Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering

Faculty: Faculty of Science & Technology (FST)

Department: Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Program: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering

General Info 

  •   Intake : Once in a Year.
  •   Application Duration : 08 November 2024 to 22 November 2024
  •   Method of Application : Online (
  •   Course Duration : Years: 04 Semester: 08
  •   Total Credit Hours : 160

Eligibility for Admission

(1)    A candidate must pass SSC/ equivalent and HSC/ equivalent examination from Science discipline/ group as per national curriculum.

(2)   Candidates from Science Group must obtain total GPA 9.50 combining SSC/ equivalent and HSC/ equivalent examination and must have minimum A- (minus) grade in Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Mathematics and English at the HSC level.

(3)    Candidates from General Certificate of Education (GCE) ‘O’ and ‘A’ level background must pass in minimum 05 (five) and 02 (two) subjects respectively having minimum 26.5 points in total after conversion based on the following scale:


A*-G Grading System (IGCSE)

           9-1 Grading System (GCSE)

























Note: Gradings lower than 'D' or 4 (9-1 Grading System) will not be considered for point calculation.

(4)     Candidates from International Baccalaureate (IB) must pass in minimum 06 (six) subjects having minimum 30 points based on the rating scale used in their curriculum (7, 6, 5, 4). Rating of 1, 2 and 3 will not be considered in point calculation.

(5)    Candidates will have to sit for 1- hour written test (MCQ) of 60 marks. Students opting to apply for ICE and/or CSE must have Mathematics and those opting to apply for ES must have Biology in HSC or equivalent as their compulsory/ optional subject (4th subject). Students who are opting to apply for all three departments (ICE, CSE & ES) must have both Mathematics and Biology in HSC or equivalent level.

(6)        The marks distribution is as follows:

            Sec-A: Mathematics- 20

            Sec-B: Biology- 20

            Sec-C: Physics -20

               Sec-D: Chemistry- 20


  • Each candidate will appear in the exam on any three of the four sections.
  • Candidates opting for BICE/BCSE must appear Sec-A.
  • Candidates opting for BES must appear Sec-B.
  • Candidates opting for BICE, BCSE & BES must appear both Sec-A & Sec-B



     Total =100

(1) MCQ=55%

(2) HSC/Equivalent Result=25%

(3) SSC/Equivalent Result=20%

Exam Type:

  • Exam Type : MCQ (0.50 marks will be deducted for each incorrect answer)



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1st Semester


  • To define the different parameters and concepts of inorganic chemistry and physical chemistry
  • To explain the basic reaction mechanism of selective organic reactions.
  • To solve numerical problems of inorganic, organic and physical chemistry.


  • Students will be able to solve quantitative problems in the field of inorganic, organic and physical chemistry i.e. solutions, thermochemistry, chemical kinetics, electrical properties of solution etc.
  • Explain different basic theories in the field of selective organic reactions such as Oxidation-reduction, Substitution, Addition, Polymerization, Alkylation reactions etc.
  • Define different basic parameters in the field of inorganic, organic and physical chemistry i.e., atomic structure, periodic table, chemical bonding, acids and bases, chemical equilibrium, thermochemistry and different types of solutions, phase rule etc.


  • Modern Inorganic Chemistry – S. Z. Haider
  • Concise Inorganic Chemistry (4th) – J. D. Lee
  • A Textbook of Organic Chemistry(22nd) – Arun Bahl and B. S. Bahl
  • Principles of Physical Chemistry – Haque and Nawab


  • To develop basic physics knowledge practically.
  • To practice use of basic scientific instrument.


  • Students will be able to define the different parameters regarding Waves and Oscillations, Optics, Mechanics, Electricity, Modern physics, and Thermal physics etc.
  • Describe the different phenomena regarding Waves and Oscillations, Optics, Mechanics, Electricity, Modern physics, and Thermal physics etc.
  • Construct Experiments by an individual or by a group to determine different phenomena regarding Waves and Oscillations, Optics, Mechanics, Electricity, Modern physics, and Thermal physics etc.


  • Practical Physics: G. L. Squires
  • Practical Physics: Dr Giasuddin and Md. Sahabuddin.
  • B.Sc. Practical Physics: C. L Arora


  • To develop English language skills to communicate effectively and professionally
  • To strengthen students’ presentation skills.
  • To develop competency in academic reading and writing.


  • Students will be able to understand the techniques of academic reading and become familiar with technical terms and develop competency in academic reading, preparing report written communication/ presentation.
  • Analyze any problem critically, analyze and interpret data and synthesize information to provide valid conclusions.
  • Communicate effectively within the shortest possible time to present their reports and academic writings


  • Langan, J. (2005). College Writing Skills with Readings (6th). McGraw-Hill Publication
  • Interactions 1 (Reading), John Langan, Latest edition, McGraw-Hill Publication
  • Headway Series – Advanced Level (2 parts with CDs): Oxford University Press Ltd.


  • To develop basic chemistry knowledge practically
  • To practice the use of basic scientific instrument.


  • Students will be able to define the different parameters regarding inorganic and physical chemistry
  • Estimate zinc, ferrous content in water samples by using various titrimetric methods.
  • Construct Experiments by an individual or by a group to determine different phenomena regarding acid-base, iodoiodimetric, complexometric and redox titration etc
  • Prepare a report for an experimental work


  • Practical Chemistry - A Jabbar & M Haque
  • Quantitative Chemical Analysis - A I Vogel
  • Analytical chemistry - Gary D. Christian


  • Create a foundation of basic electrical engineering and circuits
  • Familiarize students with basic circuit laws (Ohm, Kirchhoff), techniques (Mesh, Nodal), concepts (Superposition, Source Transformation) and theorems (Thevenin, Norton).
  • Develop the understanding of AC steady state response of single-phase circuits and power in AC circuits.


  • Students will be able to interpret circuit laws and apply their corresponding technique to find circuit quantities; also justify selection particular circuit concept(s) and theorem(s) for simplifying complex circuits.
  • Competent in analyse 1st and 2nd-order circuits and evaluate the responses both in the presence and absence of dc circuits.
  • Manage to outline sinusoids and phasors in explaining circuit parameters and analysing AC power.
  • Able to understand the current voltage relation of 3 phase circuits for different configure-tions and reproduce knowledge of AC power to analyze real life power consumptions of transmission lines.


  • Fundamentals of Electric Circuit by C. K. Alexander & M. N. Sadiku
  • Introductory Circuit Analysis by R. L. Boylsted
  • Alternating Current Circuits by G. S. Corcoran & R. F. Kerchner
  • Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis by J. D. Irwin & R. M. Nelms Electric Circuits by James William Nilsson


  • To enable the students to apply the fundamental circuit laws (KVL, KCL, Ohm’s law) in hardware domain
  • To develop students’ skills to simplify complex electrical circuits into simpler circuits by Thevenin and Norton’s theorem and verify them in hardware.
  • To teach the students the basic operation of oscilloscope to measure AC quantities (magnitude and phase).


  • Students will be able to assemble electrical circuits that can verify fundamental electrical laws (KVL, KCL and Ohm’s Law)
  • Set up circuits to justify Thevenin’s law and Norton’s law in electrical circuits.
  • Produce desired ac waves and measure amplitude and phase of ac waves in oscilloscope, design analogue RLC filter that can produce desired frequency response.
  • Develop collaborating nature by completing a simple project in both software and hardware and performing group activities.


  • Fundamentals of Electric Circuit by C. K. Alexander & M. N. Sadiku
  • Introductory Circuit Analysis by R. L. Boylsted
  • Alternating Current Circuits by G. S. Corcoran & R. F. Kerchner


  • To equip students with factual knowledge that will enable them to learn the history of Bangladesh.
  • To trace the historical roots of Bangladesh as an independent state focusing on the social, cultural and economic developments that have taken place since its independence
  • To promote an understanding of the development of Bangladesh and its culture.
  • To create an awareness among the students about the Geography, Economy, Politics and Culture of Bangladesh.


  • Students will be able to identify specific stages of Bangladesh’s political history, through the ancient, medieval, colonial and post-colonial periods and variety of cultural identities of Bangladesh.
  • Explain the economy and patterns of economic changes through qualitative and quantitative analysis.
  • Develop the communication skill by presenting topics on Bangladesh studies.


  • Bangladesh Studies: Md. Shamsul Kabir Khan and Daulatunnahar Khanam
  • The Constitution of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
  • Discovery of Bangladesh: Akbar Ali Khan
  • History of Bangladesh, Vols, 1-3: Sirajul Islam
  • History of Modern Bengal, Vol, 1: R C Majumdar


  • To impart basic knowledge on differential and Integral Calculus to solve engineering problems and other applied problems.
  • To develop understanding some of the important aspects of rate of change, area, tangent, normal and volume.
  • To be expert in imparting in depth knowledge of functional analysis such as increasing, decreasing, maximum and minimum values of a function


  • Students will be able to define the limit, continuity, and differentiability of functions, identify the rate of change of a function with respect to independent variables and describe the different techniques of evaluating indefinite and definite integrals.
  • Apply the concepts or techniques of differentiation and integration to solve the problems related to engineering study
  • Calculate the length, area, volume, center of gravity and average value related to engineering study


  • Calculus (9th) - Howard Anton, Irl C. Bivens (Author), Stephen Davis.
  • Calculus: An Intuitive and Physical Approach (2nd)-Morris Kline.


  • To define the different parameter and concepts of Waves and Oscillations, Optics and Modern physics.
  • To explain the basic concepts of Waves and Oscillations, Optics and Modern physics.
  • To solve analytical problems regarding Waves and Oscillations, Optics and Modern physics.


  • Students will be able to define different basic parameters in the field of Waves and Oscillations, Optics and Modern physics such as periodic motion, simple harmonic motion, undamped oscillations, interference, diffraction, polarization and prism, photoelectric effect, Compton effect, matter wave, atomic model, radioactive decay, fusion, fission etc.
  • Explain different basic theories in the field of Waves and Oscillations, Optics and Modern physics such as the wave motion for different systems along with energy, different formula for interference, diffraction, polarization special theory of relativity, Compton theory, nuclear transformation, and nuclear reaction etc.
  • Solve quantitative problems in the field of Waves and Oscillations, Optics and Modern physics such as energy of wave motion, wavelength, diffraction pattern, relativistic energy, photon energy, Compton shift, nuclear binding energy etc.


  • Fundamentals of Physics (10th) - Halliday, Resnick, and Walker
  • Physics for Scientists and Engineers(9th) - Serway and Jewett
  • Concept of Modern Physics (6th) - Arthur Beiser
  • University Physics with Modern Physics (14th) - Hugh D. Young and Roger A. Freedman
  • Modern Physics for Science and Engineering - Marshall L. Burns
  • Waves and Oscillations - Walter Fox Smith
  • Fundamental of Optics - Francis A. Jenkins and Harvey E.White

2nd Semester


  • 1. To understand the different boolean algebra theorems and apply them for simplifying logic functions.
  • 2. To understand Karnaugh map and other methods to perform an algorithmic reduction of multivariable logic functions.
  • 3. To understand the usefulness of combinational circuits: adder, subtractor, code converters encoders/decoders, multiplexers, de-multiplexers, ROM, RAM, PLAs.
  • 4. To design and analysis of clocked sequential circuits, flip-flops, state diagram, state table, different latches.


  • Remember and understand the number system and Boolean algebra and basic properties of Boolean algebra to simplify simple Boolean functions.
  • Understanding and applying the tabulation and Karnaugh map methods for simplifying combinational circuits.
  • Identify the basic sequential logic components: SR Latch, Different Flip-Flops and their usage and able to analyze sequential logic circuits


  • Digital Logic and Computer Design by M. Morris Mano
  • Digital Computer Electronics by Albert P. Malvino, Jerald A Brown


  • To impart basic knowledge on the Vector Analysis, Matrix and Geometry.
  • To familiarize the students with the working principle of calculating differentiation and integration of vector valued functions in Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical geometry
  • To provide knowledge on using the concept of vector, matrix and Geometry in engineering area and solve other applied problems
  • To be expert in imparting depth knowledge on the vector analysis, matrix and co-ordinate geometry.


  • Define and identify the physical explanation of different vector notation, explain the basic concept of matrix, 2D and 3D geometry.
  • Interpret mathematics, science and engineering such as calculating volume and area of any object in a vector field.
  • Be proficient to analyse and demonstrate the technique in engineering problems which is taught in vector, matrix and Geometry.


  • Vector Analysis(2nd) - Seymour Lipschutz, Dennis Spellman and Murray R. Spiegel, Schaum’s outlines.
  • Elementary Linear algebra (12th) - Wiely, Howard Anton and Chris Rorres
  • A Text Book on Co-ordinate Geometry with Vector Analysis - Rahman & Bhattacharjee.
  • Analytic Geometry -Abdur Rahman.


  • To gain basic knowledge on logic design and the basic building blocks used in digital systems, in particular digital computers.
  • To design different types of combinational and sequential logic circuit and their implementations.


  • Operate laboratory equipment by implementing and simulating simple combinational digital circuits.
  • Analyse a given problem and apply the acquired knowledge to design both combinational and sequential circuits.
  • Understand the relationship between abstract logic characterizations and practical implementations while designing a system


  • Digital Logic and Computer Design by M. Morris Manno
  • Digital Computer Electronics by Albert P. Malvino, Jerald A Brown


  • To describe algorithms and solve problems using computers
  • To know about various syntax, semantics of structured programming languages.
  • To develop basic programming skills with respect to program design and development.


  • Describe algorithm and solve problems using computers
  • Analyse the fundamental principles, typical characteristics and mechanisms of a structured programming language.
  • Develop basic programming skills with respect to program design and development.
  • Develop the communication skill by presenting topics on Structured programming Language.


  • Teach Yourself C (3rd Edition) by Herbert Schidlt
  • Programming in Ansi C (6th Edition) by E Balagurusamy
  • C: The Complete Reference (4th Edition) by Herbert Schildt


  • To learn basic ideas of programming languages.
  • To learn how to program with C.
  • To learn how to think about the problems, their solutions and translating it to programming language.


  • Discuss algorithms and solve problems using computers.
  • Analyze the fundamental principles, typical characteristics and mechanisms of a structured programming language practically.
  • Apply practical knowledge to develop basic programming skills with respect to program design and development.


  • Teach Yourself C (3rd Edition) by Herbert Schidlt
  • Programming in Ansi C (6th Edition) by E Balagurusamy
  • C Programming Language (2nd Edition) by Dennis M. Ritche


  • To be able to understand the basics of electronic devices like diode, Transistor, MOSFET etc and their applications.
  • To be able to differentiate between the working principal of different electronic components.
  • To become skilled at designing different electronic circuits like rectifier, amplifiers etc.


  • Explain the basic operation of diodes, BJT, MOSFET, JFET, Op-Amp, oscillators, TRIAC, DIAC and their characteristics to solve engineering problems.
  • Compare the characteristics of different types of diodes, transistors, OP-Amp and oscillators.
  • Solve various mathematical problems to meet specific design criteria.


  • Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory -Robert L. Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky
  • Electronic Principles – Albert P. Malvino.
  • Microelectronics Circuits-Adel S. Sedra & Keneth C. Smith-Oxford University Press


  • To enable the students to implement circuits using different electronic components like diode, BJT and JFET and analyze working principles and input/output characteristics of these components.
  • To provide the students ability to implement electronic circuits like rectifier, OP-AMP circuits to perform different mathematical operations and oscillator circuits for applications in real life engineering
  • To introduce the students with the use of circuit simulation software PSpice Schematics in analyzing electronic circuits and thereby enrich their skills in designing various complex electronic circuits.


  • Be able to analyze the characteristics of various types of active and passive electronic components by constructing simple circuits using these elements.
  • Be able to construct basic electronic devices to perform different mathematical operations and construct oscillator circuits.
  • Be able to construct an electronic device for application in real life adapting the desired requirements.


  • Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory -Robert L. Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky
  • Electronic Principles – Albert P. Malvino.
  • Operation Amplifiers and Linear Integrated Circuits-Robert F. Coughlin-Prentice Hall of India Private Limited


  • To introduce Discrete Mathematics and its applications
  • To introduce some of the problems of Discrete Mathematics. To develop knowledge of a variety of mathematical tools applicable in computer science.


  • Define an argument using logical notation and determine if the argument is or is not valid.
  • Construct simple mathematical proofs and possess the ability to verify them.
  • Demonstrate the understanding of sets, relations and functions and modeling problems using graphs and trees.
  • Develop the communication skills by presenting different topics on graphs and trees


  • Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, 7th Edition by K. Rosen, McGraw Hill.
  • Discrete Mathematics with Applications, 3rd Edition by Susanna S. Epp Gagne


  • To develop French language skills to communicate effectively and professionally.
  • To strengthen students’ presentation skills.
  • To develop competency in academic reading and writing.


  • Understand the techniques of academic reading and become familiar with technical terms and develop competency in academic reading, preparing report written communication/ presentation.
  • Communicate effectively within the shortest possible time to present their reports and academic writings
  • Apply the techniques to find out the main points of any long article within a very limited time as well as know the techniques of any effective writing.


  • Netzwerk A1 Chapter 1 – 6

3rd Semester


  • To familiarize the students with the basic electrical machines like transformer, dc generator, dc motor, alternator etc.
  • To calculate various parameters of machines like voltage regulation, efficiency etc., observe their behaviour under various load conditions and compare them.
  • To impart the basic knowledge of electrical control system and instrumentation.


  • Compute the voltage regulation and efficiency of electrical machine, like transformer, alternator, dc motor etc. and justify these characteristics under various loading condition.
  • Identify the characteristics of electrical machines like dc generator, dc motor etc. and trace various curves like armature voltage vs. armature current curve for dc generator or torque-speed curve of dc motor.
  • Apply the basic idea of control system through the controlling of water level and water flow by feedback transducer.


  • Electrical Machinery Fundamentals- Stephen J Chapman
  • A Textbook of Electrical Technology - B.L Theraja
  • A Course in Electrical and Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation by A. K. Sawhney
  • Electronic Instruments and Instrumentation Technology’, by M. M. S. Anand


  • To develop a general understanding of basic data structures and algorithms
  • To develop Programming skills for advanced data structures and algorithms


  • Express the fundamentals of static and dynamic data structures and relevant standard algorithms
  • Demonstrate advantages and disadvantages of specific algorithms and data structures.
  • Select basic data structures and algorithms for autonomous realization of simple programs or program parts.
  • Determine and demonstrate bugs in the program, recognize needed basic operations with algorithms and data structures.


  • Introduction to Algorithms (CLRS) 3rd Edition Sep 2009
  • Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ 2014


  • To develop a general understanding of basic data structures and algorithms
  • To develop programming skills for advanced data Structures and algorithms


  • Identify advantages and disadvantages of specific algorithms and data structures
  • To develop programming skills for advanced data Structures and algorithms


  • Introduction to Algorithms (CLRS) 3rd Edition Sep 2009
  • Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ 2014


  • To achieve a basic idea on Object Oriented Programming Language
  • To Present object-oriented aspects of C++
  • To learn programming with C++


  • Grasp and utilize the fundamental features of an object-oriented programming language
  • Understand the benefits of object-oriented design and analyse when it is an appropriate methodology to use.
  • Deduce object-oriented solutions for small problems, involving multiple objects
  • Illustrate good programming style and identify the impact of style on developing and maintaining programs.


  • Teach Yourself C++ - Herbert Schidlt
  • Introduction to Algorithms (CLRS) 3rd Edition Sep 2009
  • Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ 2014


  • To achieve a basic idea on Object Oriented Programming Language
  • To present object-oriented aspects of C++
  • To learn programming with C++


  • Design object-oriented solutions for small systems/ problems, involving multiple objects.
  • Demonstrate good programming style and discuss the impact of style on developing and maintaining programs.
  • Identify the relative merits of different algorithmic designs, programming constructs and data structures.


  • Teach Yourself C++ by Herbert Schildt
  • Object Oriented Programming with C++ by E Balagurusamy
  • Complete Reference C++ by Herbert Schildt


  • To understand the mathematical foundations of computation including automata theory.
  • To have a solid foundation of the theory of formal languages and grammars.
  • To analyse and design finite automata, pushdown automata, Turing machines, formal languages and languages, and grammars.


  • Identify the mathematical foundations of computation including mathematical proofs for computation.
  • Design finite automata and regular expressions for regular languages.
  • Design context free grammar and pushdown automata for context free languages.
  • Illustrate Turing machines and investigate the limits of algorithmic solvability


  • Introduction to the Theory of Computation, 3rd edition, 2012- Michael Sipser.
  • Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation. Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc., 3rd ed., 2008 - J. E. Hopcroft, R. Motwani, and J. D. Ullman
  • Elements of the Theory of Computation. Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA: Prentice Hall PTR, 2nd edition, 1997- H. R. Lewis and C. H. Papadimitriou.


  • To appraise the operating principle and constructional details of energy conversion devices such as transformer, motor, generator.
  • To develop understanding on practical use of energy conversion devices
  • To impart the knowledge of the basics of electrical measurement system components along with different methods of measurement.


  • Be proficient to describe the operating principles of generator, motor and transformer and be able to demonstrate the practical application.
  • Be capable to understand the basics of electrical measurement systems and explain their characteristics and different measurement methods.
  • Be adept in analyzing measurement data and performance of measurement systems


  • Electrical Machinery Fundamentals- Stephen J Chapman
  • A Textbook of Electrical Technology - B.L Theraja
  • A Course in Electrical and Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation by A. K. Sawhney


  • To develop English language skills to communicate effectively and professionally.
  • To strengthen students’ presentation skills.
  • To develop competency in academic reading and writing.


  • Understand the techniques of academic reading and become acquainted with technical vocabularies
  • Understand the techniques of effective academic writing such as research article/report writing
  • Communicate effectively within the shortest possible time to present any report and research work


  • Jones, L. (1981). Functions of English. (Student’s Book, 2nd Ed.) Melbourne, Australia: Cambridge University Press.
  • Dixon, R.J. (1987). Complete course in English. (Book 4). New Delhi, India: Prentice Hall of India. (For book presentation)
  • Langan, J. (2005). College Writing Skills with Readings (6th Ed). McGraw-Hill Publication


  • To provide a physical interpretation of the Differential Equations and Laplace Transform.
  • To explain the characteristics of Ordinary Differential Equations and Laplace Transform.
  • To apply Laplace and Fourier Transform in solving complex problems.


  • Identify differential equations of various types and recognize the basic properties of Laplace and Fourier transform.
  • Interpret the classifications of differential equations and estimate the technique of Laplace transform and Fourier transform of some elementary function.
  • Solve different types of differential equations and apply Laplace transform to Ordinary Differential Equation and Fourier as well as Inverse Fourier transform to make use of boundary value problems in Engineering fields


  • Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations (18th)- M.D.RAISINGHANIA.
  • Differential Equations (3rd)- Shepley L. Ross.
  • Differential Equations by Glen R. Hall.

4th Semester


  • To develop a firm ethical base.
  • To gain the ability to continue professional development with an understanding of the legal issues, and to critically assess the codes of professional conduct for computer professionals.
  • To identify and analyze practical legal problems commonly encountered in the computing industry.


  • Understand the theoretical aspects of ethics and moral philosophy in professional fields.
  • Identify practical and legal problems commonly encountered by engineers in their professional industry.
  • Develop foundation knowledge of ethics to be and apply them to solve engineering problems.


  • Engineering Ethics: Concepts and Cases (4th Edition) - Charles E. Harris
  • Engineering Ethics (4th Edition) - Charles B. Fleddermann
  • The Elements of Moral Philosophy – James Rachels & Stuart Rachels


  • To understand views of simple objects in free space
  • To apply the knowledge to draw sectional view, plan view and elevation of various objects and structures by hand and AutoCAD.


  • Understand 2D and 3D views of simple objects.
  • Apply the knowledge to draw sectional view, plan view and elevation of various objects and structures by hand and AutoCAD.


  • Civil Engineering Drawing by - Gurcharan Singh &Subash Chandra
  • Prathomic Engineering Drawing by - Hamonto Kumar Bhottacharjo
  • Engineering Drawing by Basant Agrawal and C M Agrawal


  • To develop the basic idea about computer architecture.
  • To learn the techniques of high-performance parallel processing systems.


  • Understand the Overview, Computer System, Arithmetic and logic, Central processing unit and parallel organization
  • Understand the Computer and Processor Design, Hazards; Exceptions; external and internal memory Pipeline and multiple processor systems.
  • Develop and design an instruction set architecture and subsystems of central processing unit


  • Computer Organization and Architecture, 9th Edition – William Stalling
  • Computer Organization and Design, 4th Edition – David A Patterson
  • Structured Computer Organization, 6th Edition – Andrew S. Tanenbaum


  • To use the data structures in different types of algorithms
  • To choose the appropriate algorithm based one scenario and constraints


  • Be familiar with commonly used data structures and algorithms
  • Apply required modification and optimization in any data structure and algorithm in common engineering design.
  • Illustrate important algorithmic design paradigms and methods of analysis.
  • Analyse the running time complexity and correctness of any algorithm


  • Introduction to Algorithms (Third Edition), Thomas H. Cormen
  • Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Cpp (Fourth Edition) – Mark Alan Weiss


  • To implement some commonly used data structures
  • To implement some commonly used algorithms with required modifications based on requirements


  • Understand the implementation of any data structure or algorithm
  • Implement any algorithm from its pseudo code and writing pseudo code from its algorithm
  • Choose appropriate data structure and algorithm at the appropriate scenario




  • To learn the concept of OOP with a pure object-oriented programming language (Java)
  • To learn how to use advance programming features such as GUI design, exception handling and multithreading.
  • To learn how to design and develop a complete real-world software solution.


  • Identify the concept of OOP with a pure object-oriented programming language (Java).
  • Identify and express how to use advance programming features such as GUI design, exception handling and multi-threading.
  • Demonstrate how to design and develop a complete real-world software solution


  • Java, The Complete Reference (9th ed) - Herbert Schildt (2014)
  • Introduction To Java Programming Comprehensive Version 10th Edition - Y. Daniel Liang


  • To acquire the basic knowledge of digital logic levels and application of knowledge to understand digital electronic circuits.
  • To prepare students to perform the analysis and design of various combinational and sequential circuits using gates


  • Identify the structure of various number systems and interpret its application in digital design
  • Design various combinational and sequential circuits.
  • Analyze the memory elements, state table and state diagrams of the sequential circuit.


  • Digital Logic and Computer Design- M Morris Mano; Prentice Hall of India Private Ltd.
  • Digital Fundamentals –Thomas L Floyd; Prentice Hall International, Inc.
  • Pulse, Digital and Switching waveforms - Jacob Millman & Herbert Taub, Tata McGraw- Hill.


  • To acquaint the students with the fundamental concepts in classical manual digital design
  • To familiarize the students clearly with the way in which digital circuits are designed today using CAD tools like Schematic Capture and Verilog HDL.
  • To develop students’ analytical skills to build complex digital circuit and impart the knowledge about ‘Green Technology’ to integrate it in their projects


  • Follow instructions on building of combinational and sequential circuits using basic logic gates and computer simulation using CAD tools.
  • Apply basic Boolean laws and K-map to reproduce a simplified and efficient version of large scale complex circuits meeting the specified requirements using minimum hardware.
  • Proficient to deconstruct a device and demonstrate skills to troubleshoot a digital circuit.


  • Stephen Brown and Zvonko Vranesic, Fundamentals of Digital Logic with Verilog Design, 3rd edition 2014.
  • Ronald J Tocci, Digital Systems, Pearson Education, 10th edition 2009
  • Moris mano, Digital Design, Prentice Hall of India, 3rd edition, 2002.


  • To discuss the theories of applied statistics
  • To select the practical applications in the field of Information Technology and explain the real-life application of statistics.


  • Classify, analyze and evaluate the theories of applied statistics
  • Apply and implement the practical applications in the field of Information Technology
  • Analyze the real-life applications of statistics.


  • Applied Statistics - Rebecca (Becky) M. (Margaret) Warner
  • Applied Statistics for Engineers and Scientists - Jay L. Devore and Nicholas R. Famum
  • An Introduction to Queuing Theory - U. Narayan Bhat

5th Semester


  • To introduce the theory and tools that can be employed in order to perform syntax-directed translation of a high-level programming language into an executable code.
  • To understand the role of compilers in programming languages.
  • To understand various stages in compilation process.


  • Remember and understand the role and purposes of compilers in programming languages.
  • Remember, understand and apply the translation from one phase to another in compilation process.
  • Understand and apply the mechanisms of separating lexical, syntactic and semantic analysis into meaningful phases for a compiler.
  • Apply the design procedure of scanners and parsers using tools and build abstract syntax trees in connection with this.


  • Compilers: Principles, Techniques & Tools (2nd ed)- Alfred V Aho, Monica S Lam, Ravi Sethi, and Jeffrey D Ullman, Pearson/Addison Wesley (2006).
  • Engineering A Compiler (2nd Ed) - Linda Torczon and Keith Cooper, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc (2011).


  • Understand the basic concepts and appreciate the applications of database systems
  • Know the basics of SQL and construct queries using SQL
  • Be familiar with a commercial relational database system (Oracle) by writing SQL using the system.


  • Describe the basic concepts and appreciate the applications of database systems.
  • Illustrate the basics of SQL and construct queries using SQL
  • Be familiar with a commercial relational database system (Oracle) by writing SQL using the system.


  • Database System Concept, Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudarshan, Fourth edition
  • Files and Databases- An Introduction, Peter D. Smith and G.M. Barnes, AddisonWesley
  • Database Management Systems, Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke, Third edition


  • To familiarize students with different network simulation technologies.
  • To impart practical knowledge on different signal modulation/demodulation and multiplexing techniques.
  • To bestow the quality of each data transmission methods using both signal processing devices and lab software.


  • Adopt data communication simulation technologies.
  • Compare each data transmission methods using both signal processing devices and lab software
  • Apply amplitude, frequency and time division multiplexing techniques to share network bandwidth among multiple users.


  • Data Communication and Networking (4th ed) - Behrouz A Forouzan (2017)
  • Introduction to MATLAB – zyBook


  • To familiarize with modern telecommunications and the architecture of a number of different networks
  • To impart knowledge on protocol layering and different multiplexing techniques, data compression algorithms to optimize network bandwidth.
  • To familiarize with the use reliability, redundancy and availability of different techniques to meet network performance criteria.


  • Explain data communication system and its components
  • Percept the digital and analogue representations of signals and analyze the mechanism of encoding schemas
  • Identify and analyze principles of security, performance, and reliability of different networks.


  • Data Communication and Networking (4th ed) - Behrouz A Forouzan (2017)
  • Data and Computer Communication - William Stallings
  • Data Communication & Networks – R L Brewster


  • To introduce the basic concepts of database.
  • Developing a real-world database application.
  • To learn the design of a database starting from the conceptual design to the implementation of database schemas and user interfaces to a database.


  • Demonstrate the knowledge in projects with a commercial relational database system (Oracle) and design a team-based project.
  • Utilize the database design principles, SQL and PL SQL.
  • Demonstrate the relational database theory and be able to develop and write relational algebra expressions for queries.


  • Database System Concept, Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudarshan, Fifth Edition
  • Oracle Database 11g The Complete Reference, Kevin Loney


  • To learn to implement different phases of a compiler.
  • To learn the use of Flex and Bison tools used for designing a compiler.
  • To understand the different types of parsing techniques and to solve the problem.


  • Remember, understand and apply the basic techniques of compiler construction and tools to perform syntax-directed translation of a high-level programming language into an executable code.
  • Understand the working mechanisms of lex and yacc compiler for debugging of programs.
  • Analyze and adapt the new tools and technologies used for designing a compiler


  • Compilers: Principles, Techniques & Tools (2nd ed)- Alfred V Aho, Monica S Lam, Ravi Sethi, and Jeffrey D Ullman, Pearson/Addison Wesley (2006).
  • A Compiler (2nd Ed) - Linda Torczon and Keith Cooper, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc (2011).


  • To provide an understanding of microprocessor and microcontroller-based systems and their use in instrumentation, control and communication systems
  • To familiarize students with the architecture and operation of typical microprocessors and microcontrollers and impart knowledge on the low-level language of microprocessor
  • To teach the basics of programming and interfacing of common microprocessors and microcontrollers


  • Interpret microprocessors and microcontroller’s internal architecture and their operation.
  • Analyse how the high-level language structure is converted to low level languages and how a processor executes a program line by line
  • Design programs to interface microprocessor to external devices and design 8051 microcontroller-based system.
  • Apply knowledge and programming proficiency using various addressing modes and data transfer instructions of the target microprocessor and solve assembly language programs


  • Assembly Language Programming and Organization of the IBM PC--Ytha Yu, Charles Marut
  • The Intel Microprocessors - Barry B Brey
  • Microprocessors and Interfacing - Douglas V. Hall


  • To achieve practical knowledge on the low-level language of microprocessor.
  • To obtain understanding of microprocessor-based systems and their use in instrumentation, control and communication systems
  • Investigate microprocessor and microcontroller-based systems and produce software for a microprocessor-based system, interface microprocessor-based systems and understand usage of programmable logic controllers.


  • Understand how low-level languages are implemented and how a processor executes a program line by line
  • Design basic assembly programs and define where used.
  • Interpret how a basic microcomputer works with its associated components.


  • Assembly Language Programming and Organization of the IBM PC--Ytha Yu, Charles Marut
  • The Intel Microprocessors - Barry B Brey
  • Microprocessors and Interfacing - Douglas V. Hall


  • To develop the basic idea about internals and design principles of Operating System.
  • To learn the techniques for achieving protection and security in multi-level complex environment.


  • Classify, identify and analyse modern operating systems; concept for virtualization, cloud and multiple processor systems
  • Understand and analyse process, thread, memory and file management systems.
  • Understand and implement algorithms for process, thread, deadlock and memory management


  • Modern Operating Systems (4th) - Andrew S. Tanenbaum; Prentice Hall
  • Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles – (9th) -William Stallings
  • Operating System concepts - A. Silberschatz, P.B. Galvin, Greg Gagne


  • To learn basic OS concepts and to be familiar with the design principles of Operating System.
  • To know the internal and design principles of Operating System


  • Understand and respond to major operating systems like Windows, Linux etc.
  • Apply and modify algorithms for process, thread, and memory management through group project work
  • Develop the communication skill by presenting topics on operating systems


  • Modern Operating Systems (4th) - Andrew S. Tanenbaum; Prentice Hall
  • UNIX Shell Programming - Kanetkar
  • Nachos Beginner's Guide - Saman Hadiani, Niklas Dahlbäck, and Uwe Assmann

6th Semester


  • Understand different types of networks and proper placement of different layers of ISO model.
  • Apply knowledge of different techniques of error detection and correction to detect and solve error bit during data transmission.
  • Design a network routing for IP networks.


  • Understanding different types of networks, the organization of computer networks, proper placement of different layers of ISO model and factors influencing network development.
  • Illustrate knowledge of different techniques of error detection and correction to detect and solve error bit during data transmission.
  • Design network routing for IP networks using different routing protocol


  • Data Communications and Networking - Behrouz Forouzan
  • Computer Networks - Andrew S. Tanenbaum
  • Complete Networking : A Top Down Approach Featuring the Internet - James F. Kurose, Keith W. Ross


  • To develop a better understanding of human perception and policies towards the environment
  • To recognize and analyse different environmental problems and focus on design for sustainable development and technology for improving environmental quality.
  • To have a sound knowledge on environmental law.


  • Develop better understanding of environmental systems and impact of technology on the environment
  • Analyse different environmental problems and apply technologies for sustainable environment.
  • Understand the laws related to environment and sustainability and apply those law whenever required.


  • Environmental Technology and Sustainability: Physical, Chemical and Biological Technologies for Clean Environmental Management (1st)- Basanta Kumara Behera (Author), Ram Prasad (Author
  • Environmental Studies (2nd)- Dr. B. S. Chauhan
  • A Textbook of Environmental Studies (Revised) D K Asthana & Meera Asthana


  • To expose student to work responsibility and ethics in working environment.
  • To develop communication skill effectively within the working environment.
  • To acquire the knowledge on preparation of training report and presentation.


  • Develop work responsibility and ethics in working environment
  • Communicate effectively within the working environment
  • Apply theoretical and academic knowledge for solving the industrial problem


  • As guided by the respective industry.


  • To give idea about programming related to software development.
  • To prepare students for the advanced level works of industry
  • To design real time projects in web platform.


  • Identify advance programming language and technique to solve complex problems, to design real time projects and to increase the depth of knowledge in programming
  • Practice good programming style and identify and adapt to the changes in style of developing and maintaining systems
  • Illustrate practical knowledge to identify the relative merits of different information architectural designs, programming constructs and data structures.


  • Learning Web App Development: Build Quickly with Proven JavaScript Techniques - by Semmy Purewal
  • Go Web Programming – by Chang Sau Sheong


  • Understand and analyze different types of computer networks & simulate present contemporary and new protocols of computer networks
  • Detect vulnerability of network by capturing and analyzing real-time packets.
  • Achieve a basic idea about Cisco Packet tracer, Wire Shark, Ns2.


  • Understand and analyze different types of computer networks and create server client communication.
  • Design and simulate present contemporary and new protocols of computer networks in Cisco Packet Tracer and NS2.
  • Applying and analyzing different routing protocols of computer networks in physical devices.


  • Computer Networks - Andrew S. Tanenbaum
  • Complete Networking: A Top Down Approach Featuring the Internet – James F. Kurose, Keith W. Ross


  • To provide a basic idea of the structure and interface of different components of Digital Computer Systems
  • To design different components of basic computer.
  • To understand and design microprocessor of basic computer


  • Design different components of a microcomputer like Accumulator, Shifter, ALU, RAM, Scratchpad Memory, 2-port Memory.
  • Design a fully customized microprocessor with special features
  • Understand and describe how to design a digital system using various methods.


  • Digital Logic and Computer Design - M. Morris Manno
  • Digital Computer Architecture – Malvino, Brown
  • Digital Design and Computer Architecture - David Harris and Sarah Harris


  • To design different components of basic computer
  • To understand and design microprocessor of basic computer.


  • Design different components of the microprocessor using the concept of computer system design.
  • Implement combinatorial and sequential system using simulation software.
  • Design and implement a customized microprocessor with special features and simulate it using simulation software with team presentation


  • Digital Logic and Computer Design - M. Morris Manno
  • Digital Computer Architecture – Malvino, Brown


  • To understand the process of designing, building, and maintaining software systems.
  • To acquire the skill of software project management.
  • To understand software evolution, testing approaches and quality assurance to ensure high standard/professional software.


  • Understand and applying the fundamentals of software development process.
  • Analyse the user requirements and designing different kind of system and architectural models for building software systems
  • Develop testing mechanisms for assuring software quality including the dependability and availability.


  • Software Engineering (10th Edition) by Ian Sommerville
  • Software Engineering – a practitioner’s Approach (7th Edition) by Roger S. Pressman
  • Software Engineering: Principles and Practice (3rd Edition) by Hans van Vliet


  • To evaluate/review related extant literature, form a variety of sources, pertinent to the research objectives/questions
  • To expose students to various research methodologies (design), relevant to the research problem needing to be addressed
  • To explain and justify how researchers will collect and analyse research data


  • Understand the research fundamentals and formulate problem statement and research questions/objectives.
  • Formulate and compose a research proposal considering research activities/design, background studies, and following standard guidelines
  • Develop writing and presentation skill, and demonstrate ethical considerations in conducting research


  • Engineering Research Methodology: A Practical Insight for Researchers. Springer, by Deb, Dipankar, Dey, Rajeeb, Balas, Valentina E.
  • Research Methods for Engineers, 1st Edition, by David V. Thiel.
  • Handbook of Research Methodology by Talati, J.K.


  • To learn software engineering fundamentals through a practical approach by having experience on developing software systems for solving real-life problems innovatively
  • To get familiar with documenting software process model, requirement analysis, system architecture, system models formally for a software system
  • To get oriented with using prototyping tools to develop prototypes for a software system and evaluating those using test cases


  • Understand and apply software development process
  • Analyse the user requirements and design the system models.
  • Use software prototyping tool and develop system prototypes and test cases to evaluate the prototypes


  • Software Engineering (10th Edition) by Ian Sommerville
  • Software Engineering – a practitioner’s Approach (7th Edition) by Roger S. Pressman
  • Software Engineering: Principles and Practice (3rd Edition) by Hans van Vliet

7th Semester


  • This course is designed to introduce the basic concepts and techniques for interfacing a micro-controller to external devices for data collection and process control and developing the related software required.


  • Develop systems’ requirement specification from top-level customer requirements
  • Analyse and compare design alternatives, at the system and subsystem levels, and use measures of performance or other criteria to rank alternatives
  • Plan and organize an engineering design project using tools such as Gantt charts to develop a work breakdown structure, develop a schedule including milestones, and estimate effort and costs incorporating the ethical, financial and environmental issues.
  • Develop and design concept and elaborate it through to a detailed design by decomposing a system concept into component subsystems, identifying the subsystem requirements and applicable standards, and defining interfaces between the subsystems.
  • Develop full-functional prototype integrating Hardware and Software


  • The Intel Microprocessors (8th Edition) - Barry B Brey; Pearson (2008)
  • Microprocessors and Interfacing (2nd Edition) - Douglas V Hall; McGraw Hill (2005)
  • Software Engineering BY Ian Sommerville
  • Android Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide (3rd Edition) (Big Nerd Ranch Guides) 3rd Edition Data and Computer Communication - William Stallings


  • To apply technical knowledge and skills for further research and design of computer system at professional engineering scale.


  • Identify a real-life problem that can be translated to an engineering and/or computing solution through design, development and validation
  • Identify outcomes and functional requirements of the proposed solution considering software and/or hardware specification and standards
  • Identify sub-components of a complex problem, prepare timeline and appropriate budget using the project management skill
  • Analyze, design, build, and evaluate engineering/computing system/subsystem with given specifications and requirements


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  • To learn mathematical models and methods to analyze problems that arise in computer science.
  • To understanding basics of probability theorem, the concept of random variable, standard distributions in discrete and continuous cases.
  • To learn the application of stochastic process and Queuing theory.


  • Analysis of computational problem using mathematical models and methods
  • Understand the basics of probability theorem, concept of random variable
  • Apply standard distributions in discrete and continuous cases
  • Apply stochastic process and Queuing theory


  • Concrete Mathematics -BY Graham, Knuth, Patashnik, 2nd Edition.
  • Introduction to Probability Models BY Sheldon M. Ross, 9th Edition.
  • Introduction to Probability BY Dimitri P. Bertsekas and John N. Tsitsiklis


  • To perceive knowledge regarding different components and techniques of telecommunication system
  • To develop knowledge on design and management of various telecommunication system
  • To develop skill on identification of telecommunication problems solving the respective problems


  • Demonstrate theoretical and technical knowledge of telecommunications systems associated with LANs, MANs, and WANs
  • Learn to design, implement, and manage telecommunications systems using voice and data.
  • Model and simulate telecommunications systems and networks in order to identify and solve these problems


  • Introduction to Telecommunication: Voice, Data and the Internet (1st Edition) – Marion Cole; Prentice Hall (2010)
  • Essential Guide to Telecommunications (5th Edition) - Annabel Z. Dodd; Prentice Hall (2012)
  • Optical Fiber Communication: Principles and Practice (3rd Edition) – John M Senior; Pearson (2010)


  • To apply different techniques and methods for developing secured and high quality multimedia applications for different context.
  • To recognize and analyse different issues - storing, indexing, resource management, scheduling, security etc. of multimedia applications.


  • Understand the fundamental concepts like indexing and storing multimedia data for multimedia document.
  • Analyse different techniques and problems for multimedia document
  • acquired in developing multimedia applications – audio and video conferencing, video on demand, and voice over IP.


  • Multimedia: Computing, Communications & Applications (US Edition) - Ralf Steinmetz, Klara Nahrstedt


  • To study advanced techniques and recognize the resource requirements of various algorithms and their applications to solve and approximate real-life problems
  • To analyze the complexity and design necessary parameters of different techniques and methods of advanced algorithms.


  • Select and explain a variety of algorithms with practical applications and the resource requirements of each.
  • Determine the most suitable algorithm for any given task and then apply it to the problem
  • Demonstrate adequate comprehension of the theory of intractability and prove when certain kinds of problems are intractable.


  • Algorithm Design (1st Edition) -Jon Kleinberg , ÉvaTardos; Pearson (2012)
  • Probability and Computing: Randomized Algorithms and Probabilistic Analysis -Michael Mitzenmacher, Eli Upfal; Cambridge University Press (2005)
  • An Introduction to Computational Learning Theory -Michael J. Kearns , Umesh Vazirani; The MIT Press (1994)


  • To introduce Blockchain technology
  • To introduce the application of Blockchain in cyber security, integrity of information, E-Governance and other contract enforcement mechanisms


  • Understand the basic Cryptographic primitives used in Blockchain
  • Develop decentralized applications and data storage, over and beyond its role as the technology underlying the cryptocurrencies
  • Create a distributed and replicated ledger of events, transactions, and data generated through various IT processes with strong cryptographic guarantees of tamper resistance, immutability, and verifiability


  • Draft version of “S. Shukla, M. Dhawan, S. Sharma, S. Venkatesan, ‘Blockchain Technology: Cryptocurrency and Applications’, Oxford University Press, 2019.
  • Josh Thompson, ‘Blockchain: The Blockchain for Beginnings, Guild to Blockchain Technology and Blockchain Programming’, Create Space Independent Publishing Platform, 2017.


  • To give idea about android programming.
  • To prepare students for the advanced level works of industry.
  • To design real time projects.
  • To increase practical knowledge to identify the relative merits of different project designs, programming constructs and data structures


  • Learn the fundamentals of programming to design real time projects and to increase the depth of knowledge in programming.
  • Demonstrate the skill to develop and design a professional android app using Android software development tools
  • Demonstrate the ability to deploy software to mobile devices and debug programs running on mobile devices.


  • Fundamentals of Software Engineering: Designed to Provide an Insight into the Software Engineering Concepts By Amiya Kumar Rath and Hitesh MOHAPATRA


  • To develop the skills on neural network theory and fuzzy logic theory and explore the functional components of neural network classifiers or controllers, and the functional components of fuzzy logic classifiers or controllers.
  • To design and implement basic trainable neural network or a fuzzy logic system for a typical control, computing application or biomedical application


  • Develop the skills to gain a basic understanding of neural network theory and fuzzy logic theory.
  • Explore the functional components of neural network classifiers or controllers, and the functional components of fuzzy logic classifiers or controllers.
  • Select and implement a basic trainable neural network or a fuzzy logic system for a typical control, computing application or biomedical application.


  • Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems - Shigeo Abe
  • Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems - Jacek M. Zurada
  • Artificial neural systems: foundations, paradigms, applications, and implementations - Patrick K. Simpson


  • To describe image formation and the role human visual system plays in perception of gray and colour image data
  • To explain the basic elements and applications of image processing
  • To select and analyze image sampling and quantization requirements and implications


  • Understand image formation and the role of human visual system in perception of gray and colour image data
  • Evaluate the basic objectives and applications of image processing
  • Analyze image sampling and quantization requirements and implications


  • Digital Image Processing (3rd/2nd Edition) - R. C. Gonzalez and R.E. Woods; Pearson Prentice Hall (2009)


  • To enable the students familiar to interface external components (peripherals, sensors, PPIs, PICs etc.) with computer systems
  • To enhance the knowledge on basic working principle and different applications of basic microcomputer and microcontroller
  • To enable the students capable of designing and constructing simple control system incorporating input/output to and from external devices.


  • Classify, identify, and analyse that how the interface different types of external components work and communicate (Peripherals, sensors, PPIs, PICs etc.) with computer system
  • Apply and implement the external components in real life application and improve the results based on statistical analysis.
  • Analyze and evaluate abstract problems and apply hardware and software components to address the problem.


  • The Intel Microprocessors (8th Edition) - Barry B Brey; Pearson (2008)
  • Microprocessors and Interfacing (2nd Edition) - Douglas V Hall; McGraw Hill (2005)
  • Computer Peripherals (3rd Edition) - Cook and White; Butterworth-Heinemann (1995)

8th Semester


  • To apply technical knowledge and skills for further research and design of computer system at professional engineering scale.


  • Use modern analysis and design tools in the process of designing and validating of a system and subsystem
  • Assess professional, ethical, and social impacts and responsibilities of the design project
  • Identify and validate the impact of environmental considerations and the sustainability of a system/subsystem of a complete project
  • Function effectively in a multi-disciplinary team


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  • To discuss and distinguish the notions of rational behaviour and intelligent agents.
  • To develop a general appreciation of the goals, subareas, achievements and difficulties of AI.
  • To have knowledge of methods of blind as well as informed search in case of knowledge representation, planning, learning, robotics and other AI areas and ability to practically apply the corresponding technıques


  • Remembering and understanding the notions of rational behaviour, goals, subareas, achievements and difficulties of AI agents
  • Able to apply problem solving methods (informed, uninformed, local search, adversarial search and CSP) of single or multi agents to solve real life problems.
  • Able to apply major concepts and approaches of knowledge representation, planning and learning for improving machine intelligence.


  • Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (4th Edition) – Stuart Jonathan Russell, Peter Norvig; Prentice Hall (2020)
  • Artificial Intelligence: A New synthesis – Nils J. Nilsson; Routledge


  • To have general understanding of major concepts and approaches in knowledge representation, planning, learning, robotics and other AI areas
  • To develop programming skills for AI applications and explore traditional AI techniques and algorithms.


  • Applying, evaluating and valuing major concepts and approaches in knowledge representation, planning, learning, robotics and other AI areas.
  • Analysing and evaluating programming skills for AI applications
  • Applying traditional AI techniques and algorithms for solving problem.


  • Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (4th Edition) – Stuart Jonathan Russell, Peter Norvig; Prentice Hall (2020)
  • Artificial Intelligence: A New synthesis – Nils J. Nilsson; Routledge
  • Choco Solver Documentation - Charles Prud’homme, Jean-Guillaume Fages, Xavier Lorca


  • To identify different features that helps to develop a mobile, personalized and context independent computing system
  • To analyze the different properties and requirements that influences the development of a mobile and ubiquitous computing system


  • Illustrate mobile wireless communication technologies and explain their functioning
  • Explain the fundamental trade-offs related to resource limitations and communication needs in mobile communication and sensing systems.
  • Discover and compare the range of novel applications based upon mobile systems as well as their particular requirements.


  • Context-Aware Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing for Enhanced Usability: Adaptive Technologies and Applications (1st Edition) –Dragan Stojanovic; Information Science Reference (2009)
  • Fundamentals of Mobile and Pervasive Computing (1st Edition) - Frank Adelstein, Sandeep KS Gupta, Golden Richard III and Loren Schwiebert; McGraw-Hill (2004)
  • Handbook on Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing: Status and Perspective (1st Edition) - Laurence T. Yang, EviS Yukur and Seng W. Loke; CRC Press (2013)


  • To demonstrate understanding of the technical, commercial and social issues related to ubiquitous communications and the basics of wireless communications
  • To develop simple wireless web applications.


  • Demonstrate practical skills in developing mobile sensing applications
  • Design and create mobile application in team base with presentation.
  • Explain the range of novel applications based upon mobile systems as well as their particular requirements.


  • Handbook on Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing: Status and Perspective (1st Edition) - Laurence T. Yang, EviS Yukur and Seng W. Loke; CRC Press (2013
  • Android Studio 3.0 Development Essentials (1st Edition) - Android 8 Edition; Create Space Independent Publishing Platform (2017)


  • To learn paradigms in different environmental setting and apply the appropriate learning algorithm to best suit the current need.
  • To enhance the learning parameters to achieve maximum performance.
  • To familiarize with a broad cross-section of models and algorithms for machine learning, and prepare for research or industry application of machine learning techniques.


  • Develop an appreciation for what is involved in learning models from data
  • Understand a wide variety of learning algorithms
  • Understand how to evaluate models generated from data and Enhance the learning parameters to achieve maximum performance


  • Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning - Christopher M. Bishop; Springer
  • Machine Learning - Tom Mitchell, McGraw Hill (International Edition)
  • Introduction to Machine Learning, Second Edition - Ethem Alpaydin (2nd Edition)


  • To implement the appropriate learning algorithm to best suit the current need
  • To use practical knowledge to enhance the learning parameters to achieve maximum performance and enhance the learning parameters to achieve maximum performance


  • Develop a good understanding of the fundamental issues and challenges of machine learning: data, model selection, model complexity, etc.
  • Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of many popular machine learning approaches
  • Appreciate the underlying mathematical relationships within and across Machine Learning algorithms and the paradigms of supervised and un-supervised learning
  • Design and implement various machine learning algorithms in a range of real-world applications.


  • Introduction to Machine Learning, Second Edition - Ethem Alpaydin
  • Pattern Recognition –Sergios Theodoridis and Konstantinos Koutroumbas; Elsevier Inc.
  • Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective - Stephen Marsland
  • Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning - Christopher M. Bishop; Springer


  • To identify and analyze practical problems commonly encountered in the computing industry and formulate solutions by considering financial aspects to some of the problems.
  • To gain the ability to continue professional development with an understanding of the legal issues, and to critically assess the codes of professional conduct for a computer professionals


  • Students will be able to demonstrate different management and control frameworks and know their impact on the project management discipline.
  • Solve and apply cognitive skills and ability to identify, analysis, and articulate the importance of team building, project risk, and financial management.
  • Use management software to help plan and manage information technology projects.
  • Apply modern engineering techniques, skills, and management principles to do work as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects in multidisciplinary environments.
  • Develop communication skills by presenting topics on project management and finance.


  • Project Management for Engineering, Business and Technology (5th) - John M. Nicholas, Herman Steyn
  • Principles of Project Finance (1st) - E.R. Yescom
  • The Toyota Way: 14 Management Principles from the World's Greatest Manufacturer (1st, McGraw-Hill Education, 2004) - J. Liker