Cybersecurity Awareness training held in BUP

Cybersecurity Awareness training held in BUP

11 Apr 2023

Over 85% of cybersecurity breaches are due to human error.

Social engineering is a current favorite tactic among cyber criminals because it involves psychological manipulation of victims and only requires a low technical background. Phishing is another favorite attack vector where spoofed and phony emails trick employees in installing malware and backdoors on their computers.

As in most computerized environments, the human is usually the weakest link.

Training your employee to recognize attacks and encouraging them to question the source of some emails can go a long way in today's modern work environment.


Any employee that has access to a work related computer is at risk of exposing the company, which in today's world is almost everyone in the company. Equipping your employees with knowledge and skills to protect your company is key.

Your employees are your first line of defense against cyber attacks, this is where cyber security awareness training comes into play. By training them into defending your company, the chances of being compromised are lowered and damage to your brand can be avoided.