resource harvesting, Socially and privately optimal multiple-use plantation forestry. 5. Blue economy: Blue economy concept, Principles of blue economy, blue economy issues and marine resource management, Blue economy and Sustainable development. 6. Valuation methods for environmental costs and benefits: Cost-benefit analysis, Costeffectiveness analysis, Contingent valuation method, Hedonic price method, Travel cost analysis, Risk and uncertainties of environmental attributes, Decision-Making under uncertainty. 7. Ecosystem services and valuation: Origin and Scope of ecosystem services, Role of Economic Valuation, Applicability of Methods to Valuing Ecosystem Services, Mapping Ecosystem Functions to the Value of Ecosystem Services, Case Studies. 8. Current natural resource policy issues: Existing natural resource use policies in Bangladesh, Identify gaps between science and management.


  • Course Learning Outcome: After successfully completing the course students will be expected to be able to:  Gain knowledge on current natural resource management practices.  Develop the ability to relate principles of NRM to successful NRM planning  Understand policies relating to natural resource use.  Understand the concept and principle of blue economy  Interpret the effects of economic instruments on natural resource use.  Assess the value of market and non-market costs and benefits of natural resources.  Describe a range of management methods and measure their appropriateness to the solution of particular problems.


  • Recommended Books:  Kula, E. (2012). Economics of natural resources, the environment and policies. Springer Science & Business Media.  National Research Council. (2005). Valuing ecosystem services: toward better environmental decision-making. national academies Press.  Gunter Pauli, G. (2010). Blue Economy-10 Years, 100 Innovations, 100 Million Jobs, Paradigm Pubns.  Perman, R., Ma, Y., Common, M., Maddison, D., & McGilvray, J. (2011). Natural Resource and Environmental Economics (4th).

3rd Semester


  • Objectives of the Course:  To understand the shifts towards low-carbon, climate-resilient and sustainable development and the trends that are shaping this evolution.  To identify key principles and elements that contributes to current understandings of low-carbon, climate-resilient and sustainable development at both the theoretical and practical levels.  To identify two key drivers— governance and finance—that further define the broad context from which many of these low-carbon, climate-resilient and sustainable development strategies are emerging.  To understand several specific trends in key areas that are influencing lowcarbon, climate-resilient and sustainable development, including Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs), adaptation monitoring and evaluation. Course Contents: 1. Emerging Concept on Climate Change: Risk, Vulnerabilities, Climate variability, impacts-driven' and 'vulnerability-based' methods, Climate Change Mitigation adaptation and Resilience, conservation in a changing climate. 2. Urbanization and Issues: Climate change and cities, Low Carbon, Urban Sprawl, Compact City, Urban Waste Management, Urban Transportation, Emerging population trend.


  • In recent years, the concept of low-carbon, climate-resilient and sustainable development has emerged as a key way of framing policy and action to address climate change, capturing the need for mitigation and adaptation efforts to be fully integrated into development planning and implementation. This course seeks to strengthen capacities to support a just transition to environmentally sustainable societies, framework and practical tool for tackling the social dimensions of sustainable development, climate change and other environmental challenges. Participants will acquire knowledge and tools to help them understand the sustainable development framework, in particular the link between environmental challenges and the world of work. These strategies simultaneously address the threats, risks, vulnerabilities and uncertainties associated with global climate change and the pressing development needs countries face as they pursue sustainable development. These are based on a series of steps and various robust and socioeconomic, such as climate change scenarios, current and projected sustainable development needs, and climate change response options. The outcome of the course results in strategic and programmatic roadmaps to achieve more equitable sustainable development trajectories that are low emission and resilient to climate change.


  • Recommended Books:  Kim, K. G. (2017). Low-Carbon Smart Cities: Tools for Climate Resilience Planning (The Urban Book Series), 1st ed., Springer.  Gandy, M. ( 2004). Recycling and the Politics of Urban Waste, Earthscan Publications  Ibsich, P. (2020). Humans in the Global Ecosystem: An Introduction to Sustainable Development.  Adams, W.A. (2008). Green Development Environment and Sustainability in a Developing World, 3rd ed. Routledge.  Rogoff, M. J. and Screve, F. (2019). Waste-to-Energy Technologies and Project Implementation, 3rd ed.  Farhaoui, Y. (2019). Big Data and Smart Digital Environment, 1sr edition by Laila Moussaid, Springer.


  • Course Objectives  To understand the importance of Project Management in most industries and businesses  To apply specific tools, models and processes.  To understand the implications, challenges, and opportunities of organizational dynamics in project management. Course Content: 1. Concepts of Project Management: Project planning Background studies and the analysis, Problem analysis - key to the project’s framework, Strategic choices, project purpose, planning with logic, Organization determines roles and responsibilities M.Sc. in Environmental Science Page 53 of 63 2. Project Development: Concept, characteristics and component of project steps in project formulation; Logical framework approach in project development; Project Concept Paper (PCP) 3. Design and Processes: Time plan, Critical Path Analysis, Scheduling, The Net present value (NPV) criterion, Payback period and internal rate of return (IRR) of project cost and benefit evaluation, Risk Management, Risk quantification techniques 4. Project monitoring: Milestones and indicators for project monitoring; Integrated approach facilitates monitoring, Progress reports, Annual Monitoring Reports, Financial reports. 5. Project Evaluation: Concept, principles of evaluation, types of project evaluation. Techniques and Methods in project evaluation- Project Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT), Critical Path Method (CPM). Evaluation report, Dissemination of conclusions and recommendations, Approval and operationalization of recommendations. 6. Project Performance improvement: Project management maturity, Major influence in process change, Future challenges for Project Management


  • This course will give students an understanding of the most common processes, tools, techniques, and theories that are necessary to monitor and evaluate a project. This course examines the defining characteristics of monitoring and evaluation techniques, and introduces the student to a variety of project management techniques that can be applied in a development project context. Through case study exercises and group discussions, participants will learn the links between design, monitoring and project evaluation. This course will stimulate ideas on how to design and implement monitoring and evaluation processes that strengthen accountability and learning, and contribute to project effectiveness. After successfully completing the course students will be able to:  Acquire necessary knowledge on systematic and thorough introduction to all aspects of project management.  Identify and analyse factors for successful projects, as well as reasons for failure based on specific case studies in the context of effective risk management.


  • Recommended Books:  Chasley, J. D. and Lury, A. D. (1982). Monitoring and Evaluation of Agriculture and Rural Development Projects, The Johns Hopkins University Press Baltimore, Maryland 21218, U S.A.  Chasel,y J. D. and Kumar, K. (1989). The Collection Analysis, and Use of Monitoring and Evaluation Data, Published for the World Bank, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London.  Maylor, H. (2017). Project Management. 4th Ed. Pearson Education.


  • This course includes some specific objectives:  Graduate students with exposure to a variety of research projects and activities in order to enrich their academic experience.  Department members with an opportunity to familiarize themselves with the student’s research activities.  An opportunity for graduate students to develop skills in presentation and discussion of research topics in a public forum.


  • Course Outline 1. Overview on critical reading of the scientific literature. 2. Steps of research work presentation preparation period, importance of communication in presentation. 3. Usage of voice and body language during a presentation. Importance of timing in presentation. Visually in presentation, selection and usage of visual aids, management of question & answer part. 4. Student’s presentation and submission of draft report on their research topics.


  • The objective of the presentation is to convey information regarding the student’s research to the audience in attendance include faculty members and students. The presentation must be about or directly related to the students’ thesis or project work. It must contain the following elements:  An introduction to the area or topic of research  A review of the problem or issue being investigated  Discussion of the current practice or knowledge and an indication of the difference or originality of the proposed research plan or project.  Specific objectives of the research  A review of the methodology (or proposed methodology) to meet those objectives  Discussion of results (if available)  Summary or conclusions. Recommended Books:  Chivers, B. and Michael, S. (2007). Student's Guide to Presentations, Sage Publications.  Solomon, M., O’Rourke, J., Canavor, N. and Meirowitz, C. (2011). The Truth about Perfecting Your Presentation Skills, FTPress Delivers, Upper Saddle River, NJ.  Trochim, W. M. (2001). Research Methods Knowledge Base. Cornell University.


  • The students’ having the CGPA 3.50 and above in their bachelor of science (BSc) degree will be eligible to take thesis. The students who obtained CGPA below 3.50 in his/her BSc degree, among them who will get GPA 3.50 or above in their 1st semester masters' M.Sc. in Environmental Science Page 56 of 63 program, can appeal for converting his/her project to thesis. b. Research work for a thesis shall be carried out under the supervision of a full-time member of the staff belonging to the relevant department/ Institute of BUP or any other university recognized by UGC. However, in special cases, a full-time member of the staff belonging to a department outside Environmental Science may be appointed as Supervisor, if the research content of the thesis is within the field of specialization of the member of the staff. The thesis proposal of a student shall be submitted for approval of the Academic Committee in 1st year 1st semester. c. If the supervisor needs to change, it shall be approved by the Academic Committee. d. The research work must be carried out in BUP or at a place(s) recommended by the Academic Committee. The work schedule and financial involvement should be mentioned in the research proposal for carrying out research work outside the University. e. Eligible thesis students will be selected by the department. But thesis works will be done by individual students. It cannot be carried out in a group. f. Every student shall submit thesis report to the Chairman, Department of ES/ Dean, through his/her Supervisor, required number of type written copies of his/her thesis in the approved format on or before a date to be fixed by the Supervisor concerned in consultation with the Chairman, Department of ES/ Dean. g. The student shall certify that the research work was done by him/her and the work has not been submitted elsewhere for the award of any other diploma or degree. h. The thesis should demonstrate an evidence of satisfactory knowledge in the field of research undertaken by the student. i. Every student submitting a thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements of a degree, shall be required to appear at an oral examination, on a date or dates fixed by the Supervisor concerned in consultation with the Chairman, Department of ES and must satisfy the examiners that he/she is capable of intelligently applying the results of this research to the solution of problems, of undertaking independent work, and also afford evidence of satisfactory knowledge related to the theory and technique used in his/her research work.


  • Upon Successful completion of this course students are expected to be able to: • Review and critically analyze an environmental impact statement. • Prepare an environmental impact assessment. • Apply environmental impact assessment as a tool in management decision-making. • Plan, conduct, report and follow-up an EMS audit; • Analyze and make decisions on audit situations and audit evidence  Acquiring the skill on critical reading.  Preparing presentations about scientific research.  Learning how to address the audience orally and audio-visually.  Appreciate the importance of communication during presentation.  Acquiring the skill to perform presentations in front of communities.


  • At the very outset, researchers need to understand about the difference between Reference and Bibliography. A reference list includes the details of all the resources you have quoted or paraphrased in your assignment. However, a bibliography includes details of all the resources you used to produce your assignment, including those you did not quote or paraphrase. In this stage, researchers are advised to prepare the reference list, therefore, all publications only cited in the Research Proposal should be presented in a list of references following the text. 23. Reference lists are created to allow readers to locate original sources themselves. The following general requirements to be observed: a. Reference list must include all works cited in the text (including those included in figure legends and tables). b. All references should be relevant and up-to-date. c. All references listed must be cited in the text. d. Start the References on a separate page, and references list in alphabetical order by the first author’s name; do not number the references. 24. References should follow the BUP-like format. In this format each citation in a reference list includes various pieces of information including the: a. Name of the author(s) b. Year published c. Title d. City published e. Publisher f. Pages used 25. Citation of references in the text should be given by the Name used at first in article, for example, if written Zannatul Islam and paper published in the year 2020, write Zannatul (no initials) followed by the year. When two or more citations of the same author are given, list them in chronological order (year wise). When there are two authors, include both names, separate them by putting “&”, in between. When there are three or more names, give only the first author followed by “et al”. If there are two or more papers by the same author/s in the same year, place them in alphabetical order by the title. 26. List all the authors (do not use “et al.” in the reference list). When there are two or more references of the same author/s, list them in chronological order (year wise). In the reference list, the name of authors (same way written in paper) should be followed by the year within parentheses, title of the article, journal name (in italics) volume number to be followed by a colon and pages to be numbered first-last page numbers. Reference to electronic material should include author’s name/s, date, article title, and journal (as above); where volume and /or page numbers are not available, substitute Digital Object Identifier (DOI) number. Reference from Wikipedia will not be accepted. 27. Generally, BUP-like Reference List citations follow this format: • Author/s Name. (Year published). Title. City: Publisher, Page(s). • Citations are listed in alphabetical order by the author’s last name. • If there are multiple sources by the same author, then citations are listed in order by the date of publication. 28. BUP-like Reference List Citations for Books with One Author: The structure for a BUP-like Reference List citation for books with one author includes the following: • Author/s Name. (Year published). Title. Edition. (Only include the edition if it is not the first edition) City published: Publisher, Page(s). If the edition isn’t listed, it is safe to assume that it is the first addition and does not need to be included in the citation. Example: One author AND first edition: • Patterson, J. (2005). Maximum ride. New York: Little, Brown, pp. 31-32. Example: One author AND NOT the first edition • Dahl, R. (2004). Charlie and the chocolate factory. 6th ed. New York: Knopf. 29. BUP-like Reference List Citations for Books with Two or More Authors: When creating a citation that has more than one author, place the names in the order in which they appear on the source. Use the word “and” to separate the names. • Last name, First initial. and Last name, First initial. (Year published). Title. City: Publisher, Page(s). Example: • Desikan, S. and Ramesh, G. (2006). Software testing. Bangalore, India: Dorling Kindersley, p.156. • Vermaat, M., Sebok, S., Freund, S., Campbell, J. and Frydenberg, M. (2014). Discovering computers. Boston: Cengage Learning, pp.446-448. • Daniels, K., Patterson, G. and Dunston, Y. (2014). The ultimate student teaching guide. 2nd ed. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications, pp.145-151. 30. BUP-like Reference List Citations for Chapters in Edited Books: When citing a chapter in an edited book, use the following format: • Last name, First initial. (Year published). Chapter title. In: First initial. Last name, ed., Book Title, 1st ed.* City: Publisher, Page(s). • Bressler, L. (2010). My girl, Kylie. In: L. Matheson, ed., The Dogs That We Love, 1st ed. Boston: Jacobson Ltd., pp. 78-92.


  • The students’ having the CGPA 3.50 and above in their bachelor of science (BSc) degree will be eligible to take the thesis. The rest of the students will be allowed to take the project work. b. Project work shall be carried out under the supervision of a full-time member of the staff belonging to the relevant department of BUP or any other university recognized by UGC. However, in special cases, a full- time member of the staff belonging to a department outside ES may be appointed as Supervisor, if the research content of the project work is M.Sc. in Environmental Science Page 57 of 63 within the field of specialization of the member of the staff. The title of the project, cost and the Supervisor shall be recommended by the Academic Committee for approval which will be reported to the Dean, FST. The project proposal of a student shall be submitted for approval of the Academic Committee in 1st year 1st semester. c. If the supervisor needs to change, it shall be approved by the Academic Committee. d. The project work must be carried out in BUP or at a place(s) approved by the Dean FST or recommended by the Academic Committee. The work schedule and financial involvement should be mentioned in the project proposal for carrying out project work outside the BUP. e. Eligible project students will be selected by the department. f. Students shall submit project paper to the Chairman, Department of ES, through his/her Supervisor, required number of type written copies of his/her project report in the approved formation or before a date to be fixed by the Supervisor concerned in consultation with the Chairman, Department of ES. g. The student shall certify that the project work was done by him/her and the work has not been submitted elsewhere for the award of any other diploma or degree. h. The project should demonstrate an evidence of satisfactory knowledge in the field of project undertaken by the student. i. Every student submitting a project report in partial fulfillment of the requirement of a degree shall be required to appear at an oral examination, on a date or dates fixed by the Supervisor concerned in consultation with the Chairman, Department of ES and must satisfy the examiners that he/she has gained satisfactory knowledge related to the project work.


  • Thesis/Project Lifecycle for Effective Management a. Submission of Proposal – 1st Semester b. Supervisor confirmed –1st Semester c. Proposal Presentation – 1st Semester d. Progress Report – It will be done in 3rd semester through graduate seminar. e. Final defense – The final defense will be done in 3rd semester where the total evaluation of their works will be done. 12.4 Submission of Thesis/Project Every student submitting a thesis/project report in partial fulfillment of the requirement of a degree shall be required to appear at an oral examination, on a date or dates fixed by the Supervisor concerned in consultation with the Head of the Department of ES and must satisfy the examiners that he/she has gained satisfactory knowledge related to the thesis/project work.


  • At the very outset, researchers need to understand about the difference between Reference and Bibliography. A reference list includes the details of all the resources you have quoted or paraphrased in your assignment. However, a bibliography includes details of all the resources you used to produce your assignment, including those you did not quote or paraphrase. In this stage, researchers are advised to prepare the reference list, therefore, all publications only cited in the Research Proposal should be presented in a list of references following the text. 23. Reference lists are created to allow readers to locate original sources themselves. The following general requirements to be observed: a. Reference list must include all works cited in the text (including those included in figure legends and tables). b. All references should be relevant and up-to-date. c. All references listed must be cited in the text. d. Start the References on a separate page, and references list in alphabetical order by the first author’s name; do not number the references. 24. References should follow the BUP-like format. In this format each citation in a reference list includes various pieces of information including the: a. Name of the author(s) b. Year published c. Title d. City published e. Publisher f. Pages used 25. Citation of references in the text should be given by the Name used at first in article, for example, if written Zannatul Islam and paper published in the year 2020, write Zannatul (no initials) followed by the year. When two or more citations of the same author are given, list them in chronological order (year wise). When there are two authors, include both names, separate them by putting “&”, in between. When there are three or more names, give only the first author followed by “et al”. If there are two or more papers by the same author/s in the same year, place them in alphabetical order by the title. 26. List all the authors (do not use “et al.” in the reference list). When there are two or more references of the same author/s, list them in chronological order (year wise). In the reference list, the name of authors (same way written in paper) should be followed by the year within parentheses, title of the article, journal name (in italics) volume number to be followed by a colon and pages to be numbered first-last page numbers. Reference to electronic material should include author’s name/s, date, article title, and journal (as above); where volume and /or page numbers are not available, substitute Digital Object Identifier (DOI) number. Reference from Wikipedia will not be accepted. 27. Generally, BUP-like Reference List citations follow this format: • Author/s Name. (Year published). Title. City: Publisher, Page(s). • Citations are listed in alphabetical order by the author’s last name. • If there are multiple sources by the same author, then citations are listed in order by the date of publication. 28. BUP-like Reference List Citations for Books with One Author: The structure for a BUP-like Reference List citation for books with one author includes the following: • Author/s Name. (Year published). Title. Edition. (Only include the edition if it is not the first edition) City published: Publisher, Page(s). If the edition isn’t listed, it is safe to assume that it is the first addition and does not need to be included in the citation. Example: One author AND first edition: • Patterson, J. (2005). Maximum ride. New York: Little, Brown, pp. 31-32. Example: One author AND NOT the first edition • Dahl, R. (2004). Charlie and the chocolate factory. 6th ed. New York: Knopf. 29. BUP-like Reference List Citations for Books with Two or More Authors: When creating a citation that has more than one author, place the names in the order in which they appear on the source. Use the word “and” to separate the names. • Last name, First initial. and Last name, First initial. (Year published). Title. City: Publisher, Page(s). Example: • Desikan, S. and Ramesh, G. (2006). Software testing. Bangalore, India: Dorling Kindersley, p.156. • Vermaat, M., Sebok, S., Freund, S., Campbell, J. and Frydenberg, M. (2014). Discovering computers. Boston: Cengage Learning, pp.446-448. • Daniels, K., Patterson, G. and Dunston, Y. (2014). The ultimate student teaching guide. 2nd ed. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications, pp.145-151. 30. BUP-like Reference List Citations for Chapters in Edited Books: When citing a chapter in an edited book, use the following format: • Last name, First initial. (Year published). Chapter title. In: First initial. Last name, ed., Book Title, 1st ed.* City: Publisher, Page(s). • Bressler, L. (2010). My girl, Kylie. In: L. Matheson, ed., The Dogs That We Love, 1st ed. Boston: Jacobson Ltd., pp. 78-92.