Dr. Mohammed Ali Arshad Chowdhury

Dr. Mohammed Ali Arshad Chowdhury


Department of Business Administration (BMA)
Faculty of Business and Social Science, (BMA)


Mirpur Cantonment, Dhaka-1216

S.S.C, Fatehabad Model Multilateral High school
H.S.C, Chittagong College
Honors, University of Chittagong
Masters, University of Chittagong
MPhil, University of Chittagong
Ph.D, University of Chittagong

Last Updated: 20 Feb 2025

Journal Publication


Listof Publications:


1.     "PerceivedPressures and Motivations for Environmental Disclosures: Role ofCertification" Chowdhury, Md. Ali Arshad ; Rahman, Mohammad Morshedur; Dey, Mouri; Moudud-Ul-Huq, Syed; Sohail, Hafiz.M; Hossain, Sk Alamgir, SAGEOpen, ID- SO-20-4003.

2.     Demystifying the role of stakeholder pressure and competitive advantageon environmental performance of readymadegarments industries in Bangladesh”, Chowdhury, MAA*, Dey, M. Rahman,MM, M. Ali,  Journal of EnvironmentalAccounting and Management.


1.     'DynamicInteraction between Conditional Stock Market Volatility and MacroeconomicUncertainty of Bangladesh.' Ali, M. Chowdhury, MAA*, The Journal ofBusiness, Economics and Environmental Studies, 2021(Will be published onOctober Issue).

2.     “Impact of Capital Regulation on BankRisk-taking: Empirical evidence from Bangladesh”, Rahman, MM, Chowdhury, MAA*,The Chittagong University Journal of Business Administration, Volume-33,2021. 



1.     Macroeconomics and Taxation: Towards anEffective Tax Policy”,Chowdhury, MAA*, Abedin, MT. 2020Fall/Winter XLVII Number 2 edition of Journal of Business and EconomicPerspectives, University Tennessee, Martin.

2.      “How do the banks determine regulatory capitalrisk, and cost inefficiency in Bangladesh?” Rahman, MM, Chowdhury, MAA*,Moudud, S, The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 2020, 7 (12),211-222.

3.     “Firms’Attributes and Environmental Disclosure: Evidence from listed firms inBangladesh”, Chowdhury, M.A.A*, Dey, M. and Abedin, MT. AsianJournal of Accounting Perspectives, University Malaya, 2020, 13(2), 57-77.

4.     Relationship between Risk-taking, CapitalRegulation and Bank Performance: Empirical Evidence from Bangladesh”, Rahman,M.M.; Chowdhury, M.A.A*.; Dey, M. Eurasian Journal of Business and Economics2018, 11(22), 29-57.

5.     Chowdhury, A.A. and Islam, M.Z. (2019).Relationship among Environmental Regulations, Environmental Management andEnvironmental Performance: A study on listed textile companies ofBangladesh. The Chittagong University Journal of BusinessAdministration, Volume 31, 2016, ISSN 2226 - 4843, Pages- 89-126.

6.     “Effectof efficient management of working capital on profitability- A case study onsome selected Textile companies of Bangladesh”, Chowdhury, M.A.A* and Ali, M., The ChittagongUniversity Journal of Business Administration, ISSN: 2219-4843, Vol-29, 2018,46-57.

7.     “DynamicInteraction between Macroeconomic Fundamentals and Stock Prices in Bangladesh”,Ali, M; Sun, G; Chowdhury, M.A.A*. Indonesian Journal of Management and BusinessEconomics (2018), 1 (1), 66–84

8.     “Statusof environmental issues usage and measurement of environmental accounting- Astudy on some selected companies of Bangladesh”, Chowdhury,M.A.A.*, and Dey, M., The Chittagong University Journal of Business Administration,ISSN: 2219-4843, Vol-26, 2017.

9.     “Essentials of forensic: An observational study on the occurrenceof Financial Crimes in Bangladesh”, Chowdhury, M.A.A*., and Dey, M. The costand Management, ISSN-1817-5090, Vol-XLIV, No-5, September-October, 2016.

10.  SocialNetworking in Bangladesh: Boon or curse to academic engagement?- Dey, M. andChowdhury, M.A.A., Journal Management Marketing: challenges for the knowledgesociety, vol-11, no-1, 2016.

11.  GreenBanking practices in Bangladesh, Chowdhury, M.A.A., and Dey, M. The cost andManagement, Vol-XLIV, No-2, March-April, 2016.

12.   Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and GrossDomestic Product (GDP) in Bangladesh: A Cointegration Analysis- Kaleem, I.,Rahman, M.M., and Chowdhury, M.A.A., Journalof Economics and Sustainable Development, ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper) ISSN2222-2855 (Online), Vol.6, No.8. (2015), pp:196-207.

13.  “Areasof corporate environmental accounting and its practice in manufacturingindustries: A study on some selected manufacturing industries in Bangladesh.”-Chowdhury, M.A.A*. & Uddin, K.M.O. Burapha HRD Journal, Vol.6, Issue:1,2015, Thailand.

14.  “IndustrialGreening and Financing: A Study on Five Selected Industries in Chittagong”Chowdhury, M.A.A*.& Haque,A.K.M.T. The Chittagong University Journal ofBusiness Administration, ISSN: 2219-4843, Vol-25, 2015.

15.  “AComprehensive analysis on Mandatory Cost Audit: A case study of Bangladesh”Chowdhury, M.A.A*. & Dev, S. The Chittagong University Journal of Business

Administration,ISSN: 2219-4843, Vol-25, 2015.

16.  “Effectof organizational justice over affective commitment and the role of maritalstatus” – Haq, M. Chowdhury, M.A.A*, Ali, M. The Chittagong University Journalof Business Administration, ISSN: 2219-4843, Vol-24 (part-1), 2009 (Publishedin 2014).

17.   “Environmental reporting: A study of thelisted companies in Bangladesh” – Hossain, M. I. & Chowdhury, M.A.A*, Thecost and Management, Vol-XLII, No-3, May-June, 2014.

18.   “Environmental Accounting practices ofmanufacturing companies in Chittagong” Chowdhury, M.A.A*, The ChittagongUniversity Journal of Business Administration, ISSN: 2219-4843, Vol-24(part-1), 2009 (Published in 2014).

19.  “Presentstatus of Corporate Environmental Accounting (CEA) in Bangladesh:A study based on some selected textile companies” - Chowdhury, M.A.A* &Hamid, M. K. Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, ISSN: 2222-1697,Vol-4, Issue-17, 2013 (November), IISTE, NY, USA.

20.   “Investors’ response to the recent phenomenonof the stock market of Bangladesh” –

Ali, I. & Chowdhury,M.A.A*, The Cost & Management, ISSN: 1817-5090, Vol-XXXIX, No2,March-April, 2011.

21.  “Applicationof different IAS/IFRS in preparing financial statements- A study of

Bangladeshi privatecommercial banks (PCBs)” - Chowdhury, M.A.A*, Ali, M. & Morshed, R. H., TheBangladesh Accountant, Vol-66, No.37. ISSN 1993-3649, January-March, 2010.


Report:          A project report of selfassessment of Department of Accounting, University of Chittagong under HEQEP.

Project:           ‘Determinantsof corporate environmental performance- a study on Ready Made Garments inBangladesh’ financed by University Grants Commission, Bangladesh in November,2018. 

Ongoing Project:Research Cell, University of Chittagong

1. Prospectsof Agro-ecotourism in developing nations: An analytical study on flowers andfruits gardening in Chattogram, Bangladesh

2. Capacity and Practice ofBio-medical Waste Management (BMWM) of Hospital workers and CorporationCleaners: A Chattogram Perspective

Last Updated: 20 Feb 2025

Conference Papers


Seminar participation:

1.    “Sustainability Reporting Practice through the Light ofLiterature Review: Evidence from Bangladesh” accepted for presentation in the upcoming national conferenceon “The Fourth Industrial Revolution: Reshaping Business forSustainable Development in Bangladesh”, which is scheduled to be heldon September 18-19, 2021.

2.     3rd International conferenceon business and economics 2018 (October) organized by business administration,University of Dhaka. Macroeconomic determinants of taxation- Chowdhury, M.A.A.and Abedin, M. T.

3.      INTERNATIONALCONFERENCE ON FINANCE FOR SUSTAINABLE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT, (March, 2018)organized by department of Finance, University of Chittagong. Impact of priceincrease on tobacco- Chowdhury, M. A. A. and Dey, M.

4.    NIDA InternationalConference for Case Studies on Development Administration (ICCS 2012), Bangkok,Thailand. “M K Textile: Environmental Pollution.” Under supervision of Dr.Garry N. McLean from Texas A&M University.

5.    Green Financing Practicesin Bangladesh, International Finance Conference 2014, University of Calcuttaand Indian Accounting Association, Kolkata, India. - Chowdhury, M.A.A*. andHaque, A.K.M.T.

6.    HRD conference, Mysore,India on 4-6th December,2015. “Is financial audit enough to combat financial frauds?”-Dey, M. andChowdhury, M.A.A*

7.    Seminar on Business andEnvironment: Issues and Challenges organized by Department of Accounting &information Systems, University of Chittagong on January 03, 2013.“Environmental Accounting practices of manufacturing companies in Bangladesh”.

8.    Scope ofAccounting for pollution and its prevention and control- a Bangladeshperspective, Chowdhury, M.A.A*. and Mahmood, S.  Eighth International Conferencefrom 7th to 9thJanuary, 2017 on “Strengthening Strategies, Shaping Policiesand Empowering Personnel: Key to Organizational Competitiveness” PrestigeInstitute of Management, Gwalior, India.

Last Updated: 20 Feb 2025


1. Sustainability Management,Environmental Reporting, Environmental Accounting, Risk Management, Corporategovernance, Taxation, and Agro-ecotourism

Last Updated: 20 Feb 2025



Ø  Talent pool Scholarship in JuniorScholarship Exam in 1989.

Ø NazimuddinSmrity Scholarship in 1990 at school level.

Ø Scholarshipfrom Chittagong Samity of Dhaka twice at university level.

Ø Awardedas the Best Footballer in Several Tournaments. Ex-captain of Fatehabad HighSchool Football Team (Upazila Champion) and Ex team player of ChittagongCollege (District Champion) and Ex-player of Pioneer Football Tournament(Shatabdi Club).

Ø  Awarded as the best sportsorganizer at the local level. 


Last Updated: 20 Feb 2025

S.S.C, Fatehabad Model Multilateral High school
H.S.C, Chittagong College
Honors, University of Chittagong
Masters, University of Chittagong
MPhil, University of Chittagong
Ph.D, University of Chittagong

Last Updated: 20 Feb 2025


Listof Publications:


1.     "PerceivedPressures and Motivations for Environmental Disclosures: Role ofCertification" Chowdhury, Md. Ali Arshad ; Rahman, Mohammad Morshedur; Dey, Mouri; Moudud-Ul-Huq, Syed; Sohail, Hafiz.M; Hossain, Sk Alamgir, SAGEOpen, ID- SO-20-4003.

2.     Demystifying the role of stakeholder pressure and competitive advantageon environmental performance of readymadegarments industries in Bangladesh”, Chowdhury, MAA*, Dey, M. Rahman,MM, M. Ali,  Journal of EnvironmentalAccounting and Management.


1.     'DynamicInteraction between Conditional Stock Market Volatility and MacroeconomicUncertainty of Bangladesh.' Ali, M. Chowdhury, MAA*, The Journal ofBusiness, Economics and Environmental Studies, 2021(Will be published onOctober Issue).

2.     “Impact of Capital Regulation on BankRisk-taking: Empirical evidence from Bangladesh”, Rahman, MM, Chowdhury, MAA*,The Chittagong University Journal of Business Administration, Volume-33,2021. 



1.     Macroeconomics and Taxation: Towards anEffective Tax Policy”,Chowdhury, MAA*, Abedin, MT. 2020Fall/Winter XLVII Number 2 edition of Journal of Business and EconomicPerspectives, University Tennessee, Martin.

2.      “How do the banks determine regulatory capitalrisk, and cost inefficiency in Bangladesh?” Rahman, MM, Chowdhury, MAA*,Moudud, S, The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 2020, 7 (12),211-222.

3.     “Firms’Attributes and Environmental Disclosure: Evidence from listed firms inBangladesh”, Chowdhury, M.A.A*, Dey, M. and Abedin, MT. AsianJournal of Accounting Perspectives, University Malaya, 2020, 13(2), 57-77.

4.     Relationship between Risk-taking, CapitalRegulation and Bank Performance: Empirical Evidence from Bangladesh”, Rahman,M.M.; Chowdhury, M.A.A*.; Dey, M. Eurasian Journal of Business and Economics2018, 11(22), 29-57.

5.     Chowdhury, A.A. and Islam, M.Z. (2019).Relationship among Environmental Regulations, Environmental Management andEnvironmental Performance: A study on listed textile companies ofBangladesh. The Chittagong University Journal of BusinessAdministration, Volume 31, 2016, ISSN 2226 - 4843, Pages- 89-126.

6.     “Effectof efficient management of working capital on profitability- A case study onsome selected Textile companies of Bangladesh”, Chowdhury, M.A.A* and Ali, M., The ChittagongUniversity Journal of Business Administration, ISSN: 2219-4843, Vol-29, 2018,46-57.

7.     “DynamicInteraction between Macroeconomic Fundamentals and Stock Prices in Bangladesh”,Ali, M; Sun, G; Chowdhury, M.A.A*. Indonesian Journal of Management and BusinessEconomics (2018), 1 (1), 66–84

8.     “Statusof environmental issues usage and measurement of environmental accounting- Astudy on some selected companies of Bangladesh”, Chowdhury,M.A.A.*, and Dey, M., The Chittagong University Journal of Business Administration,ISSN: 2219-4843, Vol-26, 2017.

9.     “Essentials of forensic: An observational study on the occurrenceof Financial Crimes in Bangladesh”, Chowdhury, M.A.A*., and Dey, M. The costand Management, ISSN-1817-5090, Vol-XLIV, No-5, September-October, 2016.

10.  SocialNetworking in Bangladesh: Boon or curse to academic engagement?- Dey, M. andChowdhury, M.A.A., Journal Management Marketing: challenges for the knowledgesociety, vol-11, no-1, 2016.

11.  GreenBanking practices in Bangladesh, Chowdhury, M.A.A., and Dey, M. The cost andManagement, Vol-XLIV, No-2, March-April, 2016.

12.   Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and GrossDomestic Product (GDP) in Bangladesh: A Cointegration Analysis- Kaleem, I.,Rahman, M.M., and Chowdhury, M.A.A., Journalof Economics and Sustainable Development, ISSN 2222-1700 (Paper) ISSN2222-2855 (Online), Vol.6, No.8. (2015), pp:196-207.

13.  “Areasof corporate environmental accounting and its practice in manufacturingindustries: A study on some selected manufacturing industries in Bangladesh.”-Chowdhury, M.A.A*. & Uddin, K.M.O. Burapha HRD Journal, Vol.6, Issue:1,2015, Thailand.

14.  “IndustrialGreening and Financing: A Study on Five Selected Industries in Chittagong”Chowdhury, M.A.A*.& Haque,A.K.M.T. The Chittagong University Journal ofBusiness Administration, ISSN: 2219-4843, Vol-25, 2015.

15.  “AComprehensive analysis on Mandatory Cost Audit: A case study of Bangladesh”Chowdhury, M.A.A*. & Dev, S. The Chittagong University Journal of Business

Administration,ISSN: 2219-4843, Vol-25, 2015.

16.  “Effectof organizational justice over affective commitment and the role of maritalstatus” – Haq, M. Chowdhury, M.A.A*, Ali, M. The Chittagong University Journalof Business Administration, ISSN: 2219-4843, Vol-24 (part-1), 2009 (Publishedin 2014).

17.   “Environmental reporting: A study of thelisted companies in Bangladesh” – Hossain, M. I. & Chowdhury, M.A.A*, Thecost and Management, Vol-XLII, No-3, May-June, 2014.

18.   “Environmental Accounting practices ofmanufacturing companies in Chittagong” Chowdhury, M.A.A*, The ChittagongUniversity Journal of Business Administration, ISSN: 2219-4843, Vol-24(part-1), 2009 (Published in 2014).

19.  “Presentstatus of Corporate Environmental Accounting (CEA) in Bangladesh:A study based on some selected textile companies” - Chowdhury, M.A.A* &Hamid, M. K. Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, ISSN: 2222-1697,Vol-4, Issue-17, 2013 (November), IISTE, NY, USA.

20.   “Investors’ response to the recent phenomenonof the stock market of Bangladesh” –

Ali, I. & Chowdhury,M.A.A*, The Cost & Management, ISSN: 1817-5090, Vol-XXXIX, No2,March-April, 2011.

21.  “Applicationof different IAS/IFRS in preparing financial statements- A study of

Bangladeshi privatecommercial banks (PCBs)” - Chowdhury, M.A.A*, Ali, M. & Morshed, R. H., TheBangladesh Accountant, Vol-66, No.37. ISSN 1993-3649, January-March, 2010.


Report:          A project report of selfassessment of Department of Accounting, University of Chittagong under HEQEP.

Project:           ‘Determinantsof corporate environmental performance- a study on Ready Made Garments inBangladesh’ financed by University Grants Commission, Bangladesh in November,2018. 

Ongoing Project:Research Cell, University of Chittagong

1. Prospectsof Agro-ecotourism in developing nations: An analytical study on flowers andfruits gardening in Chattogram, Bangladesh

2. Capacity and Practice ofBio-medical Waste Management (BMWM) of Hospital workers and CorporationCleaners: A Chattogram Perspective

Last Updated: 20 Feb 2025


Seminar participation:

1.    “Sustainability Reporting Practice through the Light ofLiterature Review: Evidence from Bangladesh” accepted for presentation in the upcoming national conferenceon “The Fourth Industrial Revolution: Reshaping Business forSustainable Development in Bangladesh”, which is scheduled to be heldon September 18-19, 2021.

2.     3rd International conferenceon business and economics 2018 (October) organized by business administration,University of Dhaka. Macroeconomic determinants of taxation- Chowdhury, M.A.A.and Abedin, M. T.

3.      INTERNATIONALCONFERENCE ON FINANCE FOR SUSTAINABLE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT, (March, 2018)organized by department of Finance, University of Chittagong. Impact of priceincrease on tobacco- Chowdhury, M. A. A. and Dey, M.

4.    NIDA InternationalConference for Case Studies on Development Administration (ICCS 2012), Bangkok,Thailand. “M K Textile: Environmental Pollution.” Under supervision of Dr.Garry N. McLean from Texas A&M University.

5.    Green Financing Practicesin Bangladesh, International Finance Conference 2014, University of Calcuttaand Indian Accounting Association, Kolkata, India. - Chowdhury, M.A.A*. andHaque, A.K.M.T.

6.    HRD conference, Mysore,India on 4-6th December,2015. “Is financial audit enough to combat financial frauds?”-Dey, M. andChowdhury, M.A.A*

7.    Seminar on Business andEnvironment: Issues and Challenges organized by Department of Accounting &information Systems, University of Chittagong on January 03, 2013.“Environmental Accounting practices of manufacturing companies in Bangladesh”.

8.    Scope ofAccounting for pollution and its prevention and control- a Bangladeshperspective, Chowdhury, M.A.A*. and Mahmood, S.  Eighth International Conferencefrom 7th to 9thJanuary, 2017 on “Strengthening Strategies, Shaping Policiesand Empowering Personnel: Key to Organizational Competitiveness” PrestigeInstitute of Management, Gwalior, India.

Last Updated: 20 Feb 2025

Last Updated: 20 Feb 2025

Sustainability Management,Environmental Reporting, Environmental Accounting, Risk Management, Corporategovernance, Taxation, and Agro-ecotourism

Last Updated: 20 Feb 2025

Ø  Talent pool Scholarship in JuniorScholarship Exam in 1989.

Ø NazimuddinSmrity Scholarship in 1990 at school level.

Ø Scholarshipfrom Chittagong Samity of Dhaka twice at university level.

Ø Awardedas the Best Footballer in Several Tournaments. Ex-captain of Fatehabad HighSchool Football Team (Upazila Champion) and Ex team player of ChittagongCollege (District Champion) and Ex-player of Pioneer Football Tournament(Shatabdi Club).

Ø  Awarded as the best sportsorganizer at the local level. 


Last Updated: 20 Feb 2025

Last Updated: 20 Feb 2025