Climate Change & Health

Climate Change & Health

Climate Change and Public Health
Climate Resilient Health System
Climate Change and Health Adaptation


Climate Change & Health


Objective of the program:

Broad Objective:

The overall objective of this course is to enhance resilience and adaptive capacity to the effects of climate change on human health by providing a foundational understanding of the science of climate change, health vulnerabilities of population due to change practical skills of climate change modelling, surveillance, health impact assessment and programmatic & policy interventions at various levels.

Specific Objectives:

The proposed course curriculum will focus on the following specific objectives:

  • To develop a solid foundation of the current evidence on climate change and public health from both national and international perspectives.
  • To be equipped for leading climate and health related professionals at own institution or within own community (creation of skilled professional on Climate Change and Health).
  • To strengthen institutional capacity and knowledge management on climate change and public health.
  • To improve project planning, proposal writing, project development and implementation capacities.
  • To revitalize analytical skills for data and interpretation.
  • To gain better communication and advocacy skills.
  • To contribute in building climate resilient health system.
  • To gain a new professional network that will help to lead the way in addressing the adverse impacts of climate change on health and improve governance on climate change and health adaptation.



Structure of the Curriculum:

This certificate course on “Climate Change and Public Health” will provide foundational, theoretical, and practical knowledge and skills in the field of climate change and public health. The course duration will be 4 months or 16 weeks. The completion time for this course is estimated at 84 hours in 32 days. And the course will be divided in 3 parts:

  1. Blended Learning Sessions: 24 hours didactic lecture sessions with expert resource persons and moderated Q and A sessions. These sessions will be covered through 16 days’ class lectures in 8 weeks, in any off-days (Friday and Saturday); Two class lectures could be taken in each day, if necessary. The duration of each class will be 1.5 hours.
  2. Practicum for Project Development: 4 weeks assignment work which will be covered in 8 days (2 days per week). There will be 5-6 groups for participating in the activities with 5-6 team leaders (each group having 5 to 6 team members). The whole process will consist of 3 segments and the completion time is estimated at 40 hours:
  • Project Appraisal and Project concept Development--- 20 hours in 4 days (5 hrs/day)
  • Literature Review--- 10 hours in 2 consecutive days (5 hrs/day)
  • Preparation of Report and Project Proposal--- 10 hours in 2 consecutive days (5 hrs/day)
  1. Group work, Project Presentation and Assessment: After completion of the assignment work, the program will be further expanded through group presentation and assessment based on quizzes, assignment, presentation and viva-voce. The participants will get 4 weeks, 8 days (2 days per week), and 24 hours (2 hours per day) to complete this phase. The part will also consist of 3 segments:
  • Groupwork: Extensive group work/discussion will be performed by each group using zoom/other online platform for developing combined, innovative proposal and project presentation. They will get 2 weeks, 4 days (2 days per week), and 12 hours (3 hours per day) for performing this task.
  • Group Presentation: Each of the 5-6 groups will present their innovative proposals on “Climate Change and Public Health” in front of the experts/judgement panel. The completion time is estimated at 2 weeks, 4 days (2 days per week), and 12 hours (3 hours per day) for this segment. One specific time will be allotted for one specific group.
  • Group/Individual Assessment: Finally, the participants will go through a process of viva-voce in the last week. Groups will be assessed in each day based on their group/individual performance.

Besides, the assessment process will focus on the following criteria:

  • Assessment practices must give fair and equitable chance to each participant and also give them the opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned.
  • Assessment must enable robust and fair judgements about each participant’s performance.
  • Assessment must maintain academic standards.


  1.  Assessment:

The participants’ progress will be evaluated through class performance, presentations, assignment, pre and post assessment and other appropriate techniques determined by the resource persons and course evaluators.