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"মাদকদ্রব্যের অপব্যবহার রোধ ও সচেতনতা বৃদ্ধি" শীর্ষক আলোচনা সভা

18 Mar 2024

১৮ই মার্চ ২০২৪ তারিখে ইংরেজি ও অর্থনীতি বিভাগের আয়োজনে ‘‘মাদকদ্রব্যের অপব্যবহার ও অবৈধ পাচার বিরোধী কার্যক্রম গ্রহণ ও মাদক বিরোধী প্রচারণা’’ শীর্ষক একটি আলোচনা সভা অনুষ্ঠিত হয়। উক্ত আলোচনা সভায় সঞ্চালনা করেন ইংরেজি বিভাগরে প্রভাষক সুমাইতা মারজান এবং অর্থনীতি বিভাগের প্রভাষক নাফিস শাহরিয়ার ফারাবি।

Seminar on "Bangladeshi Writing in English": A seminar titled "Bangladeshi Writing in English"

21 Mar 2024

Seminar on "Bangladeshi Writing in English": A seminar titled "Bangladeshi Writing in English".

‘National Research Workshop’ and ‘BUP National Research Project Contest 3.0’

12 May 2024

The closing ceremony of a three-day long ‘National Research Workshop’ and ‘BUP National Research Project Contest 3.0, 2024’ organized by BUP (Bangladesh University of Professionals) Research Society was held on 12 May 2024. The programme was arranged under the supervision of Department of En...

Scholarly Reflections: BUP Faculty Present Research Insights

30 Apr 2024

Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP) recently hosted its annual event where faculty members and officers showcased research projects funded by the "BUP Research Project" grants for the fiscal years 2022–23 and 2023–24. On April 30, 2024, project directors had the opportunity to present their...

"BOAS Meeting at BUP: Finalising Supervisors for MPhil and PhD Scholars"

22 Apr 2024

In a strategic move to steer the MPhil and PhD programmes towards excellence, the Board of Advance Studies (BOAS) held at Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP) on April 22, 2024. Held at the FASS Conference Room in the Academic Block, 12th Floor, the meeting brought together esteemed academic...

BUP Conducts Selection Program for Research Projects, Promoting Academic Excellence

04 Apr 2024

Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP) recently organized a meticulous selection program for Research Projects for the fiscal years 2023-24 (2nd Group) and 2022-23 (Final presentation). The event, held on April 4, 2024, at the CHSR Seminar Hall, witnessed a robust participation of eligible can...