Dr. Md. Mostafizur Rahman

Dr. Md. Mostafizur Rahman

Assistant Professor

Department of Disaster Management & Resilience
Faculty of Arts & Social Science (FASS)


Mirpur Cantonment, Dhaka-1216


I have completed my Bachelor of Science from Khulna University. After that, I moved to The Netherlands and Sweden under the Erasmus Mundus Scholarship program. I have successfully completed my Master of Engineering (Field of Study: Coastal Engineering and Disaster Management) and PhD (Field of Study: Coastal Engineering and Disaster Management) from the University of The Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan (under the Monbukagakusho scholarship program).

Last Updated: 20 Feb 2025

S.S.C, খুলনা রোটারী স্কুল
H.S.C, খুলনা পাবলিক কলেজ
Honors, খুলনা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়
Masters, University of the Ryukyus, Japan
Ph.D, University of the Ryukyus, Japan

Last Updated: 20 Feb 2025

Journal Publication


-Rahman, M. M., Shobuj, I. A., Islam,Md.R., Islam, Md. R., Hossain, Md. T., Alam, E., Hattawi, K. S. A., & Islam,M.K. (2024). Flood preparedness in rural flood-prone area: A holistic assessment approach in Bangladesh. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk15(1),2379599.https://doi.org/10.1080/19475705.2024.2379599.     
-Hossain, Md. T., Khan, U. S., Jahan,N.,Ahammed, B., Islam, Md. A., Rahman, M. M., Mizanur Rahman, M., Rahman,R.,& Islam, Md. N. (2024). “Seen, Yet Unseen”: Predictors of ProblematicPornography Use Among Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Bangladesh. Sexual, Health & Compulsivity0(0),1–24.https://doi.org/10.1080/26929953.2024.2397665.
-Quader, M. A., Rahman, M. M., Chisty,M.A., Saeed Al Hattawi, K., Alam, E., & Islam, M. K. (2024). Evaluation ofnoise pollution impact on health in Dhaka city, Bangladesh. Frontiers in Public Health12.https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2024.1477684.  
-Rahman, M. M., Islam, M. R., Shobuj,I.A., Hossain, M. T., Ahsan, M. N., Alam, E., Al Hattawi, K. S., & Islam,M.K. (2024). An index-based holistic approach to evaluate flood preparedness:Evidence from Bangladesh. Frontiersin Climate6.https://doi.org/10.3389/fclim.2024.1479495.  
-Rahman, M. M., Nasrin, J. A., Shobuj,I.A., Uddin, A., Mahmud, A., & Hossain, Md. T. (2025). Cyclone-disasterpreparedness in fishing community: A study on Shah Porir Dwip,Bangladesh. International Journal of Disaster RiskReduction116,105100.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2024.105100. 
-Ahsan,Md Nasif, M. Mohibbullah,Animesh K. Gain, Fatema Khatun, Md Ashiqur Rahman,Afri Sultana, Rezwanul Haque,Mostafizur Rahman, Khan Rubayet Rahaman, andKarina Vink. ‘“We Knew a CycloneWas Imminent”: Hazard Preparedness andDisaster Management Efficiency Nexus inCoastal Bangladesh’. InternationalJournalof Disaster Risk Reduction, 2024, 104240.        
-Rahman,Md Mostafizur, Md Saidul IslamArif, Md Tanvir Hossain, Hussein Almohamad,Ahmed Abdullah Al Dughairi, MotrihAl-Mutiry, and Hazem Ghassan Abdo.‘Households’ Vulnerability Assessment:Empirical Evidence from Cyclone-ProneArea of Bangladesh’. Geoscience Letters 10,no. 1 (2023): 1–21.        
-Rahman,Md Mostafizur, Ifta AlamShobuj, Md Tanvir Hossain, and Farah Tasnim. ‘Impactof Disaster on MentalHealth of Women: A Case Study on 2022 Flash Flood inBangladesh’. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 96 (2023):103935.     
-Rahman,Md Mostafizur, Asikunnaby,Nawshin Jahan Chaity, Hazem Ghassan Abdo, HusseinAlmohamad, Ahmed Abdullah AlDughairi, and Motrih Al-Mutiry. ‘EarthquakePreparedness in an Urban Area: TheCase of Dhaka City, Bangladesh’. GeoscienceLetters 10, no. 1 (2023): 27.        
-Rahman,Md Mostafizur, Fatiha Tasnim,Arman Uddin, Md Sudipta Islam Chayan, Md SaidulIslam Arif, and Md TanvirHossain. ‘Assessing Vulnerability in Ethnic MundaCommunity: A Study on aCyclone-Prone Area of Bangladesh’. InternationalJournalof Disaster Risk Reduction 95 (2023):103884.        
-Arif,Md Saidul Islam, Ibnul Mahdi, MdAdil Rafi, Saadmaan Jubayer Khan, and MdMostafizur Rahman. ‘Cyclone ExposureMapping in Coastal Bangladesh: AMulti-Criteria Decision Analysis’. Heliyon 9,no. 10 (2023).       
-Rahman,Md Mostafizur, Kamrun NaharTanni, Tuly Roy, Md Rakibul Islam, Md Alim Al RajiRumi, Mohammed Sadman Sakib,Masrur Abdul Quader, Nafee-Ul-Islam Bhuiyan, IftaAlam Shobuj, and Afra SayaraRahman. ‘Knowledge, Attitude and Practices TowardsDengue Fever Among SlumDwellers: A Case Study in Dhaka City, Bangladesh’. InternationalJournal of Public Health 68 (2023): 1605364.        
-Islam,Abu Reza Md Towfiqul, Mst LizuAktar, Ahmed Ali Bindajam, Javed Mallick,Abdullah Al Mamun, Subodh Chandra Pal,Md Nazirul Islam Sarker, Md MostafizurRahman, and G. M. Monirul Alam.‘Attitudes and Behaviors toward Snakes in theSnake Charmer Community: A Casefrom Northern Bangladesh’. Environment,Developmentand Sustainability, 2023, 1–21.        
-Rahman,Md Mostafizur, Mohammed SadmanSakib, Afra Sayara Rahman, Haque, Hossain, andIslam. ‘Knowledge, Attitude, andPractices Towards COVID-19 Among SocialWorkers of Bangladesh’. Public Organization Review, 2023, 1–22.        
-Chisty, Musabber Ali, Nesar AhmedKhan,Syeda Erena Alam Dola, Israt Arif Sumaya, and Md Mostafizur Rahman.‘Knowledge,Attitude, and Practice Toward Flood Volunteerism in Bangladesh: AGender-BasedAnalysis with Policy Implications’. GlobalSocial Welfare,2023, 1–9.        
-Rahman, Md Mostafizur, IftaAlamShobuj, Md Mehedi Hasan Santo, and Md Tanvir Hossain. ‘Public PerceptiontowardLightning in a Lightning-Prone Area of Bangladesh’. International Journal ofDisaster Risk Reduction 89 (2023): 103638.        
-Hossain, Md Tanvir, BenojirAhammed,Nusrat Jahan, Md Akhtarul Islam, Md Mostafizur Rahman, Bayezid Khan, MdJuwelAhmed Sarker, Md Mahdi-Al-Muhtasim Nibir, Mahamudul Hasan, and MirHasib.‘Prevalence and Predictors of Pornography Exposure during the Third Waveof theCOVID-19 Pandemic: A Web-Based Cross-Sectional Study on StudentsinBangladesh’. Frontiers in Public Health 10 (2022): 1046813.        
-Rahman, Md Mostafizur, MusabberAliChisty, Md Ashraful Alam, Mohammed Sadman Sakib, Masrur Abdul Quader, IftaAlamShobuj, Md Abdul Halim, and Farzana Rahman. ‘Knowledge, Attitude, andHesitancytowards COVID-19 Vaccine among University Students of Bangladesh’. PLoS One17,no. 6 (2022): e0270684.        
-Rahman, Irtifa Alam Nabila,MohammedSadman Sakib, Nusrat Jahan Silvia, Muhammad Abdullahil Galib, Ifta AlamShobuj,Lamia Hasan, Musabber Ali Chisty, Farzana Rahman, and Edris Alam.‘Knowledge,Attitude, and Practices towards Lightning in Bangladesh’. Sustainability14,no. 1 (2022): 448.        
-Islam, Abu Reza Md Towfiqul,IrtifaAlam Nabila, Hasanuzzaman, Md Bozlar Rahman, Ahmed Elbeltagi, JavedMallick,Kuaanan Techato, Subodh Chandra Pal, and Md Mostafizur Rahman.‘Variability ofClimate-Induced Rice Yields in Northwest Bangladesh UsingMultiple StatisticalModeling’. Theoreticaland Applied Climatology 147, no.3–4 (2022):1263–76.        
-Islam, Muhammad Awfa, MusabberAliChisty, Abdullah Fuad, Md Mostafizur Rahman, Maliha Muhtasim, Syeda ErenaAlamDola, Fariha Jahin Biva, and Nesar Ahmed Khan. ‘Using ARC-D ToolkitforMeasuring Community Resilience to Disasters’. Sustainability 14,no. 3(2022): 1758.        
-Mathew, Roshmon Thomas, SudipDebnath,Pankaj Kundu, Yousef Ahmed Alkhamis, Md Mostafizur Rahman, Md MoshiurRahman,and S. M. Rahman. ‘Growth and Survival of Goldfish (Carassius Auratus)JuvenilesFed Tubifex, Custard Meal and Commercial Feeds’. The ScientificJournal of King Faisal University: Basicand Applied Sciences 23, no. 1(2022): 30–35.        
-Rahman, Md Mostafizur, FarahTasnim,Masrur Abdul Quader, Md Nafee-Ul-Islam Bhuiyan, Mohammed Sadman Sakib,RawnokTabassum, Ifta Alam Shobuj, Lamia Hasan, Musabber Ali Chisty, andFarzanaRahman. ‘Perceived Noise Pollution and Self-Reported Health Status amongAdultPopulation of Bangladesh’. InternationalJournal of Environmental Researchand Public Health 19, no. 4 (2022): 2394.        
-Rahman, Md Mostafizur, SaadmaanJubayerKhan, Kamrun Nahar Tanni, Tuly Roy, Musabber Ali Chisty, Md RakibulIslam, MdAlim Al Raji Rumi, Mohammed Sadman Sakib, Masrur Abdul Quader, andMdNafee-Ul-Islam Bhuiyan. ‘Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices towards DengueFeveramong University Students of Dhaka City, Bangladesh’. InternationalJournal of Environmental Research and PublicHealth 19, no. 7 (2022): 4023.        
-Rahman, Md Mostafizur, B. S. S.AbirMohd Shakib Shahide, Mohammad Ashikul Islam Redoy, Farzana Rahman, andMdMoshiur Rahman. ‘Status and View toward COVID-19 and Mental HealthamongVulnerable Group: A Cross-Sectional Rapid Survey among Rickshaw Pullers ofBangladesh’. Journal of Emergency Management 20, no. 9 (2022): 109–21.        
-Rahman, Md Moshiur, ZannatulFerdouse,Nazmir Nur, Md Nazrul Islam, Muhammad Abdur Rouf, Shaikh TareqArafat, SheikhMustafizur Rahman, and Md Mostafizur Rahman. ‘MicroplasticIngestion Alters theExpression of Some Sexually Selected Traits in a Model FishGuppy (PoeciliaReticulata Peters 1859)’. Marineand Freshwater Behaviourand Physiology 55,no. 3–4 (2022): 87–106.        
-Hossain, Md Tanvir, Md AkhtarulIslam,Nusrat Jahan, Mst Nahar, Md Juwel Ahmed Sarker, Md Mostafizur Rahman,FarahDeeba, Kazi Enamul Hoque, Rina Aktar, and Md Mazharul Islam. ‘MentalHealthStatus of Teachers during the Second Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic: AWeb-BasedStudy in Bangladesh’. Frontiers inPsychiatry 13 (2022):938230.       
Islam, Md Akhtarul, Mst TanminNahar,Md Nafiul Alam Khan, Zahid Ahmad Butt, A. S. M. Monjur-Al-Hossain, SutapaDeyBarna, Md Mostafizur Rahman, Henry Ratul Halder, Mohammed Zaber Hossain, andMdTanvir Hossain. ‘Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Concerning BlackFungusduring COVID-19 Pandemic among Students of Bangladesh: AnOnline-BasedCross-Sectional Survey’. InternationalJournal of Environmental Research andPublic Health 19, no. 15 (2022): 9146.        
-Rahman, Md Mostafizur, IrtifaAlamNabila, Mohammed Sadman Sakib, Nusrat Jahan Silvia, Muhammad AbdullahilGalib,Ifta Alam Shobuj, Lamia Hasan, Musabber Ali Chisty, Farzana Rahman, andAbuReza Towfiqul Islam. ‘Status and Individual View toward Lightning amongUniversityStudents of Bangladesh’. Sustainability 14, no. 15 (2022):9314.        
-Rahman, Md Mostafizur, FarahTasnim,Mahmuda Zaman Mukta, Ayesha Abedin, and Komal Raj Aryal. ‘AssessingBarriers inHumanitarian Supply Chains for Cyclone in Coastal Areas ofBangladesh: AnInterpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) Approach’. Sustainability 14,no.15 (2022): 9724.        
-Rahman, Md Mostafizur,Asikunnaby,Saadmaan Jubayer Khan, Anuva Arony, Zahid Al Mamun, Nawwar FatimaProcheta,Mohammed Sadman Sakib, Komal Raj Aryal, Farzana Rahman, and Abu RezaMdTowfiqul Islam. ‘Mental Health Condition among University Students of Bangladeshduringthe Critical COVID-19 Period’. Journal of Clinical Medicine 11,no.15 (2022): 4617.        
-Rahman, Md Mostafizur, Abu RezaMdTowfiqul Islam, Saadmaan Jubayer Khan, Kamrun Nahar Tanni, Tuly Roy, MdRakibulIslam, Md Alim Al Raji Rumi, Mohammed Sadman Sakib, Masrur Abdul Quader,andNafee-Ul-Islam Bhuiyan. ‘Dengue Fever Responses in Dhaka City, Bangladesh:ACross-Sectional Survey’. International Journal of Public Health 67(2022):1604809.        
-Rahman, Md Mostafizur, SaadmaanJubayerKhan, and Kamrun Nahar Tanni. ‘Holistic Individual Preparedness in anUrbanFire-Prone Area: The Case of Dhaka City, Bangladesh’. InternationalJournalof Disaster Risk Reduction 81 (2022): 103274.        
-Rahman, Md Mostafizur, SaadmaanJubayerKhan, Kamrun Nahar Tanni, Mohammed Sadman Sakib, Masrur Abdul Quader,Ifta AlamShobuj, Arman Uddin, and Komal Raj Aryal. ‘Holistic Individual FirePreparednessin Informal Settlements, Bangladesh’. Fire Technology,2022, 1–28.        
-Rahman, Md Mostafizur, Md SaidulIslamArif, Ibnul Mahdi, Md Adil Rafi, Musabber Ali Chisty, and SaadmaanJubayer Khan.‘Cyclone Vulnerability in Ethnic Minority: A Case Study amongRakhain Communityof Bangladesh’. International Journal of Disaster RiskReduction 83(2022): 103449.        
-Chisty, Musabber Ali, MuhammadAwfaIslam, Ashfia Tasnim Munia, Md Mostafizur Rahman, Nadia Nahrin Rahman,andMourupa Mohima. ‘Risk Perception and Information-Seeking BehaviorduringEmergency: An Exploratory Study on COVID-19 Pandemic in Bangladesh’. InternationalJournalof Disaster Risk Reduction 65 (2021): 102580.        
-Rahman, Md Moshiur, Soma Kundu,SheikhMustafizur Rahman, Roshmon Thomas Mathew, and Yousef Ahmed.‘PolyandrousFertilization Enhances Offspring Survival Rate in an Indian MajorCarp LabeoRohita’. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 26,no. 5(2021): 656–60.        
-Chisty, Musabber Ali, MdMostafizurRahman, Nesar Ahmed Khan, and Syeda Erena Alam Dola. ‘AssessingCommunityDisaster Resilience in Flood-Prone Areas of Bangladesh: From a GenderLens’. Water14, no. 1 (2021): 40.        
-Rahman, Md Mostafizur, MusabberAliChisty, Mohammed Sadman Sakib, Masrur Abdul Quader, Ifta Alam Shobuj,MdAshraful Alam, Md Abdul Halim, and Farzana Rahman. ‘Status andPerceptiontoward the COVID19 Vaccine: A CrosssectionalOnline Survey among Adult Population of Bangladesh’. Health ScienceReports 4,no. 4 (2021): e451.        
-Chisty,Musabber Ali, AshrafuzzamanNazim, Md Mostafizur Rahman, Syeda Erena Alam Dola,and Nesar Ahmed Khan.‘Disability Inclusiveness of Early Warning System: AStudy on Flood-Prone Areasof Bangladesh’. Disaster Prevention andManagement: An InternationalJournal 30, no. 4/5 (2021): 494–509.        
-Rahman,Md Mostafizur, Saadmaan JubayerKhan, Mohammed Sadman Sakib, Md Abdul Halim, MdMoshiur Rahman, Asikunnaby, andJannate Mehjabin Jhinuk. ‘COVID-19 Responsesamong University Students ofBangladesh: Assessment of Status and IndividualView toward COVID-19’. Journalof Human Behavior in the Social Environment31, no. 1–4 (2021): 512–31.        
-Rahman,Md Mostafizur, Jannate MehjabinJhinuk, Nadia Habib Nabila, Mir Taj MiraYeasmin, Ifta Alam Shobuj, TammimHossain Sayma, Fariha Faruk, and ShakhawatHossain Shah. ‘Knowledge, Attitude,and Practices towards COVID-19 during theRapid Rise Period: A Cross-SectionalSurvey among Public University Students ofBangladesh’. SciMedicineJournal 3, no. 2 (2021): 116–28.        
-Rahman, Md Mostafizur, SaadmaanJubayerKhan, Mohammed Sadman Sakib, Md Abdul Halim, Farzana Rahman, Md MoshiurRahman,Jannate Mehjabin Jhinuk, Nadia Habib Nabila, and Mir Taj Mira Yeasmin.‘COVID-19Responses among General People of Bangladesh: Status and IndividualView towardCOVID-19 during Lockdown Period’. Cogent Psychology 8, no.1(2021): 1860186.        
-Rahman, Md Mostafizur, B. S. S.TanbirAmin, B. S. S. Saima Bintay Sultan, Muslima Islam Bithi, Farzana Rahman,and MdMoshiur Rahman. ‘Depression, Anxiety, and Stress among PublicUniversityStudents in Bangladesh during the COVID-19 Pandemic’. Journalof EmergencyManagement 19, no. 9 (2021): 99–107.        
-Rahman, Md Mostafizur, SaadmaanJubayerKhan, Mohammed Sadman Sakib, Salit Chakma, Nawwar Fatima Procheta,Zahid AlMamun, Anuva Arony, Farzana Rahman, and Md Moshiur Rahman. ‘AssessingthePsychological Condition among General People of Bangladesh during COVID-19Pandemic’. Journalof Human Behavior in the Social Environment 31, no.1–4 (2021): 449–63.        
-Rahman, Sheikh Mustafizur, Habib,AbdurRahman Khan, Ahsan, Shaikh Tareq Arafat, Rahman, Ahmed Saud Alsaqufi,RoshmonThomas Mathew, Yousof Naser Alrashada, and Yousef AhmedAlkhamis.‘Cryopreservation Studies on Silver Carp (HypophthalmichthysMolitrix)Embryos’. CryoLetters 42, no. 3 (2021): 178–87.        
-Rahman, Md Moshiur, Soma Kundu,PriankaBiswas, Md Shahin Parvez, Muhammad Abdur Rouf, Sk Asaduzzaman, SudipDebnath, MdMostafizur Rahman, and Asaduzzaman. ‘Influence of Maternal Weight,Age, LarvalFeeding and Their Interactions on the Hatchery Outcomes of anIndian Major Carp(Labeo Rohita, Hamilton 1822)’. Aquaculture Reports 19(2021):100633.        
-Chisty, Musabber Ali, Syeda ErenaAlamDola, Nesar Ahmed Khan, and Md Mostafizur Rahman.‘Intersectionality,Vulnerability and Resilience: Why It Is Important to ReviewtheDiversifications within Groups at Risk to Achieve a ResilientCommunity’. Continuity& Resilience Review 3, no. 2 (2021):119–31.        
-Rahman, Nasrin Ja Khan Sj.‘Applicationof Strength-Based Social Vulnerability Index (SSVI) inVulnerability Assessment:Bangladesh Perspective - Bangladesh University ofProfessionals Journal’. BangladeshUniversity of Professionals Journal8, no. 1 (2020): 25–40.        
-Rahman, Moshiur, Iva AlamPinkey,Jannatul Ferthous, Shaikh Tareq Arafat, Sheikh Mustafizur Rahman,Asaduzzaman,Mostafizur Rahman, and Muhammad Abdur Rouf. ‘Modulation ofPhenotypic Traitsunder Different Rearing Temperatures: Experimental Evidence inMale Guppy(Poecilia Reticulata)’. International Journal of AquaticBiology 8, no.5 (2020): 344–64.        
-Rahman, Md Mostafizur, CarolynSchaab,and Eizo Nakaza. ‘Experimental and Numerical Modeling of TsunamiMitigation byCanals’. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and OceanEngineering 143,no. 1 (2017): 04016012.        
-Rahman, Md Mostafizur.‘Experimentaland Numerical Investigations on Tsunami Acting Force and TsunamiMitigation’. 琉球大学, 2016.        Rahman M. M., E. Nakaza, K. Inagaki,S.Tanaka and C. Schaab. ‘Tsunami Reduction Effects of Canal’. CoastalEngineering 72,no. 1 (2016).       
Itori S., T. Iribe, E. Nakaza and M.M.Rahman. ‘Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of the Sloshing in aRectangularTank and a Cylindrical Tank Using the Particle Method’. HydraulicEngineering 68,no. 4 (2012): 1213–18.        Iribe T., T. Watanabe, E. Nakaza andM.M. Rahman. ‘Numerical Simulations of Wave Run-up by the ParticleMethod.Hydraulic Engineering’. Hydraulic Engineering 68, no. 4(2012): 1549–54.       
Rahman, S. M., M. A. A. Shahin, M.A.H. Chisty, M. M. Rahman, Amhb Tareque, and M. M. Hasan. ‘Growth PerformanceofMirror Carp (Cyprinus Carpio Var. Specularis, Lacepede, 1803) Fry FedwithVarying Protein Content Feeds’. Our Nature 10, no. 1(2012): 17–23.       
-Rahman, Sk Mustafizur, Md AhasanHabib,Quazi Zahangir Hossain, Md Noman Siddiqui, Md Mostafizur Rahman, and MdNazmulAhsan. ‘Embryonic Development of Clarias Batrachus under the InfluenceofAeration and Water Flow’. Ecoprint: An International Journal of Ecology18(2011): 25–31.        
-Watanabe, Tadataka, TsunakiyoIribe,Eizo Nakaza, and M. D. Mostafizur Rahman. ‘Three Dimensional SimulationofHydraulic Phenomenon around Wave-Dissipating Blocks by MPS Method’. JournalofJapan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering) 67,no.2 (2011): I_721-I_725.        
-Rahman, M. M., S. M. Rahman, M.A.Asad, M. K. Hossain, and M. N. Ahsan. ‘Economic Analysis of OrnamentalFishTrade in Khulna District of Bangladesh’. Int. J. Animal Fish. Sci 2,no.2 (2009).        Tareque, Amhb, B. Biswas, MdS.Hossain, Md M. Rahman, and Md M. Rahman. ‘Some Aspects of Biology ofPuntiusSophore (Hamilton) Collected from the Mouri River, Khulna,Bangladesh’. BangladeshResearch Publications Journal 2, no. 2(2009): 406–22.       
Rahman, M. M., S. M. Rahman, M.K.Islam, H. M. R. Islam, and M. N. Ahsan. ‘Aquarium Business: A Case StudyinKhulna District, Bangladesh’. Bangladesh Research PublicationsJournal2, no. 3 (2009): 564–70.        
-Tareque, Amhb, M. M. Alam, M.M.Rahman, M. M. Rahman, and S. M. Rahman. ‘Effect of Some Formulated Feeds ontheGrowth and Survival of Thai Sharpunti (Puntius Gonionotus) Fry’. Bang.J.Mar. Sci. and Fish 1, no. 1 (2009): 21–31.        
-Rahman, M. M., S. K. Paul, S.M.Rahman, Amhb Tareque, and M. A. A. Shahin. ‘Growth and Survival of LeatherCarp(Cyprinus Carpio Var. Nudus) Fry Fed with Different Protein ContentFeeds’. SouthAsian J. Agri 1, no. 2 (2006): 17–23.


Last Updated: 20 Feb 2025

Conference Papers



1     Rahman M. M., T.Iribe, E. Nakaza and M. A. Rouf. Wave Impact on Vertical Sea-Wall: NumericalSimulations with the Newly Improved MPS Method. Proceedings of 1stInternational Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering, CUET, Bangladesh,2012.


2     Rahman M. M., S.R. Tiko, T. Iribe and E. Nakaza. Large-Scale Numerical Simulation of TsunamiImpact on Coastal Areas. International Symposium: Human Well-Being and theMarine Environment in the Pacific Islands. 6th Pacific Islands LeadersMeeting Commemorative Event, May 17th-May 19th, 2012, 2012.


3     Tiko S. R., M. M.Rahman, E. Nakaza and T. Iribe. Changes in River Morphology of Nadi RiverUsing GIS and Ric-Nays. International Symposium: Human Well-Being and theMarine Environment in the Pacific Islands, 6th Pacific Islands Leaders MeetingCommemorative Event, May 17th-May 19th, 2012, 2012.


4     Inagaki K., M. M.Rahman, U. Tokuhisa, E. Nakaza and T. Iribe. Distribution of the Pine TressDrowned by Tohoku Tsunami along Sendai Coastal Area in Miyagi Prefecture.International Symposium: Human Well-Being and the Marine Environment in thePacific Islands. International Symposium: Human Well-Being and the MarineEnvironment in the Pacific Islands, 6th Pacific Islands Leaders MeetingCommemorative Event, May 17th-May 19th, 2012, 2012.


5     Azmi N., Abrar M.M. And Rahman M. M. Disaster Risk Perception and Vulnerability of UrbanPeople: A Study of Mohammadpur Thana, Dhaka, Bangladesh. InternationalConference on Urban and Regional Planning. International Conference onUrban and Regional Planning, Bangladesh Institute of Planners, Dhaka,Bangladesh, 2019.


6     Md MostafizurRahman, Eizo Nakaza, Tsunakiyo Iribe and Mohammad Abdur Rouf. Wave-StructureInteraction Problems Using Newly Improved Three-Dimensional Particle Method.Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering,CUET, Bangladesh, 2012.


7     Afra SayaraRahman, Md. Iftekharul Haque, Safin Ahmed, Mohammed Sadman Sakib and MdMostafizur Rahman. Mass Media and Disaster Management: A Study on BangladeshPerspective. National Conference on Disaster ,Climate and Sustainability,2022.

Last Updated: 20 Feb 2025



My current research interest is Human Behaviour towards disaster.I am also interested in public health concerns due to environmental hazards.

Last Updated: 20 Feb 2025


1. 1. Gold Medal for the highest CGPA in the Life Science School, Khulna University, Khulna, Bangladesh.

2. Honorary President Award, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan.
3. Erasmus Mundus Scholarship Program.
4. Monbukagakusho Scholarship Program.
5. Best Researcher in BUP research award competition, 2023.


Last Updated: 20 Feb 2025


1. 1. Introduction toDisaster Science

2. Principles of Disaster Management
3. Introduction toNatural Resources and Sustainable Development
4. Disaster Preparednessand Vulnerability Reduction
5. Research Methodologyin Disaster Management
6. Disaster RiskReduction Principles and Practices
7. Logistics, Governance& Risk Financing
8. Disaster and Development
9. Advanced theory and methodology in disaster science (Compulsory course)
11. Coastal zone management (Optional course)
12. Quantitative Research Methodology in Disaster Management
13. Laboratory work on Quantitative Analysis
14. Disaster, Vulnerability and Resilience
15. Tools & Techniques of Disaster Management
16. Advanced Research Methodology in DisasterManagement

Last Updated: 20 Feb 2025

S.S.C, খুলনা রোটারী স্কুল
H.S.C, খুলনা পাবলিক কলেজ
Honors, খুলনা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়
Masters, University of the Ryukyus, Japan
Ph.D, University of the Ryukyus, Japan

Last Updated: 20 Feb 2025


-Rahman, M. M., Shobuj, I. A., Islam,Md.R., Islam, Md. R., Hossain, Md. T., Alam, E., Hattawi, K. S. A., & Islam,M.K. (2024). Flood preparedness in rural flood-prone area: A holistic assessment approach in Bangladesh. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk15(1),2379599.https://doi.org/10.1080/19475705.2024.2379599.     
-Hossain, Md. T., Khan, U. S., Jahan,N.,Ahammed, B., Islam, Md. A., Rahman, M. M., Mizanur Rahman, M., Rahman,R.,& Islam, Md. N. (2024). “Seen, Yet Unseen”: Predictors of ProblematicPornography Use Among Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Bangladesh. Sexual, Health & Compulsivity0(0),1–24.https://doi.org/10.1080/26929953.2024.2397665.
-Quader, M. A., Rahman, M. M., Chisty,M.A., Saeed Al Hattawi, K., Alam, E., & Islam, M. K. (2024). Evaluation ofnoise pollution impact on health in Dhaka city, Bangladesh. Frontiers in Public Health12.https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2024.1477684.  
-Rahman, M. M., Islam, M. R., Shobuj,I.A., Hossain, M. T., Ahsan, M. N., Alam, E., Al Hattawi, K. S., & Islam,M.K. (2024). An index-based holistic approach to evaluate flood preparedness:Evidence from Bangladesh. Frontiersin Climate6.https://doi.org/10.3389/fclim.2024.1479495.  
-Rahman, M. M., Nasrin, J. A., Shobuj,I.A., Uddin, A., Mahmud, A., & Hossain, Md. T. (2025). Cyclone-disasterpreparedness in fishing community: A study on Shah Porir Dwip,Bangladesh. International Journal of Disaster RiskReduction116,105100.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2024.105100. 
-Ahsan,Md Nasif, M. Mohibbullah,Animesh K. Gain, Fatema Khatun, Md Ashiqur Rahman,Afri Sultana, Rezwanul Haque,Mostafizur Rahman, Khan Rubayet Rahaman, andKarina Vink. ‘“We Knew a CycloneWas Imminent”: Hazard Preparedness andDisaster Management Efficiency Nexus inCoastal Bangladesh’. InternationalJournalof Disaster Risk Reduction, 2024, 104240.        
-Rahman,Md Mostafizur, Md Saidul IslamArif, Md Tanvir Hossain, Hussein Almohamad,Ahmed Abdullah Al Dughairi, MotrihAl-Mutiry, and Hazem Ghassan Abdo.‘Households’ Vulnerability Assessment:Empirical Evidence from Cyclone-ProneArea of Bangladesh’. Geoscience Letters 10,no. 1 (2023): 1–21.        
-Rahman,Md Mostafizur, Ifta AlamShobuj, Md Tanvir Hossain, and Farah Tasnim. ‘Impactof Disaster on MentalHealth of Women: A Case Study on 2022 Flash Flood inBangladesh’. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 96 (2023):103935.     
-Rahman,Md Mostafizur, Asikunnaby,Nawshin Jahan Chaity, Hazem Ghassan Abdo, HusseinAlmohamad, Ahmed Abdullah AlDughairi, and Motrih Al-Mutiry. ‘EarthquakePreparedness in an Urban Area: TheCase of Dhaka City, Bangladesh’. GeoscienceLetters 10, no. 1 (2023): 27.        
-Rahman,Md Mostafizur, Fatiha Tasnim,Arman Uddin, Md Sudipta Islam Chayan, Md SaidulIslam Arif, and Md TanvirHossain. ‘Assessing Vulnerability in Ethnic MundaCommunity: A Study on aCyclone-Prone Area of Bangladesh’. InternationalJournalof Disaster Risk Reduction 95 (2023):103884.        
-Arif,Md Saidul Islam, Ibnul Mahdi, MdAdil Rafi, Saadmaan Jubayer Khan, and MdMostafizur Rahman. ‘Cyclone ExposureMapping in Coastal Bangladesh: AMulti-Criteria Decision Analysis’. Heliyon 9,no. 10 (2023).       
-Rahman,Md Mostafizur, Kamrun NaharTanni, Tuly Roy, Md Rakibul Islam, Md Alim Al RajiRumi, Mohammed Sadman Sakib,Masrur Abdul Quader, Nafee-Ul-Islam Bhuiyan, IftaAlam Shobuj, and Afra SayaraRahman. ‘Knowledge, Attitude and Practices TowardsDengue Fever Among SlumDwellers: A Case Study in Dhaka City, Bangladesh’. InternationalJournal of Public Health 68 (2023): 1605364.        
-Islam,Abu Reza Md Towfiqul, Mst LizuAktar, Ahmed Ali Bindajam, Javed Mallick,Abdullah Al Mamun, Subodh Chandra Pal,Md Nazirul Islam Sarker, Md MostafizurRahman, and G. M. Monirul Alam.‘Attitudes and Behaviors toward Snakes in theSnake Charmer Community: A Casefrom Northern Bangladesh’. Environment,Developmentand Sustainability, 2023, 1–21.        
-Rahman,Md Mostafizur, Mohammed SadmanSakib, Afra Sayara Rahman, Haque, Hossain, andIslam. ‘Knowledge, Attitude, andPractices Towards COVID-19 Among SocialWorkers of Bangladesh’. Public Organization Review, 2023, 1–22.        
-Chisty, Musabber Ali, Nesar AhmedKhan,Syeda Erena Alam Dola, Israt Arif Sumaya, and Md Mostafizur Rahman.‘Knowledge,Attitude, and Practice Toward Flood Volunteerism in Bangladesh: AGender-BasedAnalysis with Policy Implications’. GlobalSocial Welfare,2023, 1–9.        
-Rahman, Md Mostafizur, IftaAlamShobuj, Md Mehedi Hasan Santo, and Md Tanvir Hossain. ‘Public PerceptiontowardLightning in a Lightning-Prone Area of Bangladesh’. International Journal ofDisaster Risk Reduction 89 (2023): 103638.        
-Hossain, Md Tanvir, BenojirAhammed,Nusrat Jahan, Md Akhtarul Islam, Md Mostafizur Rahman, Bayezid Khan, MdJuwelAhmed Sarker, Md Mahdi-Al-Muhtasim Nibir, Mahamudul Hasan, and MirHasib.‘Prevalence and Predictors of Pornography Exposure during the Third Waveof theCOVID-19 Pandemic: A Web-Based Cross-Sectional Study on StudentsinBangladesh’. Frontiers in Public Health 10 (2022): 1046813.        
-Rahman, Md Mostafizur, MusabberAliChisty, Md Ashraful Alam, Mohammed Sadman Sakib, Masrur Abdul Quader, IftaAlamShobuj, Md Abdul Halim, and Farzana Rahman. ‘Knowledge, Attitude, andHesitancytowards COVID-19 Vaccine among University Students of Bangladesh’. PLoS One17,no. 6 (2022): e0270684.        
-Rahman, Irtifa Alam Nabila,MohammedSadman Sakib, Nusrat Jahan Silvia, Muhammad Abdullahil Galib, Ifta AlamShobuj,Lamia Hasan, Musabber Ali Chisty, Farzana Rahman, and Edris Alam.‘Knowledge,Attitude, and Practices towards Lightning in Bangladesh’. Sustainability14,no. 1 (2022): 448.        
-Islam, Abu Reza Md Towfiqul,IrtifaAlam Nabila, Hasanuzzaman, Md Bozlar Rahman, Ahmed Elbeltagi, JavedMallick,Kuaanan Techato, Subodh Chandra Pal, and Md Mostafizur Rahman.‘Variability ofClimate-Induced Rice Yields in Northwest Bangladesh UsingMultiple StatisticalModeling’. Theoreticaland Applied Climatology 147, no.3–4 (2022):1263–76.        
-Islam, Muhammad Awfa, MusabberAliChisty, Abdullah Fuad, Md Mostafizur Rahman, Maliha Muhtasim, Syeda ErenaAlamDola, Fariha Jahin Biva, and Nesar Ahmed Khan. ‘Using ARC-D ToolkitforMeasuring Community Resilience to Disasters’. Sustainability 14,no. 3(2022): 1758.        
-Mathew, Roshmon Thomas, SudipDebnath,Pankaj Kundu, Yousef Ahmed Alkhamis, Md Mostafizur Rahman, Md MoshiurRahman,and S. M. Rahman. ‘Growth and Survival of Goldfish (Carassius Auratus)JuvenilesFed Tubifex, Custard Meal and Commercial Feeds’. The ScientificJournal of King Faisal University: Basicand Applied Sciences 23, no. 1(2022): 30–35.        
-Rahman, Md Mostafizur, FarahTasnim,Masrur Abdul Quader, Md Nafee-Ul-Islam Bhuiyan, Mohammed Sadman Sakib,RawnokTabassum, Ifta Alam Shobuj, Lamia Hasan, Musabber Ali Chisty, andFarzanaRahman. ‘Perceived Noise Pollution and Self-Reported Health Status amongAdultPopulation of Bangladesh’. InternationalJournal of Environmental Researchand Public Health 19, no. 4 (2022): 2394.        
-Rahman, Md Mostafizur, SaadmaanJubayerKhan, Kamrun Nahar Tanni, Tuly Roy, Musabber Ali Chisty, Md RakibulIslam, MdAlim Al Raji Rumi, Mohammed Sadman Sakib, Masrur Abdul Quader, andMdNafee-Ul-Islam Bhuiyan. ‘Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices towards DengueFeveramong University Students of Dhaka City, Bangladesh’. InternationalJournal of Environmental Research and PublicHealth 19, no. 7 (2022): 4023.        
-Rahman, Md Mostafizur, B. S. S.AbirMohd Shakib Shahide, Mohammad Ashikul Islam Redoy, Farzana Rahman, andMdMoshiur Rahman. ‘Status and View toward COVID-19 and Mental HealthamongVulnerable Group: A Cross-Sectional Rapid Survey among Rickshaw Pullers ofBangladesh’. Journal of Emergency Management 20, no. 9 (2022): 109–21.        
-Rahman, Md Moshiur, ZannatulFerdouse,Nazmir Nur, Md Nazrul Islam, Muhammad Abdur Rouf, Shaikh TareqArafat, SheikhMustafizur Rahman, and Md Mostafizur Rahman. ‘MicroplasticIngestion Alters theExpression of Some Sexually Selected Traits in a Model FishGuppy (PoeciliaReticulata Peters 1859)’. Marineand Freshwater Behaviourand Physiology 55,no. 3–4 (2022): 87–106.        
-Hossain, Md Tanvir, Md AkhtarulIslam,Nusrat Jahan, Mst Nahar, Md Juwel Ahmed Sarker, Md Mostafizur Rahman,FarahDeeba, Kazi Enamul Hoque, Rina Aktar, and Md Mazharul Islam. ‘MentalHealthStatus of Teachers during the Second Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic: AWeb-BasedStudy in Bangladesh’. Frontiers inPsychiatry 13 (2022):938230.       
Islam, Md Akhtarul, Mst TanminNahar,Md Nafiul Alam Khan, Zahid Ahmad Butt, A. S. M. Monjur-Al-Hossain, SutapaDeyBarna, Md Mostafizur Rahman, Henry Ratul Halder, Mohammed Zaber Hossain, andMdTanvir Hossain. ‘Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Concerning BlackFungusduring COVID-19 Pandemic among Students of Bangladesh: AnOnline-BasedCross-Sectional Survey’. InternationalJournal of Environmental Research andPublic Health 19, no. 15 (2022): 9146.        
-Rahman, Md Mostafizur, IrtifaAlamNabila, Mohammed Sadman Sakib, Nusrat Jahan Silvia, Muhammad AbdullahilGalib,Ifta Alam Shobuj, Lamia Hasan, Musabber Ali Chisty, Farzana Rahman, andAbuReza Towfiqul Islam. ‘Status and Individual View toward Lightning amongUniversityStudents of Bangladesh’. Sustainability 14, no. 15 (2022):9314.        
-Rahman, Md Mostafizur, FarahTasnim,Mahmuda Zaman Mukta, Ayesha Abedin, and Komal Raj Aryal. ‘AssessingBarriers inHumanitarian Supply Chains for Cyclone in Coastal Areas ofBangladesh: AnInterpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) Approach’. Sustainability 14,no.15 (2022): 9724.        
-Rahman, Md Mostafizur,Asikunnaby,Saadmaan Jubayer Khan, Anuva Arony, Zahid Al Mamun, Nawwar FatimaProcheta,Mohammed Sadman Sakib, Komal Raj Aryal, Farzana Rahman, and Abu RezaMdTowfiqul Islam. ‘Mental Health Condition among University Students of Bangladeshduringthe Critical COVID-19 Period’. Journal of Clinical Medicine 11,no.15 (2022): 4617.        
-Rahman, Md Mostafizur, Abu RezaMdTowfiqul Islam, Saadmaan Jubayer Khan, Kamrun Nahar Tanni, Tuly Roy, MdRakibulIslam, Md Alim Al Raji Rumi, Mohammed Sadman Sakib, Masrur Abdul Quader,andNafee-Ul-Islam Bhuiyan. ‘Dengue Fever Responses in Dhaka City, Bangladesh:ACross-Sectional Survey’. International Journal of Public Health 67(2022):1604809.        
-Rahman, Md Mostafizur, SaadmaanJubayerKhan, and Kamrun Nahar Tanni. ‘Holistic Individual Preparedness in anUrbanFire-Prone Area: The Case of Dhaka City, Bangladesh’. InternationalJournalof Disaster Risk Reduction 81 (2022): 103274.        
-Rahman, Md Mostafizur, SaadmaanJubayerKhan, Kamrun Nahar Tanni, Mohammed Sadman Sakib, Masrur Abdul Quader,Ifta AlamShobuj, Arman Uddin, and Komal Raj Aryal. ‘Holistic Individual FirePreparednessin Informal Settlements, Bangladesh’. Fire Technology,2022, 1–28.        
-Rahman, Md Mostafizur, Md SaidulIslamArif, Ibnul Mahdi, Md Adil Rafi, Musabber Ali Chisty, and SaadmaanJubayer Khan.‘Cyclone Vulnerability in Ethnic Minority: A Case Study amongRakhain Communityof Bangladesh’. International Journal of Disaster RiskReduction 83(2022): 103449.        
-Chisty, Musabber Ali, MuhammadAwfaIslam, Ashfia Tasnim Munia, Md Mostafizur Rahman, Nadia Nahrin Rahman,andMourupa Mohima. ‘Risk Perception and Information-Seeking BehaviorduringEmergency: An Exploratory Study on COVID-19 Pandemic in Bangladesh’. InternationalJournalof Disaster Risk Reduction 65 (2021): 102580.        
-Rahman, Md Moshiur, Soma Kundu,SheikhMustafizur Rahman, Roshmon Thomas Mathew, and Yousef Ahmed.‘PolyandrousFertilization Enhances Offspring Survival Rate in an Indian MajorCarp LabeoRohita’. International Journal of Agriculture and Biology 26,no. 5(2021): 656–60.        
-Chisty, Musabber Ali, MdMostafizurRahman, Nesar Ahmed Khan, and Syeda Erena Alam Dola. ‘AssessingCommunityDisaster Resilience in Flood-Prone Areas of Bangladesh: From a GenderLens’. Water14, no. 1 (2021): 40.        
-Rahman, Md Mostafizur, MusabberAliChisty, Mohammed Sadman Sakib, Masrur Abdul Quader, Ifta Alam Shobuj,MdAshraful Alam, Md Abdul Halim, and Farzana Rahman. ‘Status andPerceptiontoward the COVID19 Vaccine: A CrosssectionalOnline Survey among Adult Population of Bangladesh’. Health ScienceReports 4,no. 4 (2021): e451.        
-Chisty,Musabber Ali, AshrafuzzamanNazim, Md Mostafizur Rahman, Syeda Erena Alam Dola,and Nesar Ahmed Khan.‘Disability Inclusiveness of Early Warning System: AStudy on Flood-Prone Areasof Bangladesh’. Disaster Prevention andManagement: An InternationalJournal 30, no. 4/5 (2021): 494–509.        
-Rahman,Md Mostafizur, Saadmaan JubayerKhan, Mohammed Sadman Sakib, Md Abdul Halim, MdMoshiur Rahman, Asikunnaby, andJannate Mehjabin Jhinuk. ‘COVID-19 Responsesamong University Students ofBangladesh: Assessment of Status and IndividualView toward COVID-19’. Journalof Human Behavior in the Social Environment31, no. 1–4 (2021): 512–31.        
-Rahman,Md Mostafizur, Jannate MehjabinJhinuk, Nadia Habib Nabila, Mir Taj MiraYeasmin, Ifta Alam Shobuj, TammimHossain Sayma, Fariha Faruk, and ShakhawatHossain Shah. ‘Knowledge, Attitude,and Practices towards COVID-19 during theRapid Rise Period: A Cross-SectionalSurvey among Public University Students ofBangladesh’. SciMedicineJournal 3, no. 2 (2021): 116–28.        
-Rahman, Md Mostafizur, SaadmaanJubayerKhan, Mohammed Sadman Sakib, Md Abdul Halim, Farzana Rahman, Md MoshiurRahman,Jannate Mehjabin Jhinuk, Nadia Habib Nabila, and Mir Taj Mira Yeasmin.‘COVID-19Responses among General People of Bangladesh: Status and IndividualView towardCOVID-19 during Lockdown Period’. Cogent Psychology 8, no.1(2021): 1860186.        
-Rahman, Md Mostafizur, B. S. S.TanbirAmin, B. S. S. Saima Bintay Sultan, Muslima Islam Bithi, Farzana Rahman,and MdMoshiur Rahman. ‘Depression, Anxiety, and Stress among PublicUniversityStudents in Bangladesh during the COVID-19 Pandemic’. Journalof EmergencyManagement 19, no. 9 (2021): 99–107.        
-Rahman, Md Mostafizur, SaadmaanJubayerKhan, Mohammed Sadman Sakib, Salit Chakma, Nawwar Fatima Procheta,Zahid AlMamun, Anuva Arony, Farzana Rahman, and Md Moshiur Rahman. ‘AssessingthePsychological Condition among General People of Bangladesh during COVID-19Pandemic’. Journalof Human Behavior in the Social Environment 31, no.1–4 (2021): 449–63.        
-Rahman, Sheikh Mustafizur, Habib,AbdurRahman Khan, Ahsan, Shaikh Tareq Arafat, Rahman, Ahmed Saud Alsaqufi,RoshmonThomas Mathew, Yousof Naser Alrashada, and Yousef AhmedAlkhamis.‘Cryopreservation Studies on Silver Carp (HypophthalmichthysMolitrix)Embryos’. CryoLetters 42, no. 3 (2021): 178–87.        
-Rahman, Md Moshiur, Soma Kundu,PriankaBiswas, Md Shahin Parvez, Muhammad Abdur Rouf, Sk Asaduzzaman, SudipDebnath, MdMostafizur Rahman, and Asaduzzaman. ‘Influence of Maternal Weight,Age, LarvalFeeding and Their Interactions on the Hatchery Outcomes of anIndian Major Carp(Labeo Rohita, Hamilton 1822)’. Aquaculture Reports 19(2021):100633.        
-Chisty, Musabber Ali, Syeda ErenaAlamDola, Nesar Ahmed Khan, and Md Mostafizur Rahman.‘Intersectionality,Vulnerability and Resilience: Why It Is Important to ReviewtheDiversifications within Groups at Risk to Achieve a ResilientCommunity’. Continuity& Resilience Review 3, no. 2 (2021):119–31.        
-Rahman, Nasrin Ja Khan Sj.‘Applicationof Strength-Based Social Vulnerability Index (SSVI) inVulnerability Assessment:Bangladesh Perspective - Bangladesh University ofProfessionals Journal’. BangladeshUniversity of Professionals Journal8, no. 1 (2020): 25–40.        
-Rahman, Moshiur, Iva AlamPinkey,Jannatul Ferthous, Shaikh Tareq Arafat, Sheikh Mustafizur Rahman,Asaduzzaman,Mostafizur Rahman, and Muhammad Abdur Rouf. ‘Modulation ofPhenotypic Traitsunder Different Rearing Temperatures: Experimental Evidence inMale Guppy(Poecilia Reticulata)’. International Journal of AquaticBiology 8, no.5 (2020): 344–64.        
-Rahman, Md Mostafizur, CarolynSchaab,and Eizo Nakaza. ‘Experimental and Numerical Modeling of TsunamiMitigation byCanals’. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and OceanEngineering 143,no. 1 (2017): 04016012.        
-Rahman, Md Mostafizur.‘Experimentaland Numerical Investigations on Tsunami Acting Force and TsunamiMitigation’. 琉球大学, 2016.        Rahman M. M., E. Nakaza, K. Inagaki,S.Tanaka and C. Schaab. ‘Tsunami Reduction Effects of Canal’. CoastalEngineering 72,no. 1 (2016).       
Itori S., T. Iribe, E. Nakaza and M.M.Rahman. ‘Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of the Sloshing in aRectangularTank and a Cylindrical Tank Using the Particle Method’. HydraulicEngineering 68,no. 4 (2012): 1213–18.        Iribe T., T. Watanabe, E. Nakaza andM.M. Rahman. ‘Numerical Simulations of Wave Run-up by the ParticleMethod.Hydraulic Engineering’. Hydraulic Engineering 68, no. 4(2012): 1549–54.       
Rahman, S. M., M. A. A. Shahin, M.A.H. Chisty, M. M. Rahman, Amhb Tareque, and M. M. Hasan. ‘Growth PerformanceofMirror Carp (Cyprinus Carpio Var. Specularis, Lacepede, 1803) Fry FedwithVarying Protein Content Feeds’. Our Nature 10, no. 1(2012): 17–23.       
-Rahman, Sk Mustafizur, Md AhasanHabib,Quazi Zahangir Hossain, Md Noman Siddiqui, Md Mostafizur Rahman, and MdNazmulAhsan. ‘Embryonic Development of Clarias Batrachus under the InfluenceofAeration and Water Flow’. Ecoprint: An International Journal of Ecology18(2011): 25–31.        
-Watanabe, Tadataka, TsunakiyoIribe,Eizo Nakaza, and M. D. Mostafizur Rahman. ‘Three Dimensional SimulationofHydraulic Phenomenon around Wave-Dissipating Blocks by MPS Method’. JournalofJapan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering) 67,no.2 (2011): I_721-I_725.        
-Rahman, M. M., S. M. Rahman, M.A.Asad, M. K. Hossain, and M. N. Ahsan. ‘Economic Analysis of OrnamentalFishTrade in Khulna District of Bangladesh’. Int. J. Animal Fish. Sci 2,no.2 (2009).        Tareque, Amhb, B. Biswas, MdS.Hossain, Md M. Rahman, and Md M. Rahman. ‘Some Aspects of Biology ofPuntiusSophore (Hamilton) Collected from the Mouri River, Khulna,Bangladesh’. BangladeshResearch Publications Journal 2, no. 2(2009): 406–22.       
Rahman, M. M., S. M. Rahman, M.K.Islam, H. M. R. Islam, and M. N. Ahsan. ‘Aquarium Business: A Case StudyinKhulna District, Bangladesh’. Bangladesh Research PublicationsJournal2, no. 3 (2009): 564–70.        
-Tareque, Amhb, M. M. Alam, M.M.Rahman, M. M. Rahman, and S. M. Rahman. ‘Effect of Some Formulated Feeds ontheGrowth and Survival of Thai Sharpunti (Puntius Gonionotus) Fry’. Bang.J.Mar. Sci. and Fish 1, no. 1 (2009): 21–31.        
-Rahman, M. M., S. K. Paul, S.M.Rahman, Amhb Tareque, and M. A. A. Shahin. ‘Growth and Survival of LeatherCarp(Cyprinus Carpio Var. Nudus) Fry Fed with Different Protein ContentFeeds’. SouthAsian J. Agri 1, no. 2 (2006): 17–23.


Last Updated: 20 Feb 2025



1     Rahman M. M., T.Iribe, E. Nakaza and M. A. Rouf. Wave Impact on Vertical Sea-Wall: NumericalSimulations with the Newly Improved MPS Method. Proceedings of 1stInternational Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering, CUET, Bangladesh,2012.


2     Rahman M. M., S.R. Tiko, T. Iribe and E. Nakaza. Large-Scale Numerical Simulation of TsunamiImpact on Coastal Areas. International Symposium: Human Well-Being and theMarine Environment in the Pacific Islands. 6th Pacific Islands LeadersMeeting Commemorative Event, May 17th-May 19th, 2012, 2012.


3     Tiko S. R., M. M.Rahman, E. Nakaza and T. Iribe. Changes in River Morphology of Nadi RiverUsing GIS and Ric-Nays. International Symposium: Human Well-Being and theMarine Environment in the Pacific Islands, 6th Pacific Islands Leaders MeetingCommemorative Event, May 17th-May 19th, 2012, 2012.


4     Inagaki K., M. M.Rahman, U. Tokuhisa, E. Nakaza and T. Iribe. Distribution of the Pine TressDrowned by Tohoku Tsunami along Sendai Coastal Area in Miyagi Prefecture.International Symposium: Human Well-Being and the Marine Environment in thePacific Islands. International Symposium: Human Well-Being and the MarineEnvironment in the Pacific Islands, 6th Pacific Islands Leaders MeetingCommemorative Event, May 17th-May 19th, 2012, 2012.


5     Azmi N., Abrar M.M. And Rahman M. M. Disaster Risk Perception and Vulnerability of UrbanPeople: A Study of Mohammadpur Thana, Dhaka, Bangladesh. InternationalConference on Urban and Regional Planning. International Conference onUrban and Regional Planning, Bangladesh Institute of Planners, Dhaka,Bangladesh, 2019.


6     Md MostafizurRahman, Eizo Nakaza, Tsunakiyo Iribe and Mohammad Abdur Rouf. Wave-StructureInteraction Problems Using Newly Improved Three-Dimensional Particle Method.Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering,CUET, Bangladesh, 2012.


7     Afra SayaraRahman, Md. Iftekharul Haque, Safin Ahmed, Mohammed Sadman Sakib and MdMostafizur Rahman. Mass Media and Disaster Management: A Study on BangladeshPerspective. National Conference on Disaster ,Climate and Sustainability,2022.

Last Updated: 20 Feb 2025

Last Updated: 20 Feb 2025

My current research interest is Human Behaviour towards disaster.I am also interested in public health concerns due to environmental hazards.

Last Updated: 20 Feb 2025

1. Gold Medal for the highest CGPA in the Life Science School, Khulna University, Khulna, Bangladesh.
2. Honorary President Award, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan.
3. Erasmus Mundus Scholarship Program.
4. Monbukagakusho Scholarship Program.
5. Best Researcher in BUP research award competition, 2023.

Last Updated: 20 Feb 2025

1. Introduction toDisaster Science
2. Principles of Disaster Management
3. Introduction toNatural Resources and Sustainable Development
4. Disaster Preparednessand Vulnerability Reduction
5. Research Methodologyin Disaster Management
6. Disaster RiskReduction Principles and Practices
7. Logistics, Governance& Risk Financing
8. Disaster and Development
9. Advanced theory and methodology in disaster science (Compulsory course)
11. Coastal zone management (Optional course)
12. Quantitative Research Methodology in Disaster Management
13. Laboratory work on Quantitative Analysis
14. Disaster, Vulnerability and Resilience
15. Tools & Techniques of Disaster Management
16. Advanced Research Methodology in DisasterManagement

Last Updated: 20 Feb 2025