Officer's Profile

Dr. Kazi Abu Taher


BUP Research Centre


Journal Publication (Date Updated: 18 Apr 2021)

1.    Kazi Abu Taher, M. Faisol, S. Z. T.Rahman, M. M. Zaman and Satya P. Majumder, “PMD Tolerance of CSRZ-DPSK and-DQPSK Systems in 40 Gb/s DWDM Systems in Presence of Nonlinearities”,International Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering Vol. 2, No. 1,pp. 26-30, March 2014. Link:


2.     Kazi Abu Taher and Satya P. Majumder“Analytical Evaluation of the Effect of Cross-Polarization Induced Crosstalk onthe BER Performance of a PDM-QPSK Coherent Homodyne Optical TransmissionSystem”, Journal of Optical Communication, Jun 2016. Link:

3.    Kazi Abu Taher, SatyaP. Majumder, B. M. Azizur Rahman, Y. Yu, and C.Yu, “Simultaneous monitoring of CD and PMD using RF tone power,” Publishedin Elsevier Procedia Engineering, pp. 209-216, Jul 2016. Link:

4.     Kazi Abu Taher and Satya P. Majumder “Analyticalevaluation of the combined influence of polarization mode dispersion and groupvelocity dispersion on the bit error rate performance of optical homodynequadrature phase-shift keying systems”, Journal of Optical Engineering, Vol.56, No. 12, Dec 2017. Link:

5.   Kazi Abu Taher and Satya P. Majumder “BERPerformance of PDM 4-QAM Optical Transmission System Considering the Effects ofPMD and GVD Using Exact Probability Density Function”, AmericanJournal of Optics and Photonics, Vol 6(1), pp. 14-19 Jan 2018. Link:

6.    Md. Hasan Al Banna, Tapotosh Ghosh, Kazi Abu Taher, M. Shamim Kaiser, andMufti Mahmud, "Application ofArtificial Intelligence in Predicting Earthquakes: State-of-the-Art and FutureChallenges", IEEE Access, vol. 8,pp. 192880 – 192923, October 2020. Link:

7.    A. K. M. Sharoar Jahan Choyon, RuhinChowdhury, S M RaiyanChowdhury, and Kazi Abu Taher, "Cross-Polarization InducedCrosstalk Impact Analysis on the BER Performance of 100-Gbps CPDM 8-QAM CO-FOCSystem over Unrepeatered 100-km SSMF Link" Elsevier, Results in Optics,vol. 1, pp. 1-15, October 2020.


8.   Maliha Sultana, Afrida HossainFabiha LailaKazi Abu Taher & Muhammad Nazrul Islam, “Towards developing a secure medical image sharingsystem based on zero trust principles and blockchain technology”, BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making20(1)October 2020. Link:

9.   Md. HasanAl Banna, Tapotosh Ghosh, Kazi Abu Taher,M. Shamim Kaiser, and Mufti Mahmud, "Attention-Based Bi-Directional Long-Short Term MemoryNetwork for Earthquake Prediction" IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 56589 - 56603, April 2021.




Conference Papers


1.    Kazi Abu Taher and Satya P. Majumder“Minimizing the Effect of Cross Phase Modulation in WDM Optical TransmissionSystem”, IEEE, 12th International Conference on Advanced CommunicationTechnology, pp. 708-711, February 2010. Link:

2.     Kazi Abu Taher, Md Ruhul Minhaz andSatya P. Majumder, “Performance Analysis of Multi-Carrier Direct-Sequence (MCDS) CDMA with Fading”, IEEE, 15th International Conference on AdvancedCommunication Technology, pp. 810-813, January 2013. Link:

3.     Kazi Abu Taher, Satya P. Majumder andB. M. Azizur Rahman, “Performance of Different Modulation Formats in 40 Gb/sOptical Systems in the Presence of Polarization Mode Dispersion and NonlinearEffects”, The 1st IEEE International Conference on Electrical Engineeringand Information & Communication Technology (ICEEICT), April 2014. Link:

4.     Kazi Abu Taher, Satya P. Majumder andB. M. Azizur Rahman, “Performance of Multilevel Modulation Formats in 92 Gb/sSystems in the Presence of PMD and Nonlinear Effects”, The 1st IEEEInternational Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information &Communication Technology (ICEEICT), April 2014. Link:

5.     Kazi Abu Taher, Satya P. Majumder andB. M. Azizur Rahman, “PMD Tolerance of 107 Gb/s PM-QPSK System at OptimumTransmitting Power”, IEEE 8th International Conference on Electrical andComputer Engineering, December 2014. Link:

6.   Kazi Abu Taher, Satya P. Majumder, B.M. Azizur Rahman, “PMD Monitoring of Polarization Division MultiplexTransmission System Using RF Tone Harmonics”, IEEE 18th InternationalConference on Computer and Information Technology, December 2015. Link:

7.   Kazi Abu Taher, Satya P. Majumder, B. M. Azizur Rahman, “PMDMonitoring of Polarization Division Multiplex Transmission System Using RF ToneHarmonics”, IEEE 18th International Conference on Computer and InformationTechnology, December 2015. Link:

8.    Kazi Abu Taher, SatyaP. Majumder, B. M. Azizur Rahman, Y. Yu, and C.Yu, “Simultaneous monitoring of CD and PMD using RF tone power,” IEEEPhotonics Global Conference (PGC) 2015, Paper H4-3, pp. 1-3, Singapore,June 28-July 3, 2015 Link:

9.    Kazi Abu Taher and Satya P. Majumder,“Pre-Detection PMD Compensation Based on Feedback of the First and Second RFHarmonic Tones in an Optical Fiber Transmission System”, IEE InternationalConference on Electrical Engineering and Information & CommunicationTechnology, 22-24 September 2016. Link:

10.   Kazi Abu Taher and Satya P. Majumder,“BER Performance Degradation of a PDM-QPSK Self-Coherent Detection OpticalTransmission System Due to Cross Polarization Effects”, TENCON, Nov, 2016. Link:

11.   Kazi Abu Taher and Satya P. Majumder“Homodyne versus Self-Coherent Detection in Polarization Diversity OpticalTransmission Systems”, IEEE International Conference on Telecommunicationand Photonics (ICTP), Dec 2017. Link:

12.   Kazi Abu Taher and Naresh Singh Chauhan“PMD Monitoring and Compensation of NRZ System by Regenerated Higher RF ToneHarmonics”, IEEE 2nd International Conference on Computing Methodologies andCommunication (ICCMC 2018), Feb 2018. Link:

13.  Kazi Abu Taher “BER Performance ofSelf-Coherent PDM-QPSK Optical Transmission System in Presence of GVD and PMDUsing Exact Probability Density Function”, IEEE 4th International Conference onElectrical Engineering and Information & Communication Technology (ICEEICT2018), Sep 2018. Link:      

14.  MD Hasan Al Banna, MD Ali Haider, Md. Jaber AlNahian, M. Shamim Kaiser, Md. Maynul Islam and Kazi Abu Taher, “Camera Model Identification using Deep CNN andTransfer Learning Approach”, IEEE International Conference on Robotics,Electrical and Signal Processing Techniques (ICREST), Jan 2019. Link:

15.  KaziAbu Taher, Billal Mohammed Yasin Jisan and Md. Mahbubur Rahman, “NetworkIntrusion Detection using Supervised Machine Learning Technique with FeatureSelection”, IEEE International Conference on Robotics, Electrical and SignalProcessing Techniques (ICREST), Jan 2019. Link:

16.  KaziAbu Taher, Tahmin Nahar and Syed Akhter Hossain, “Enhanced CryptocurrencySecurity by Time-Based Token Multi-Factor Authentication Algorithm”, IEEEInternational Conference on Robotics, Electrical and Signal ProcessingTechniques (ICREST), Jan 2019. Link:

17. Md. Murshedul Arifeen, Al Amin Idslam, Md. Jaber Al Nahian, Kazi Abu Taher, Md. Maynul Islam M.Shamim Kaiser, “ANFIS based Trust Management Model to Enhance Location Privacyin Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks”, IEEE International Conference onElectrical, Computer and Communication Engineering, Feb 2019. Link:

18. S M Salim Reza and Kazi Abu Taher,“Malicious Vehicle Detection Based on Beta Reputation and Trust Management forsecure Communication in Smart Automotive Cars Network”, 5th InternationalConference on Energy and Environment 2019 (ICEE 2019) Jul 2019. Link:

19. Kazi Afsara Taher, Rafid Ur Rahman and Kazi Abu Taher, “Effect of Cross Phase Modulation in WavelengthDivision Multiplexing Optical System with EDFA”, IEEE InternationalConference on Telecommunication and Photonics (ICTP), Dec 2019.

20.  Iftekhar Ahmed, Tahmin Nahar, Shahina S. Urmiand Kazi Abu Taher, “Protection ofSensitive Data in Zero Trust Model”, International Conference on ComputingAdvancements (ICCA), Jan 2020.

21.  Toyeer-E-Ferdoush, Mahdia Tahsin and Kazi Abu Taher, “Innovative SmartFarming System with WIMAX and Solar Energy”, International Conference onComputing Advancements (ICCA), Jan 2020.

22.  Md. Hasan Al Banna, Tapotosh Ghosh, Kazi Abu Taher, M. Shamim Kaiser, andMufti Mahmud, “A Monitoring System for Patients of Autism Spectrum DisorderUsing Artificial Intelligence”, 13th International Conference, BI 2020,September 19, 2020, Proceedings pp. 251-263. Link:

23.  Md. Hasan Al Banna, Tapotosh Ghosh, Kazi Abu Taher, M. Shamim Kaiser, andMufti Mahmud, “An Earthquake Prediction System for Bangladesh usingDeep Long Short-term Memory Architecture”, InternationalConference on Machine Learning, Internet of Things and Big Data (ICMIB-2020),September, 2020. Link:

24.  Farah Hasin and Kazi Abu Taher, “Cyber ThreatMitigation of Impending ADS-B Based Air Traffic Management System UsingBlockchain Technology”, 2nd InternationalConference on Trends in Computational and Cognitive Engineering(TCCE-2020), December, 2020. Link:

25. Toyeer-E-Ferdoush Ferdoush,Bikarna Kumar Ghosh Ghosh and Kazi AbuTaher, “Security Policy Based Network Infrastructure forEffective Digital Service”, 1st International Conference on
Information and Communication Technology for Sustainable Development (ICICT4SD)2021, February, 2021. Link:

26.  Shahina Sultana Urmi and Kazi Abu Taher, “Integrating ICT in Teaching andLearning at University Level Focusing Education 4.0”, 1st InternationalConference on Information and Communication Technology for SustainableDevelopment (ICICT4SD) 2021, February, 2021. Link:

27. M Jaber Al Nahian, Tapotosh Ghosh,Md Hasan Al Banna, Mohammed Nasir Uddin, Md Maynul Islam, Kazi Abu Taher and M Shamim Kaiser, “Social GroupOptimized Machine-Learning Based Elderly Fall detection Approach UsingInterdisciplinary Time-Series Features”, 1st International Conference on Informationand Communication Technology for Sustainable Development (ICICT4SD) 2021,February, 2021. Link:

28.  Nazmun Nahar Zumu, Farah Hasin and Kazi Abu Taher, “Applicationof Blockchain for the Security of Decentralized Cloud Computing”, 1stInternational Conference on Information and Communication Technology forSustainable Development (ICICT4SD) 2021, February, 2021. Link:

29.  Farah Hasin, Tahmina Haque Munia, Nazmun NaharZumu and Kazi Abu Taher, “ADS-B Based Air Traffic Management System Using Ethereum BlockchainTechnology”, 1st International Conference on Information and CommunicationTechnology for Sustainable Development (ICICT4SD) 2021, February, 2021. Link:

30.  Nazneen Akhter, Shanto Rahman and Kazi Abu Taher, “AnAnti-pattern Detection Technique Using Machine Learning to Improve Code Quality”,1st International Conference on Information and Communication Technology forSustainable Development (ICICT4SD) 2021, February, 2021. Link:

31. Md Mahfuzul Karim Majumder and Kazi Abu Taher, “Challengesof Radiation from Telecommunication Installations in Bangladesh”, 1stInternational Conference on Information and Communication Technology forSustainable Development (ICICT4SD) 2021, February, 2021. Link:

32.  Surraiya Islam Tonni, Tajin Ahmed Aka,Mahathir Mahmud Antik, Kazi Abu Taher,Mufti Mahmud and M Shamim Kaiser, “ArtificialIntelligence based Driver Vigilance System for Accident Prevention”, 1stInternational Conference on Information and Communication Technology forSustainable Development (ICICT4SD) 2021, February, 2021. Link:

33.  Zarin Subah Shamma, Tapotosh Ghosh, Kazi Abu Taher, Mohammed Nasir Uddinand M. Shamim Kaiser, “Towards Social Group Optimization andMachine Learning Based Diabetes Prediction”, 1st International Conferenceon Information and Communication Technology for Sustainable Development(ICICT4SD) 2021, February, 2021. Link:

34. Tamjidul Haque Chowdhury, NasimParvez, Shahina Sultana Urmi and KaziAbu Taher, “Cybersecurity Challenges and Policy Options forBangladesh”, 1st International Conference on Information and CommunicationTechnology for Sustainable Development (ICICT4SD) 2021, February, 2021. Link:

35.  Zakir Hossain, Golam Kibria Zaman and Kazi Abu Taher, “CyberEmergency Response Team for Bangladesh”, 1st International Conference on Informationand Communication Technology for Sustainable Development (ICICT4SD) 2021,February, 2021. Link:

36.  Nasim Parvez, Tamjidul Haque Chowdhury,Shahina Sultana Urmi and Kazi Abu Taher,“Prospects of Internet of Things for Bangladesh”, 1stInternational Conference on Information and Communication Technology forSustainable Development (ICICT4SD) 2021, February, 2021. Link:

37. Golam Kibria Zaman, Zakir Hossain,Shahina Sultana Urmi and Kazi Abu Taher,“Cyber-Partnership and Cyber-Alliance – Options for DevelopingNations”, 1st International Conference on Information and CommunicationTechnology for Sustainable Development (ICICT4SD) 2021, February, 2021. Link:


Last Updated:22 Oct 2024

Last Updated:22 Oct 2024


Ph.D, বাংলাদেশ প্রকৌশল বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়

Last Updated:22 Oct 2024

Ph.D, বাংলাদেশ প্রকৌশল বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়

Last Updated: 22 Oct 2024

Last Updated: 22 Oct 2024

Last Updated: 01 Jan 1970

Last Updated: 01 Jan 1970

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Last Updated: 22 Oct 2024