Dr. Abul Kalam Azad
Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology
Faculty of Arts & Social Science (FASS)
Mirpur Cantonment, Dhaka-1216
Dakhil , বয়রাট মাজাইল সিনিয়র মাদ্রাসা
Honors, ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়
Masters, ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়
Ph.D, বাংলাদেশ ইউনিভার্সিটি অব প্রফেশনালস
Last Updated: 24 Mar 2025
Journal Publication
1. Azad,A. K. (2012a). “RubellaVirus and Congenital Birth Defects in Bangladesh: A Study of SocialDeterminants”. Journal of Sociology, Nazmul Karim StudyCentre, University of Dhaka. 4(1): 113-126. ISSN: 1813-2871
2. Alam,M.J. , Rahman, T., Ashraf, M. & Azad, A. K. (2012b). “CombatingAir Pollution through Environmental Management Measures: The Case of DevelopingCountries”. Journal of Sociology, Nazmul Karim Study Centre,University of Dhaka. 4(1): 29-39. ISSN: 1813-2871
3. Azad,A. K. & Alam, M.J.(2012c). “Shifting Approaches to Sustainable Development: Morality as anAlternative Pillar”. Journal of Sociology, Nazmul Karim StudyCentre, University of Dhaka. 4(2): 127-152. ISSN: 1813-2871
4. Azad,A. K. (2014). “MeaslesMumps and Rubella Vaccination Coverage among the Private UniversityStudents of Bangladesh: A Nonfunctional Health Belief Model”.Journal of Social Sciences: Society and Change. 8(1): 27-47. ISSN: 1997-1052(Print), 227-202X (Online).
5. Rakib,M. A. & Azad, A. K. (2016). “Towards Sociology of Autism: A CaseStudy on the Parents of Autistic Children in Dhaka City”. GenderGovernance and Human Rights: South Asian Perspective. 2(2):65-76. ISSN: 2312-5551.
6. Azad,A. K. (2018a). “EpistemologicalShift of Madrasa Students in Bangladesh: A Multi-level Analysis”. IOSRJournal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS). 23(2): 41-47. e-ISSN:2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845. DOI: 10.9790/0837-2302044147.
7. Azad,A. K. (2018b). “CapitalFactors of Socioeconomic Status and the Epistemological Shift of MadrasaStudents in Bangladesh: A PL-SEM Analysis”. IOSR Journal Of Humanities AndSocial Science (IOSR-JHSS). 23(8): 1-13. e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN:2279-0845. DOI: 10.9790/0837-2308070113.
8. Azad,A. K. (2018c). “CapitalFactors of Rubella Vaccination Behaviour of the Parents in Bangladesh: APLS-SEM Analysis”. Budapest International Research and Critics Institute(BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences. 1(3): 57-71. e-ISSN:2615-3076(Online), p-ISSN: 2615-1715(Print). DOI: 10.33258/birci.v1i3.30.
9. Azad,A. K. (2018d). “Socioeconomic Status and Educational Choice of the Children in Bangladesh”. Budapest International Research and CriticsInstitute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences. 1(4):317-329. e-ISSN: 2615-3076(Online), p-ISSN:2615-1715(Print), DOI: 10.33258/birci.v1i4.125.
10. Mahtab,T and Azad, A. K. (2021). “Impact of COVID 19 onSexual and Reproductive Health of Women in Bangladesh”. Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Research (TOJQR). 12(7):1181–1195. e-ISSN 1309-6591.
11. Azad,A.K. & Ahmed, A.I.M.U. (2021). “SocialMobility and the Epistemological Hybridity of Madrasa Students in Bangladesh”.BGMEA Journal of Business and Economics. 2(1): 145-158. ISSN 2664-9942 (Print).
12. Islam,M. S. & Azad, A. K. (2023). “Impact of personalremittance and RMG export income on income inequality in Bangladesh: Evidencefrom an ARDL approach”. Reviewof Economics and Political Science (Emerald Publishing). DOI: 10.1108/REPS-01-2023-0004.
13. Azad,A.K. (2023). “Bangabandhu Sheikh MujiburRahman’s Ideas about Agriculture and Development”. In S. A. Hussain (Eds.), Bangabandhu Sheikh MujiburRahman: A Profile in Leadership (pp. 233-242). Bangladesh University of Professionals(BUP) in association with Agamee Prokashani: Dhaka.
Last Updated: 24 Mar 2025
Conference Papers
Azad, A. K. (2023). “Students’ Attitude and Behavioral Intention to Adopt Unfair Means in Examination: A Quest for Epistemology and Ontology”, Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP).
2. Rakib, M. A. & Azad, A.K. (2014). Towards Sociology of Autism: A Case Study on the Parents of Autistic Children in Dhaka City. GAIN International Conference on Governance and Innovation. Comilla BARD, December 19-20, 2014.
3. Azad, A.K. (2013). Rubella Virus and Congenital Birth Defects in Bangladesh: Socio-cultural and Medical Lenses. Green University Social Bonding Club, Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology, GUB, Green University Auditorium, November 23, 2013. Published in "The Daily Star: SHOUT Magazine" dated December 12, 2013.
Last Updated: 24 Mar 2025
1. Sociology of Education
2. Medical Sociology
3. Gender and Society
4. Women Empowerment
5. Social Inequality and Stratification
6. Sociology of Development
7. Social Mobility
Last Updated: 24 Mar 2025
Last Updated: 24 Mar 2025
1. Introduction to Sociology
2. Foundation of Social Statistics
3. Foundation of Social Research
4. Economy and Society
5. Classical Sociological Theories
6. Political Sociology
7. Social Psychology
8. Contemporary Sociological Theories
9. Social Movement and Social Change
10. Theories of Social Change
11. Sociology of Religion
12. Survey Research and Computer Applications
13. Advanced Research Methodology
14. Quantitative Data Analysis
15. Research Methodology (Quantitative)
16. Principles of Sociology
17. Sociology for Environment
18. Foundation of Social Science
19. Socioeconomic and Political Processes
20. Social Statistics
21. Sociology and Anthropology of Development
22. Social Inequality
23. Foundation of Social Research
24. Research Methodology (Economics Department)
25. Advanced Research Methodology (PhD Program)
Last Updated: 24 Mar 2025
Dakhil , বয়রাট মাজাইল সিনিয়র মাদ্রাসা
Honors, ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়
Masters, ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়
Ph.D, বাংলাদেশ ইউনিভার্সিটি অব প্রফেশনালস
Last Updated: 24 Mar 2025
1. Azad,A. K. (2012a). “RubellaVirus and Congenital Birth Defects in Bangladesh: A Study of SocialDeterminants”. Journal of Sociology, Nazmul Karim StudyCentre, University of Dhaka. 4(1): 113-126. ISSN: 1813-2871
2. Alam,M.J. , Rahman, T., Ashraf, M. & Azad, A. K. (2012b). “CombatingAir Pollution through Environmental Management Measures: The Case of DevelopingCountries”. Journal of Sociology, Nazmul Karim Study Centre,University of Dhaka. 4(1): 29-39. ISSN: 1813-2871
3. Azad,A. K. & Alam, M.J.(2012c). “Shifting Approaches to Sustainable Development: Morality as anAlternative Pillar”. Journal of Sociology, Nazmul Karim StudyCentre, University of Dhaka. 4(2): 127-152. ISSN: 1813-2871
4. Azad,A. K. (2014). “MeaslesMumps and Rubella Vaccination Coverage among the Private UniversityStudents of Bangladesh: A Nonfunctional Health Belief Model”.Journal of Social Sciences: Society and Change. 8(1): 27-47. ISSN: 1997-1052(Print), 227-202X (Online).
5. Rakib,M. A. & Azad, A. K. (2016). “Towards Sociology of Autism: A CaseStudy on the Parents of Autistic Children in Dhaka City”. GenderGovernance and Human Rights: South Asian Perspective. 2(2):65-76. ISSN: 2312-5551.
6. Azad,A. K. (2018a). “EpistemologicalShift of Madrasa Students in Bangladesh: A Multi-level Analysis”. IOSRJournal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS). 23(2): 41-47. e-ISSN:2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845. DOI: 10.9790/0837-2302044147.
7. Azad,A. K. (2018b). “CapitalFactors of Socioeconomic Status and the Epistemological Shift of MadrasaStudents in Bangladesh: A PL-SEM Analysis”. IOSR Journal Of Humanities AndSocial Science (IOSR-JHSS). 23(8): 1-13. e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN:2279-0845. DOI: 10.9790/0837-2308070113.
8. Azad,A. K. (2018c). “CapitalFactors of Rubella Vaccination Behaviour of the Parents in Bangladesh: APLS-SEM Analysis”. Budapest International Research and Critics Institute(BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences. 1(3): 57-71. e-ISSN:2615-3076(Online), p-ISSN: 2615-1715(Print). DOI: 10.33258/birci.v1i3.30.
9. Azad,A. K. (2018d). “Socioeconomic Status and Educational Choice of the Children in Bangladesh”. Budapest International Research and CriticsInstitute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences. 1(4):317-329. e-ISSN: 2615-3076(Online), p-ISSN:2615-1715(Print), DOI: 10.33258/birci.v1i4.125.
10. Mahtab,T and Azad, A. K. (2021). “Impact of COVID 19 onSexual and Reproductive Health of Women in Bangladesh”. Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Research (TOJQR). 12(7):1181–1195. e-ISSN 1309-6591.
11. Azad,A.K. & Ahmed, A.I.M.U. (2021). “SocialMobility and the Epistemological Hybridity of Madrasa Students in Bangladesh”.BGMEA Journal of Business and Economics. 2(1): 145-158. ISSN 2664-9942 (Print).
12. Islam,M. S. & Azad, A. K. (2023). “Impact of personalremittance and RMG export income on income inequality in Bangladesh: Evidencefrom an ARDL approach”. Reviewof Economics and Political Science (Emerald Publishing). DOI: 10.1108/REPS-01-2023-0004.
13. Azad,A.K. (2023). “Bangabandhu Sheikh MujiburRahman’s Ideas about Agriculture and Development”. In S. A. Hussain (Eds.), Bangabandhu Sheikh MujiburRahman: A Profile in Leadership (pp. 233-242). Bangladesh University of Professionals(BUP) in association with Agamee Prokashani: Dhaka.
Last Updated: 24 Mar 2025
Azad, A. K. (2023). “Students’ Attitude and Behavioral Intention to Adopt Unfair Means in Examination: A Quest for Epistemology and Ontology”, Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP).
2. Rakib, M. A. & Azad, A.K. (2014). Towards Sociology of Autism: A Case Study on the Parents of Autistic Children in Dhaka City. GAIN International Conference on Governance and Innovation. Comilla BARD, December 19-20, 2014.
3. Azad, A.K. (2013). Rubella Virus and Congenital Birth Defects in Bangladesh: Socio-cultural and Medical Lenses. Green University Social Bonding Club, Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology, GUB, Green University Auditorium, November 23, 2013. Published in "The Daily Star: SHOUT Magazine" dated December 12, 2013.
Last Updated: 24 Mar 2025
Last Updated: 24 Mar 2025
Medical Sociology
Gender and Society
Women Empowerment
Social Inequality and Stratification
Sociology of Development
Social Mobility
Last Updated: 24 Mar 2025
Last Updated: 24 Mar 2025
Foundation of Social Statistics
Foundation of Social Research
Economy and Society
Classical Sociological Theories
Political Sociology
Social Psychology
Contemporary Sociological Theories
Social Movement and Social Change
Theories of Social Change
Sociology of Religion
Survey Research and Computer Applications
Advanced Research Methodology
Quantitative Data Analysis
Research Methodology (Quantitative)
Principles of Sociology
Sociology for Environment
Foundation of Social Science
Socioeconomic and Political Processes
Social Statistics
Sociology and Anthropology of Development
Social Inequality
Foundation of Social Research
Research Methodology (Economics Department)
Advanced Research Methodology (PhD Program)
Last Updated: 24 Mar 2025